Archiv: Government of National Accord (GNA) / militias / West Libya / dissolved 2021

18.02.2025 - 00:41 [ ]

Italy PM Giorgia Meloni investigated for release of Libya police chief following ICC warrant

(January 29, 2025)

Prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi opened investigations against Giorgia Meloni for allegedly aiding and abetting Almasri. This occurred following a lawsuit issued by Italian lawyer Luigi Li Gotti. Li Gotti stated he filed the lawsuit out of dignity. He claims that repatriation would allow Almasri to return to Libya and continue committing crimes for which he is accused.

Other ministers are currently under investigation. The prosecutor’s office in Rome sent notices to the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio, Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, and Undersecretary of State Alfredo Mantovano.

17.02.2025 - 21:24 [ Associated Press ]

Libya warlord arrested in Italy on warrant from the International Criminal Court, but then expelled

(January 1, 2025)

There was no immediate comment from the Justice Ministry.

Al-Masri’s arrest had posed a dilema for Italy, because it has close ties to the internationally recognized government in Tripoli as well as energy interests in the country.

17.02.2025 - 21:21 [ Journal of Petroleum Technology ]

BP, Eni, Repsol, OMV Return to Libya, Ending 10-Year Absence

(January 9, 2025)

The Libyan National Oil Company plans to tender 22 onshore/offshore exploration blocks in 2025 as it works to rebuild credibility with foreign oil producers.

09.02.2023 - 05:30 [ ]

US welcomes the results of JMC meeting in Cairo

The JMC concluded its meeting in Cairo, which lasted for two days, with the liaison committees from Chad, Sudan and Niger, approving the establishment of an integrated mechanism for joint coordination and data exchange to facilitate the full withdrawal of mercenaries and foreign fighters from the country.

09.02.2023 - 05:16 [ ]

Einigung auf Abzug ausländischer Kämpfer in Libyen

Der einflussreiche General Chalifa Haftar ließ Kämpfer aus dem Tschad, dem Sudan, dem Niger und der russischen Gruppe Wagner für sich gegen die von der UNO anerkannte Regierung in Tripolis kämpfen. Hunderte Wagner-Söldner halten sich nach wie vor in Libyens ölreichem Osten und im Süden auf. Im Westen sind türkische Soldaten stationiert, um libysche Soldaten auszubilden.

21.10.2021 - 06:12 [ ]

International delegations taking part in the Libya Stability Conference begin to arrive in Tripoli

Other delegations who are set to participate in the conference began to arrive from Monday, where the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Rose Marie Di Carlo, accompanied by the head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Jan Kubis arrived.

21.10.2021 - 03:29 [ ]

Libyan parties express rejection of Paris conference next month

A French-staged international conference proposed for next November to discuss the Libyan crisis is losing momentum before even starting, as wider circles of Libyan politicians are voicing their rejection to the event.

23.10.2020 - 23:36 [ ]

Gespräche in Genf Waffenstillstand in Libyen beschlossen

Militärvertreter des Ministerpräsidenten Fayez al-Sarraj und des Generals Chalifa Haftar waren seit Montag in Genf, um politische Gespräche über die Zukunft Libyens vorzubereiten. Diese Gespräche sollen im November in Tunesien beginnen. An den Genfer Gesprächen waren je fünf Militärvertreter beider Seiten beteiligt. Deshalb hießen die Gespräche 5+5. Das Format war bei der Berliner Libyen-Konferenz im Januar vereinbart worden.

23.10.2020 - 13:54 [ France24 ]

Libya’s warring rivals sign nationwide “permanent ceasefire” at UN ceremony

After mediation led by UN envoy Stephanie Turco Williams this week, the 5+5 Joint Military Commission reached what the United Nations called an “important turning point towards peace and stability in Libya”.

04.10.2020 - 02:33 [ Al Arabiya ]

EU removes Libya‘s Aguila Saleh from sanctions list

Aguila Saleh, leader of a rival parliament in eastern Libya, no longer faces EU travel bans and asset freezes imposed four years ago, the EU said, confirming a Reuters report on September 9 that the so-called de-listing was planned.

20.09.2020 - 13:45 [ Daily News Egypt ]

Libya’s Haftar announces resumption of oil production, export

GNA Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Maiteeg says joint technical committee will supervise oil revenues and ensure fair oil distribution

20.09.2020 - 13:32 [ The Manila Times ]

Libya unity govt chief quitting

The head of Libya’s United Nations-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA), Fayez al-Sarraj, said he plans to step down within six weeks as part of efforts to broker a peace agreement.

19.01.2020 - 09:50 [ ]

Libyan National Oil Corporation declares ‘state of emergency’ after Haftar’s forces close eastern oil ports

Libya’s national oil company has declared a “state of emergency” after exports of its oil from the ports in the eastern part of the country were blocked by forces loyal to the Libyan National Army‘s General Khalifa Haftar.

The Petroleum Facilities Guard – a militia that controls major export terminals in eastern Libya – has ordered local subsidiaries of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), who run them, to cease all operations, the firm said in a statement.

14.01.2020 - 19:41 [ Sueddeutsche ]

Merkel lädt für Sonntag zu Libyen-Treffen in Berlin ein

Der Bürgerkrieg in Libyen tobt seit dem vom Westen unterstützten Sturz des Langzeitherrschers Muammar al-Gaddafi im Jahr 2011. Die Türkei unterstützt die international anerkannte Regierung von Ministerpräsident Al-Sarradsch. Russland stärkt – wie Ägypten, Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) – General Haftar.

