Daily Archives: 30. Mai 2020

30.05.2020 - 23:12 [ Molly Sullivan / Twitter ]

So proud of Fargo, ND. Even the police are joining in instead of fighting the protest. Stand up for what’s right. Race, political stand point, position of power, it doesn’t matter. We are all human. This is such a moving picture.


30.05.2020 - 23:10 [ Jonathan Choe Journalist KOMO News / Twitter ]

HAPPENING NOW: Easily more than 1000 protestors marching down 5th Ave in Downtown Seattle. Peaceful and loud.

Just to be clear, this is separate from the 3pm gathering scheduled at Westlake Center.

#GeorgeFloyd #Protest #Seattle #GeorgeFloydProtest

30.05.2020 - 23:09 [ Jacob Cersosimo / Twitter ]

A protest for justice in the death of George Floyd has started on the corner of 41st and Minnesota in Sioux Falls. #DakotaNewsNow

Chants have started and lots or cars honking their horns. This is a peaceful protest.

30.05.2020 - 22:21 [ Garrett / Twitter ]

Proud of what’s going on in Fargo right now. A peaceful protest marching across town. No one is looting, no one is rioting, just one single message to get out.

30.05.2020 - 22:10 [ Tampa Bay Times / Twitter ]

BREAKING: As protests stage around the nation, hundreds of demonstrators have gathered outside the Tampa Police Department headquarters and marched to Curtis Hixon this morning following the death of George Floyd. Follow our reporter @ByJoshFiallo for continued coverage.

30.05.2020 - 22:05 [ The Hill ]

Bus driver union says it won‘t help NYPD transport arrested protesters

The New York TWU sued the New York Police Department in 2011 for ordering buses and forcing city drivers to transport arrested Occupy Wall Street protesters.

Unionized bus drivers in Minneapolis also refused requests by local police to transport arrested protesters, according to CityLab.

30.05.2020 - 21:28 [ NËORastafari / Twitter ]

Live Drone Footage recorded by me of a peaceful protest in Newark, NJ . Protesting for George Floyd and justice to the men responsible. We are protesting for all lives lost due to racism and inequality

30.05.2020 - 21:13 [ San Francisco Chronicle ]

Homeland Security contract officer shot and killed in Oakland, a second injured

The federal building was in the area of violent protests Friday night over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. FBI officials did not immediately say whether the shooting and protests are related.

30.05.2020 - 21:11 [ @ShaggyBull / Twitter ]

Hmm, so no one with LMPD. Who did the shooting? State police? Mercenaries? Vigilanties? Please investigate! #Louisville


30.05.2020 - 21:08 [ Demforever / Twitter ]

Who did the shooting is the big question! ‘Shots fired, we have shots fired’: Listen to Louisville reporter’s harrowing live broadcast — 7 wounded


30.05.2020 - 20:37 [ Tagesschau ]

Ausschreitungen in Minneapolis: „Hier geht es um Chaos“

Walz machte außenstehende Kräfte für die Eskalation verantwortlich. 80 Prozent der Gewalttäter kämen nicht aus dem Bundesstaat. Sie seien gut organisiert und – wie der Gouverneur einräumte – taktisch den Sicherheitskräften überlegen.

Der Gouverneur warnte, dass die Lage weiter eskalieren könnte – genau darauf würden es die gewalttätigen Protestierer anlegen. Sie wollten die mediale Aufmerksamkeit und seien auch bereit, Tote in Kauf zu nehmen.

30.05.2020 - 20:33 [ Tagesschau ]

Gewalt in Minneapolis: „Professionell organisierte Gruppen“

Talan: Der Gouverneur von Minnesota hat von professionell organisierten Gruppen gesprochen, die gezielt Chaos stiften wollten. Er ist nach einer Beteiligung von „White Supremacy“-Anhängern gefragt worden (Rassistische Ideologie von einer „weißen Überlegenheit“, Anm. d.Red.) und hat bestätigt, dass es diese Gerüchte gebe. Es kursieren Fotos von Pickup-Trucks, die bei den Protesten gesichtet wurden, auf denen Sticker dieser rassistischen Bewegung klebten. Diese Fahrzeuge kamen auch aus anderen Bundesstaaten. Es gibt Berichte von einer Unterwanderung der Proteste.

