Daily Archives: 1. November 2019

01.11.2019 - 19:53 [ OHCHR ]

UN expert on torture sounds alarm again that Julian Assange’s life may be at risk

The UN Special Rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, has expressed alarm at the continued deterioration of Julian Assange’s health since his arrest and detention earlier this year, saying his life was now at risk.

01.11.2019 - 18:17 [ antikrieg.com ]

Somalia: Drohnenangriff tötet Weihrauchsammler

Ein kürzlich erfolgter US-Drohnenangriff, der auf militante Aktivisten des Islamischen Staates (IS) im Nordosten Somalias abzielte, tötete versehentlich zwei Zivilisten, die Weihrauch sammelten, so die Dorfältesten und ein Überlebender,

01.11.2019 - 13:52 [ Tulsi2020.com ]

Tulsi 2020: Join me in demanding the truth

What was Saudi Arabia‘s involvement in the 9/11 attack? Americans deserve an answer to this question. Join me in calling on the Trump Administration to declassify and release all information regarding the 9/11 attack. Add your name to our petition.

01.11.2019 - 13:50 [ apnews.com ]

Tulsi Gabbard: Release documents related to Saudis and 9/11


“Our government should not be invoking secrecy to keep its own mistakes hidden from the American people and should certainly not be used to protect the Saudis from embarrassment or, worse yet, accountability,” said Terry Strada, a Sept. 11 widow and the chairwoman of 9/11 Families and Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism. “Until there is an accounting, we will never go away.”

01.11.2019 - 13:40 [ MSNBC ]

Rep. Gabbard on Syria: ‚I’ve been there. I’ve seen the loss of life.‘

Embroiled in a dispute with former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) defended her foreign policy views in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece. She joins Ali Velshi to respond to her critics.

01.11.2019 - 13:30 [ Tulsi Gabbard / Wall Street Journal ]

I Can Defeat Trump and the Clinton Doctrine

Hillary Clinton emerged recently to claim, with no basis in fact, that I am being “groomed” by the Russian government to undermine America. As a major in the National Guard who served in Iraq—one of the many disastrous regime-change wars Mrs. Clinton championed over her career—I swore an oath to only one authority: the U.S. Constitution.

I’m running for president to undo Mrs. Clinton’s failed legacy. From Iraq to Libya to Syria, her record is replete with foreign-policy catastrophes.

01.11.2019 - 13:14 [ Junge Welt ]

Krieg in Afghanistan: Krieg gegen Zivilisten

Obwohl die Einheiten nominell dem afghanischen Geheimdienst NDS angehören, sitzt ihr direkter Befehlshaber in Washington. Ihre Mitglieder wurden laut Bericht größtenteils von der CIA angeworben, geschult, ausgerüstet und beaufsichtigt. Zudem gingen die Einsätze oftmals mit Luftangriffen einher, die von den USA selbst durchgeführt wurden.

01.11.2019 - 12:58 [ Haaretz ]

Rare Moment in Israeli Politics as Gantz Meets Arab Party Leaders for Coalition Talks

Kahol Lavan leader Benny Gantz met on Thursday with the leaders of the Joint List, an alliance of four Arab-majority parties, as part of his effort to form a governing coalition after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to do so.

01.11.2019 - 12:38 [ ORF.at ]

Gesetz für „Staatsinternet“ in Kraft

Außerdem solle das autonome Netz auch nur im Fall von Gefahr von außen genutzt werden – sowie übungsweise. Die Infrastruktur muss allerdings erst aufgebaut werden, zahlreiche technische Fragen seien noch ungelöst, heißt es. Die Aufsichtsbehörde Roskomnadsor soll jedenfalls laut Medienberichten vom Freitag den Datenverkehr steuern und überwachen können.

01.11.2019 - 12:32 [ Business Insider ]

Russia officially introduced a ‚sovereign internet‘ law to let Putin cut the entire country from the rest of the web

It requires Russian internet providers to install hardware to allow authorities to locate the source of traffic and block it.

01.11.2019 - 12:29 [ theRegister.co.uk ]

China and Russia join to battle ‚illegal internet content,‘ which means what you fear it does


More disturbing were the extraordinary technical capabilities that were used to remove – in real time – any mention of the death of Chinese dissident and Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo.

Russia wishes to be equally restrictive although it does not appear to have the technical capabilities and it has not put itself behind a national firewall, at least not yet – it is working on it. It has instead focused on removing people’s ability to access information anonymously.

01.11.2019 - 06:52 [ Geophysical Research Letters 35(16) / researchgate.net ]

Magnetic effect on CO 2 solubility in seawater: A possible link between geomagnetic field variations and climate

(August 2008)

Correlations between geomagnetic-field and climate parameters have been suggested repeatedly, but possible links are controversially discussed. Here we test if weak (Earth-strength) magnetic fields can affect climatically relevant properties of seawater. We found the solubility of air in seawater to be by 15% lower under reduced magneticfield (20 mT) compared to normal field conditions (50 mT). The magnetic-field effect on CO2 solubility is twice as large, from which we surmise that geomagnetic field variations modulate the carbon exchange between atmosphere and ocean. A 1% reduction in magnetic dipole moment may release up to ten times more CO2 from the surface ocean than is emitted by subaerial volcanism.

01.11.2019 - 06:33 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Sun’s protective ‚bubble‘ is shrinking


The protective bubble around the sun that helps to shield the Earth from harmful interstellar radiation is shrinking and getting weaker, Nasa scientists have warned.

01.11.2019 - 06:29 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

Solar Activity Forecast for Next Decade Favorable for Exploration


The Sun‘s activity rises and falls in an 11-year cycle. The forecast for the next solar cycle says it will be the weakest of the last 200 years. The maximum of this next cycle – measured in terms of sunspot number, a standard measure of solar activity level – could be 30 to 50% lower than the most recent one. The results show that the next cycle will start in 2020 and reach its maximum in 2025.

01.11.2019 - 06:23 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

Pressure Runs High at Edge of Solar System


The scientists noted that the change in galactic cosmic rays wasn’t exactly identical at both spacecraft. At Voyager 2 inside the heliosheath, the number of cosmic rays decreased in all directions around the spacecraft. But at Voyager 1, outside the solar system, only the galactic cosmic rays that were traveling perpendicular to the magnetic field in the region decreased.

01.11.2019 - 06:17 [ Sciencealert.com ]

Voyager Mission Reveals Unexpected Pressure at The Edge of The Solar System


There was one other surprise to come. The wave‘s passage lined up with an apparent drop in the intensity of high speed particles called cosmic rays. The fact each of the probes experienced this same thing in two different ways gives astrophysicists yet another mystery to solve.

„Trying to understand why the change in the cosmic rays is different inside and outside of the heliosheath remains an open question,“ says Rankin.

01.11.2019 - 06:03 [ EOS.org ]

What Inflates the Solar Bubble? Voyagers Count What’s Missing


We’re all living in a bubble.

In fact, the Sun and the entire solar system exist in a bubble that separates us from interstellar space. But what keeps that bubble inflated? A recent paper found that scientists can account for only 82% of the pressure that steadies the solar bubble, or heliosphere, against pressure from galactic headwinds. The source of 18% of the pressure is still unknown.

01.11.2019 - 04:46 [ CNN ]

Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in North Dakota

Part of the Keystone 1 Pipeline in North Dakota was shut down after a leak of about 9,120 barrels of oil — 383,040 gallons — was discovered, TC Energy company said in a statement.