Daily Archives: 21. September 2020

21.09.2020 - 22:53 [ France24 ]

Ex-defence minister appointed Mali‘s transition leader

Junta leader Colonel Assimi Goita said in a televised statement that former defence minister Bah Ndaw would become transition president — while he himself would serve as vice president.

21.09.2020 - 22:44 [ Al Arabiya ]

UN calls on Israeli army to halt overflying Lebanese air space

Nevertheless, Del Col criticized the Israeli aggressions as being “in contravention of our objectives.” He warned that these actions could “trigger incidents endangering the cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel.”

21.09.2020 - 22:03 [ The Hill ]

Mother, 2-year-old removed from flight because child wouldn‘t wear mask

A mother said she and her 2-year-old son were removed from an American Airlines flight last week because the child refused to wear a mask.
In August, a mom and her six children were kicked off a JetBlue flight after her 2-year-old daughter would not wear a mask. A Southwest Airlines flight removed a woman and her 2-year-old son after he was not wearing a mask to have a snack.

21.09.2020 - 20:32 [ ORF ]

Rio-Tinto-Sprengung: Weitere 124 Aborigine-Stätten bedroht

Das britisch-australische Unternehmen hatte die Gräber in der Juukan-Schlucht zerstört, um den Eisenerzabbau in der Region zu erweitern. Nun wurde bei einem Hearing zu der Causa bekannt, dass durch das Projekt weitere 124 Aborigine-Stätten gefährdet sind

21.09.2020 - 20:18 [ ORF ]

Mitte-Links stoppt Lega in der Toskana

Bei den Regionalwahlen in Italien gestern und heute ist der Mitte-rechts-Allianz mit der Lega der erhoffte Volltreffer in allen sieben beteiligten Regionen nicht gelungen.

21.09.2020 - 19:59 [ Lawyers for Assange / Global Research ]

Open Letter to the UK Prime Minister, Mr Boris Johnson, the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Robert Buckland QC, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Dominic Raab and UK Home Secretary Priti Patel

Dear Prime Minister,

Dear Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice,

Dear Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,

Dear Home Secretary,

We write to you as legal practitioners and legal academics to express our collective concerns about the violations of Mr. Julian Assange’s fundamental human, civil and political rights and the precedent his persecution is setting.

We call on you to act in accordance with national and international law, human rights and the rule of law by bringing an end to the ongoing extradition proceedings and granting Mr. Assange his long overdue freedom – freedom from torture, arbitrary detention and deprivation of liberty, and political persecution.

21.09.2020 - 19:47 [ Craig Murray / Global Research ]

Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 13

The first witness of the day was Nicky Hager, the veteran New Zealand investigative journalist. Hager’s co-authored book “Hit and Run” detailed a disastrous New Zealand SAS raid in Afghanistan, “Operation Burnham”, that achieved nothing but the deaths of civilians, including a child. Hager was the object of much calumny and insult, and even of police raids on his home, but in July an official government report found that all the major facts of his book were correct, and the New Zealand military had run dangerously out of control:

21.09.2020 - 13:51 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Polizei in Argentinien zwischen Protesten und dem Fall Castro

Bewaffnete Demonstrationen von Polizisten. Lohnerhöhungen zugesagt. Provinzpolizei weiter im Verdacht, für Tod Castros verantwortlich zu sein

21.09.2020 - 13:16 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Honduras: Staat schweigt weiter über Verbleib der entführten Garífuna

Acht Wochen nach ihrem gewaltsamen Verschwindenlassen durch Schwerbewaffnete, die Westen der Ermittlungspolizei DPI trugen, gibt es weiterhin keine Hinweise darauf, was mit drei Landrechts-Aktivisten und zwei weiteren Einwohnern der afroindigenen Garífuna-Gemeinde Triunfo de la Cruz in Honduras geschehen ist.

21.09.2020 - 12:10 [ theHill.com ]

Trump up by 2 points in Texas poll

Trump leads Biden 48 to 46 percent, according to a CBS News poll released Sunday. The president’s lead is within the poll’s 3.5 percentage point margin of error.

