Daily Archives: 4. November 2019

04.11.2019 - 23:42 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Der Kronprinz und seine Macht (II)

Dieses Jahr nahm die Zahl prominenter Teilnehmer wieder deutlich zu, darunter Jared Kushner, Schwiegersohn und persönlicher Gesandter von US-Präsident Donald Trump, der indische Premierminister Narendra Modi und der brasilianische Präsident Jair Messias Bolsonaro. Auch deutsche Unternehmen waren präsent – darunter neben der Deutschen Bank, die den Leiter ihres Mittelostgeschäfts entsandt hatte, etwa Siemens und Bosch, aber auch weitere Firmen.[7] Angekündigt war nicht zuletzt Klaus Kleinfeld: Der ehemalige Siemens-Manager arbeitet mittlerweile als persönlicher Wirtschaftsberater von Kronprinz Muhammad bin Salman. Er gilt als nach wie vor auch in Deutschland bestens vernetzt.

04.11.2019 - 22:22 [ junge Welt ]

Mit einem Bang in die „Festivalwoche“

Genauer: Mit der U. S. Army. Die habe zwar 2013 ihre letzten Panzer aus Europa abgezogen, aber nun blüht alles wieder auf: „Große Materiallager in Belgien und Deutschland wurden neu befüllt. Sie können ganze Brigaden mit allem, was benötigt wird, versorgen, vom Kampfpanzer bis zur Drahtschere.“

04.11.2019 - 20:31 [ CBS News ]

„Godfather of Punk“ Iggy Pop on his disapproving dad‘s final words to him

In a new book of his lyrics, „‚Til Wrong Feels Right,“ Iggy looks back on his career. „It was really fun to do the ‘60s, the ‘70s. By the ‘80s, I‘m getting grumpy,“ he laughed.

And by the ‘90s, he writes, he‘d „become an endangered species.“

04.11.2019 - 19:38 [ ScienceNews.org ]

Voyager 2 reveals the dynamic, complex nature of the solar system’s edge

Despite encountering the heliopause at different times and locations — the two spacecraft are farther from each other than each are from the sun — some things looked similar. The magnetic field looked pretty much the same on the inside and the outside of the boundary: Somehow, the sun’s magnetic field lines up nearly perfectly with the local galactic field, contrary to expectations. “We could dismiss that as coincidence in one case, but we can’t do that twice,” study coauthor Leonard Burlaga, of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., said in the news conference.

04.11.2019 - 19:30 [ Nature ]

Energetic charged particle measurements from Voyager 2 at the heliopause and beyond

Here, we report measurements of energetic (>28 keV) charged particles on V2 from the interface region between the heliosheath, dominated by heated solar wind plasma, and the VLISM, expected to contain cold non-solar plasma and the Galactic magnetic field. The number of particles of solar origin began a gradual decrease on 7 August 2018 (118.2 au), while those of Galactic origin (Galactic cosmic rays) increased ~20% in number over a period of a few weeks. An abrupt change occurred on 5 November when V2 was located at 119 au, with a decrease in the number of particles at energies of >28 keV and a corresponding increase in the number of Galactic cosmic rays of energy E > 213 MeV. T

04.11.2019 - 19:19 [ theGuardian.com ]

Nasa‘s Voyager 2 sends back its first signal from interstellar space

The shape depends, in a complex way, on the relative strengths of the magnetic fields inside and outside of the heliosphere, and the latest measurements are suggestive of a more spherical form.

04.11.2019 - 18:51 [ ORF ]

„Magnetische Wand“ im interstellaren Raum

Nach Jahrzehnten haben sie nun die Grenze der Heliosphäre passiert und sind damit auf dem Weg zu den Sternen.

04.11.2019 - 18:42 [ MercoPress ]

Outrage in Brazil at the killing of an indigenous “guardian of the forest”

“Violence and death threats against the guardians have been happening for years,” Sarah Shenker, a researcher with Survival International who knew Paulo Paulino, said

“There is a lot of impunity. The authorities are unwilling to protect the indigenous lands,” Shenker charged.

“Their racist words and genocidal, anti-indigenous proposals give a kind of green light.”

Greenpeace said the two men were “the most recent victims of a state that refuses to comply with what the constitution determines.”

04.11.2019 - 16:58 [ ORF.at ]

Apple verspricht 2,5 Milliarden für Wohnraum in Kalifornien

pple kündigte heute ein 2,5 Milliarden Dollar (2,2 Mrd. Euro) schweres Maßnahmenpaket an. Zuvor hatten bereits Google und Facebook jeweils eine Milliarde Dollar zugesagt.

Der Anstieg der Immobilienpreise hat in den vergangenen Jahren Wohnraum für viele unerschwinglich gemacht.

04.11.2019 - 16:42 [ Washington Post ]

Americans sharply divided over whether to impeach and remove Trump from office, Post-ABC poll finds


Among Democrats, support for removing the president from office is overwhelming, with 82 percent in favor and 13 percent opposed. Among Republicans, it is almost the reverse, with 82 percent opposed and 18 percent in favor, even as the president’s approval rating reached a new low among members of his party. Independents are closely divided, with 47 percent favoring removal and 49 percent opposed.