Aktivisten posteten zudem ein Video von einem der ersten Fälle von Vandalismus in Minneapolis. Zu sehen ist ein weißer Mann mit Gasmaske und militärischer Kleidung, der ein Geschäft beschädigt. Er wird von einem Schwarzen zur Rede gestellt und entfernt sich, als er merkt, dass er gefilmt wird.

30.05.2020 - 20:27 [ law.cornell.edu ]

10 U.S. Code § 252. Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

30.05.2020 - 20:23 [ Wikipedia ]

Posse Comitatus Act

There are a number of situations in which the Act does not apply. These include:

– National Guard units, state defense forces, and naval militias[15] while under the authority of the governor of a state. However, only the National Guard can be federalized under 10 U.S.C. § 12406, which shifts control from the state governor to the President, making them subject to the PCA as well.

– Federal troops used in accordance to the Insurrection Act, as was the case with the 1st Marine Division and 7th Infantry Division being sent to curtail the 1992 Los Angeles riots.

30.05.2020 - 20:22 [ Washington Post ]

Trump, Pentagon offer active-duty military forces and intelligence to help quell Minnesota unrest

Gov. Tim Walz (D.) acknowledged the offer as he announced that he was mobilizing the entire Minnesota National Guard. He did so after several nights of rioting in response to the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed in police custody this week in Minneapolis while handcuffed and on video.

Walz downplayed the significance of the Pentagon’s offer to send U.S. armed forces, saying that “this has happened before” where groups from the 82nd Airborne Division and other parts of the Army are put “on readiness.”

“They’re not talking about mobilizing the entire United States Army,” Walz said. “We’re probably talking about in the neighborhood of several hundred” soldiers.

30.05.2020 - 19:57 [ Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren (CBG) ]

Lebensmittel-Importe dürfen Rückstände von EU-weit verbotenen Pestiziden enthalten

Die Europäische Union duldet bei Nahrungsmittel-Importen Rückstände von Agro-Chemikalien, die auf ihrer eigenen Verbotsliste stehen.

30.05.2020 - 15:55 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Chile: Präsident Piñera will mehr Macht für Inlandsgeheimdienst

Es gibt der ANI die Befugnis, aus Polizei und Militär Agenten zu bestimmen, die unbefristet als verdeckte Ermittler fungieren können, und es soll ihr ermöglichen, auf jedwede Information anderer staatlicher Stellen zuzugreifen.

30.05.2020 - 15:51 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Bolivien: Gewerkschaften in Cochabamba rufen Notstand aus und fordern Wahlen

„Wenn die Regierung verhindern will, dass die Menschen auf die Straße gehen, sollte sie auf die Stimme des Volks hören.“ Rodríguez forderte Polizei und Streitkräfte auf, sich auf die Seite des Volkes zu stellen, sollte es zu Konflikten kommen.

30.05.2020 - 15:45 [ NBC / Youtube ]

Live: SpaceX, NASA Launch U.S. Astronauts To International Space Station | NBC News

Watch live coverage as Elon Musk’s SpaceX and NASA make a second attempt at liftoff of a Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon capsule with two U.S. astronauts. This is the first mission of its kind to the International Space Station in nearly a decade.

30.05.2020 - 15:35 [ the Hill ]

Demonstrations rage across the country

Protests erupted in cities across the country on Friday night amid mounting unrest over the police-involved death of George Floyd, with violent demonstrations and clashes between protesters and law enforcement stretching from coast to coast and reaching the outer barriers of the White House.

30.05.2020 - 15:27 [ Zane Sparling, reporter @ThePortlandTrib ]

Portland is waking up to thunder, lightning… and a state of emergency this morningPortland is waking up to thunder, lightning… and a state of emergency this morning

30.05.2020 - 15:03 [ Geoff Smith / Twitter ]

Hahahahahah! „Well, we told people not to protest, so we thought they‘d stay home“ Hahahahaah!

30.05.2020 - 15:01 [ Libor Jany, Newspaperman for the Star Tribune / Twitter ]

? How could you underestimate the number of people who would show up tonight? Harrington: We listened to people who said that the curfew would keep people inside, and numbers of protesters down.

