„Lunar studies are one of the guidelines in our cooperation,“ Li said. „As far as China’s orbital station is concerned, it is in the construction phase and will be completed by 2022. We intend to cooperate with many countries, including Russia, Germany and France on this project.“
Daily Archives: 14. Januar 2019
„Britain MUST NOT benefit from Brexit“ David Davis reveals SHOCK Merkel warning
He said: “Europe was determined to make sure we had no advantages. “In fact, Mrs Merkel, if I remember correctly, said that Britain mustn’t benefit from Brexit.”
David Davis erhebt Vorwürfe gegen Deutschland und die EU
„Tatsächlich sagte Frau Merkel, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, sinngemäß, dass Großbritannien auf keinen Fall vom Brexit profitieren dürfe.“
.@wesstreeting will you be upholding the will of your voters tomorrow night, by voting down the Tory Brexit deal? #respectyourvoters #JC4PM
@BrendanChilton: Happy Birthday Brendan!
.@annaturley will you be representing your constituents tomorrow night by voting down May‘s dodgy Brexit deal? It is not what we voted for. #respectyourvoters #JC4PM
CONFIRMED BY THE EU: No time limit on backstop, no unilateral exit mechanism. We will not leave the backstop. The EU has zero incentive for us to leave the prison. This deal MUST be voted down #brexit
Our joint letter to PM @theresa_may on #Brexit:
You only need to know 15 words from today‘s letter from the EU to the UK: „we are not in a position to agree to anything that changes…the Withdrawal Agreement“
Next Tory leader hopefuls Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab are already lining up
Theresa May hasn‘t even lost the meaningful vote on her Brexit deal yet.
House of Commons: Monday 14 January 2019
Rt Hon Theresa May MP, The Prime Minister (Maidenhead, Conservative)
Rt Hon Edward Miliband MP (Doncaster North, Labour)
Rt Hon Theresa May MP, The Prime Minister (Maidenhead, Conservative)
Der vorletzte Tag der #Brexit #Debatte hat soeben begonnen. #May bittet die Abgeordneten einen „zweiten Blick auf den Deal“ zu werfen. #Corbyn fordert Neuwahlen. Noch immer sieht es morgen nach einer Niederlage für die Regierung aus @zdfheute @ReporterZDF
Brexit news – live: Theresa May admits she has failed to secure legally-binding time limit on backstop from EU, just a day before pivotal vote in parliament
Follow live updates on the eve of the meaningful vote
How your MP is expected to vote on Brexit deal
The magic number that the prime minister needs to win the crucial House of Commons vote on her Brexit deal is 318.
But Sky News data-crunching reveals she is set to fall well short.
With the vote in less than 48 hours, the prime minister has still not won over enough Remainers and Brexiteers from her own party, or the opposition ones, to secure a sure win.
Iran, Iraq foiled US moves to sabotage mutual ties: FM Zarif
During his visit to Baghdad, Zarif had a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi on Sunday evening.
Where they stand ahead of the vote
Telegraph: no deal
The Sun: no deal
Spectator: no deal
Daily Mail: May’s deal
Mail on Sunday: May’s deal
Times: May’s deal
FT: May’s deal
Express: May’s deal
Guido: May’s deal
Mirror: election
Guardian: second ref
Indy: second ref
Gareth Johnson resigns: Tory whip quits government ahead of Theresa May‘s Brexit deal vote
Stating the move is „possibly the hardest decision I have ever made“, he added: „I have decided the time has come to place my loyalty to my country above my loyalty to the government.“
„Rebellen“ (II)
Zur Begründung hieß es, es drohe eine humanitäre Katastrophe. Das traf auf den geplanten Angriff auf Idlib mutmaßlich ebenso zu wie auf den Krieg zur Rückeroberung von Mossul und Raqqa, an dem sich Berlin allerdings aktiv beteiligt hatte; die Bundeswehr hatte unter anderem wichtige Aufklärungsdaten beschafft. Während Berlin Druck ausübte, um die Niederwerfung der Jihadisten in Idlib zu verhindern, drohten die USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich gar mit Luftangriffen (german-foreign-policy.com berichtete [3]). Der erfolgreiche Versuch, die Region Idlib weiter der Kontrolle der Regierung in Damaskus zu entziehen, ist in der Öffentlichkeit stets damit begründet worden, man müsse dort ehrbare „Rebellen“ vor dem Zugriff der Regierungstruppen schützen.
