Archiv: New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)

03.03.2023 - 01:52 [ ]

Blinken and Lavrov meet at G20

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi on Thursday. Blinken said he urged Russia to return to the New START arms control treaty, but Moscow has already insisted that Washington’s “hybrid war” on Russia makes serious discussions impossible.

The two diplomats met for around ten minutes

22.02.2023 - 10:04 [ ]

Full text: The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper

2. Stay committed to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. Sovereign equality and non-interference in internal affairs are basic principles of international law and the most fundamental norms governing contemporary international relations. We believe all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. Their internal affairs brook no external interference, their sovereignty and dignity must be respected, and their right to independently choose social systems and development paths must be upheld. Sovereign independence and equality must be upheld, and efforts should be made for all countries to enjoy equality in terms of rights, rules and opportunities.

3. Stay committed to abiding by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. The purposes and principles of the UN Charter embody the deep reflection by people around the world on the bitter lessons of the two world wars. They are humanity’s institutional design for collective security and lasting peace. The various confrontations and injustices in the world today did not occur because the purposes and principles of the UN Charter are outdated, but because they are not effectively maintained and implemented. We call on all countries to practice true multilateralism; firmly uphold the international system with the UN at its core, the international order underpinned by international law and the basic norms of international relations underpinned by the UN Charter; and uphold the authority of the UN and its status as the main platform for global security governance. The Cold War mentality, unilateralism, bloc confrontation and hegemonism contradict the spirit of the UN Charter and must be resisted and rejected.

7. Implement the five-point proposal on realizing peace and stability in the Middle East, including advocating mutual respect, upholding equity and justice, realizing non-proliferation, jointly fostering collective security, and accelerating development cooperation, so as to jointly establish a new security framework in the Middle East. Support the positive momentum and the efforts of Middle East countries to strengthen dialogue and improve their relations, accommodate the reasonable security concerns of all parties, strengthen the internal forces of safeguarding regional security, and support the League of Arab States (LAS) and other regional organizations in playing a constructive role in this regard. The international community should take practical steps to advance the two-state solution to the Palestinian question, and convene a larger, more authoritative and more influential international peace conference, so as to achieve a just solution to the Palestinian question at an early date.

22.02.2023 - 09:44 [ ]

China issues Global Security Initiative (GSI) Concept Paper, calling to resolve disputes through dialogue and rejecting power politics

A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought, China announced in the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper it released on Tuesday amid growing risks and challenges that the world faces today, particularly in light of the Ukraine crisis, with the aim of eliminating the root causes of international conflicts and improving global security.

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang told a forum on Tuesday in Beijing that China had officially released the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper, fully elaborating ideas and principles, clarifying cooperation mechanisms and underscoring China‘s responsibilities and firm determination to safeguard world peace by listing 20 major cooperation directions.

22.02.2023 - 09:32 [ Radio China - ]

China veröffentlicht Dokument über Konzept der Globalen Sicherheitsinitiative

Sicherheit sei das Recht aller Länder der Welt und nicht die exklusive Domäne einiger Länder. Die Globale Sicherheitsinitiative diene den Interessen der Menschen auf der ganzen Welt und bewahre den Frieden von allen. Jedes Land, das bereit sei, der Globalen Sicherheitsinitiative beizutreten, sei willkommen. China unterstütze alle Länder, die sich aufrichtig um die Erhaltung des Weltfriedens und der Entwicklung bemühten, so der chinesische Außenminister weiter.

22.02.2023 - 08:59 [ ]

From New START Freeze to Reasons for Ukraine Op: Key Takeaways From Putin‘s Federal Assembly Address

Vladimir Putin also told the Federal Assembly that there was information that the United States was considering the possibility of full-scale tests of their nuclear weapons, adding that the Russian Ministry of Defense and Rosatom must be ready to test Russian nuclear weapons if Washington really does conduct the test first.

22.02.2023 - 08:54 [ associated press ]

Russia suspends only remaining major nuclear treaty with US

Speaking in his state-of-the-nation address, Putin also said that Russia should stand ready to resume nuclear weapons tests if the U.S. does so, a move that would end a global ban on nuclear weapons tests in place since the end of the Cold War.

22.02.2023 - 08:49 [ Kreml ]

Presidential Address to Federal Assembly

Launch new projects, earn money, work hard for Russia, invest in enterprises and jobs, and help schools and universities, science and healthcare, culture and sports. In this way, you will increase your wealth and will also win the respect and gratitude of the people for a generation ahead. The state and society will certainly support you.

Let us consider this as a message for your business: get moving in the right direction.

To be continued.

22.02.2023 - 07:16 [ ]

Russia suspends its participation in New START treaty — Putin

„I have to say today that Russia is suspending its participation in New START. I repeat, not withdrawing from the treaty, no, but merely suspending its participation,“ the president said.

The president stressed that before returning to the discussion on the issue of continuing the work as part of New START, Russia has to understand itself „what do such NATO countries as France and the United Kingdom vie for and how will their strategic arsenals be taken into account.“

28.07.2021 - 04:58 [ ]

Abrüstungsgespräche: USA und Russland verhandeln in Genf

Grundlage ist das einzige noch verbliebene große Abkommen zur Rüstungskontrolle zwischen den USA und Russland: der atomare Abrüstungsvertrag New Start.

