Daily Archives: 24. März 2022

24.03.2022 - 22:02 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

The Pentagon said that over past 7-10 days #US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chief of Staff Mark Milley have tried to get in touch with Russian Defense Minister and Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov.#Russian military leadership does not make contact.

24.03.2022 - 21:34 [ the-Sun.com ]

CRUMBLING KREMLIN: Putin ‘loses 40,000 troops’ in Ukraine invasion as tyrant PURGES general and aide defects in his crumbling inner circle

Chubais had a hand in economic reforms that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union but remained in Putin’s government and had maintained close ties with Western officials.

In response to the faltering invasion, Putin has now reportedly placed General Vladislav Yershov under house arrest.

Under his command, the 6th Army has lost 2000 soldiers including 180 conscripts doing national service, says Ukrainian media.

He was sacked by Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, who himself has not been seen for 12 days and is said to be suffering from “heart problems”.

24.03.2022 - 20:59 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Doppelagent Putin

(15. April 2018)

Der ranghöchste Funktionär seiner staatlichen Hierarchie ist nicht einmal mit Russland verbündet, geschweige denn mit Syrien, dem Iran oder irgendeinem anderen aus der U.S.-Hegemonie seit Jahrzehnten attackierten oder direkt angegriffenen Land. In Wirklichkeit dient Wladimir Putin dem von uns bereits mehrfach beschriebenen imperialen Komplex und einer seit bald siebzehn Jahren den weltweiten Terrorkrieg führenden großen Koalition des Krieges und internationalen Kriegslobby und strebt deren noch effektivere Kollaboration an.

Putins Rolle dabei ist ähnlich dem eines der vielen Monarchen vor und im Ersten Weltkrieg. Und seine Funktion, wie der „prorussischen“, also der pro-regierungs-russischen Lobby insgesamt, ist es, in verdeckter Dialektik mit ihren spiegelbildlichen „proamerikanischen“ bzw „proeuropäischen“ Pendants in der U.S.-Hegemonie die jeweilige innere Opposition, gerade die fortschrittliche und pazifistische, in Verbindung mit dem jeweils anderen Blockgegner zu bringen, sie von diesem absorbieren zu lassen und so im Inneren erst zu diskreditieren und letztlich neutralisieren zu können.

24.03.2022 - 20:44 [ Wall Street Journal / Youtube ]

‚NATO Has Never, Never Been More United Than It Is Today:‘ Biden Remarks From Brussels | WSJ

Watch live coverage of a news conference with President Biden from Brussels.

24.03.2022 - 20:38 [ New York Times ]

‘I raised the possibility’ of ejecting Russia from the G20, Biden says after two summits and ahead of a third.

President Biden said that Russia should be removed from the G20 group of industrialized and developing nations because of the country’s invasion of Ukraine, but said that if the member nations do not agree to the measure, then Ukraine should be allowed to participate in the group’s meetings in the future.

24.03.2022 - 19:50 [ YNA.co.kr ]

Seoul, Washington react sternly to provocative North Korean ICBM firing

Pyongyang‘s show of force, the 12th this year, means an end to its self-imposed moratorium on nuclear and a long-range missile testing.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said that it detected the launch from the Sunan airfield in Pyongyang at 2:34 p.m. and the missile flew some 1,080 kilometers at a top altitude of over 6,200 km.

24.03.2022 - 19:34 [ KBS.co.kr ]

Nordkorea feuerte offenbar Interkontinentalrakete ab – Südkoreas Streitkräfte reagieren mit Raketentests

Südkoreas Vereinigter Generalstab (JCS) teilte mit, dass der Abschuss vom Sunan-Flugplatz in Pjöngjang um 14.34 Uhr bemerkt worden sei. Die Rakete sei 1.080 Kilometer weit geflogen und habe eine Höhe von 6.200 Kilometern erreicht.

Nach Einschätzung des JCS sei die Rakete offenbar in einem steilen Winkel abgeschossen worden und nach Angaben eines weiteren Militärbeamten 70 Minuten lang in der Luft gewesen.

24.03.2022 - 13:41 [ Tomislav Sokol, Member of European Parliament / Twitter ]

On 10.3 a Russian made drone crashed in the center of Zagreb, about fifty meters from the dormitory where several thousand students are staying. Before entering the Republic of Croatia, the aircraft spent 43 minutes in the airspace of Romania and Hungary. This cannot be!

24.03.2022 - 13:35 [ Reuters ]

No indication of imminent Russian chemical weapons attack in Ukraine -U.S. defense official


The U.S. official, speaking to reporters on condition of anonymity, shared Biden‘s assessment but added: „There‘s no indication that there‘s something imminent in that regard right now.“

24.03.2022 - 13:18 [ CNN ]

Drones flying into NATO territory have forced the alliance to decide how to respond — if at all — to incidents inside its borders


Last week, a drone flew more than 350 miles beyond Ukraine‘s western border before crashing in Croatia, a NATO member country. The drone was carrying a bomb, Croatian officials said, and it‘s still not clear whether it belonged to Ukrainian or Russian forces.
Another drone recently entered the airspace of Romania, south of Ukraine. And on Tuesday, Ukraine‘s military said it shot down a Russian drone that had reentered Ukraine through Polish airspace.
The trio of drone incidents has amplified concerns that …

24.03.2022 - 12:43 [ Washington Post ]

Biden holds emergency NATO talks in Europe as Ukraine war hits one month

In a flurry of meetings, Biden and major allies are expected to announce plans to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian energy, new sanctions and more military deployments to Eastern Europe — even as divisions emerge about how to deter Moscow. National security adviser Jake Sullivan said Biden will also discuss “potential contingencies” in the event of a Russian cyberattack or chemical weapons.