Archiv: Joseph F. Dunford

22.07.2019 - 20:55 [ ]

Trump Says U.S. Working With Pakistan to Find Way Out of Afghan War

The Pentagon said Pakistan‘s army chief, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, will meet later on Monday with the top American military officer, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford.

11.07.2019 - 12:12 [ Junge Welt ]

Flotte gegen Teheran – US-Regierung organisiert Militärkoalition. Konflikt mit Iran soll internationaler werden

Die Idee ist keineswegs neu, aber die Planung wird konkreter und gewinnt an Tempo: »In den nächsten paar Wochen« wollen die USA damit beginnen, eine internationale Flotte vor der Südküste des Irans und rund um die arabische Halbinsel aufzustellen.

10.07.2019 - 11:56 [ @_unterhaltung / Twitter ]

Sicherung der Straße von Hormus:USA feilen an Marine-Allianz gegen Iran – n-tv NACHRICHTEN

10.07.2019 - 08:42 [ ]

U.S. wants military coalition to safeguard waters off Iran, Yemen

„We‘re engaging now with a number of countries to see if we can put together a coalition that would ensure freedom of navigation both in the Straits of Hormuz and the Bab al-Mandab,“ said Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

10.07.2019 - 08:36 [ ]

Freedom of piracy: US seeks allies to outsource hunt for Iranian oil tankers

Washington has a new tactic in its ongoing campaign against Tehran: outsource the naval blockade of Iran and have allies seize oil tankers in international waterways – all in the name of “freedom of navigation,” of course.

10.07.2019 - 08:25 [ ]

USA planen Koalition gegen den Iran

Das Pentagon habe einen Plan entwickelt, um mögliche Bedrohungen im Persischen Golf, an der Arabischen Halbinsel und am Horn von Afrika festzustellen, sagte der Vorsitzende des Vereinigten Generalstabs, Joseph Dunford, auf dem Militärposten Fort Myer im Bundesstaat Virginia.

Er glaube, innerhalb einiger Wochen werde klar sein, welche Länder sich der Koalition anschließen wollten.

21.06.2019 - 16:27 [ Donald J. Trump, President of the United States / Twitter ]

….On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters. We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not….

….proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world. Sanctions are biting & more added last night. Iran can NEVER have Nuclear Weapons, not against the USA, and not against the WORLD!

21.06.2019 - 16:26 [ ]

Geplanter Vergeltungsschlag: Trump will Angriff auf Iran zehn Minuten vor Start gestoppt haben

Donald Trump hat einen Militärschlag gegen Iran nach eigenen Angaben kurzfristig abgesagt. Die Zahl der Todesopfer wäre im Vergleich zum Drohnen-Abschuss „unverhältnismäßig“ gewesen, sagte der US-Präsident.

21.06.2019 - 15:16 [ Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee ‏/ Twitter ]

Today, a group of us met with the President on Iran. We urged him to de-escalate tensions and avoid miscalculation. Iran wants to drive a wedge between the U.S. and our allies. We shouldn’t let them. I also reminded him: there’s no congressional authorization for war with Iran.


21.06.2019 - 15:14 [ Laura Walker / Twitter ]

Senior administration officials said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; John R. Bolton, the national security adviser; and Gina Haspel, the C.I.A. director, had favored a military response.


21.06.2019 - 15:04 [ ]

Officials leave White House after Iran meeting


The White House invited House and Senate leaders and Democrats and Republicans on the House and Senate intelligence and Armed Services committees to meet with President Donald Trump on Thursday.

18.06.2019 - 05:42 [ CNN ]

US sending 1,000 additional troops to Middle East amid Iran tensions

„In response to a request from the US Central Command for additional forces, and with the advice of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and in consultation with the White House, I have authorized approximately 1,000 additional troops for defensive purposes to address air, naval, and ground-based threats in the Middle East,“ acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said in a statement.

