Archiv: Nigel Farage

24.12.2020 - 17:20 [ ]

‚The war is over!‘ Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage declares victory as Boris Johnson seals historic trade deal with the EU

– Nigel Farage announced history had been made as Johnson sealed a Brexit deal
– The leader of the Brexit Party said today was the day ‚people beat the politicians‘
– He said Johnson was also set to be known as ‚the man that finished the job‘

13.12.2019 - 13:46 [ ]

The fall of Farage: What next for Nigel?

Others who know him tell me he‘ll move to the United States in the new year to work for Fox News and on the 2020 campaign to re-elect the man he would coyly refer to in his speeches as „his American friend“ – Donald Trump.

03.12.2019 - 14:42 [ CNN ]

Donald Trump is the man no one in Britain wants to dance with

It‘s going to be a tense few days for the UK‘s political class. With barely any time left till the election and Johnson‘s poll lead holding firm, he will be counting the minutes till Trump‘s back in the air and heading home. Corbyn and the rest will be praying that the temptation to say something controversial is too great for the President — don‘t be surprised if they bait him. And Nigel Farage will probably be sitting around waiting for his brief audience with Trump, reminding everyone — including Johnson — that he has the President‘s ear.

02.11.2019 - 12:18 [ Daily Mail ]

Boris Johnson takes no-deal off the table: PM‘s manifesto will abandon the threat of crashing out of EU – and promise tax cuts – in bid to capture the centre ground after ruling out a pact with Nigel Farage‘s Brexit Party

– Johnson‘s new manifesto will focus on achieving Brexit ‚immediately‘ with his ‚fantastic‘ deal
– According to the outgoing Culture Secretary, Nicky Morgan, a no-deal Brexit is now ‚effectively off the table‘
– Prime Minister promised tax cuts and to lift threshold at which people start paying National Insurance
– Johnson earlier rejected the offer of a pact with Farage and urged all Leave voters to back the Tories
– Decision to reject alliance offer puts the Tories and Brexit Party on course for a showdown at the ballot box

02.11.2019 - 12:10 [ ]

Boris Johnson rejects Trump‘s call for Farage alliance telling ITV News his Brexit deal is ‚ready to go‘

Speaking to ITV News Political Editor Robert Peston, the prime minister said his party was in the best position to deliver Brexit and insisted that a vote elsewhere ran „the risk of putting Jeremy Corbyn“ in No.10.

Mr Johnson was speaking after the US President had waded into the election, suggesting that Mr Farage and the prime minister join forces and that the Johnson Brexit deal was flawed.

02.11.2019 - 12:07 [ ]

Drop your dreadful deal, Boris, and in the national interest let‘s get Brexit done properly

The Brexit Party is ready for the general election. As the European election made clear, we have hundreds of high quality candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds who are united in their desire to secure a proper break from Brussels and who share a lack of trust in the political class.

We will use the substantial funds which our donors and supporters have helped us raise to fight every seat. If we are the only party willing to stand up for a proper Brexit, so be it.

02.11.2019 - 12:01 [ Nigel Farage / Youtube ]

Donald Trump talks to Nigel Farage – Brexit, Boris, Corbyn, the NHS and impeachment

Watch President Donald Trump and Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage discuss Brexit, Boris, Corbyn, the NHS and impeachment.

28.08.2019 - 06:34 [ ]

POLITICAL DEATH THREAT: Brexiteers warn Boris Johnson that ditching the backstop is just the start as they push for Theresa May’s deal to be completely scrapped

And ex-Tory party leader Iain Duncan Smith warned there were far more problems with Mrs May’s deal than the backstop – such as the lengthy transition period and the collaboration with the EU on defence.

But in a sign of the hardening attitudes in No.10, a senior ally of the PM said: “We know the ‘Spartans’ are going to accuse us of betrayal at some point.”

03.08.2019 - 19:15 [ ]

Nigel Farage: Donald Trump‘s ‚go back‘ remarks to ‚the Squad were genius‘

Mr Farage added: „I thought, ‚Dear, oh dear, oh dear‘. You realise, 48 hours on, it was genius because what‘s happened is the Democrats gather round the Squad, which allows him to say, ‚Oh look, the Squad are the centre of the Democratic Party‘.

„He‘s remarkably good at what he does.