04.11.2019 - 16:37 [ MSNBC ]

2020 candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard speaks on Hillary Clinton spat, what worries her about impeachment process

2020 candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says Hillary Clinton‘s suggestion that she is a Russian asset is a „smear“ aimed at discrediting her because of her opposition to Clinton‘s foreign policy doctrine. She also spoke about the impeachment process: „I’m worried about if the impeachment process moves forward in a hyper-partisan way it will be further divisive to a country that’s already being torn apart.“

04.11.2019 - 16:32 [ CNN ]

No clear leader among 2020 Democrats for Iowa caucusgoers in new poll

In Friday‘s poll, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has the support of 22%, with a tight cluster of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (19%), South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg (18%) and Former Vice President Joe Biden (17%) all within striking distance of Warren.

04.11.2019 - 16:30 [ CBS News ]

One year to go until 2020 election

The 2020 presidential election is now less than a year away. A new poll released over the weekend shows the top Democratic candidates bunched up in the key state of Iowa. Ed O’Keefe reports.

04.11.2019 - 11:41 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Ecuador: Vereinbarung mit Internationalem Währungsfonds verfassungswidrig?

Gewerkschaftsdachverband lässt Vereinbarung mit dem IWF bei Gericht prüfen. Conaie legt Vorschlag des „Volksparlamemts“ für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung vor

04.11.2019 - 11:38 [ Tagesschau ]

Bolivien: Lithiumprojekt mit deutscher Firma gestoppt

Das hat Folgen für den Grundwasserspiegel in den betroffenen Regionen und insbesondere für indigene Gemeinschaften, die in einer sowieso trockenen Region rund um die Salzseen Landwirtschaft betreiben.

04.11.2019 - 10:45 [ CNN ]

Microsoft tried a 4-day workweek in Japan. Productivity jumped 40%

While the amount of time spent at work was cut dramatically, productivity — measured by sales per employee — went up by almost 40% compared to the same period the previous year, the company said in a statement last week.

In addition to reducing working hours, managers urged staff to cut down on the time they spent in meetings and responding to emails.

04.11.2019 - 06:38 [ Bernie Sanders / Youtube ]

Rally in Minneapolis with Rep. Ilhan Omar

BERNIE AND ILHAN OMAR IN MINNEAPOLIS: Trump is a demagogue who wants to divide us with hate. When we stand together, we will defeat him in a landslide. Join us live from Minneapolis at our rally with Ilhan Omar and Prince‘s longtime band New Power Generation.

04.11.2019 - 06:33 [ Ari Rabin-Havt ‏/ Twitter ]

Nice to hang out with 10,000+ friends @BernieSanders @IlhanMN @keithellison in Minneapolis. #BernieSanders2020

04.11.2019 - 06:32 [ theHill,com ]

Sanders holds rally with Omar in Minneapolis

Omar, who recently endorsed Sanders along with two other members of the so-called „squad“ of progressive female freshmen congresswomen, went on during her speech to point out Sanders‘s record of standing up to special interests and Wall Street.

„In the sea of corruption, he continuously stood for justice and never bowed down to special interests,“ Omar said. „That‘s the resolve we need in a President.“

04.11.2019 - 06:29 [ ABC News ]

Ukraine whistleblower offers to answer Republican questions in writing; GOP calls it not sufficient

Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, said in a statement Sunday evening that written answers would not be „sufficient.“

„Written answers will not provide a sufficient opportunity to probe all the relevant facts and cross examine the so-called Whistleblower,“ Jordan, from Ohio, said. „You don’t get to ignite an impeachment effort and never account for your actions and role in orchestrating it.“

04.11.2019 - 06:26 [ CNN ]

Lawyer says whistleblower willing to answer written questions from Republicans

Mark Zaid, an attorney for the anonymous whistleblower whose allegations about President Donald Trump‘s dealings with Ukraine ignited the House impeachment inquiry into the President, said Sunday he offered to have Republican lawmakers submit questions to his client directly without having to go through the committee‘s Democratic majority.

04.11.2019 - 06:13 [ Daily Mail ]

Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson admits electoral pact plot as rumours swirl ‚Remain Alliance‘ could target 60 seats

Talks have been under way between the unashamedly pro-EU Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru and the Greens maximise their chances in key constituencies in the December 12 election.

The pact would see two of the three parties stand aside to favour the one with the best chance of victory – replicating the success in the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election.

04.11.2019 - 05:51 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Merz-Rede auf Parteitag: Kampfansage an Kramp-Karrenbauer?

Merz will reden. Das allein ist keine Nachricht, schließlich redet er zuletzt ziemlich oft. Aber der unterlegene Kandidat um den CDU-Vorsitz kündigt eine „programmatische Rede“ auf dem Parteitag Ende November an. Eine Kampfansage an Kramp-Karrenbauer?