Daily Archives: 6. Mai 2023

06.05.2023 - 23:01 [ Washington Post ]

The U.S. warms to a role for China in resolving the Ukraine war

(May 3, 2023)

When I asked Blinken about working with China to achieve a stable outcome in Ukraine, he gave a surprisingly frank answer: “In principle, there’s nothing wrong with that if we have a country, whether it’s China or other countries that have significant influence that are prepared to pursue a just and durable peace. … We would welcome that, and it’s certainly possible that China would have a role to play in that effort. And that could be very beneficial.”

Blinken said there were some “positive” items in the 12-point peace plan that China announced in February.

06.05.2023 - 22:51 [ Civil.ge ]

China and Russian-Friendly States Support UN Resolution Addressing Russian Aggression


The mentioned paragraph in the preambular part of the resolution reads: “Recognizing also that the unprecedented challenges now facing Europe include the aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and against Georgia prior to that, and the cessation of the membership of the Russian Federation in the Council of Europe, call for strengthened cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe…”. The resolution aims to promptly restore and maintain peace and security while respecting the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of any state.

06.05.2023 - 22:49 [ Yahoo.com ]

China backs UN resolution mentioning Russian aggression

(May 1, 2023)

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on “Cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe” with 122 votes, including China. Several other “Russia-friendly” countries, such as Kazakhstan, Armenia, India, and Brazil, also voted in favor.

06.05.2023 - 22:44 [ John Pilger ]


(1 May 2023)

I am writing this on 30 April, the anniversary of the last day of the longest war of the twentieth century, in Vietnam, which I reported. I was very young when I arrived in Saigon and I learned a great deal. I learned to recognise the distinctive drone of the engines of giant B-52s, which dropped their carnage from above the clouds and spared nothing and no one; I learned not to turn away when faced with a charred tree festooned with human parts; I learned to value kindness as never before; I learned that Joseph Heller was right in his masterly Catch-22: that war was not suited to sane people; and I learned about ‚our‘ propaganda.

All through that war, the propaganda said a victorious Vietnam would spread its communist disease to the rest of Asia, allowing the Great Yellow Peril to its north to sweep down. Countries would fall like ‚dominoes‘.

Ho Chi Minh‘s Vietnam was victorious, and none of the above happened. Instead, Vietnamese civilisation blossomed, remarkably, in spite of the price they paid: three million dead. And the maimed, the deformed, the addicted, the poisoned, the lost.

If the current propagandists get their war with China, this will be a fraction of what is to come. Speak up.

06.05.2023 - 19:18 [ BBC ]

Charles and Camilla crowned in historic Coronation celebrations


– The King and Queen waved at crowds and watched a flypast at Buckingham Palace‘s balcony following a day of Coronation celebrations
– They were joined by senior royals, including the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children – but Prince Harry was notably missing
– The BBC understands Harry, who attended the coronation at Westminster Abbey, was not invited to appear on the balcony
– Earlier, the King and Queen were crowned in a ceremony full of pageantry and symbolism

06.05.2023 - 19:00 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Nitter ]

Live, from Haifa, its Saturday Night Week 18

06.05.2023 - 18:55 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Nitter ]

Live, from Tel Aviv, it is Saturday Night. Week 18 of protests against Netanyahu‘s „judicial reform.“

06.05.2023 - 18:22 [ Haaretz ]

Tracking Netanyahu’s Judicial Coup: Where the Israeli Government’s Anti-democratic Legislation Stands

Tracking Netanyahu’s Judicial Coup: Where the Israeli Government’s Anti-democratic Legislation Stands

06.05.2023 - 16:24 [ Club der Klaren Worte ]

Die Spur des Geldes

Häufig liest man an vielerlei Stellen, die Pandemie sei geplant gewesen. Belege dafür liefert kaum jemand. Es scheint an der Zeit, einmal zu fragen, wer denn überhaupt ein Motiv dafür gehabt haben könnte.

06.05.2023 - 15:17 [ JudicialWatch.org ]

Judicial Watch: Records Show Funding for EcoHealth/Wuhan Institute Research to Create Coronavirus ‘Mutants’

(April 19, 2023 )

EcoHealth Alliance’s $3.3 million grant to fund a project titled “Understanding the Risk of Coronavirus Emergence” was initially to run from October 1, 2013, to September 30, 2018. The first “Project/Performance Site Location” is the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Three other Chinese sites follow: East China Normal University in Shanghai, Yunnan Institute of Endemic Disease Control and Prevention in Dali, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Guangdong in Guangzhou.

On May 27, 2014, the NIH awarded EcoHealth Alliance $3,086,735 over five years for “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”

An EcoHealth Alliance grant application, received by the NIH on June 5, 2013, includes a list of “Senior/Key Personnel” including Shi Zhengli and Zhang Yun-Zhi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV); Peter Daszak, CEO of EcoHealth Alliance; and other Chinese scientists, including Ke Changwen of the Chinese “CDC and Prevention of Guangdong Province.”

06.05.2023 - 14:05 [ Multipolar Magazin ]

Das Corona-Laborvirus: Die unbequeme Wahrheit kommt ans Licht

In der Periode der zweiten Obama-Präsidentschaft (2012-2016) war nach heftigen Debatten um „GoF“ die bundesstaatliche Förderung dafür mit Gültigkeit ab 2014 vorerst ausgesetzt worden – ein zeitweiliges „Moratorium“. Ein eigenes Verfahren zum Genehmigen von Vorhaben mit „besonders riskanten“ Mikroben sollte entwickelt werden. (2) Das setzte Grenzen für den Fortgang der Vorhaben an Barics UNC-Instituten für Virologie und Epidemiologie. Zur Hilfe kam eine Absprache zur Zusammenarbeit mit dem WIV, vermittelt durch die New Yorker Organisation „EcoHealth Alliance“ und deren Chef Peter Daszak, die dafür gerade noch rechtzeitig eine Finanzierung seitens NIH/NIAID beantragt hatte, die dann von Faucis NIAID ebenfalls noch 2013 für fünf Jahre ab 2014 genehmigt wurde.