Iraqi parliamentary elections will be held on May 12. Election campaigns will start on April 14 across Iraq, but will be delayed by one day in the Kurdistan Region, as the Region is going to commemorate the Anfal Campaign on April 14.
Iraqi and Kurdish entities will compete for 325 seats in parliament. Of this number, 43 seats are entitled to the Kurdistan Region and 13 for Kirkuk.
Zusätzlich zu seiner eigenen Regierung, die sich seinem Impuls widersetzt, sich aus Syrien zurückzuziehen, scheint Trump mit dem Widerstand ausländischer Verbündeter konfrontiert zu sein. Neben Netanyahu sprach sich auch der saudische Kronprinz gegen die Beendigung des Krieges aus.
Die F-15K prallte um 14.38 Uhr gegen einen Berg in Chilgok in der Provinz Nord-Gyeongsang, als sie von einem Einsatz zurückkehrte. Der Kampfjet war eine Stunde zuvor auf der Luftwaffenbasis in Daegu gestartet.
06.04.2018 - 22:35 [ Asaf Ronel, Head of @Haaretz foreign news / Twitter ]
74 Prozent der Befragten bewerteten Moons Amtsführung positiv, das sind vier Prozentpunkte mehr als eine Woche zuvor. Als Grund für die positive Bewertung nannten 14 Prozent eine gute Diplomatie. 13 Prozent gaben die Wiederaufnahme von Gesprächen mit Nordkorea an, neun Prozent eine gute Kommunikation und Bemühungen um ein Mitgefühl mit den Bürgern.
Trump had said he “probably won’t do it” in an interview on the “Bernie and Sid” radio show on 77 WABC Radio taped Thursday and aired Friday. Calling the media “so bad” and “so fake,” Trump said: “I want to get it straightened out with the press before I do it.”
06.04.2018 - 21:11 [ B´tselem - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories ]
(3.4.2018) Contrary to the impression given by senior military officers and government ministers, the military is not permitted to act as it sees fit, nor can Israel determine on its own what is permissible and what is not when dealing with demonstrators. Like all other countries, Israel’s actions are subject to the provisions of international law and the restrictions they impose on the use of weapons, and specifically the use of live fire. The provisions limit its use to instances involving tangible and immediate mortal danger, and only in the absence of any other alternative. Israel cannot simply decide that it is not bound by these rules.
06.04.2018 - 21:04 [ Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement ]
(2.4.2018) The BDS National Committee (BNC) supports calls for an independent, international investigation and is calling for effective accountability measures against Israel, particularly a two-way military embargo.
It finally happened. In the last day or so, major mainstream voices condemned Israel’s shootings of unarmed Palestinian protesters on March 30, in which 17 were killed.
More than 922 people were taken to hospitals and field clinics, the ministry said, but did not provide a breakdown of those injured by live fire, rubber-coated steel pellets or overcome by tear gas.
It said 19 people were in serious condition.
Thousands of protesters – Israel estimated 20,000 – gathered in locations near the border east of Khan Yunis, in the south of the blockaded Palestinian enclave, and east of Gaza City, among other spots.
Unter den Toten sei auch ein Teenager. Ein Drittel der Verletzten soll nach Angaben der Behörde von Schüssen getroffen worden sein.
Insgesamt kamen damit seit Karfreitag etwa 30 Palästinenser ums Leben. Die israelische Armee hatte zuletzt angegeben, dass die Soldaten gezielt auf palästinensische Rädelsführer geschossen hätten
After the Spain housing market cratered in 2007, millions of home built during the speculative era were abandoned. By 2011, Spanish census figures put the number of empty houses at 3.4 million, roughly 30% of all of Europe’s empty property. A half million developments were only partially completed. (video)
06.04.2018 - 19:17 [ ALIENOCENE - Journal of the First Outernational ]
(28.März) “Planktos is an acousmatic work that should be completed by the end of 2018. “Laments” is an excerpt from it.
My musical work is written with regard to Régis Poulet ‘s great poem of the same name – Planktos – which will be published soon by Isolato (France), with a presentation by Kenneth White.”
Heute möchten bestimmte Journalisten, Intellektuelle, Künstler und Politikerinnen dem Jahr 68 und seiner Revolten gedenken, die sie als einzig und allein von der Sehnsucht nach kapitalistischer Demokratie, nach individualistischen und liberalen Vergnügungen darstellen. Wieder mal geht es ums Verkaufen, um Einschaltquoten, um Literatur zum Arschabwischen und Stimmzettel; tatsächlich geht es darum, das, was sich damals – in einem der subversivsten, gewalttätigsten und offensivsten Jahre der Nachkriegszeit – an Politischem abgespielt hat, zu neutralisieren und außer Reichweite zu bringen. Die Geschichte analysieren, um so tun zu können, als sei sie vorbei, die Begeisterung und die Revolte der einen Generation heraufbeschwören, um die nachfolgende besser einzusperren und zu befrieden.
