Archiv: Den Haag / The Hague (city)

10.01.2024 - 12:00 [ ]

Minister Lamola leads South Africa’s delegation to the Hague

The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Mr Ronald Lamola (MP) will lead South Africa’s delegation to Peace Palace (International Court of Justice) in the Hague.

The South African delegation comprises of South Africa’s distinguished diplomats and officials namely:

Director General in the Presidency Ms Phindile Baleni Director General of the Department of International Relations and Co-operation Mr Zane Dangor;
Director General of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Advocate Mashabane; (former Deputy Ambassador for South Africa to the United Nations); and
Special Advisor to the President of the Republic of South Africa Advocate Nokukhanya Jele.

The South African delegation will be joined by senior political figures from progressive political parties and movements across the globe which include amongst others Jeremy Corbyn the Former leader of the opposition in the United Kingdom.

10.01.2024 - 11:55 [ Ministry of Justice and Correctional Services in the Republic of South Africa / Twitter ]

Minister Lamola leads South Africa’s delegation to the Hague The South African delegation will be joined by senior political figures from progressive political parties and movements across the globe which include amongst others Jeremy Corbyn.

06.03.2022 - 21:45 [ Kees71 / Twitter ]

Demonstratie voor vrijheid vandaag in Den Haag!! Nederland zegt vandaag NEE! tegen het oorlogszuchtige establishment! 06.03.22

21.11.2021 - 01:54 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

LIVE: Demonstrators protest against COVID-19 restrictions in the Hague

Live from the Hague on Saturday, November 20, as protesters demonstrate against COVID-19 restrictions imposed by the Dutch government last week.

21.11.2021 - 01:52 [ Manchester Chronicle / Twitter ]

VIDEO: Young people removing traffic surveillance equipment in #DenHaag Flag of Netherlands tonight as protests spread over the attempted reimposition of #lockdown in the Netherlands. #NoVaccinePassports #NoLockdown #Rutte #EU #NWO

10.08.2021 - 17:54 [ Common Dreams ]

Indigenous Group Accuses Bolsonaro of ‚Genocide‘ and ‚Ecocide‘ at The Hague

A coalition of Indigenous organizations filed a complaint at The Hague on Monday accusing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro of carrying out an „explicit, systematic, and intentional“ assault on native peoples, pointing specifically to his systematic dismantling of environmental protections and aggressive campaign of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

08.07.2021 - 20:06 [ IPPNW ]

Urteil zu Atomwaffen und deutschlandweiter Protest

Heute jährt sich das Rechtsgutachten des Internationalen Gerichtshofs (IGH) in Den Haag zu Atomwaffen zum 25. Mal. Das Gutachten stellt fest, dass Atomwaffen generell völkerrechtswidrig sind.

15.03.2021 - 08:31 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

Netherlands: Police use water cannon as tensions rise at The Hague anti-govt. demo

A demonstrator could be seen screaming in pain as he was bitten by a police dog. Officers made several arrests and beat one attendee with truncheons.

Protesters defied repeated requests from the police to leave the field the maximum number of allowed participants under COVID restrictions was reached.

15.03.2021 - 08:29 [ USA Journalist / Youtube ]

#Netherlands​ — About 2,000 people gathered in The Hague on Sunday to protest

About 2,000 people gathered in The Hague on Sunday to protest against the government and its tough coronavirus lockdown on the eve of the Netherlands’ general election.

14.03.2021 - 22:06 [ The Hill ]

Dutch police break up thousands of anti-lockdown protesters

Police in the Netherlands dispersed thousands of anti-lockdown protesters outside the Hague on Sunday, one day before national elections begin in the country.

14.03.2021 - 21:49 [ Tagesschau ]

Polizei löst Corona-Demo in Den Haag auf

Einen Tag vor der Parlamentswahl in den Niederlanden ist eine Demonstration gegen den Corona-Lockdown eskaliert. Weil sich die Teilnehmer weigerten, die Veranstaltung zu beenden, setzte die Polizei Wasserwerfer und Schlagstöcke ein.

22.06.2020 - 16:17 [ Gele Hesjes NL / Twitter ]

Geplande demonstraties voor deze week. 27 Juni – Amsterdam 28 Juni – Den Haag.

Wees er alsjeblieft bij het is zo belangrijk dat we met duizenden mensen staan. Kom allemaal en wees niet bang. We staan samen! Je bent niet alleen!

#malieveld #politie #remkes #demonstratie

22.06.2020 - 16:05 [ ]

Arrestaties op Malieveld

Aan het einde van de middag is een aantal demonstranten op het Malieveld gearresteerd. Ze demonstreerden tegen de coronamaatregelen.