15.05.2019 - 03:43 [ Real Clear ]

Bernie Sanders: John Bolton Wants To Lie Us Into War In Iran Like He Did In Iraq, Like They Did In Vietnam

„It is almost impossible to imagine that after the horror of the war in Iraq when we were lied to by the Bush administration and one of the leading architects was this very same, John Bolton,“ Sanders said.

15.05.2019 - 03:28 [ Gareth Porter, / ]

Bolton Is Spinning Israeli ‘Intelligence’ to Push for War Against Iran

The Israeli delegation, led by national security adviser Meir Ben Shabbat, met with Bolton and other unnamed officials in the White House, according to Ravid, to discuss possible Iranian plans. Bolton himself tweeted on April 15 about his meeting with Shabbat:

Great meeting with Israeli National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat today. The close United States-Israel strategic partnership reflects the tremendous strength of the ties between our governments and the citizens of our two allied countries.

14.05.2019 - 10:39 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wie auch der nächste Anlauf zum Krieg gegen den Iran in sich zusammenfällt

Die verbleibenden Vertragspartner des internationalen Atomabkommens J.C.P.O.A. außer dem Iran, also die Regierungen von Russland, China, Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, sowie die „Europäische Union“, heucheln weiter bis zum Erbrechen und versuchen Zeit zu schinden, bis die internationale Kriegslobby – der sich selbst angehören – den diesbezüglich einzig relevanten Entscheider, den „Führer der Freien Welt“, die Spitze der real existierenden Hierarchie auf dem Planeten, in den nächsten Massenmord bzw Angriffskrieg gequatscht hat: U.S.-Präsident Donald Trump.

Der hat, wie immer, keine Ahnung von gar nichts. Das hat er mit der Menschheit gemein. Ändert sich das, macht es *puff* und auch der nächste Anlauf des seit Jahrzehnten ablaufenden Programms zur Zerstörung und Eroberung des Iran löst sich wieder einmal in Luft auf.

Bereit, wenn Ihr es seid.

14.05.2019 - 08:44 [ @YadiraVargasTi1 / Twitter ]

Good afternoon Mr. Amb. Bolton and Mr Meir Ben Shabbat .


14.05.2019 - 08:41 [ New York Times ]

White House Reviews Military Plans Against Iran, in Echoes of Iraq War

As recently as late April, an American intelligence analysis indicated that Iran had no short-term desire to provoke a conflict. But new intelligence reports, including intercepts, imagery and other information, have since indicated that Iran was building up its proxy forces’ readiness to fight and was preparing them to attack American forces in the region.

14.05.2019 - 08:30 [ Axios ]

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation

Details: The plan was reportedly presented during a meeting about the Trump administration‘s broader Iran policy, attended — among others — by Bolton, CIA director Gina Haspel, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. It‘s unclear if President Trump has been briefed on the details of the plan, which did not call for a land invasion of Iran, but requested a similar number of troops involved the U.S.‘ 2003 invasion of Iraq, per the Times.

12.05.2019 - 20:07 [ NBC News ]

Trump‘s top intelligence and military advisers held unusual meeting at CIA on Iran, officials say


Five former CIA operations officers and military officials said that in the past, such meetings have been held at CIA headquarters to brief top officials on highly sensitive covert actions, either the results of existing operations or options for new ones.

19.03.2019 - 21:00 [ Jason Ditz / ]

Top US-General bestreitet Pläne, 1.000 Soldaten in Syrien zu lassen

Das könnte bedeuten, dass die Forderungen nach mehr Truppen, die zweifellos von den Falken der Verwaltung kommen, nicht die todsichere Sache sind, als die das Wall Street Journal sie präsentiert. Es könnte andererseits bedeuten, dass die Verwaltung noch nicht bereit ist, die neuen Zahlen öffentlich bekannt zu geben, und nur darauf bestehen wird, dass die Medien lügen, bis zu einem Datum irgendwann in der Zukunft, an dem es günstiger ist, die Zahlen offiziell zu machen.

