Archiv: Unterschreiben / Schnauze halten! / sign it / shut up!

06.09.2022 - 09:17 [ Mehr News Agency ]

If sanctions lifted, Iran can meet Europe‘s energy needs

Referring to the energy crisis in Europe, the Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that if JCPOA negotiations are successful and unilateral sanctions against the country are lifted, Iran can meet most of Europe‘s needs.

06.09.2022 - 08:10 [ MDR AKTUELL / Nitter ]

Iran will Gas nach Europa liefern. Außenamtssprecher Kanaani: „Wir haben bekanntlich die notwendigen Gas-Reserven und das Potenzial.“ Voraussetzung sei aber, dass USA die Wirtschafts-Sanktionen aufhöben und Wiener Atomabkommen wieder in Kraft trete.

30.08.2022 - 20:16 [ Haaretz ]

Ignore Bibi’s Bluster: Israel Must Back Biden on Iran Deal

The Netanyahu-Bennett-Lapid approach has turned Israel from a worried ally, with justified concerns, into something of a “nudnik,” or nuisance, and unnecessarily demonstrated the limits of its influence. No matter how many times Israel’s leaders reiterate, in parallel, that they held good talks in the U.S. and administration officials understood their positions, there are limits even to the patience of those ever-polite American counterparts.

29.08.2022 - 14:17 [ Tehran Times ]

Iran, a major oil and natural gas supplier, can help stabilize volatile market: Atlantic Council

As fuel prices skyrocket following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Iran as another major supplier of oil and natural gas is poised to play an important role, the Atlantic Council said in a commentary on March 3.

26.08.2022 - 12:32 [ ABC News ]

US response suggests progress in renewing Iran nuclear deal

While the E.U.‘s top diplomat described the text put forth earlier this month as „final,“ sources told ABC News the U.S. answer is expected to fall short of total acceptance but move negotiations forward.

24.08.2022 - 16:35 [ ]

Wiener Atomabkommen: EU hofft auf Treffen mit dem Iran in dieser Woche


„Ende letzter Woche war ein Treffen in Wien geplant, das jedoch nicht stattfinden konnte“, sagte Borrell ohne Angabe von Gründen. „Womöglich findet es diese Woche statt.“

Der Iran warf den USA „Verzug“ vor. „Die US-Regierung ist verantwortlich für die derzeitige Situation, und wenn sie politische Entschlossenheit zeigen würde“, könnte der Übergang zur nächsten Stufe erfolgen, erklärte der Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums, Nasser Kanaani.

22.08.2022 - 07:03 [ ]

Biden discusses nuclear deal with leaders of UK, Germany, France

„In addition, they discussed ongoing negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, the need to strengthen support for partners in the Middle East region and joint efforts to deter and constrain Iran’s destabilizing regional activities,“ the White House said.

18.08.2022 - 04:22 [ Tehran Times ]

Ball in U.S. court on nuclear deal

He also said that any agreement being achieved in Vienna should be passed by Parliament.

As things stand, Iran appears to have done its part and made every necessary decision needed to resuscitate the JCPOA. Therefore, it’s now the U.S.’s turn to do the same and facilitate the conclusion of the talks.

The U.S. confirmed that it has received the Iranian response via the EU and said that it will need “some time” to study it.

U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday, “We are still studying [the response].”

He added, “It will require some time to digest what has been provided to the EU and in turn what has been provided to us.”

18.08.2022 - 04:11 [ Haaretz ]

Iran Setting the Ground for Signing Nuclear Deal Despite Unresolved Issues, Israeli Officials Say

After several months during which Israel offered contradictory assessments regarding Iran’s intention to sign a new agreement, in the past two days senior Israeli officials have voiced similar assessments: Since Tehran conveyed its reply to the draft agreement last Monday, the chances of a treaty have increased significantly, even if still not great.

