Daily Archives: 19. November 2022

19.11.2022 - 16:15 [ Flippin Coin / Nitter ]

The bottom line is this: the navigation electronics will determine who the missile came from. It is that simple.

19.11.2022 - 16:07 [ Thomas C. Theiner / Nitter ]

Here is a photo of Poland‘s RAT-31DL FADR radar at Łabunie. This radar is 40 km from Przewodów, where the missiles exploded. That radar is barely 10 years old and has a 11×7 m antenna. It is one of the best radars NATO has. And it feeds directly into the Polish Air Force‘s


19.11.2022 - 15:47 [ Reuters ]

Ukrainian experts at Poland blast site, talks under way on Kyiv‘s role in probe

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba wrote on Twitter that Ukrainian experts were already working at the site, but did not mention Kyiv‘s demand to take part in the investigation.

„I am grateful to the Polish side for granting (the experts) access. We will continue our cooperation in an open and constructive manner, as closest friends do,“ he said.

19.11.2022 - 15:42 [ jarek2 / Nitter ]

As I say, we Poles knew best because our radar is much more accurate than the Americans‘ Avacs. The Ukrainians also have the trajectories of this projectile recorded. Everyone has the same knowledge but Biden, although he knew the least, communicated it.

19.11.2022 - 15:11 [ Talouselama.fi ]

Naton lentokone seurasi tutkalla Puolaan päätynyttä ohjusta – yksityiskohtia ei kerrottu


Nato kertoo, että Puolan ilmatilassa lentänyt puolustusliiton lentokone seurasi ohjusta tutkalla. Sen rata on siis tiedossa. Julkisuuteen yksityiskohtia ei ole kerrottu.

19.11.2022 - 15:08 [ Tuomas Malinen / Nitter ]

A Finnish newspaper, @talouselama , reports that a #NATO plane tracked the missile that hit #Poland recording its trajectory, but no details have been made public. Why? @jensstoltenberg @POTUS


19.11.2022 - 14:48 [ aa.com.tr ]

US sending 2 Patriot missile batteries to Poland: Statement


„At the direction of the Secretary of Defense and at the invitation of our Polish allies, General Wolters, Commander of US European Command, has directed US Army Europe and Africa to reposition two Patriot Batteries to Poland,“ United States European Command (EUCOM) spokesman Capt. Adam Miller said in a statement.

„This defensive deployment is being conducted proactively to counter any potential threat to US and Allied forces and NATO territory,“ said the statement, adding the missiles „will in no way support any offensive operations.”

19.11.2022 - 14:27 [ Drawing Dead / Nitter ]

„The PAC-3 system can defend against ballistic missiles of all types, however it is less effective against aircraft and air-to surface missiles. This is why it is deployed alongside the Patriot PAC-2 launchers with long-range missiles.“

(May 21, 2022)

19.11.2022 - 14:19 [ Military-Today.com ]

Patriot PAC-2 – Long-range air defense and anti-ballistic missile system

The PAC-2 missile has a range of about 160 km.

19.11.2022 - 14:15 [ Bundeswehr.de ]

Bundeswehr verlegt Luftverteidigungskräfte in die Slowakei


Abwehrbereit: Ein Patriot-Luftabwehrsystem der Bundeswehr kann bis zu fünf Ziele gleichzeitig auf eine Distanz von bis zu 68 Kilometern bekämpfen.

19.11.2022 - 14:05 [ marva washington / Nitter ]

so poland =Nato has no air defense?

19.11.2022 - 13:57 [ Flippin Coin / Nitter ]

S300 warheads are different for AD & ground. AD uses fragmentation & proximity fuse: it means the tires you see in the photo would have been shredded & there would be no crater. It‘s a huge hole, so if not a cruise, a ground-attack S300. Only Russia uses those.

(Nov 16)


19.11.2022 - 13:47 [ Espreso.tv ]

Only missile converted from S-300 to ballistic one could cause destruction like in Poland – Oleksiy Hetman

(17 November, 2022)

„If we assume that the rocket completely deteriorated and lost electronic control, then if it fell to the ground, it would also not have been able to explode. The missile does not explode from detonation, it explodes from the command of electronic equipment located inside. The Russians turned such S-300 missiles into ballistic missiles with a regular charge instead of metal balls and cubes. Such a missile can fall to the ground and explode. This missile has been processed from an anti-aircraft missile to a ballistic one. In Ukraine, such processed missiles were not made,“ Hetman stressed.

19.11.2022 - 13:38 [ DefenceView.in ]

Does Russia really using S-300 air defence System Against Ukraine to Hit Ground Targets?

(July 27, 2022)

There are documents on cases of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles used by the Russian military for ground attack tests in the air defense systems. Combat training. Even the Belarusian Army has practiced using the S-300 system to attack fixed targets on the ground.


The Russian Army has long tested the S-300 surface-to-air missile system’s ability to kill ground targets. The missiles, when launched on a ballistic trajectory, can reportedly be used to attack command centers, radar stations, and hangars up to 120 kilometers away, according to the Russian military.

19.11.2022 - 13:32 [ Ukraine Battle Map / Nitter ]

The missiles hit the village of Przewodow in Poland Przewodow is 7 km away from the Polish-Ukrainian Border The missiles landed 120km from Belarus, and 70km north of Lviv

19.11.2022 - 10:23 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Unterstützung für Ukraine: BND liefert militärisch nutzbare Daten


Die Informationen, die der BND mit Billigung der Bundesregierung an den ukrainischen Geheimdienst übermittelt, umfassen neben Analysen, beispielsweise zu Kampfkraft und Moral russischer Einheiten in der Ukraine, auch abgehörte Funksprüche und Mobiltelefonate sowie Satellitenbilder. Diese BND-Berichte können der Ukraine bei der Vorbereitung militärischer Operationen helfen.

19.11.2022 - 08:45 [ Radio Polen - .PolskieRadio.pl ]

Duda: Raketenexplosion in Polen war ein „tragischer Unfall“

„Wenn die ukrainischen Gäste die Untersuchung sehen wollen, werden wir ihnen das zeigen können, so wie man es mir gezeigt hat“, sagte Polens Staatspräsident. „Wenn es um die Teilnahme an den Ermittlungen und den Zugang zu Dokumenten und Informationen geht, erfordert dies spezifische vertragliche Bestimmungen, völkerrechtliche Bestimmungen und internationale Vereinbarungen“, fügte Duda hinzu.