Archiv: "White Helmets" / "Weisshelme" (organization)

21.09.2020 - 09:09 [ ]

Militants planning to stage chemical weapon attacks in Syria’s Idlib – Russian Military

The Russian armed forces have received notice that militants from the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham group (formerly known as the Nusra Front, banned in Russia), are planning the provocative attacks.

“In the coming days, terrorists plan to stage attacks in the settlements of Ariha and Basames in order to accuse the Syrian government forces of using chemical weapons against civilians. According to the available information, activists of the White Helmets pseudo-human rights organization are directly involved in the preparation of the sites for the attacks, including staging for capturing video,” Rear Adm. Grinkevich remarked.

07.03.2020 - 16:12 [ Gregory Galligan, Executive Coordinator for #Syria / Twitter ]

At this week‘s International Conference on #Idlib, I had the honour to meet @RaedAlSaleh3 Head of @SyriaCivilDef . I conveyed Canada’s appreciation for all the #WhiteHelmets have done to help Syrians in need. Canada too, stands with the WhiteHelmets.

27.02.2020 - 15:40 [ vanessa beeley / Twitter ]

#maaratalnuman #Idlib yet again #WhiteHelmets Centres next to #Nusra_front military/weapons HQ (Photo not shown) and in midst of terrorist-occupied buildings. Full article to follow.

How much more evidence needed? #IndependentEnquiry.

27.11.2019 - 14:08 [ ]

White Helmets Whitewash: founder’s death, OPCW scandal lift mask on al-Qaeda’s ally in Syria

We speak to The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal, whose reporting has exposed the White Helmets’ ties to jihadists groups and its use as a PR tool for Western military intervention in Syria.

“We don’t know if there’s a cover-up around his [Le Mesurier’s] death — I can’t go that far,” Blumenthal says. “The real cover-up is around his life, as he’s being celebrated everywhere from the Guardian to the New York Times as this heroic figure, this kind of Gandhi of conflict stabilization; when his legacy is actually very dark and stained with blood.”

12.11.2019 - 17:35 [ ]

James Le Mesurier, British ex-army officer who trained Syria‘s White Helmets, found dead in Istanbul

Mystery surrounds the death of the former British soldier who backed Syria’s White Helmets after his body was found in the street days after the Kremlin accused him of being an MI6 agent with terrorist connections.

James Le Mesurier, an ex-Army officer, is thought to have fallen from the balcony of his home in Istanbul where he lived with his wife.

12.11.2019 - 17:30 [ Fefe ]

Klarer Fall von Selbstmord: Chef der syrischen Weißhelme tot in Istanbul aufgefunden.

„Maria Sacharowa, Sprecherin des russischen Außenministerium, hatte Le Mesurier vor drei Tagen einen Agenten des MI6 genannt, „der auf der ganzen Welt gesichtet wurde, unter anderem auf dem Balkan und im Nahen Osten.“

11.11.2019 - 18:14 [ Tagesschau ]

Istanbul: Weißhelm-Gründer tot aufgefunden

Der frühere britische Armee-Offizier Le Mesurier gilt als treibende Kraft bei der Gründung der Organisation im Jahr 2013. Die Arbeit der rund 3000 Freiwilligen wird auch durch Spenden aus dem Ausland möglich gemacht. Die Bundesregierung unterstützt die Weißhelme schon seit Längerem, die US-Regierung hatte erst vor drei Wochen Hilfen in Höhe von 4,5 Millionen Dollar zugesagt.

10.06.2019 - 15:39 [ Jason Jones ‏/ Twitter ]

#Whitehelmets march in support of Jaish al-Fataeh, the militant coalition led by al-Qaeda that captured #Idlib in 2015. What more can you want as proof?

17.05.2019 - 14:35 [ Jonathan Cook ‏/ Twitter ]

Caitlin Johnstone on how the OPCW withheld information to deceive us about the most likely perpetrators of last year‘s deadly chemical attack in Syria (our friends, the jihadists) – and how the media are now assisting them in the continuing the deception

17.05.2019 - 14:20 [ Caitlin Johnstone / ]

CONFIRMED: Chemical Weapons Assessment Contradicting Official Syria Narrative Is Authentic

We now have confirmation that, for whatever the reason may be, this assessment was hidden from the public by the OPCW.

