Daily Archives: 29. Januar 2020

29.01.2020 - 15:20 [ Taxi-Agentur.de ]

Bargeldfeinde erleiden im Hauptquartier New York schweren Rückschlag

Auch wer kein Bankkonto hat, oder sich die Bankgebühren nicht leisten will, soll überall einkaufen und essen können.

Damit betont der New Yorker Stadtrat, dass Bargeld das inklusivste Zahlungsmittel ist, weil jeder es ohne spezielle technische Einrichtungen und ohne Extrakosten nutzen kann“.

29.01.2020 - 13:56 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

It‘s no secret that we‘re taking on the political establishment and the big money interests, who are now running attack ads against us in Iowa. But we have the people, and our grassroots movement will prevail.

29.01.2020 - 12:23 [ theHill.com ]

Sanders allies in new uproar over DNC convention appointments

The Sanders campaign unsuccessfully sought to have Frank removed from the rules committee in 2016, describing him as an “aggressive attack surrogate for the Clinton campaign.”

And Podesta, a longtime Washington political consultant and Clinton confidant, is viewed with contempt by some on the left. One of Podesta’s hacked emails from 2016 showed him asking a Democratic strategist where to “stick the knife in” Sanders, who lost the nomination to Clinton that year after a divisive primary contest.

29.01.2020 - 12:20 [ theHill.com ]

New campaign ad goes after Sanders by mentioning heart attack

A Democratic super PAC is expected to release a new ad campaign Wednesday that targets Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and the heart attack that he suffered late last year.

The ad from Democratic Majority for Israel features six Iowa voters and argues Sanders would be unable to beat President Trump in November, The New York Times reported.

29.01.2020 - 11:54 [ Al-Monitor.com ]

Intel: Pelosi seeks to reassure Israel as Democrats debate military aid


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is leading a congressional delegation to Israel this week amid an intraparty debate over conditioning military aid to the close US ally and Democratic efforts to limit President Donald Trump’s ability to attack Iran.

“And no matter what our party — or wherever we are within our party — the fact that we have the shared values with Israel and that is one reason for our joy in the creation of Israel as a historical miracle, the greatest accomplishment of the [20th] century,” Pelosi said at a working lunch with Knesset members.

29.01.2020 - 11:46 [ Al-Monitor.com ]

Democratic leaders hold fire on Trump’s Mideast peace plan

A group of pro-Israel Democrats who accompanied Pelosi on the trip — including House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel of New York and Middle East panel Chairman Ted Deutch of Florida — also expressed hope that Trump’s proposal could lead to direct negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians to ultimately result in a two-state solution.

29.01.2020 - 11:45 [ Politico.com ]

Trumpworld torn over running against Bernie

Yet some of the president’s big-money backers say they aren’t interested in bankrolling an effort aimed at propping up Sanders. They worry his potential strength in a general election is being badly underestimated, much as Democrats wrongly discounted Trump four years ago.

29.01.2020 - 11:20 [ ORF.at ]

Der Anfang vom Ende: Briten sagen Brüssel „Goodbye“

Während die einen gehofft haben, der Tag würde niemals kommen, können ihn die anderen kaum erwarten. Nach dreieinhalb Jahren Hoffen und Bangen ist es jedenfalls so weit: Großbritannien verlässt am Freitag die EU. Für die Abgeordneten und Hunderte Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter heißt das Abschiednehmen.

29.01.2020 - 10:26 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Britain’s long goodbye will leave an unfillable hole in the EU project

Monday January 1, 1973, the day we joined the Common Market, was cold and foggy. Ironically, planes could not fly to the Continent because airports were closed by the weather. But the spirits of the nation were lifted by our entry into the European Economic Community (EEC) after 15 years of knocking on the door. …

29.01.2020 - 10:20 [ BBC ]

European Parliament: MEPs set to approve Brexit deal in historic vote

The landmark session is set to feature valedictory speeches and even music.

It will mark the final stage of the ratification process, ahead of the UK‘s exit at 23:00 GMT on 31 January.

29.01.2020 - 06:20 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Officially Indicted in Court After Withdrawing Immunity Bid

Israel‘s attorney general on Tuesday filed the indictment against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in three corruption cases to a district court, effectively launching the trial against the premier.

Earlier on Tuesday, Netanyahu announced he was withdrawing his request for immunity from prosecution in the three corruption cases, in which he is charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

29.01.2020 - 06:18 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu: First Phase of Annexation to Be Brought Before Government on Sunday

U.S. recognizes applying Israeli law to settlements, PM says after Trump unveils plan

29.01.2020 - 05:32 [ New York Times ]

Is Trump Bibi’s Chump?

After all, both President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are, in effect, facing job-threatening charges — Trump for obstruction of justice and abuse of power and Bibi, who was literally indicted on Tuesday, for fraud, bribery and breach of trust. They both had a huge need to change the subject and shore up their common base of right-wing Jews and evangelicals.

29.01.2020 - 05:26 [ Washington Post ]

Trump and Netanyahu have made Mideast peace an even more distant prospect

Mr. Trump can be expected to flog that endorsement as he seeks reelection this year. Mr. Netanyahu, in turn, will present himself to Israeli voters in a March election as the leader who extracted once-unimaginable concessions from Washington. Both leaders can hope to distract from ongoing scandals: Mr. Trump from his impeachment trial and Mr. Netanyahu from his indictment Tuesday on corruption charges.

29.01.2020 - 05:20 [ CNN ]

Trump unveils Middle East plan that caters to Israel and was swiftly rejected by Palestinians

It lays the groundwork for Israel to immediately begin annexing all of its settlements in the West Bank with US backing and also foresees the eventual establishment of a Palestinian state with limited sovereignty after a transition period. Palestinian negotiators have not had direct contact with the Trump administration in more than two years.

29.01.2020 - 03:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

‚This is not a peace plan, it is theft‘: Democrats denounce Trump‘s Israel-Palestine plan

As Donald Trump hailed his so-called „deal of the century“ as a historic opportunity to achieve peace between Palestinians and Israel, Democratic members of congress poured scorn on the plan that has been rejected by Palestinians.

29.01.2020 - 02:07 [ France24 ]

Peru court orders Keiko Fujimori to return to prison

A Peruvian judge ordered opposition leader Keiko Fujimori to return to prison for a further 15 months‘ pre-trial detention Tuesday as part of an investigation into Latin America‘s sprawling Odebrecht corruption scandal.

29.01.2020 - 00:40 [ Kathimerini ]

Charles De Gaulle to dock in Limassol

Dumont noted that France also has its eyes set on joining the East Med Gas Forum, a platform for East Mediterranean natural gas cooperation, which was formally established as an international organization earlier this month when a memorandum of understanding was signed in Cairo by Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan and Palestine.

29.01.2020 - 00:24 [ Mike Garrity / CounterPunch ]

Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor Threatens Imperiled Species and Inventoried Roadless Areas

We are giving the Forest Service the opportunity to address the serious legal problems with this decision before actually filing a lawsuit. For the sake of our public lands and wildlife – especially the imperiled species that will be harmed by this project – we truly hope the Forest Service reconsiders its decision and either cancels the project or takes the steps necessary to bring the project in compliance with federal law.