(5.April) In the final analysis, it is all about the corporate interests of the military – more budget allocation, more “good times”, more empire building. And the war profiteers – military-industrial complex, think tankers, ex-faujis on the conference circuit, congressmen, the correspondents on the Pentagon press pool all travel in the gravy train at the tax payers’ expense.
French President Emmanuel Macron praised the international community‘s „unprecedented mobilization“ for Lebanon as crucial for building the conditions for a sustainable peace in the Middle East.
Azerbaijan and Israel can further expand cooperation in the areas of healthcare, information technology, education, as well as in the field of renewable energy, Israeli Ambassador to Azerbaijan Dan Stav told STMEGI.
EgyptAir CEO Safwat Musallam earlier said the airline planned to commence flights from Cairo to Moscow in April, which is due to the traditional switchover to the summer schedule. He added that Russian security service officers would be present at Cairo’s airport.
dr trippy Royal Leamington Spa, UK
released April 6, 2018
„After osmotically invading our consciousness with his first dose, dr trippy returns with ‘Bhang!’ – a new batch of his patented Punjabi swamp medicine that is guaranteed to get you dancing to the off-beat of the world“.
The investigation would involve alleged crimes committed on Afghan soil but also on the territories of certain ICC member countries that provided stopover points used during the “extraordinary renditions” of presumed terrorists from their place of capture to various detention centers and “black sites” around the world. It appears that crimes committed by the then-Northern Alliance, such as the alleged Death Convoys in which captured Taliban fighters suffocated to death in droves, will fall outside the ICC’s temporal jurisdiction.
Two Chadian peacekeepers were killed and at least ten others injured when a camp of UN mission in Mali (known by its French acronym, MINUSMA) in Aguelhok, Kidal region, came under mortar attack at about 18:45 (local time) on 5 April.(…)
The UN mission in Mali is one of the most dangerous, with over 160 peacekeepers having lost their lives in the country. In late February, four peacekeepers were killed when their convoy came under attack in Mopti, central Mali.
(3.April) The case, which has received little attention beyond the local news media, provides a rare glimpse into the cloistered world of privately operated prisons, at a time when the number of state inmates in private facilities is increasing and the Trump administration has indicated that it will expand their use.(…)
Several states, including Michigan and Utah, have stopped using private prisons in recent years because of security problems.
(5.April) I don‘t want to alarm you, but robots can now read your mind. Kind of.
AlterEgo is a new headset developed by MIT. You strap it to your face. You talk to it. It talks to you. But no words are said. You say things in your head, like „what street am I on,“ and it reads the signals your brain sends to your mouth and jaw, and answers the question for you.(…)
The institution explained in its announcement that AlterEgo communicates with you through bone-conduction headphones, which circumvent the ear canal by transmitting sound vibrations through your face bones.
(5.April) This naive approach to foreign policy — overthrow the governments we don’t like and replace them with ones we do like — is the crux of the US foreign policy problem. As a result of this approach, the United States has been enmeshed in nonstop wars of regime change in the Middle East and North Africa, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Trump once talked about quitting Afghanistan, but the United States remains there too since the security state wants it that way.
The US wars of regime change violate international law, cost trillions of dollars, undermine US democracy as the wars are conducted with secrecy and non-stop lies, and almost always fail in their aims.(…)
In fact, the war has failed to accomplish anything other than to destroy Syria, destabilize Europe, and bleed the United States.
(5.April) The national security ‚blob‘ who warn departure would be a disaster are wrong.(…)
This hubris about military force is our own worst enemy — the notion that if we can just think it through, get the number right, put U.S. forces in the middle, then we will stabilize regions, rebuild countries, and enforce stability. Having lived through the Vietnam War, this the very definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome.
Moro wurde damit sofort tätig, nachdem der Oberste Gerichtshof am Donnerstag mit sechs zu fünf Stimmen einen Antrag Lulas auf Haftverschonung abgelehnt und damit dessen in der Verfassung verankertes Recht, bis zu einem endgültigen Urteil in Freiheit zu verbleiben, ignoriert hatte.
Mit Protesten gegen eine geplante Hochschulreform haben Studierende in Frankreich an rund zehn Universitäten den Bildungsbetrieb teils oder ganz lahmgelegt.
(vor 18 Stunden) Der Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen (UNSC) trifft sich in New York, um über die Vergiftung des ehemaligen russischen Doppelagenten Sergej Skripal und seiner Tochter Yulia in Salisbury zu sprechen.
Russland und Großbritannien haben sich im UN-Sicherheitsrat einen heftigen Schlagabtausch angesichts der Giftattacke auf den Ex-Doppelagenten Sergej Skripal und dessen Tochter in Großbritannien geliefert.
