Während der US-Präsident lediglich eine Neuverhandlung des Atomabkommens anstrebt, will Bolton die Regierung in Teheran zu Fall bringen – im Zweifel auch militärisch. Folgerichtig empfahl der nationale Sicherheitsberater nach dem Abschuss einer US-Drohne im Juni einen Angriff auf den Iran, Trump entschied sich dagegen. Auch deshalb gewann Trump vermutlich das Gefühl, dass Bolton ihn ungewollt in militärische Konflikte hineinziehen will. Laut der New York Times soll der US-Präsident in kleiner Runde gesagt haben, wenn es nach Bolton ginge, „würden wir schon vier Kriege führen“.
Daily Archives: 10. September 2019
USA schränken Geldsendungen nach Kuba weiter ein
Die Maßnahme wurde bereits im April dieses Jahres von US-Sicherheitsberater John Bolton als Teil der neuen Kuba-Politik von US-Präsident Donald Trump angekündigt. Damals erklärte Bolton, die „Troika der Tyrannei“ bestehend aus Venezeula, Kuba und Nicaragua beseitigen zu wollen. Im Kontext der anhaltenden Versuche eines „Regime change“ in Venezuela will Washington nun offenbar den Druck auf Havanna weiter erhöhen, um ein Ende der Unterstützung Kubas für die venezolanische Regierung von Präsident Nicolás Maduro zu erwirken.
The geopolitics of natural gas resources in East Mediterranean
Currently, major energy companies around the world, such as ExxonMobil America, Nobel, Shell France, Annie Italy, Qatar Petroleum, South Korea‘s Kogas, Israel Delta, etc., are active in the region. Meanwhile, U.S., Russian and other naval vessels are also present in the region.
The presence of numerous naval vessels cannot be solely due to the Mediterranean‘s energy resources. In this geographical area, it seems that the balance of power is as important as the energy resources of the great powers, and on this basis, this region has become a new stage of competition for those powers.
Trump Fires John Bolton as National Security Adviser
President Trump fired John R. Bolton, his third national security adviser, on Tuesday amid fundamental disagreements over how to handle major foreign policy challenges like Iran, North Korea and Afghanistan.
Nationaler Sicherheitsberater: Trump entlässt John Bolton
Trump schrieb auf Twitter, er habe Bolton zum Rücktritt aufgefordert. Der habe daraufhin seinen Rücktritt eingereicht. Trump begründete seine Entscheidung damit, dass er mit vielen Positionen Boltons nicht übereingestimmt habe. Der US-Präsident kündigte an, nächste Woche einen Nachfolger zu ernennen.
Reigning Supremacist: The House of Netanyahu and the Jews Bibi Hates
Netanyahu is no longer the magician who hides his tricks up his sleeve while he saws Israel into pieces. There’s no point. We’ve all seen his act many too many times before.
We know exactly how this works. He’s not even lying about it anymore:
If you’re an Israeli, Benjamin Netanyahu either hates you or uses you. Or both.
Brexit has its risks. But staying in the EU is now unthinkable
I find it deeply distasteful to see very senior Conservatives plotting with the opposition to bring down the Prime Minister. But far less criticism has been levelled at the EU itself — which is odd, because Brussels is the cause of our agonies, past and present. The Brexit vote would have gone the other way if it had had the wit to give David Cameron the concessions he begged for. But that is not the nature of the EU imperial class. They intended to send a message: Brussels does not respond to democratic pressure. The British public got that message, and voted to leave.
No Nuclear Presentation Can Save Netanyahu From Trump‘s Willingness to Speak With Enemies
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not usually give the impression of being one who silently prays to his god every night. But if he were such a person, it would be easy to imagine him lamenting on Monday…
Treasury’s Remain Plot To Ensure an Anti-Brexit Governor of the Bank of England
A leaked shortlist for the next Governor of the Bank of England made its way from the highest levels of the Treasury to the pages of The Times last Saturday, and has now been followed up by an orchestrated letter signed by Remain supporting MPs. The letter is a not-so-subtle attempt to confirm the leak by making the Civil Service’s recommendation list public and therefore making it politically harder for the Chancellor to appoint a Brexiteer to the role.