British journalists Peter Hitchens and Brian Whitaker have both published matching statements from the OPCW on this report. Hitchens has been an outspoken critic of the establishment Syria narrative; Whittaker has been a virulent promulgator of it. The statement begins as a very mundane and obvious assertion that it takes information from numerous sources and then publishes its conclusions, but concludes with an admission that it is “conducting an internal investigation about the unauthorised release of the document in question.” This constitutes an admission that the document is authentic.

17.05.2019 - 14:18 [ Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media ]

Assessment by the engineering sub-team of the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission investigating the alleged chemical attack in Douma in April 2018

(13.05.2019) As emphasized above, in a real chemical attack with chlorine or any other irritant gas, most victims would try to escape and non-fatal cases requiring prolonged hospital treatment would far outnumber fatal cases. The images of the victims seen at Location 2 show that they were evidently exposed to an irritant gas but were unable to escape. A careful examination of these images leaves little doubt that the victims were murdered as captives. The staining of the victims’ faces by mucus flowing from their noses and mouths shows in at least some cases the mucus flowed up their faces towards the eyes. This implies that they were hung upside down while exposed to the agent. Bizarrely, the eyes of most victims appear to have been masked so that the eyes were not affected by gas or mucus. In a few victims there are visible strap marks suggesting that the eyes were protected by something like swimming goggles. A possible motive for masking the eyes may have been to make it less obvious that the victims had suffered prolonged exposure to an irritant gas.

We conclude that the staging of the Douma incident entailed mass murder of at least 35 civilians to provide the bodies at Location 2. It follows from this that people dressed as White Helmets and endorsed by the leadership of that organization had a key role in this murder.

16.09.2018 - 21:03 [ ]

Der Deich bricht

Erst vor einem Monat traf Deutschlands Außenminister Maas, auch bekannt als „gut gestylter NATO-Callboy“, den Frontmann der Weißen Helme Raed al-Saleh, dem die Einreise in die USA verweigert wurde, und versprach ihm mehr Geld. Maas lobte auch die jüngste Evakuierung von weißen Helmen aus dem Gebiet von Quneitra und Daraa nach Israel, die nur ein weiterer Betrug war. Israel benutzte den Deckmantel der weißen Helme, um eine Reihe von Kommandanten der Terroristen zu evakuieren, die es jahrelang in seinem Krieg gegen Syrien bezahlt und ausgerüstet hatte.

11.09.2018 - 07:46 [ ]

The Netherlands stops supporting Syrian rebels, ahead of Idlib offensive

The chance that rebel forces will be able to win the civil war is, the ministers say, now ‘extremely limited’. Dutch support for the rebels has ‘not had the desired effects’, the ministers said. The Netherlands had set aside €70m to fund the opposition. In addition to funding ‘moderate’ rebels, the Netherland had also put money into their police forces and to the White Helmets programme, the civilian rescue service.

11.09.2018 - 07:39 [ ]

Niederlande stoppen Finanzhilfe an syrische Opposition

Die Regierung des Landes hat laut dem Portal „Dutch News“ eingesehen, dass die Strategie sich nicht als effektiv erwiesen hat.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Rebellen den Bürgerkrieg gewinnen, ist derzeit laut dem Minister „extrem beschränkt“.

29.08.2018 - 11:27 [ Press TV ]

Syria presents UN with data on militant plans to stage false flag gas attack

Certain Western states, he said, are using their “black flags and White Helmets” to stage new chemical attacks in order to obstruct the political process and justify their aggression against Syria, he said.

28.07.2018 - 14:32 [ Sputnik ]

Weißhelme-Rettung: Verheimlicht Israel seine wahre Rolle im Syrien-Krieg?

(24.7.2018) Die spezifische Vorstellung Israels von eigenen nationalen Interessen sorgt für ein prinzipienloses Verhalten bei der Gewährleistung dieser Interessen. Vielen (besonders in Europa) würde die Kooperation Netanjahus mit Organisationen, die von der UNO als Terrororganisationen eingestuft wurden, bei einer möglichen Konfrontation mit dem Iran kaum gefallen.

Vor diesem Hintergrund entsteht der logische Verdacht, dass die etwa 400 verloren gegangenen Mitglieder der „White Helmets“ in der Tat getarnte Dschihadisten sind, die man dem Publikum kaum vorstellen kann — andernfalls könnte es zu einem Skandal kommen.