(24.3.2018) In Deutschland werden ab 2020 die bislang umstrittenen behördlichen Zugangssperren für Internetseiten möglich sein. Ein neues Regelwerk der EU zum Verbraucherschutz, die sogenannte CPC-Verordnung, ermächtigt künftig Ämter, den Zugang zu Websites zu sperren, „um das Risiko einer schwerwiegenden Schädigung der Kollektivinteressen von Verbrauchern zu verhindern“.
Was die Europäische Union in Syrien betreibt, ist keine Schande für Europa. Eine Schande für Europa ist höchstens, dass so etwas wie diese „Europäische Union“ sich hier einnisten konnte
(23.2.2018) When news first broke that Medium, one of my primary blogging platforms, had closed the accounts of Trump-supporting pundits Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec and Laura Loomer, I tweeted the following in response:
„The only people cheering for this are leftists who haven‘t been paying attention and centrists who have. This ongoing trend of marginalizing online dissent is already impacting the far left, and will do so more and more. The #MAGA crowd are the canaries in the coal mine, lefties.“
Hours later, right on cue, prominent Mother Jones Senior Reporter Shane Bauer was singing the praises of Medium‘s recent account suspensions, and tagged Medium‘s Twitter account saying they need to take it further and include left-wing writers like myself due to my repeated criticisms of the pro-regime change Syria narrative.
06.04.2018 - 13:17 [ CJ Hopkins, Berlin / Counterpunch ]
(7.3.2018) Believe it or not, I’m a fan of Glenn Greenwald, who is one of the very few celebrity journalists who has had the guts to consistently challenge the ridiculous “Russiagate” narrative from the start. And just because The Intercept is owned by a neoliberal oligarch who backed a fascist coup in the Ukraine, micro-financed a few Indians to death, and employs a personal security detail of ex-Secret Service agents and State Department types who will fly him to safety in his private jet in the event of imminent zombie apocalpyse, that doesn’t mean The Intercept staff doesn’t publish important investigative journalism.
No, what struck me as I was suffering through this debate was how utterly divorced from reality it was, whatever “reality” might mean anymore. Watching Greenwald, Risen, and Scahill sitting there, like rational people, “debating” whether Donald Trump might be part of some convoluted Russian conspiracy to destroy America and Western democracy, I felt like I was finally having one of those apocryphal LSD flashbacks.
06.04.2018 - 13:17 [ CJ Hopkins, Berlin / Counterpunch ]
(23.3.2018) Fortunately, the lexicography experts in the corporate media and the Anti-Defamation League cleared that up for me earlier this month. According to these experts, words like “globalist” and “globalism” don’t really mean anything. They are simply Nazi code words for “the Jews.” There is actually no such thing as “globalism,” or “global capitalism,” or “transnational capitalism,” or “supranational quasi-governmental entities” like the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the European Commission, and the European Central Bank … or, OK, sure, there are such entities, but there is no legitimate reason to discuss them, or write about them, or even casually mention them, and anyone who does is definitely a Nazi.
(12.3.2018) Jareds Fall eignet sich zur Klärung dieser Frage besonders gut, weil er weder gegen Gesetzte noch gegen Twitter-Nutzungsregeln verstieß, sondern seine Follower im Gegenteil dazu aufrief, immer besonders höflich zu bleiben. Ausgesperrt wurde er, nachdem ihm das (selbst durchaus nicht unumstrittene Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) und die Anti-Defamation League (ADL), die seit 2016 im „Trust and Safety Council“ von Twitter sitzt, vorwarfen, außerhalb des Dienstes mit „gewaltbereiten extremistischen Gruppen“ verbunden zu sein. Um welche Gruppen es dabei konkret geht, ist bislang unklar.
Meanwhile, the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on data privacy on April 10, 2018, and Zuckerberg has agreed to come to D.C. and answer their questions. Senator Chuck Grassley, who heads that committee, also asked that Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey come and testify as well.
When a shooter opened fire on YouTube‘s campus before killing herself, Silicon Valley didn‘t just experience a tragedy that‘s rocked other communities and prompted an intense debate over gun control in the United States. The incident may also have prompted a rethink among tech companies which have enjoyed a culture that‘s embraced open spaces, including cafes, restaurants and gift shops, shared with the public.
„Hinzpeter Story“ handelt von dem verstorbenen Journalisten Jürgen Hinzpeter. Er fuhr während der Demokratiebewegung in Gwangju im Mai 1980 in die Stadt und informierte mit seinen außer Landes gebrachten Aufnahmen die Welt über das Geschehen.
Der Spielfilm „A Taxi Driver“, der letztes Jahr zwölf Millionen Zuschauer ins Kino lockte, beruhte auf seiner wahren Geschichte.