Britain WILL leave the EU on October 31 says top Boris Johnson aide Dominic Cummings as he tells reporters to get out of London and ‚go to talk to people who are not rich Remainers‘
The former Vote Leave maverick brought in as the Prime Minister‘s chief of staff was asked if the UK would leave the EU on October 31, replying: ‚Sure‘.
After days of difficulty for No 10 in which MPs have mined the path to a No Deal Brexit and stymied attempts to call a general election he tore into reporters outside his London home.
‚You guys should get outside London and go to talk to people who are not rich Remainers,‘ he said before heading to Downing Street for this morning‘s regular cabinet meeting.
Olly Robbins, the EU‘s chief negotiator, has not only been granted a knighthood by May, he‘s just taken a job with Goldman Sachs – who bankrolled the Remain campaign. Maybe May just hopes he‘ll keep his mouth shut.
‚The workers are coming for you!‘ Labour declares class war as Jeremy Corbyn says Boris Johnson wants Brexit for his ‚wealthy friends‘ while union baron Len McCluskey vows to fight the PM ‚in our factories‘
– Jeremy Corbyn delivered hard-Left attack on Boris Johnson in speech at TUC
– He said that the PM wanted a Brexit settlement to benefit his ‚wealthy friends‘
– Union baron Len McCluskey sent class war message ‚workers are coming for you‘
Who will be disadvantaged by the UK’s longest ever election campaign?
By not sending the country to the polls until at least November, all political parties are making a gamble – some bigger than others.
Brexit-Streit: „Alle Beteiligten jetzt im Wahlkampf“
as britische Unterhaus ist in der Zwangspause, doch der Wahlkampf läuft – allen voran bei Premierminister Johnson, meint ARD-Korrespondentin Sabina Matthay. Wie es in Sachen Brexit weitergeht, darüber rätseln viele.
Last night I spoke for 17.4m who voted Leave and are still waiting for us to deliver Brexit. I voted Remain and lost. Democracy only works if the losers accept the result. People can see through the game playing of opposition parties. MPs seem to have forgotten who they serve
The silencing of the people: This parliament feels increasingly illegitimate. It must go.
As prorogation began, with the arrival of Black Rod late in the evening, Remainer MPs booed, chanted ‘shame’, tried to prevent Bercow – the hero of their anti-Brexit, anti-democratic efforts – from leaving his chair, and held up signs saying ‘SILENCED’.
Silenced? Is this some kind of joke? Just a couple of hours before this ridiculous orgy of self-pity these same MPs had actually, legally silenced us, the people, by once again voting against the holding of a General Election.
Überwachung: Bevölkerung im Blick
Mit einer halben Million Euro finanziert die EU-Kommission Forschungen für das neue EU-Gesichtserkennungssystem. Unter Leitung des estnischen Justizministeriums prüfen polizeiliche Forensikabteilungen aus Finnland, Lettland, Schweden und den Niederlanden technische Verfahren. Mit einer 18monatigen Laufzeit ist das Projekt vergleichsweise kurz, Ergebnisse sollen bereits im Sommer nächsten Jahres vorliegen.
Commons chaos: Rebel Tories hint they could back second referendum after MPs scuffle in chamber in protest over shutdown
Labour MPs started singing revolutionary anthem The Red Flag after Scottish and Welsh nationalists sang Flower Of Scotland and Bread Of Heaven.
The extraordinary scenes erupted as the Commons session was closed down shortly before 2am by the prorogation order, recommended to the Queen by the Prime Minister, in an act most MPs believe was intended to prevent Parliament having a say over Brexit. Minutes earlier, Mr Johnson suffered his sixth Commons defeat when MPs failed to back his call for a snap general election.
Neue Datenbank bei Eurojust: Wer ist Terrorist?
Erst kürzlich hat die EU das ECRIS um eine neue Funktion erweitert. Gespeichert werden nicht mehr nur Staatsangehörige aus EU-Mitgliedstaaten, sondern auch Drittstaatsangehörige und Staatenlose. Dieses sogenannte ECRIS-TCN ist jedoch als zentrale Datenbank angelegt und wird von der Europäischen Agentur für IT-Großsysteme verwaltet. Beide ECRIS-Systeme enthalten außerdem Fingerabdruckdaten. Wie alle anderen biometrischen Datenbanken werden sie derzeit im Projekt „Interoperabilität“ in einem „gemeinsamen Identitätsspeicher“ verschmolzen.