„He does things his way. But he is a remarkably effective operator.“

23.07.2019 - 14:32 [ ]

Nigel Farage doubts Boris Johnson has the ‘courage’ to get Brexit done by October 31 after landslide win

„Does he have the courage to deliver for the country?“

The Brexit party stormed the European elections in May, which shouldn‘t have been held as Britain was meant to be out of the EU by then.

Voters turned on Labour and the Tories as they failed to deliver on the 2016 referendum result.

29.05.2019 - 07:21 [ ]

‚EU won‘t change one dot or comma‘: Nigel Farage declares it is ‚absolute rubbish‘ to suggest new Tory PM could renegotiate May‘s Brexit deal as he blasts Jeremy Hunt‘s No Deal u-turn

On Fox News last night, Mr Farage vowed: ‚If we do not leave the European Union on October 31, I will lead the Brexit Party after that into the next general election and we will sweep away parties that have dominated British politics for over 100 years.‘

28.05.2019 - 05:55 [ Nigel Farage / Telegraph ]

The Brexit Party‘s stunning victory is just the beginning. Prepare for a revolution in British politics

It took the Labour Party 45 years to win the popular vote in a national election. The Brexit Party has achieved it within 45 days, despite the major parties massively outspending us.

The Remainers want to spin the results to claim they “really” won. Few people will be fooled by these democracy deniers. The clear message of the European elections is that the main political parties have failed to deliver the Brexit that 17.4m voted for three years ago.

05.05.2019 - 13:27 [ Nigel Farage, Leader of @BrexitParty_UK / Twitter ]

I am challenging @JeremyCorbyn to a European election debate. Labour voters are very confused about what his party stands for on Brexit. Let’s find out.

05.05.2019 - 13:19 [ ]

Don‘t build ‚coalition against the people‘, Nigel Farage warns Theresa May

The Leave campaigner said his burgeoning Brexit Party would field a full slate of candidates against Tory and Labour MPs in a general election and “break the two party system” if Mrs May and Mr Corbyn made a pact to keep the UK tied to EU rules.

22.04.2019 - 10:45 [ Nigel Farage, Leader of @BrexitParty_U / Twitter ]

The @UKLabour message to Brexit voters is “we think you’re stupid, you’ve got this wrong and you should try again”. They are betraying Brexit just as much as the Conservatives are. If you want Brexit to happen, vote for The Brexit Party.

22.04.2019 - 10:26 [ Accept #Brexit / Twitter ]

Tom Watson says voters „deserve better than Nigel Farage‘s promise of a far-right Brexit that would solve nothing“. So „far-right“ is standing up for the result of a referendum? For democracy itself?

22.04.2019 - 10:04 [ ]

FARAGE‘S TARGET: Nigel Farage vows to cripple Labour by targeting the party’s Brexit voters after clash with Tom Watson

Mr Farage’s new party has seen a meteoric rise since its launch at the start of the year, and is now on pole to with May 23’s euro elections.

21.04.2019 - 14:07 [ ]

‚Our party‘s dead. Brexit‘s killing us on the doorsteps‘: 40% of Tory councillors back Nigel Farage‘s new party as devastating poll shows scale of rebellion and THREE QUARTERS want Theresa May to resign

– A grassroots revolt against Theresa May has been revealed by exclusive survey
– An overwhelming 95 per cent believe Tory Party has been damaged by Brexit
– The party‘s 1922 Committee of backbench MPs will convene on Tuesday

21.04.2019 - 13:52 [ ]

BRITS ANTI EU POLL: Voters warn Theresa May she has five weeks to deliver Brexit or suffer the consequences at the Euro elections

Two-thirds of Brits want the PM to get Britain out of the EU by any means to avoid the elections on May 23

20.04.2019 - 12:56 [ Patricia ‏/ Twitter ]

The FR are notoriously unreliable. Farage is close to Le Pen in ideology and I think she could persuade him in forming an alliance at EU parliament level and forget Brexit. I don’t want to give Le Pen allies.

20.04.2019 - 12:26 [ Brexit Watch ‏/ Twitter ]

Bad news for Brexiteers: Germany‘s AfD and France‘s Le Pen back away from calls for EU exit. This might be a trick to get more MEPs but if its not, it means no other countries will follow Brexit. Mr @Nigel_Farage what say you? @LBC


19.04.2019 - 13:14 [ ]

Le Pen drops ‘Frexit’ in favour of an ‘EU of the far-right’

Marine Le Pen has asserted that neither she nor her party want France‘s withdrawal from the eurozone.