30.05.2020 - 14:52 [ SIX News Australia / Youtube ]

Reporter „deliberately SHOT by Police“ during Louisville protests

WAVE 3 reporter Kaitlin Rust was deliberately SHOT at by Police, while covering protests in downtown Louisville, witnesses say.
It‘s believed authorities fired Pepper Balls at the news crew.

30.05.2020 - 14:42 [ The Hill ]

Louisville police shoot reporter, cameraman with pepper balls in middle of live broadcast

Video of the encounter shows Kaitlin Rust, a reporter for CBS affiliate WAVE 3 News, narrating as she walks around the area of the protest before suddenly screaming: „I‘m getting shot!“

Rust appears shocked but continues reporting, explaining what‘s happening as the camera focuses in on an officer pointing a gun with pepper bullets at the cameraman.

30.05.2020 - 14:41 [ Shaun King / Twitter ]

Multiple police officers from inside the NYPD told me that this officer who assaulted the young woman is Vincent J. D’Andraia is the 73rd Precinct. They said he brutalizes Black people all over Brownsville. And so does NYPD Commander Craig Eldelman, who is in the white shirt.

30.05.2020 - 14:27 [ Dounya Zayer / Twitter ]

This was me, and I want to make one thing clear to all the people that are commenting lies below this video. I did NOT spit in this officers face. I was wearing a face mask. He told me to get out of the street and then immediately threw me out of the way.

30.05.2020 - 14:24 [ Jason Lemon, senior reporter @Newsweek ]

NYPD officer just called a female protester a “stupid fucking bitch” and threw her to the ground

30.05.2020 - 14:22 [ Farhang F. Namdar / Twitter ]

New York, The NYPD is using a bus to transfer arrested protesters at the Barclays Center. So many have been arrested. However the bus driver refused to drive it.“

30.05.2020 - 14:01 [ 11Alive / Youtube ]

T.I., Killer Mike join Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms in condemning violence in Atlanta protests

The mayor urged protesters to go home as the event was no longer peaceful – and the culprits possibly not from Atlanta.

30.05.2020 - 13:14 [ CNN ]

Trump says he‘s spoken to George Floyd‘s family

„The looters should not be allowed to drown out the voices of so many peaceful protesters they hurt so badly, what is happening and it‘s so bad for the state and their great city,“ he continued.
Nearly 15 hours after his overnight tweet that Twitter flagged, Trump tried to adopt a more measured tone in front of cameras late Friday afternoon.
„I understand the hurt. I understand the pain. People have really been through a lot. The family of George is entitled to justice and the people of Minnesota are entitled to live in safety,“ Trump said.

30.05.2020 - 13:05 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Violent George Floyd protests at CNN Center unfold live on TV

CNN‘s Nick Valencia reports live from inside the CNN Center in Atlanta where demonstrations over the killing of George Floyd have turned violent.

30.05.2020 - 12:43 [ the Hill ]

White House goes on brief lockdown after protest erupts nearby

The White House went into a brief lockdown on Friday evening as protests over the death of George Floyd raged nearby, according to reporters who said they were in the building at the time.

30.05.2020 - 12:12 [ ORF.at ]

Tod bei Polizeieinsatz: Proteste breiten sich quer über USA aus

Die „New York Times“ berichtete von Zusammenstößen mit Sicherheitskräften etwa in der texanischen Stadt Houston, von Autobahnblockaden durch Demonstrantinnen und Demonstranten in Los Angeles (Kalifornien) und brennenden Gebäuden in Minneapolis (Minnesota).

30.05.2020 - 03:27 [ Star Tribune ]

Dakota County, Anoka County, suburbs join Minneapolis, St. Paul in ordering weekend curfews

The curfew will bar people from all traveling in all public spaces, including streets in the city, according to the order signed by mayor Jacob Frey.

30.05.2020 - 02:44 [ NASA / Youtube ]

What‘s the Status of NASA and SpaceX‘s Mission to Launch Astronauts to Space?

NASA and SpaceX now are targeting 3:22 p.m. EDT Saturday, May 30, for the launch of the first commercially built and operated American rocket and spacecraft carrying astronauts to the space station.