16.08.2022 - 06:39 [ ]

Atomdeal: Iran übermittelte Antwort

Die USA teilten mit, sie seien bereit auf Grundlage der EU-Vorschläge den Atomvertrag zu erneuern. Der Iran müsse allerdings auf „belanglose“ Forderungen verzichten.

13.08.2022 - 18:29 [ ]

Analyst: Anti-JCPOA parties to use Rushdie attack to torpedo deal

A political analyst says pro-Israel lobbies and groups that oppose Iran’s nuclear deal with the West, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), would take advantage of the Friday night attack on anti-Islam blasphemous novelist Salman Rushdie and pin it on Iran to diminish the prospects of an agreement.

13.08.2022 - 18:22 [ ]

U.S. special envoy for Iran discusses the prospects for reviving a nuclear deal

European, Iranian and American negotiators flew to Vienna last weekend to see if they could once and for all come to an agreement over Iran’s nuclear program. The Biden administration has been negotiating to reenter a nuclear deal from which the Trump administration withdrew. U.S. Special Representative for Iran Robert Malley, the chief negotiator, joins Nick Schifrin to discuss.

12.08.2022 - 20:11 [ Haaretz ]

Iran Says EU Plan to Revive Nuclear Deal Could Be ‚Acceptable‘

A top official in Tehran responds positively to the European Union‘s proposal, which is 15 months in the making, but says …

10.05.2022 - 13:08 [ Visegrád 24 / ]

French President Macron will hold a telephone conversation with Hungarian PM Orban and European Commission President von der Leyen today to resolve the Russian oil embargo.

05.05.2022 - 12:58 [ ]

U.S. says it is now preparing for a world both with and without an Iran nuclear deal

„Because a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA is very much an uncertain proposition, we are now preparing equally for either scenario,“ Department spokesperson Ned Price said in a briefing.

28.03.2022 - 08:25 [ ]

EU envoy holds talks in Iran to bridge nuclear deal gaps

Iran has been engaged in negotiations to revive the accord formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia directly, and the United States indirectly since April 2021.

European Union diplomat Enrique Mora, who coordinates talks between Iran and the US, arrived in Tehran late Saturday and on Sunday met Iran’s chief negotiator Ali Bagheri, state news agency IRNA reported.

27.03.2022 - 16:29 [ Al Mayadeen English / Twitter ]

#AmirAbdollahian suggested that now that the deal is close to making a breakthrough, the #US is sending mixed signals to #Iran by making some last-minute changes that are making things increasingly difficult. #ViennaTalks

19.03.2022 - 17:43 [ ]

Russia backs down on demands in Iran nuclear deal talks, making revival of 2015 pact imminent

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday that he had “received written guarantees” from the U.S. that its demands would be met, meaning the talks will likely proceed. The nearly simultaneous release of British-Iranian dual nationals from years of Iranian detention back to the U.K. and a reported U.K. repayment of a decades-old $530 million debt to Iran have improved prospects for an agreement.

15.03.2022 - 14:19 [ Bloomberg ]

Russia Says U.S. Guaranteed Sanctions Won’t Impede Iran Business

The U.S. has given Russia “written guarantees” that sanctions imposed over the invasion of Ukraine won’t affect its nuclear supply agreements with Iran, clearing the way for a resumption of talks to revive the 2015 atomic accord. Oil prices fell.

09.03.2022 - 16:18 [ Iran International English / Twitter ]

Back from Tehran, Iran’s chief negotiator @Bagheri_Kani had a meeting with EU coordinator @enriquemora_ in Vienna.

08.03.2022 - 18:45 [ ]

Political decisions needed to end Vienna nuclear talks: EU coordinator

Mora is acting as the European Union‘s coordinator in the negotiations in Vienna. His comments came as Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said in Tehran on Monday that ……………………

08.03.2022 - 18:42 [ Enrique Mora, Deputy Secretary General/Political Director. European External Action Service / Twitter ]

Just to clarify. There are no longer „expert level talks“. Nor „formal meetings“. It is time, in the next few days, for political decisions to end the #ViennaTalks . The rest is noise.