Berlin verzichtet auf direkte Kritik an US-Botschafter
Die Sprecherin des Auswärtigen Amts verzichtete in der Regierungspressekonferenz auf direkte Kritik.
Kripobeamter gesteht Straftaten und Spielsucht
Er schilderte, wie er später vom Streifenwagen aus einen Tatort bewachte, während seine Mittäter einen Geldautomaten knackten. Und wie er zu Hause am Computer einen Durchsuchungsbeschluss fälschte, um damit eine Wohnungsdurchsuchung zu inszenieren, bei der die Bande fast 13.000 Euro klaute. Ferner habe er den Mitangeklagten mehrfach Auskünfte aus Polizei-Informationssystemen gegeben.
Steuererklärungen aus SH werden in Karlsruhe gescannt
Bis Mitte des Jahres soll das Scanverfahren von allen Finanzämtern des Landes genutzt werden. Rund 430.000 Steuererklärungen müssen rund 700 Kilometer durch Deutschland kutschiert werden. Und später wieder zurück.
Fresh blow for Theresa May as pro-Brexit Tory whip Gareth Johnson QUITS 24 hours ahead of crunch vote on deal – with more set to follow
ANOTHER member of Theresa May‘s government has quit today, 24 hours ahead of the crunch vote on her deal.
Assistant Tory whip Gareth Johnson threw in the towel this afternoon as the PM battles to win last-minute support for her hated deal.
Peru Former Top Attorney Steals Docs, Forced To Stay In Country
Peru’s former Attorney General Pedro Chavarry has been prohibited from leaving the country by the nation’s Supreme Court of Investigation for allegedly directing the removal of state documents which could potentially provide evidence on the Odebrecht case.
Kolumbien: Weiterer Hauptzeuge im Odebrecht-Skandal tot
Zwei weitere Zeugen haben nach dem Tod von Pizano und Merchán das Land verlassen und sollen sich in den USA befinden.
As the vote approaches, let’s remember why May’s Withdrawal Agreement is simply unacceptable to anyone who values our union, our democracy and our future prosperity. Email your MP & ask them to vote this deal down: #StandUp4Brexit
“When people vote, they expect their vote to be acted on. If we have a second referendum before the first one has been given force, that would be anti-democratic. It would make people feel even more disillusioned with politics.” @Tom_Slater_ on #PeoplesVote
Brussels braced for request to delay Brexit by three months
Brussels expects Britain to ask for an extension to Article 50 to allow Brexit to be delayed if the House of Commons rejects Theresa May’s deal tomorrow, The Times has learnt.
Greg Hands: “The power is with us.” The two EU officials who want to punish Britain, crafted the deal – and claim they are winning.
(8.1.2018) Much attention has focused on Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxemburger EU Commission President, and Michel Barnier, the Commission’s French chief Brexit negotiator.
But most Brussels commentators maintain that Brexit details are determined by their respective number twos: Martin Selmayr (Chief of Staff to Juncker since 2014, and – controversially – General Secretary of the European Commission since March 2018) and Sabine Weyand, deputy to Barnier.
Both happen to be German. Indeed, Die Welt, the leading German daily, early on in the negotiations did a feature titled ‘The top German players in the Brexit poker game’, with a certain pride, on their central role in the coming talks.
The ballot box is a precious thing. It is a sign that a nation permits its citizens to effect peaceful change so they aren‘t forced to riot or take up arms.
Anyone attempting to subvert it – such as by deciding not to implement certain votes – is playing a very dangerous game.