13.01.2020 - 18:52 [ ]

Libyen: Verhandlungen in Russland und Deutschland

Fajis as-Sarradsch, Chalifa Haftar und Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu reisten heute nach Moskau, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan wird am Sonntag in Berlin erwartet

05.01.2020 - 12:39 [ BBC ]

Libya conflict: Tripoli military school suffers deadly air strike

The UN-backed government blamed rebel forces loyal to Gen Khalifa Haftar for the attack. The rebels denied involvement.

05.01.2020 - 12:31 [ Tagesspiegel ‏/ Twitter ]

Bei einem #Luftangriff auf die Militärakademie in #Libyen hat es mindestens 28 Tote gegeben. Das Militär der international anerkannten Regierung beschuldigt „unbekannte ausländische Kampfflugzeuge“, die Rebellengeneral Chalifa Haftar unterstützen sollen

26.12.2019 - 20:22 [ Xinhuanet ]

Libya‘s UN-backed govn‘t announces Turkish-Tunisian-Algerian alliance to support Libyan govn‘t

Interior Minister of the UN-backed government of Libya Fathi Bashagha on Thursday revealed that a Turkish-Tunisian-Algerian alliance was formed to support the Libyan government.

26.12.2019 - 12:10 [ Al Jazeera ]

Erdogan announces plan to send troops to Libya


„Since there is an invitation (from Libya) right now, we will accept it,“ Erdogan told members of his AK Party. „We will present the motion to send troops [to Libya] as soon as parliament resumes.“

„God willing, we will pass it in parliament on January 8-9 and thus respond to an invitation“ from the Tripoli-based GNA, he said.

26.12.2019 - 11:57 [ ]

Erdogan: Türkei wird Truppen nach Libyen schicken

Ein entsprechendes Gesetz werde dem türkischen Parlament im Jänner vorgelegt, sagte Erdogan heute. Das seit 2014 unter einem Bürgerkrieg leidende Libyen habe türkische Truppen eingeladen, und man werde der Einladung folgen.

22.12.2019 - 01:38 [ Reuters ]

Eastern Libyan forces seize ship with a Turkish crew: spokesman

Eastern Libyan forces seized a Grenada-flagged ship with a Turkish crew on Saturday off the Libyan coast, a spokesman said, amid rising tensions with Turkey, which supports the rival and internationally recognized Libyan government in Tripoli.

19.12.2019 - 21:23 [ ]

Libya’s GNA accepts Turkey’s offer for military support to repel Haftar’s offensive on Tripoli

Libya’s United Nations-recognised Government of National Accord has accepted an offer from Turkey for military and logistical support as it seeks to repel an offensive led by forces loyal to Khalifa Haftar.

19.12.2019 - 21:21 [ ]

Bürgerkrieg: Libyen will türkische Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen

Bei dem Treffen Ende November hatten Sarradsch und Erdogan auch ein Abkommen über Seegrenzen im Mittelmeer unterschrieben. Dabei geht es um Erdgasbohrungen südlich von Zypern.

19.12.2019 - 21:17 [ ]

Tripolis umzingelt: Libysche Einheitsregierung drängt auf Ausbau der Militärkooperation mit Türkei

Der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan und der Chef der Tripolis-Regierung, Fayez al-Sarradsch, hatten Ende November ein Abkommen über das gegenseitige Einverständnis im Militärbereich und hinsichtlich der See-Zonen unterzeichnet. Griechenland, Ägypten und das in Ostlibyen sitzende Repräsentantenhaus (das Parlament) bezeichneten die türkisch-libyschen Memoranden als illegitim und außer Kraft.

Zuvor hatte der mit den ostlibyschen Behörden kooperierende Marschall Haftar den Start eines entschiedenen Gefechts und des Vordringens in das Zentrum von Tripolis angekündigt.

15.12.2019 - 14:04 [ ]

Türkische Mittelmeerpläne: Libyen als „Trojanisches Pferd“


Die Reihe derer, denen die Türkei mit einem Maritim-Abkommen, auf die Füße tritt, ist lang: Angefangen von der Republik Zypern, Griechenland, der EU und Israel reicht die Liste bis zum libyschen Feldmarschall Haftar und seiner LNA-Miliz, großen libyschen Stämmen, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, Ägypten, der russischen Führung und dem französischen Präsidenten Macron.

15.12.2019 - 13:08 [ ]

Turkey renews military pledge to Libya as threat of Mediterranean war grows

Ankara ready to defend government in Tripoli in latest policy to inflame tensions with US, EU, Greece and Middle East countries

01.12.2019 - 15:46 [ Libyan Express ]

Erdoğan: Agreement with Libya’s GNA to go through Parliament for endorsement

The Turkish president further said that the agreement with Libya’s internationally recognised government will have to go through the Turkish parliament and then it will be put into effect.

04.07.2019 - 11:58 [ Middle East Eye ]

Libyan militia building mercenary air force, rivals claim


From February 2015, the Ukrainian Glissada company, specialising in the supply of spare parts for airplanes and helicopters of various nations, began looking for pilots and technicians with experience on the Mirage F1 for full-time jobs in Africa.

The final client was Libya Dawn, via the Caravana Middle East company based in Jordan and directed by a US-Jordanian, Rami Ghanem Najm, according to MEE‘s source. Najm was arrested in December 2015 in Greece on an international arrest warrant and extradited to the US on arms trafficking charges.

The first two foreign mercenaries appeared in Misrata in June 2015. One of them refused to bomb LNA troops and left. The other – an Ecuadorian, reinforced by technicians of the same country – carried out several air strikes against LNA forces, then Islamic State militants in the Sirte region.