Speaking at a gathering of her supporters on Saturday ahead of the European elections, the National Rally (RN) leader said that her platform would now “look to change the EU from within”.

14.04.2019 - 12:29 [ Spiked ]

It is time to put the fear of God into MPs

To see how cynical and censorious Britain’s political class has become, look no further than its mad response to Nigel Farage’s comments at the launch of his new Brexit Party. Farage raged at the mess the elite has made of Brexit, promised to start an ‘earthquake’ in UK politics, and said it was time to put ‘the fear of God’ into MPs who have stitched up Brexit. Cue hysteria among the political and media classes.

12.04.2019 - 12:59 [ ]

Nigel Farage unveils Jacob Rees-Mogg‘s SISTER as Brexit Party candidate: Mother-of-one Annunziata, 40, vows to beat ‚far right‘ UKIP in EU elections and ‘take back our democracy’

– Nigel Farage launched new Brexit Party and started war of words with UKIP
– He said party he used to lead lacks ‚good people‘ and ‚taken over‘ by the far right
– Farage says new home will do ‚brilliantly‘ and bet £1,000 on winning most seats
– Targeting UKIP, Tory and Labour voters upset that Britain did not leave the EU

05.04.2019 - 14:42 [ Nigel Farage ‏/ Twitter ]

This is an exciting moment. We have arrived at a tipping point. The splits affecting the Conservatives and Labour have become so significant they begin to fall apart. This process had already begun.

05.04.2019 - 14:27 [ Sky News ]

Nigel Farage: ‚I‘ll stand in European elections – but I‘m not happy about it‘

„Am I happy about it? No I‘m not – actually I‘ve got many other things in my life I‘d like to do, I thought we‘d won the Brexit battle but I‘m not going to after 25 years of endeavour watch British politicians roll us over.

„This is the fightback and they‘re going to be very surprised by what they get.“

19.03.2019 - 13:15 [ Handelsblatt Politik / Twitter ]

Der CDU-Europaabgeordnete Elmar Brok hält es für möglich, dass sich Italien gegen eine Brexit-Fristverlängerung ausspricht. Er verweist auf Absprachen zwischen Farage und Salvini.


19.03.2019 - 13:04 [ ]

Italy to BLOCK Brexit delay: Salvini plans eurosceptic favour to Farage, warns Merkel ally

(18.3.2019) The German says the “strongman of the Italian government” is preparing to veto an Article 50 extension as a consensus fails to emerge for the delay on the Continent.

There are “very different views” amongst EU member states, Mr Brok concluded.

Mr Salvini is Italy’s deputy prime minister and will be represented at this week’s European Council summit by prime minister Giuseppe Conte.

23.01.2019 - 08:07 [ ]

My new Brexit Party, supported by Nigel Farage, will fight for our democracy

When young children are losing at board games they demand to change the rules. Yet this same juvenile intent drives the cabal of democracy defying MPs.

23.01.2019 - 07:52 [ ]

Nigel Farage to lead new pro-Brexit party if EU departure delayed

(20.1.2019) Former Ukip leader says he will ‘re-enter the fray’ if Brexit is put back beyond 29 March

10.12.2018 - 13:16 [ ]

Brexit: What happens next? Here‘s how this incredible week could unfold

The Prime Minister is facing a vote that could topple her government. Here is your day-by-day guide to what could lie ahead – though of course, it could all change dramatically

10.12.2018 - 12:59 [ Sky News ]

Sky Views: Election call, Mars attacks? Possible outcomes of Brexit vote

Even more than with the other upsets in world politics in recent years, nobody knows what is going to happen as a result of the meaningful vote in the Commons next week on the deal the prime minister has agreed to take Britain out of the EU.

10.12.2018 - 12:49 [ Joe Doyle ‏/ Twitter ]

Not UKIP, but a new party will evolve from the ineffectual dithering of this government, Labour will also feel the brunt of this.

10.12.2018 - 12:42 [ ]

‘I will not LIE DOWN!’ Farage lines up SENSATIONAL return to politics with NEW party

Nigel Farage told the Sunday Telegraph: „I sense within me I have not fought my biggest battle yet – that is how it feels. Whether it is happenstance, serendipity, destiny.

„I am not going to lie down and watch it go down the plug hole. I couldn‘t do that, and I won‘t do that.