Archiv: Philip Hammond

29.09.2019 - 10:01 [ ]

‚FOREIGN PLOT‘ No10: launches probe into Remainers who ‘colluded with France and EU’ to write Brexit Surrender Act as MPs ‘plot for Bercow to bypass PM’

Former Cabinet Minister Oliver Letwin, former Chancellor Philip Hammond and ex-Attorney General Dominic Grieve are all suspected of being assisted by members of the European Commission, it was reported.

Another source added: “The Government is working on extensive investigations into Dominic Grieve, Oliver Letwin and Hilary Benn [who tabled the Bill] and their involvement with foreign powers and the funding of their activities.

29.09.2019 - 09:11 [ Daily Mail ]

No 10 probes Remain MPs‘ ‚foreign collusion‘ amid plot to allow John Bercow to send ‚surrender letter‘ to Brussels asking for a delay to Brexit

Downing Street has launched a major investigation into alleged links between foreign governments and the MPs behind the ‚Surrender Act‘ which could force Boris Johnson to delay Brexit, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Sources said No 10 took the unprecedented action after officials received intelligence that the MPs, including former Cabinet Minister Oliver Letwin, had received help drafting the Bill from members of the French Government and the European Union.

03.09.2019 - 16:19 [ ]

CIVIL WAR: Boris Johnson’s last ditch peace talks FAIL and break into furious row as Philip Hammond ‘admits’ working with EU on rebel law

The meeting was said to be courteous but the ex-Chancellor repeatedly interrupted the discussion and spoke over colleagues.

And Government sources claimed that he let slip that the rebel bill – which will be put to MPs tomorrow to try and stop a No Deal – was drawn up with assistance from the EU‘s legal team.

31.08.2019 - 10:04 [ Daily Mail ]

Dominic Cummings reads SPADs the riot act: Furious Brexit mastermind scolds aides for ‚leaking bulls***‘ and tells them they can ‚f*** off‘ if they don‘t like him after advisor was sacked for ‚lying about contact with Remainers‘

– Maverick Brexit chief sent the stark warning at a gathering of advisers tonight
– Showed no regret for dramatic axing of Sonia Khan who he accused of leaks
– Told advisers if they didn‘t agree with his decision, they knew where door was

31.08.2019 - 10:01 [ The Independent ‏/ Twitter ]

Sajid Javid‘s media adviser ‚escorted from Downing Street‘ after being sacked by No 10 strategist Dominic Cummings

24.07.2019 - 20:31 [ Daily Mail ]

Boris‘s night of the long knives: New PM makes Brexit hardliner Dom Raab his de facto deputy, Priti Patel Home Secretary and Sajid Javid Chancellor as he brutally sacks Jeremy Hunt and swathe of Remainers to clear way for No Deal

– Boris Johnson launches mass clear out of Cabinet and sacks Jeremy Hunt
– Jeremy Hunt and Penny Mordaunt among those sacked in brutal two-hour cull
– Greg Clark and Liam Fox also leave the government as new PM wields the axe
– Damian Hinds, James Brokenshire, David Mundell and Karen Bradley ousted
– Philip Hammond, David Gauke and Rory Stewart all resigned earlier today
– Priti Patel makes a remarkable Cabinet return as the new Home Secretary
– Sajid Javid has been promoted to crucial role of Chancellor under Mr Johnson
– Brexiteer Dominic Raab was installed as Foreign Secretary replacing Mr Hunt

23.07.2019 - 09:49 [ Spiked ]

Good riddance to these anti-democrats

Philip Hammond and Alan Duncan are among the most duplicitous politicians in Britain today.

21.07.2019 - 10:31 [ ]

Hammond packs his bags: Chancellor prepares for life as a Remainer rebel MP after his threat to bring down the government and block No Deal, as Boris finalizes his Cabinet including ‚David Davis in the Treasury or as Foreign Secretary‘

Mr Hammond was seen loading an array of luggage including cases, bags and holdalls, into the boot of a black saloon outside his residence at Number 11.

It comes just one day after he threatened to back a vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson if he tires to take Britain out of the EU without a deal in October.

05.06.2019 - 05:25 [ BBC Newsnight ‏/ Twitter ]

Philip Hammond: „I reject the idea that there are vast numbers of people facing dire poverty in this country“ Emily Maitlis: „14 million according to the UN rapporteur“ Philip Hammond: „I don’t accept the UN rapporteur’s report at all“ MORE 22:30 #newsnight | @maitlis

27.05.2019 - 04:48 [ ]

Tory leadership race: Open warfare as Hammond tells no-deal Brexit candidates they will be toppled

The race to be the next prime minister has descended into open warfare after the chancellor threatened to join fellow Tories in toppling any leader pursuing a no-deal Brexit.

Philip Hammond’s extraordinary intervention came after Dominic Raab predicted MPs would fail to stop him taking the UK out of the EU without a deal on Halloween night, if he won the contest.

08.04.2019 - 12:36 [ ]

Hunt hints government open to customs union compromise, saying ‚big red lines‘ should not apply in talks with Labour

At the weekend Philip Hammond, the chancellor, said that there were “no red lines” for the government in its talks with Labour aimed at finding a Brexit compromise. This morning, in a doorstep on his arrival at the EU foreign affairs council, Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary, said more or less exactly the same thing.

06.04.2019 - 19:08 [ ]

Philip Hammond deepens Tory civil war after claiming there are ‚no red lines‘ in Brexit negotiations with Labour

In a bid to save the talks from collapsing, the Chancellor said he was “optimistic” ministers would be able to reach an agreement with Labour and “should be open to listen to suggestions”.