04.03.2022 - 14:47 [ Bloomberg ]

Nuclear Chief Says His Trip to Iran May ‘Pave Way’ for Deal

The head of the world’s atomic watchdog said his trip on Saturday to Tehran could “pave the way” to reviving the Iranian nuclear deal, an agreement that would return the country’s oil exports to global markets.

21.02.2022 - 04:01 [ Mikhail Ulyanov, Representative of Russia Flag of Russia to International Organizations in Vienna / Twitter ]

In my view the deal will be finalised by the end of February.

08.12.2021 - 05:20 [ ]

Iran-Gespräche dürften morgen weitergehen

Ein Vertreter des US-Außenministeriums sagte unterdessen, dass Washington noch kein bestätigtes Datum für eine Fortführung der Gespräche habe.

29.11.2021 - 21:53 [ Mikhail Ulyanov / Twitter ]

The meeting of the Joint Commission on #JCPOA is over. The participants agreed on further immediate steps during the seventh round of negotiations which started quite successfully.

29.11.2021 - 21:40 [ ]

„Erfolgreicher“ Start für Atomgespräche mit Iran

Nach monatelanger Pause sind am Montag in Wien die Gespräche zur Rettung des Iran-Atomdeals wieder aufgenommen worden. Eine Plenarsitzung von Vertretern des Iran mit den fünf anderen Vertragsparteien des Deals ging heute zu Ende, teilte der russische Vertreter Michail Uljanow auf Twitter mit. Er sprach von einem „ziemlich erfolgreichen“ Start der siebenten Gesprächsrunde. Die Chancen auf einen Durchbruch schienen weiterhin gering.

23.11.2021 - 18:14 [ ]

Erneut keine Ergebnisse bei IAEA-Atomgesprächen mit Iran

Die Atomgespräche der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) mit dem Iran sind erneut ohne konkrete Ergebnisse zu Ende gegangen.

08.11.2021 - 12:00 [ Joe Biden Updates / Twitter ]

It is Monday November 08, 2021, 04:23:01. Joe Biden has not rejoined the Iran Nuclear Deal.

17.10.2021 - 18:10 [ ]

Iran nimmt Atomgespräche in Brüssel wieder auf

Ein weiterer Abgeordneter bestätigte die Wiederaufnahme „in dieser Woche“. Die Verhandlungen finden zwischen dem Iran einerseits und Frankreich, Großbritannien, Russland, China sowie Deutschland statt.

Das Außenministerium in Wien erklärte, dabei handle es sich um Vorgespräche.

09.09.2021 - 05:44 [ Haaretz ]

Blinken Says Return to Iran Nuclear Deal May No Longer Be Effective

Iran says the IAEA‘s ‚counterproductive‘ stance may hinder nuclear talks, after report says Tehran is continuing to stockpile uranium and hinder its inquiries into past nuclear activities

30.08.2021 - 10:12 [ ABC News ]

Biden tells Israeli PM he‘ll try diplomacy first with Iran


“We‘re putting diplomacy first and seeing where that takes us,” Biden said during an Oval Office meeting that was delayed by the suicide bomb attack in Afghanistan. “But if diplomacy fails, we‘re ready to turn to other options.”

Bennett arrived at the White House aiming to dissuade Biden from returning to the Iran nuclear deal that was brokered during the Obama administration and later scrapped by President Donald Trump.

06.08.2021 - 15:10 [ Radio China International ]

Iran-Atomfrage: USA hofft auf baldige Zurückkehr Irans an den Verhandlungstisch

Die Botschaft, die die US-Seite dem neuen iranischen Präsidenten Ebrahim Raisi übermittelt habe, sei es, dass die USA ihre eigenen Sicherheitsinteressen und die ihrer Verbündeten schützen und fördern würden, indem man „ständig und verifizierbar“ sicherstelle, dass der Iran keine Atomwaffen erhalten könne.