Daily Archives: 29. März 2020

29.03.2020 - 15:00 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Kolumbien: Lehren aus einem Mord

Die Beziehung zwischen den Geheimdiensten der Regierungen von Ex-Präsident Uribe und den Paramilitärs ist im Mordfall Freytter Romero erwiesen

29.03.2020 - 12:45 [ ORF.at ]

Frühlingstag: Ein-Meter-Abstand oft nicht möglich

Die Beamten machten mit einer Durchsage darauf aufmerksam, dass längere Aufenthalte an öffentlichen Orten untersagt sind und bei Missachtung Anzeige erstattet wird. Am Samstag waren planmäßig vermehrt Polizisten im Streifen-Einsatz, um zu kontrollieren, Leute zu verwarnen oder zu strafen.

29.03.2020 - 11:40 [ Kurier.at ]

Trump: Doch keine „Kriegserklärung“ gegen New York

Nein, Donald Trump will New York und andere Corona-Brennpunkte doch nicht abriegeln. Er hatte am Samstag laut – vor Mikrofonen – darüber nachgedacht, die Bundesstaaten New York und New Jersey sowie Teile von Connecticut zwei Wochen unter Quarantäne zu stellen. Und heftige Kritik einstecken müssen.

29.03.2020 - 11:12 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Donald Trump decides against quarantine for New York region

Donald Trump decided late on Saturday against imposing a broad lockdown on New York and its neighbours after a strong pushback from local political leaders and warnings of the panic it could spark.

29.03.2020 - 11:08 [ Die Linke Baden-Württemberg ]

Kein Bundeswehreinsatz in Baden-Württemberg

Die grün-schwarze baden-württembergische Landesregierung zeigt erschreckend wenig Bewusstsein davon, was Militäreinsätze für eine demokratische Gesellschaft bedeuten. Die Gefahr von Machtmissbrauch und Willkür darf nicht unterschätzt werden.

Die Pläne, die Bundeswehr wegen Corona im Innern einzusetzen, kann nur als völlig untaugliche Verzweiflungstat interpretiert werden.

29.03.2020 - 10:55 [ New York Times ]

Military Force Against Americans

(9. September 2019)

After the Sept. 11 attacks, an American citizen who had been arrested in Chicago and accused of terrorism links was deemed to be an “enemy combatant” and transferred to military custody. He was held in wartime detention without trial for years, then transferred back to the civilian justice system before the Supreme Court could resolve his case. In 2011, an American drone strike targeted and killed an American citizen who had been deemed to be an operational terrorist leader whose capture was infeasible, but who had not been charged or convicted in a trial. In 2019, the executive branch was reported to be considering invoking the Insurrection Act to deploy military forces on domestic soil to enforce immigration laws.

Are any of these examples unlawful? Under what circumstances, if any, may a president use military force within the United States or against Americans?

29.03.2020 - 10:24 [ SWR.de ]

Zur Unterstützung der Polizei – Corona-Krise: Baden-Württemberg erwägt Einsatz von Soldaten


Über Möglichkeiten der Unterstützung der Bundeswehr für die Landespolizei haben sich Innenminister Thomas Strobl und Verteidigungsministerin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (beide CDU) bereits ausgetauscht, so ein Sprecher des Innenministeriums. Ein Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums in Berlin sagte auf Anfrage, ein Antrag liege noch nicht vor.

29.03.2020 - 10:22 [ SWR.de ]

Diskussion um Ausgangssperren: Kretschmann und Hans drohen mit verschärften Maßnahmen gegen Corona


In Deutschland ist noch erlaubt, was in anderen Ländern wie Frankreich oder Spanien schon längst verboten ist: Menschen dürfen sich noch in Parks oder Cafés treffen.

29.03.2020 - 10:03 [ i24news.tv ]

Report: Gantz to support law keeping Netanyahu minister despite indictments

Israel Resilience party leader Benny Gantz will reportedly support a new law allowing incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to serve in the government despite multiple indictments against him, according to Hebrew media.

Current Israeli Parliament (Knesset) legislation bars elected officials from serving as government ministers while being charged with a crime.

29.03.2020 - 09:59 [ i24news.tv ]

‚Black flag‘ protesters decry ‚corrupt‘ unity deal near Gantz‘s home

The activists say they use the black flag, pinning them to the back of vehicles, to symbolize the danger a prime minister under indictment poses to Israeli democracy, according to The Times.

Netanyahu was indicted last year on three charges following a years-long corruption investigation, including breach of public trust, bribery, and fraud.

29.03.2020 - 09:19 [ New York Times ]

Armed Israeli Troops to Help Enforce Coronavirus Lockdown


Israel will deploy armed troops to support police on street patrols in enforcing a lockdown against the coronavirus epidemic, the military said on Friday.

About 500 troops will join police squads from Sunday to help „in patrolling, isolating and securing certain areas, blocking routes and additional similar assignments“, the military said in a statement.

29.03.2020 - 08:11 [ Fox News ]

Trump says coronavirus quarantine on New York, New Jersey, Connecticut not necessary, CDC issues 14-day ‚travel advisory‘

„A quarantine will not be necessary,“ he tweeted, noting that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would issue a „travel advisory“ later in the evening.

The CDC shortly after issued a Domestic Travel Advisory urging against „non-essential domestic travel“ in the tri-state area for 14 days.

29.03.2020 - 07:54 [ theAtlantic.com ]

Martial Law Would Sweep the Country Into a Great Legal Unknown

n 1946, after the war ended, the Supreme Court ruled in Duncan v. Kahanamoku that the statute authorizing martial law in Hawaii did not enable military trials of civilians, and it warned against the “subordination of executive, legislative and judicial authorities to complete military rule”—but it offered no further guidance about the circumstances that would justify a declaration of martial law, or about the consequences of such a declaration. Nor has Congress ever tried to clarify the criteria for or limits of martial law.

29.03.2020 - 07:52 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Cuomo says possible NY quarantine ‚would be chaos and mayhem‘

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo responds to President Donald Trump considering a short-term quarantine of coronavirus „hot spots,“ including New York.

29.03.2020 - 07:41 [ CNN ]

Cuomo: Quarantine would be federal declaration of war on states

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo reacts to President Donald Trump floating the idea of a temporary quarantine for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

29.03.2020 - 07:36 [ theHill.com ]

Trump considering quarantine for New York and parts of New Jersey, Connecticut

Trump suggested the quarantine would be travel based, meaning people inside the quarantine area couldn‘t travel to other places in the country. He also said he would talk to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) about the possible quarantine.

Cuomo said he had talked to the president Saturday morning but that they hadn‘t discussed a quarantine.