In the past weeks, Muscat has been cooperating with authorities to reach a plea deal with prosecutors that will see him serve a reduced sentence in exchange for a confession and testimony about fellow co-conspirators.
Daily Archives: 23. Februar 2021
Malta: Schuldbekenntnis in Mordfall Daphne Caruana Galizia
Einer von drei Männern, die wegen Mordes an der Bloggerin Daphne Caruana Galizia vor Gericht stehen, hat sich heute schuldig bekannt.
EU: Zivil-militärische Synergien
Mit dem Aktionsplan sollen die Bereiche Weltraum, Verteidigung und zivile Forschung zunehmend verwoben werden, was zu einer weiteren Militarisierung der Wissenschaft beitragen dürfte.
In Chile wird die Forderung nach Auflösung der Carabineros lauter
Nach neuen gewalttätigen Einsätzen der Polizei verlangen Familien der bei den sozialen Protesten Verhafteten, linke Parteien, Menschenrechts- und soziale Organisationen und Gewerkschaften in einem Brief an Präsident Sebastian Piñera die Auflösung und Neugründung der Polizei.
Israeli studies find Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine reduces transmission
Findings of the pre-published study, not yet peer-reviewed, but based on a national database that is one of the world’s most advanced, were first reported by the Israeli news site Ynet late on Thursday and were obtained by Reuters on Friday.
Pfizer declined to comment and the Israeli Health Ministry did not respond to a request for comment.
Covid: vaccinated Israelis to enjoy bars and hotels with ‘green pass’
Israel is preparing itself to be split in half from next week, with the government creating a new privileged tier in society: the vaccinated.
Wozu Impfpässe, wenn man nach wie vor den Virus bekommen und Andere anstecken kann?
Alle müssen wissen, dass die in der „Europäischen Union“ zugelassenen Impfstoffe der Konzerne Pfizer / BioNTech und Moderna keine sterilisierende Immunität liefern. Nochmal: das heisst, dass diese sogenannten „Impfstoffe“ weder vor Infektion von SARS II (dem aktuellen Coronavirus), noch vor dessen Verbreitung schützen, sondern lediglich den Angaben zufolge gegen die von SARS II ausgelöste Krankheit Covid-19; und dies auch nur für eine unklare Zeitperiode. Eine Immunität gegen SARS II gibt es durch diesen Impfstoff also nicht.
Der Corona-Impfpass kommt – via Israel
Israel ist damit der erste Staat, der einen Corona-Impfpass einführt und damit Geimpften und Genesenen Vorteile gewährt. Auch wenn dieser Schritt in den Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union umstritten ist, zeichnet sich auch dort eine entsprechende Entwicklung ab.
Nach Angaben des israelischen Gesundheitsministers Juli Edelstein können ab sofort mehr als 3,2 Millionen Bürger des Landes Vorteile genießen.
Israel Reopens, With More COVID Rules Relaxed: Here‘s Everything You Need to Know
Green Pass venues include houses of worship, cultural events, gyms, hotels and swimming pools. To enter, those eligible to do so will be required to present valid ID and a so-called Green Pass, vaccination certificate, or official document stating they had the virus and recovered, as relevant.
We surrendered our freedom to lockdown – the state must never hold such control over our lives again
We know that the trajectory of the virus has been indistinguishable between North Dakota (with masks and distancing in restaurants) and South Dakota (without restrictions). We know that California, which locked down and closed schools, seems to have fared worse than Florida, which did not. We can see that the picture in Belgium with its hard lockdowns has now converged with that in Sweden which famously took a voluntary approach. Similarly, the ‘second wave’ trajectory in Japan is remarkably similar to that of the UK.
I know, I know, fascinating stuff…. but let’s leave all that for the public inquiry.
DEADLY DATA: Plan to lift lockdown by Easter ‘was canned after Sage scientists warned it would cause 91,000 more deaths
Models predicted it would lead to nearly 60,000 Covid patients in hospital by June, compared to last month‘s high of 39,000.
Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance spoke of his support for the gradual approach taken by PM Boris Johnson, saying: „The sooner you open up everything, the higher the risk of a bigger resurgence.
„The slower you do it, the better.“
Covid cases are UP for first time in SIX WEEKS with 10,641 new infections while deaths tumble to 178 in lowest toll since December 13 – and Britain dishes out just 150,000 vaccines in worst performance since inoculation drive started
– Department of Health figures show infections are 9 per cent up on last Monday, when 9,765 were declared
– But laboratory-confirmed coronavirus fatalities have dropped by almost a quarter, from 230 last Monday
– Britain dished out 150,000 vaccines yesterday, in worst daily toll since roll-out began to speed up last month
Boris, Whitty and Vallance dismiss Tory and business fury at ultra-cautious lockdown ‚roadmap‘ saying the country wants ‚certainty not urgency‘ – with shops, salons and drinks outside from April 12 but no foreign travel before mid-MAY or hugs until June
Social distancing rules will stay in force until June 21 at the minimum, with a government review to decide their future after that. The decision means that grandparents face months of waiting before they can hug their grandchildren – even though millions have already been vaccinated.
Corona-Lockerungen in England: Auf der „Einbahnstraße in Richtung Freiheit“
Die Kurve der Neuinfektionen geht in Großbritannien langsam, aber dennoch deutlich zurück, 124 neue Fälle pro 100.000 Einwohner waren es in den vergangen sieben Tagen. Immerhin schon 17 Millionen Menschen erhielten eine erste Corona-Impfdosis.
5 U.S. Billionaires Who Are Potential Witnesses at Netanyahu’s Corruption Trial
Several prominent U.S. billionaires are on the list of over 300 people who could potentially be called as witnesses at Prime Minister Benjamin’s Netanyahu’s upcoming corruption trial.
Court Will Hear Witnesses in Netanyahu‘s Trial Only After Israeli Election
The opening of the premier‘s trial last May followed years of investigations, deliberations and legal proceedings that eventually took place during the course of three election campaigns, capped by a last-minute delay due to the coronavirus.
Next stage of Netanyahu‘s corruption trial postponed until after elections
The court rejected a demand from the prime minister‘s lawyers to dismiss the indictment by reason of Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit‘s failure to formally file a written request for the probe of Netanyahu.
However, the court did condemn Mandelblit for the oversight, saying it was a „defect“ in the legal procedures.
„This is a matter of procedural defect which doesn’t concern the root of the matter,“ the court stated, as cited by Hamodia.
Netanjahu-Prozess: Zeugenvernehmung beginnt nach Wahl
Die Anwälte des Regierungschefs hatten Berichten zufolge auf einen Termin nach dem für den 23. März geplanten Urnengang gedrängt. Es ist die vierte Abstimmung binnen zwei Jahren.