25.07.2018 - 22:27 [ NEO ]

Syria: The White Helmets’ Final Performance

It is commonly known that when a ship is sinking, the crew does not board the lifeboats before the passengers. Most noble of all is when the captain and crew go down with the ship. Then with what level of ignobility should we assess the so-called “Syrian Civil Defense” more commonly referred to as the White Helmets?

23.07.2018 - 15:15 [ Daily Sabah ]

Maas: Deutschland nimmt Weißhelme auf

„Es ist ein Gebot der Menschlichkeit, dass viele dieser mutigen Ersthelfer nun Schutz und Zuflucht finden, einige davon auch in Deutschland“, sagte Maas der „Bild“-Zeitung (Montagsausgabe).

23.07.2018 - 14:47 [ CNN ]

Syria‘s White Helmets apologize for Mannequin Challenge video

(25.11.2016) An RFS spokesperson told CNN the group wanted to use the hashtag to „reach the western audience“ and „show them part of the Syrian suffering.“

23.07.2018 - 14:43 [ White Helmets ]

Syria Civil Defence (SCD) respond to RFS video on mannequin challenge

(23.11.2016) This video and the related posts were recorded by RFS media with Syria Civil Defence volunteers, who hoped to create a connection between the horror of Syria and the outside world using the viral ‚Mannequin challenge.‘ This was an error of judgment, and we apologize on behalf of the volunteers involved.

23.07.2018 - 14:19 [ RT / Youtube ]

White Helmets‘ bizarre ‘mannequin challenge’ in Syrian warzone

(22.11.2016) The video that shows members of Syria’s White Helmets partaking in the popular ‚Mannequin Challenge‘ with an injured man, was first posted online by the Revolutionary Forces of Syria Media Office (RFS), an anti-Assad media outlet. #MannequinChallenge was in the video’s title along with ‚edge of death.‘ The video was not shared on the White Helmets‘ social media pages and has since been removed from RFS social media.

23.07.2018 - 14:17 [ vanessa beeley / Youtube ]


(22.1.2017) I was in East Aleppo during its final liberation from Nusra Front-led extremism and during the lead up to Christmas until the 27th December. I witnessed the emaciated civilians arriving at the Jebrin registration centre to receive food, hot drinks and medical treatment. Medical treatment that the Nusra Front dominated, extremist groups, had refused them. We saw a young boy whose foot was missing, he told us that he had received no attention for his wounds prior to arriving in Jebrin. He had been injured in a terrorist mortar attack on the district he had been living in.

I was in East Aleppo between the 9th and the 14th December when the majority of the districts were liberated. Every civilian I spoke to said the White Helmets were effectively Nusra Front‘s civil defence. Some said they „occasionally“ helped civilians but then qualified by adding that their priority was the „armed groups“.

23.07.2018 - 14:04 [ ]

Whitewashing the White Helmets – Peter Ford

Former Ambassador to Syria 2003 – 2006, Peter Ford responds to the UK Government statement by Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt on “exceptional” Israeli evacuation of the UK/US Coalition intelligence construct, the White Helmets:

23.07.2018 - 14:04 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Foreign Ministry: Smuggling hundreds of “White Helmets” by Israel in cooperation with other states discloses their support to terrorism

The source added ”Israel has always lied claiming that it doesn’t have a relation to the war waged on Syria, yet it has smuggled hundreds of members of the “White Helmets” terrorist organization and of the leaders of other armed terrorist organizations in cooperation with the governments of the US, Britain, Jordan , Germany and Canada and this has uncovered the support provided by these states to the terrorist groups in their aggression against the Syrians and in destroying the infrastructure in Syria under false pretexts.

23.07.2018 - 13:55 [ ]

Syrien verurteilt Rettung von Weißhelmen durch Israel

Die syrische Regierung hat die jüngste Rettung Hunderter Mitarbeiter der syrischen Zivilorganisation Weißhelme aus dem Bürgerkriegsland durch Israel verurteilt. Die Operation enthülle die terroristische Natur der Organisation, sagte ein Sprecher des syrischen Außenministeriums der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur SANA. Es handle sich um eine Aggression Israels, aber auch der Beteiligten USA, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Kanada und Jordanien gegenüber dem syrischen Volk.

