Archiv: full spectrum dominance (doctrine)
SDG16: Part 1 — Building the Global Police State
(June 5, 2023)
There is no reason to believe that the SDG16’s pretensions to promote peace and justice and inclusivity will do anything for the world as a whole, much less anything to resolve the fundamental failings inherent in the UN’s scurrilous and disreputable system of alleged “global governance.”
You may wonder what Sustainable Development Goal 16—or this article about it—has to do with protecting the planet and its inhabitants from the predicted “climate disaster.” The answer is: nothing at all. But then, “climate change” is merely the proffered rationale that purportedly legitimises and lends urgency to sustainable development.
Establishing firm global governance—in effect, a world dictatorship—through the implementation of SDGs is the United Nations’ real objective. “Climate change” is just the excuse. Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than SDG16.9. And this is why we will exclusively focus on 16.9 in Part 2 of our exploration of SDG16.
National Security Memorandum on Promoting United States Leadership in Quantum Computing While Mitigating Risks to Vulnerable Cryptographic Systems
(May 04, 2022)
A classified annex to this memorandum addresses sensitive national security issues.
Section 1. Policy. (a) Quantum computers hold the potential to drive innovations across the American economy, from fields as diverse as materials science and pharmaceuticals to finance and energy. While the full range of applications of quantum computers is still unknown, it is nevertheless clear that America’s continued technological and scientific leadership will depend, at least in part, on the Nation’s ability to maintain a competitive advantage in quantum computing and QIS.
(b) Yet alongside its potential benefits, quantum computing also poses significant risks to the economic and national security of the United States. Most notably, a quantum computer of sufficient size and sophistication — also known as a cryptanalytically relevant quantum computer (CRQC) — will be capable of breaking much of the public-key cryptography used on digital systems across the United States and around the world. When it becomes available, a CRQC could jeopardize civilian and military communications, undermine supervisory and control systems for critical infrastructure, and defeat security protocols for most Internet-based financial transactions.
One Database to Rule Them All: The Invisible Content Cartel that Undermines the Freedom of Expression Online
(August 27, 2020)
During the past decade, however, social media platforms have also come under increasing pressure from governments around the globe to respond to violent and extremist content on their platforms. Spurred by the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels in 2015 and 2016, respectively, and guided by the shortsighted belief that censorship is an effective tool against extremism, governments have been turning to content moderation as a means to fix international terrorism.
Commercial content moderation is the process through which platforms—more specifically, human reviewers or, very often, machines—make decisions about what content can and cannot be on their sites, based on their own Terms of Service, “community standards,” or other rules.
During the coronavirus pandemic, social media companies have been less able to use human content reviewers, and are instead increasingly relying on machine learning algorithms to moderate content as well as flag it. Those algorithms, which are really just a set of instructions for doing something, are fed with an initial set of rules and lots of training data in the hopes that they will learn to identify similar content.
Interessantes für die Nutzer von Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter und Youtube
Die Gründung eines „Globalen Forums gegen den Terrorismus“ durch Microsoft, Facebook, Youtube und Twitter, die Milliarden-„Strafe“ gegen Google durch die E.U.-Kommission, sowie die Änderungen von Suche und Algorithmen im Nebel von „Design“ seitens der Konsortien Google und Twitter sind im Zusammenhang zu sehen.
Und zwar im Zusammenhang mit der internationalen Kriegskoalition gegen das World Wide Web, welche die weltweite Kontrolle des Internets auf die Agenda des G20-Gipfels in Hamburg gesetzt hat.
In den letzten Tagen geschahen vier sehr interessante Dinge. Und obwohl diese nicht nur für die 3,7 Milliarden Nutzer des Internets, sondern auch für die andere Hälfte der Menschheit durchaus von Bedeutung waren, nahm diese selbst von den einzelnen Vorgängen wenig und im Zusammenhang überhaupt keine Notiz davon.
Der Reihe nach…
Der künstliche Mensch
Plötzlich sah ich: Darum geht es, wir sind in einem Heiligen Krieg. Es geht nicht um Gesundheit und um vernünftigen Schutz, auch nicht um Politik oder um Karriere, Ruhm und Ehre, noch nicht einmal um Macht und Geld – es geht, auch wenn dies alles wichtige Motive der handelnden Personen, Firmen und Institutionen sind, um Religion. Beim Kampf gegen Corona handelt es sich um einen Gottesdienst. Ob Drosten, Merkel, Lauterbach, ob Macron, Johnson, Biden, ob diese oder jene Zeitung, Fernsehanstalt oder andere „progressive“ Medien: Sie sind Kreuzritter in einem Krieg, den die Menschheit schon lange heimlich führt und der jetzt von der kalten in die heiße Phase geht, der jetzt offen ausgebrochen ist.
VIDEO: Top Biden advisors Flournoy and Blinken promise smarter, more secretive permanent war policy
Since the 1990s, Flournoy and Blinken have steadily risen through the ranks of the military-industrial complex, shuffling back and forth between the Pentagon and hawkish think-tanks funded by the U.S. government, weapons companies, and oil giants.
Under Bill Clinton, Flournoy was the principal author of the 1996 Quadrinellial Defense Review, the document that outlined the U.S. military’s doctrine of permanent war – what it called “full spectrum dominance.”