22.06.2020 - 15:34 [ euronews (deutsch) / Youtube ]

Den Haag: Randale gegen Covid-19-Maßnahmen

In den Niederlanden hat es bei Protesten gegen Corona-Maßnahmen in Den Haag Unruhen gegeben. Mobile Einsatzkommandos der Polizei setzten Wasserwerfer und Polizeipferde ein, um die Menschenmenge auseinander zu treiben

22.06.2020 - 15:15 [ ]

ME-busje rijdt in op demonstranten in Den Haag, mensen rennen voor hun leven (VIDEO)

”De sfeer slaat om bij de betoging tegen de coronamaatregelen op het Malieveld”, dat deelt de Haagse politie via Twitter. Het aantal meer demonstranten neemt nog steeds toe. Ook zouden er nu supporters van verschillende voetbalclubs op het veld staan. Op het Malieveld moesten sommige mensen rennen voor hun leven. Een ME-busje scheurde namelijk over het Malieveld en reed in op mensen. Gelukkig konden alle mensen op tijd aan de kanten rennen. Hieronder de beelden.

22.06.2020 - 15:08 [ ]

Some 400 arrests around Hague protest against coronavirus measures

The demonstration started out relatively quiet and orderly, but the number of demonstrators quickly grew from a few hundred to thousands. Participants did not stay 1.5 meters apart, according to the police. At 1:30 p.m., the police ordered protesters to leave, but not all of them responded. During the course of the afternoon, the demonstration split into two group – peaceful protesters and people seeking confrontation with the police, according to

The police eventually took action on the Malieveld, using charges and a water canon to disperse protesters, according to the newspaper.

22.06.2020 - 15:05 [ ]

The Hague forbids weekend protest festival against Covid restrictions


‚Virus Waanzin‘, the movement behind this protest, want social distancing and other measures in place against the spread of Covid-19 to be lifted. They planned to issue their demands in a demonstration in the form of a festival, including performances by DJs, on the Malieveld on Sunday. The organization expected at least 10 thousand attendees.

27.02.2020 - 01:46 [ Portal ]

Venezuela hochrangig bei der Sitzung des UN-Menschenrechtsrats vertreten

Am Rande der UN-Sitzung ist der venezolanische Außenminister bereits am Montag in Genf mit Alfred de Zayas zusammengetroffen. Der US-amerikanische Völkerrechtler leistet Beiträge zur Untermauerung der Klage gegen die USA, die Venezuela vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag eingereicht hat.

07.04.2019 - 22:08 [ junge Welt ]

Ermittlungen gefordert

Die Gruppen aus den Niederlanden, Frankreich, Norwegen, der Schweiz, Spanien und Deutschland hatten in Vorbereitung der Demonstration mehrere Berichte über die Menschenrechtslage in Kolumbien ausgearbeitet, um diese beim Strafgerichtshof einzureichen. Zwar wurden die Dokumente von Beamten entgegengenommen, einige Aktivisten zeigten sich trotzdem von der geringen Aufmerksamkeit des Gerichts enttäuscht.

11.12.2018 - 23:08 [ ]

‚STOP BREXIT‘ PLOT: Remainers launch bid to force a second Brexit referendum by twisting Jeremy Corbyn’s arm to back it

Politicians from the Lib Dems, Greens, SNP and Plaid Cymru have written to the Labour boss begging him to move a motion of no confidence in Theresa May

11.12.2018 - 23:02 [ Spiked ]

A damning verdict on British politics

The court usually takes many months to consider its decisions. The fact that this ruling was issued the day before the planned meaningful vote on Theresa May’s Withdrawal Deal, and was resolved far more efficiently than other cases, suggests that the court knew full well it was playing a political role.

In many ways, the reaction to the decision was much more illuminating than the decision itself. When it was announced, some Remainers rejoiced as though they had been given permission to keep Britain in the EU.

11.12.2018 - 11:22 [ Catherine Nicholson / Twitter ]

some timings today… #May – #Merkel meeting 1pm CET in Berlin May – #Tusk 5pm in Brussels May – #Juncker 7pmish in Brussels Then back to London… and back again to Brussels on Thursday for the summit

(now enriched with extra-added #Brexit) #carbonfootprint #airmiles

11.12.2018 - 11:13 [ ]

BREXIT LIVE: May in Europe to BEG Juncker and Merkel for EU concessions to salvage deal

The Prime Minister will meet EU President Jean-Claude Juncker this evening but not before she has met German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for breakfast in the Hague.

11.12.2018 - 00:42 [ Beth Rigby ‏/ Twitter ]

So, that was today. Tomorrow: May on her European tour (do you remember Cameron did that once to try and get a better deal with EU). She goes to The Hague, Brussels and Berlin. 1/