Ukraine and NATO stepping up activities of joint ad hoc group on military reform – Kuleba
Kuleba at the NATO headquarters discussed further ways of cooperation with the alliance during meetings with NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy Bettina Cadenbach, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Operations John Manza and NATO Secretary General‘s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security Clare Hutchinson.
Southern U.S. states have closed 1,200 polling places in recent years: rights group
States across the American South have closed nearly 1,200 polling places since the Supreme Court weakened a landmark voting-discrimination law in 2013, according to a report released by a civil-rights group on Tuesday.
„Sturm auf Connewitz“: Justizbeamter nahm teil
Kenntnis von der Anklage gegen den Justizbeamten hatte das Ministerium nach eigener Aussage seit Dezember 2018. Daraufhin sei die Suspendierung »unverzüglich geprüft und Anfang Januar 2019 wirksam« geworden.
Thousands of Chileans March in Memory of Pinochet‘s Victims
Thousands of people on Sunday took part in a march to the Chilean capital‘s largest cemetery to pay tribute to the victims of the brutal far-right dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet, three days before the 46th anniversary of the coup that overthrew the democratically-elected government of Salvador Allende on Sept. 11, 1973.
Honduras: People Protest Luxury Condos Near National Park
Anti-riot police officers tear-gassed the protesters, including the elderly and children participating in the march, according to local residents. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) denounced the police excessive use of force against the demonstrators. The commissioner‘s office said authorities in the area should „respect the right to expression and (the) peaceful gathering of all, including those who reject the project.“
Peru: Demonstrationen für vorgezogene Wahlen
Unter dem Motto „¡Que se vayan todos!“ („Verschwindet alle!“) war es am Donnerstag in den Straßen der Hauptstadt Lima und in zahlreichen weiteren Städten des Landes zu Protesten gegen das derzeitige Parlament und die Korruption im Land gekommen.
Labour plotting to scuttle Queen‘s Speech then topple Boris Johnson with confidence vote
Labour is considering a bid to topple Boris Johnson on October 22 after ordering its MPs to vote down the Queen’s Speech the day beforehand, The Telegraph understands.
With Parliament due to be prorogued for five weeks, allies of Jeremy Corbyn are now focussing their efforts on bringing down the Government when MPs return next month.
Parliament prorogued: Chaotic scenes as MPs stage symbolic protest against shutdown in Commons
Mr Bercow was expected to lead the MPs to the Lords for the proroguing ceremony in the early hours of Tuesday, but a number of MPs appeared to surge towards him.
Among MPs involved in the demonstration was Labour MPs Clive Lewis and Lloyd Russell-Moyle, who appeared to try and hold on to Mr Bercow when the Speaker was requested to lead MPs to the Lords, with doorkeepers intervening.
‚You can‘t hide forever!‘ Boris Johnson vents fury at ‚yellow belly‘ Jeremy Corbyn after MPs BLOCK his latest bid for snap election – then SHUTS Parliament for five weeks saying he will REFUSE to extend Brexit despite Remainer law
– Boris Johnson has lost his latest attempt to trigger a snap general election
– PM accused Jeremy Corbyn of having ‚yellow belly‘ for dodging a national vote
– Mr Johnson insisted an election was the only way to break the Brexit deadlock
– Houses of Parliament prorogued after debate in early hours until mid-October
Keine Neuwahlen in Großbritannien
Die Regierung hat mit ihrem Antrag auf Neuwahlen erwartungsgemäß nicht genügend Stimmen zusammenbekommen.
Um eine Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit zu erreichen, hätte sie die Unterstützung der Opposition gebraucht. Die aber will Johnson nicht die Möglichkeit geben, nach Neuwahlen, die er gewinnen könnte, das Gesetz gegen den No-Deal-Brexit wieder aufzuheben. Labour-Chef Corbyn erklärte: „Wir wollen Neuwahlen, aber so sehr wir sie wollen: Wir werden nicht riskieren, dass wir uns das Desaster eines No-Deals auferlegen.“