However, his intervention has provoked a furious backlash among Brexiteers, who accused him of “deliberately touting his own view” and attempting to push Theresa May into signing up to a customs union.

04.04.2019 - 12:32 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Hammond: Second Referendum is ‘Perfectly Credible Proposition’

This will go down like a cup of cold sick with Tories already incensed by Theresa May’s approach to Jeremy Corbyn. Both Steve Barclay and May herself refused to rule out second referendums yesterday, a Government source confirmed to Guido then that nothing was off the table besides a full-on revocation of Article 50. Brexiteers fear an even greater betrayal coming…

04.04.2019 - 09:39 [ ]

We‘re not selling out! Cabinet Remainers pave the way for a soft Brexit deal with Corbyn as Hammond floats a second referendum and Cox defends customs union – but up to 15 MORE of May‘s ministers could quit

Last night Mr Hammond risked a Tory backlash as he said a ‚confirmatory referendum‘ – on Mrs May‘s deal versus Remain – was a ‚perfectly credible proposition.‘

And her Attorney General Geoffrey Cox has also made the case for a customs union compromise, insisting it was ‚not some kind of sell-out‘.

04.04.2019 - 09:33 [ Shehab Khan, Journalist & television pundit / Twitter ]

Wow – interesting development. Philip Hammond just said there is a „credible case“ for a second referendum and it should be „tested in Parliament“. His rhetoric on a second referendum has been moving quite drastically in recent weeks:

04.04.2019 - 09:28 [ ]

Philip Hammond seeks to soothe Brexit fears at Goldman Sachs party

Industry sources said Mr Hammond tried to strike an upbeat tone on Brexit at the US investment bank‘s 150th anniversary party in the Natural History Museum, which Mr Solomon travelled to London to attend.

A Treasury spokesman confirmed that Mr Hammond met with Mr Solomon as well as other senior figures at the event. About 700 guests listened to a speech by Mr Solomon, who replaced Lloyd Blankfein in October, on the „challenges“ posed to Europe by Brexit.

24.03.2019 - 13:51 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Hammond: Second Referendum Should Be Considered

Chancellor Phil Hammond telling Sophy Ridge that a second referendum “deserves to be considered” gives you a clue as to why Treasury no deal planning has been such a pathetic exercise in foot dragging.

17.01.2019 - 06:55 [ Paul Mason ‏/ Twitter ]

So let‘s get this right: May offers talks. Corbyn says remove No Deal threat, then we talk. Within an hour, Hammond rings 330 businesspeople and promises to remove No Deal threat because May faces revolt in Cabinet. But Corbyn is the „wrecker“. Tories lie thru their teeth.

17.01.2019 - 06:52 [ ]

Exclusive: The Hammond phone call – full transcript of his conversation with 11 business leaders

The Telegraph has obtained a leaked audio recording of a briefing that Philip Hammond gave 330 business leaders during a conference call in the aftermath of Theresa May‘s historic Brexit defeat on Tuesday.

Log-in or subscribe to read the full transcript, including Mr Hammond‘s account of how Article 50 could be extended and no deal could be taken „off the table“:

16.01.2019 - 05:39 [ Sky News ]

Bosses round on ministers after May defeat

Sky News has learnt that the bosses of companies including construction giant Balfour Beatty, Tesco and Amazon told a trio of ministers – including the chancellor, Philip Hammond – in a hastily convened conference call – that protracted Brexit uncertainty was damaging Britain‘s ‎economy.

During the call, which lasted nearly an hour, Mr Hammond, the Brexit secretary and business secretary were repeatedly asked for reassurance about the likelihood of a „no-deal“ departure from the EU.

30.11.2018 - 08:46 [ Sun ]

Britain needs LEADERS not idiots to sort out this Brexit deal and the fooling around must stop

There is no such thing as a ‚soft Brexit‘ and ‚fulfilling the vote‘ now requires preparing for a clean break and counteracting the inevitable short-term disruption, writes Steve Hilton

24.08.2018 - 14:55 [ ]

BREXIT LIVE: Tories at WAR as Brexiteers rage against Hammond‘s Project Fear relaunch

THE Conservative Party has erupted into civil war as deep splits in Brexit policy come to the fore.

24.08.2018 - 14:49 [ ]

Philip Hammond risks Brexiteer row with £80bn ‚no-deal‘ warning

The timing of the chancellor‘s letter will prompt suspicions among Tory Brexiteers, who already believe he is trying to keep the UK closely tied to the EU.

Both Mr Hammond and Mrs Morgan supported Remain at the EU referendum.

24.08.2018 - 14:46 [ ]

The Guardian view on no-deal Brexit: Tory tactics make a second vote more likely

The chancellor Philip Hammond reminded his party on Thursday that there would be “large fiscal consequences” of £80bn of extra borrowing. Not one part of this is acceptable. To think otherwise is to live in a demented political la-la land in which fanatical dogma outweighs the jobs, security and life chances of ordinary people.

24.08.2018 - 14:41 [ Washington Post ]

Britain seeks to calm fears of ‘no-deal’ Brexit doomsday — and worries over BLTs, sperm donors and civil unrest

For weeks, there has been a string of doomsday scenarios in the British news media about what could happen if Prime Minister Theresa May’s negotiators fail to strike an agreement with Brussels.

There has been speculation — floated by think tanks, business lobbies and hospital administrators — a “no-deal Brexit” could create total havoc.

24.08.2018 - 14:38 [ New York Times ]

U.K. Outlines Plan to Avert Chaos of a No-Deal ‘Brexit’

But in trying to prove to his European interlocutors that Britain is prepared for all eventualities, Mr. Raab knows he risks frightening the British public and weakening faith in the Brexit project, which he supports.