Parliament has turned against the people – MPs’ betrayal of Brexit will push the United Kingdom to the brink.
Forget the seven or eight crude-mouthed blokes outside parliament who have been shouting silly insults at Tory MP Anna Soubry, Guardian columnist Owen Jones and various Sky reporters. Those imbeciles pose precisely zero threat to freedom and democracy in the UK. It’s the people inside parliament you should be worried about. It is these well-educated, politely spoken political operators who threaten to devastate centuries of democratic tradition through their wilful agitation against the largest democratic vote in our history: the vote for Brexit.
Twelve Brexit heavyweights urge Tory MPs to defy Theresa May and vote down her hated deal
TWELVE ex-ministers have written to all Tory MPs calling on them to vote down Theresa May’s deal tomorrow in a 24-hour battle to save Brexit.
The dozen, including Boris Johnson, demand in their Plan B letter that the PM issue the EU with a final ultimatum for a better deal when hers is voted down on Tuesday – and then leave without one.
Theresa May says no Brexit more likely than no deal
Prime Minister Theresa May is making a last-ditch attempt to persuade MPs to back her Brexit deal as Tuesday‘s key Commons vote looms closer.
She will use a speech on Monday to warn that Parliament is more likely to block Brexit than let the UK leave without a deal.
Remainers unite to call for second Brexit poll – on Theresa May‘s deal or staying in EU
A cross-party group of MPs, including Dominic Grieve, the former Conservative attorney general, wants Theresa May to give Parliament a greater say in deciding how Britain leaves the European Union.
It comes after reports emerged at the weekend of a planned “coup” by unnamed senior MPs to grab control of the parliamentary timetable by allowing backbenchers’ legislation to take precedence over the Government’s.
In das Atommülllager Asse fließt derzeit deutlich mehr Wasser ein als bisher. Binnen eines Tages stieg die Menge um mehr als 1.600 Liter, teilte die BGE mit.
Hydropower Has Higher Environmental Cost Than Believed: Study
What’s more, dams don’t last forever. They need to be retired and dismantled and this bears a high financial cost, too. „The cost of removing a dam once its useful life is over is extremely high, and should be taken into account when computing the total cost of a new hydro development,“ Moran notes. „If the cost of removal had to be included, many dams wouldn‘t be built. It would be far more expensive to produce a kilowatt-hour of electricity via a hydro complex with a useful life of 30 to 50 years, like those under construction in Brazil.“
Another Crucial Canadian Pipeline Runs Into Trouble
But at least five Wet’suwet’en chiefs oppose the project. “The goal has always been the same for Canada and indigenous people: it’s to remove us from our land and have access to the resources,” Jennifer Wickham, a member of one of five clans making up the Wet’suwet’en nation, told The Guardian. “That storyline has never changed.”
10 Jahre antikrieg.com
Heute vor zehn Jahren ging antikrieg.com in Betrieb. Der folgende Artikel von Gideon Levy hat mich damals so beeindruckt, dass ich mich entschloss, mit den mir zur Verfügung stehenden Möglichkeiten gegen Krieg, Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung aktiv zu werden. Das Internet bot sich als ideale Kommunikationsplattform an und – oh Wunder! – die Domain antikrieg.com war auch frei. Antiwar.com kannte ich ja schon bestens seit dem Überfall der NATO auf Jugoslawien.
Vom Gesang der Spottdrossel zu dem der Grille
Die Operation Mockingbird (Spottdrossel), in deren Rahmen seit 1948 Hunderte von Pressemedien weltweit der CIA unterstellt waren und Tausende von Journalisten bezahlt wurden, ist auch heute noch in vollem Gange, wenn es darum geht, Kampagnen wie die der sogenannten „Schallangriffe“ zu zimmern
Venezuela Welcomes 2,500 Cuban Doctors Leaving Brazil
Over 2,000 Cuban doctors are setting up practice in Venezuela after being kicked out of Brazil by President Jair Bolsonaro, Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro said this weekend.