Trump built on his slim lead over Biden, adding to his 1-point lead over the former vice president in a similar poll from July, according to CBS.

21.09.2020 - 12:05 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Trump has closed the gap with Biden to just two points in ‚must-win‘ swing state of Florida, new poll finds

– Florida remains a close battleground state in the presidential election
– The current margin between Trump and Biden is just 2 percentage points
– Democratic nominee Joe Biden leads Trump up by 2 points in the Sunshine State
– Trump narrowly won Florida by just over 100,000 votes in 2016 against Clinto

21.09.2020 - 10:21 [ @A_Herkenhoff / Twitter ]

AOC supporting Bernie Sanders vs. @AOC supporting Joe Biden.

21.09.2020 - 10:14 [ The Post Millennial / Twitter ]

Joe Biden just said 200 million people could die from the coronavirus by the time he finishes his speech. That’s almost two-thirds of the United States’ population.

21.09.2020 - 10:14 [ Respectable Lawyer / Twitter ]

2020 in dystopian electronic signs

21.09.2020 - 09:26 [ Washington Post ]

Yes, expect fireworks. But we’ll get a Supreme Court confirmation.

History favors presidents filling such slots when their party controls the Senate. That Democrats are upset Trump gets to make another appointment to the court doesn’t change history or amend the Constitution.

21.09.2020 - 09:09 [ AlMasdarnews.com ]

Militants planning to stage chemical weapon attacks in Syria’s Idlib – Russian Military

The Russian armed forces have received notice that militants from the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham group (formerly known as the Nusra Front, banned in Russia), are planning the provocative attacks.

“In the coming days, terrorists plan to stage attacks in the settlements of Ariha and Basames in order to accuse the Syrian government forces of using chemical weapons against civilians. According to the available information, activists of the White Helmets pseudo-human rights organization are directly involved in the preparation of the sites for the attacks, including staging for capturing video,” Rear Adm. Grinkevich remarked.

21.09.2020 - 09:02 [ AlMasdarNews.com ]

Syrian, Russian warplanes destroy jihadist command center in Idlib

The Syrian and Russian air forces carried out a large number of airstrikes over the Idlib Governorate on Sunday, as their warplanes heavily targeted the positions of the the Al-Qaeda-linked Hurras Al-Deen group.

21.09.2020 - 02:17 [ Xinhuanet ]

Chairman of Sudan‘s Sovereign Council heads to UAE for talks with UAE leaders, U.S. delegation

Al-Burhan will hold talks with the UAE leadership, while his high-level ministerial delegation is scheduled to discuss with a team from the U.S. government already in the UAE over removing Sudan from the U.S. list of states sponsors of terrorism, supporting Sudan‘s transitional period and relieving Sudan of its debts owed to Washington, the Council said in a statement.

21.09.2020 - 01:42 [ Al Arabiya ]

Russian jets bomb opposition-held bastion in Syria

Witnesses said the warplanes struck the western outskirts of Idlib city and that there was heavy artillery shelling in the mountainous Jabal al Zawya region in southern Idlib from nearby Syrian army outposts. There were no immediate reports of casualties.

21.09.2020 - 01:30 [ antikrieg.com ]

Die USA entsenden mehr Truppen nach Syrien

Ein Vorfall ereignete sich am 17. August an einem Kontrollpunkt der syrischen Armee und führte dazu, dass US-Angriffshelikopter auf die Position schossen und mindestens einen syrischen Soldaten töteten. Wenige Tage nach dem Vorfall am Kontrollpunkt kollidierten Fahrzeuge des US-amerikanischen und russischen Militärs, wobei mindestens sieben US-Soldaten verletzt wurden.

21.09.2020 - 01:26 [ Rudaw ]

Pentagon to deploy scores of troops, fighting vehicles to Rojava: US official

Former US presidential envoy to Syria Brett McGurk criticized the deployment of the Bradleys, calling it a “sign of deterioration.”

“I used to help coordinate this mission. We never needed Bradleys to secure our personnel. Trump’s impetuous decision to abandon our posts has placed our people at heightened risk with no clear aim,” McGurk said on Friday.