28.01.2021 - 10:54 [ Kreml ]

Telephone conversation with US President Joseph Biden


The presidents expressed satisfaction over today’s exchange of diplomatic notes on the agreement to extend the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. In the next few days, the parties will complete the necessary procedures that ensure the functioning of this important mechanism of international law on the mutual limitation of their nuclear missile arsenals.

28.01.2021 - 10:51 [ White House ]

Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Call with President Vladimir Putin of Russia


President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. They discussed both countries’ willingness to extend New START for five years, agreeing to have their teams work urgently to complete the extension by February 5.

17.10.2020 - 11:22 [ ]

Atomvertrag: USA lehnen Putins Vorschlag ab

Vier Monate vor dem Auslaufen des letzten großen atomaren Abrüstungsvertrags hat die US-Regierung einen Vorschlag von Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin zur Verlängerung abgelehnt.

16.10.2020 - 15:07 [ ]

Putin schlägt Verlängerung von New-START-Abkommen vor

Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat eine Verlängerung des New-START-Abkommens zur atomaren Abrüstung um ein Jahr ohne Vorbedingungen angeboten.

Er schlage vor, das bestehende Abkommen mit den USA um mindestens ein Jahr zu verlängern, um umfassende Verhandlungen zu ermöglichen, sagte Putin heute in Moskau

12.10.2020 - 00:45 [ The Hill ]

Trump hoping to strike last-minute nuclear arms deal with Putin before election: report

Rose Gottemoeller, the chief U.S. negotiator for New START, said an agreement “could be done by tomorrow,” according to Axios.

“Trump has clearly conveyed that he wants the deal to be done, and I think Putin would very much like to sign a deal with President Trump,” she said.

06.10.2020 - 20:12 [ RFL/RL ]

U.S., Russian Officials Hold Arms-Control Talks In Finland

Negotiators from Russia and the United States have met in the Finnish capital for a new round of arms-control talks as the two powers‘ last remaining bilateral nuclear arms pact is due to expire early next year.

17.08.2020 - 18:02 [ Xinhua ]

Second round of U.S.-Russia disarmament talks to start in Vienna

VIENNA, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) — The United States and Russia will start the second round of nuclear disarmament talks here on Monday.

17.08.2020 - 17:58 [ ]

Russian, U.S. Officials Meet In Vienna For New Arms-Control Talks As Treaty Nears End

Russian and U.S. officials have begun a third round of nuclear arms-control talks in the Austrian capital as the end of the 2010 New Strategic Arms Treaty (New START) looms.

The two-day meeting in Vienna is led by U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Arms Control Marshall Billingslea and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

17.08.2020 - 17:31 [ ORF ]

US-russische Abrüstungsgespräche in Wien fortgesetzt

Sowohl Russlands Vizeaußenminister Sergej Rjabkow als auch der US-Sonderbeauftragte Marshall Billingslea betonten vor dieser dritten Gesprächsrunde ihre Dialogbereitschaft. Die Verhandlungen im Palais Niederösterreich sollen bis morgen Abend dauern.

11.08.2020 - 09:10 [ Reuters ]

U.S. nuclear arsenal to cost $1.2 trillion over next 30 years: CBO

(October 31, 2017)

The CBO study reviewed the Obama’s Administration’s plans for modernization of the nuclear arsenal.

11.08.2020 - 09:03 [ Mieke Eoyang / Twitter ]

None of the four Republican Senators old enough to remember Hiroshima voted in support of New START, the signature nuclear arms control agreement between the US and Russia. New START is up for renewal in the beginning of 2021, and the negotiations are taking place right now.


06.08.2020 - 07:33 [ US Außenministerium - ]

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo At a Press Availability


QUESTION: So tomorrow and August 9th marks 75 years since the United States unleased the first atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So could you tell us your opinion on nuclear arms control, including the future of the New START Treaty between U.S. and Russia?

SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah. So President Trump, literally since I first met him, first in my role as CIA director and now as Secretary of State, has made clear one of his top priorities is ensuring that we don’t have a really bad day in the world as a result of a nuclear weapon being used, and so we have worked along multiple fronts. For example, we left the INF Treaty because the Russians weren’t complying with that and that was – that had the risk of being destabilizing, because when you have an arms control agreement and only one of the two parties is complying, you have created strategic risk.

But in the last handful of months, we’ve been working diligently to get the three nations that have the largest nuclear capabilities – the United States, Russia, and China – to have a strategic dialogue about how we move forward together to decrease the risk to the world that these massive weapons are used, and we’ve made progress with the Russians. We’ve had two good gatherings; I hope we’ll have one before too long. And we are hopeful that the Chinese will choose to participate. We think it’s in their best interest. We know it’s in the best interest of the world. And for nations that assert they want win-win solutions, that they want good outcomes, that they want to be a player on a global stage, they now have moved to a point where they need to, like the United States and Russia, be prepared to engage in conversations about how you create a strategic situation that reduces the risk that nuclear weapons will be used at any time or any place anywhere in the world.

06.08.2020 - 07:17 [ / ]

US and Russia near end of New START — and the nuclear weapons control era


That evaluation has turned into a delicate process with Russia, with high-level and working-level meetings taking place in Vienna to see if New START can be salvaged. Officials from both countries met again at the end of July in Austria’s capital, while China — which the US wants involved to discuss limiting its nuclear and missile capabilities, even though it isn’t a party to New START — didn’t show up.