04.03.2019 - 05:34 [ ]

Beratungen von USA und Russland zu Syrien in Wien

Die Generalstabschefs der USA und Russlands treffen einander heute in Wien. Joseph Dunford und Waleri Gerassimow wollen dabei weitere Schritte in Syrien erörtern. „Die beiden Militärs werden Maßnahmen diskutieren, damit Militäroperationen in Syrien vonseiten Russlands und vonseiten der internationalen Koalition (Anti-IS-Koalition, Anm.) nicht miteinander in Konflikt geraten“, hieß es.

12.11.2018 - 19:42 [ CNN ]

Pentagon rejects request for additional military resources in Persian Gulf

It also comes as Defense Secretary James Mattis and Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, are engaged in high-level classified discussions with senior commanders around the world about how to allocate military resources for the next two years, officials say.

09.10.2018 - 04:26 [ The Sudan Tribune ]

Sudanese general travels to Washington for counter-terrorism meeting

(6.10.2018) This is the first time that a senior Sudanese military official is invited to a conference on countering violent extremism.

In a statement issued on Saturday, the Sudanese army said General Abdel Marouf would meet his US counterpart, General Joseph Dunford.

19.06.2018 - 10:31 [ New York Times ]

Trump Orders Establishment of Space Force as Sixth Military Branch

During a speech at a meeting of the National Space Council, Mr. Trump announced plans to protect American interests in space through monitoring commercial traffic and debris, initiatives he said would be “great not only in terms of jobs and everything else, it’s great for the psyche of our country.”

Minutes later, the president zeroed in on Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and tasked him with the undertaking of creating another branch of the military.

19.05.2018 - 07:16 [ U.S. Verteidigungsministerium ]

Budget Request Continues on Path to Military Recovery, Chairman Says

The appropriations in fiscal years 2017 and 2018 and the proposed fiscal 2019 budget support building the lethal and joint force the nation needs, he said… “The funding in this budget is sufficient,” Dunford said. “I look forward to working with Congress to make sure that it is sustained and predictable in the future.”

14.04.2018 - 10:06 [ Youtube ]

Mad Dog Mattis, Dunford, Brief Press Regarding Syria Strike

Mattis, Dunford, Brief Press Regarding Syria Strike DC, UNITED STATES 04.13.2018 Courtesy Video DoD News

14.04.2018 - 10:04 [ Michael Weiss / Twitter ]

Dunford: only aware of Syrian air defenses. No Russian air defenses.

14.04.2018 - 09:57 [ Rob Lee / Twitter ]

After warning the US against a future strike against Damascus, Gen. Gerasimov had a conversation with Gen. Dunford. The Russian MoD is concerned because, while they have Russian air defenses at their bases in Khmeimim (S-400 and Pantsir-S1) and Tartous (S-400V4),


14.04.2018 - 04:44 [ CNN politics ]

Dunford: “We did not do any coordination with the Russians on the strikes, nor did we pre-notify them”

14.04.2018 - 04:29 [ Joyce Karam ‏/ Twitter ]

Now Dunford saying that Russia was alerted through DECONFLICTION line in Udeid airbase in Qatar , to clear airspace, nothing more. #Syria

14.04.2018 - 04:27 [ Michael Carpenter ‏/ Twitter ]

Dunford: Only contestation of these strikes was from Syrian air defense systems. No mention of Russian A2/AD. The deconfliction channel with Russia was used, but Dunford says no “prenotification” of Russia. So targets were presumably not shared but perhaps airspace boxes were.

05.04.2018 - 13:10 [ Washington Post ]

Trump instructs military to begin planning for withdrawal from Syria

Trump agreed that the military, as fighting continued against remaining militant pockets, could train local security ­forces.

But officials said he stressed that U.S. strategic goals in Syria do not include longer-term stability or reconstruction efforts. He said he did not want to be having the same conversation about withdrawal six months or more from now.