22.07.2018 - 12:20 [ AFP news agency / Twitter ]

Jordan says it has taken in 800 Syrian White Helmets rescuers and their families from Israel and plans to transfer them to the UK, Canada and Germany

22.07.2018 - 12:16 [ Sharmine Narwani ‏/ Twitter ]

Like we‘ve always said, the White Helmets are Al Qaeda‘s rescue team. And Israel has been aiding Al Qaeda on its borders throughout this conflict.

22.07.2018 - 11:20 [ ]

Israel rettet syrische Weißhelme

Wie der israelische Armeerundfunk meldete, wurden rund 800 Personen – Mitglieder der Hilfsorganisation und ihre Familien – nach Israel geholt und dann nach Jordanien weitergeleitet. Die dortige Regierung erklärte unmittelbar darauf, die Menschen würden nun nach Deutschland, Kanada und Großbritannien gebracht.

22.07.2018 - 11:05 [ Hasepost Osnabrück / Twitter ]

Maas bestätigt Aufnahme von “Weißhelmen” in Deutschland

22.07.2018 - 10:58 [ Hands off Syria / Youtube ]

The White Helmets – al Qaeda with a facelift

Veröffentlicht am 29.04.2016
‚The White Helmets‘, fake ‚Syrian humanitarian group, exposed as an al Qaeda support group headed by a British military man and funded by the US Government. Short documentary by Steve Ezzedine, drawing on research by Vanessa Beeley.

22.07.2018 - 10:56 [ Syrian War Blog ]

The White Helmets: al-Qaeda‘s Firefighters

(2.8.2016) Many analysts have denied that the White Helmets have any links to extremists whatsoever. Even when presented with photographs that seem to prove a link, they deny it. Analysts were outraged when Raed Saleh was barred from entering the US to accept the InterAction Humanitarian award. They claimed that pro-Assad Americans were slandering the Syrian Civil Defense organization with zero evidence. This article will present a trove of evidence that proves involvement with extremist groups. Much of this evidence is new, apparently not spotted by Westerners until now.

22.07.2018 - 10:48 [ ]

US, allies set to evacuate Syrian aid workers from southwest

Two officials familiar with the plans said Thursday that the U.S., Britain and Canada are spearheading the evacuation that would transport members of the White Helmets group to transit camps in neighboring countries. From there, they will be sent to third countries, including Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and possibly Canada, according to the officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.

18.07.2018 - 17:16 [ Whitney Webb / MintPress News ]

Western Governments Seek to Evacuate White Helmets from Syria, Resettle Them in Canada

According to a report recently published in CBS News, several Western countries that have provided funding for the group – such as the Netherlands, the U.K., Germany and France – are now “scrambling” to evacuate the estimated 1,000 White Helmets and their families, claiming that they are “in danger of assassination” and “now in need of rescuing themselves.”

06.05.2018 - 10:26 [ ]

US-Außenministerium hat Zahlungen für die Weißen Helme eingestellt

(4.5.2018) Eine Anfrage von CBS, welche Programme weiter finanziert werden, wurde von Außenministerium nicht beantwortet. Vermutlich wurde die finanzielle Unterstützung der Weißen Helme im Zuge des Beschlusses von US-Präsident Ende März Trump umgesetzt, die für Wiederaufbauhilfe vorgesehenen 200 Millionen USA-Dollar einzufrieren.

06.05.2018 - 10:09 [ CBS News ]

U.S. freezes funding for Syria‘s „White Helmets“

(3.5.2018) „Our meetings in March were very positive. There were even remarks from senior officials about long-term commitments even into 2020. There were no suggestions whatsoever about stopping support,“ Raed Saleh, the group‘s leader, told CBS News.

Now they are not getting any U.S funding as the State Department says the support is „under active review.“ The U.S had accounted for about a third of the group‘s overall funding.

21.04.2018 - 06:58 [ Grayzone Project ]

Exclusive Emails Show How The White Helmets Tried To Recruit Roger Waters With Saudi Money

(19.April) Farsi’s relationship to the The Syria Campaign had been kept private until now. A Syrian-British oil tycoon named Ayman Asfari has taken a much more vocal role with the PR group, providing it with seed money to advance his mission to stimulate US and UK support for regime change in Syria. Waters was informed that Asfari’s wife, Sawsan, would be on hand for the 2016 White Helmets fundraising dinner.

19.04.2018 - 17:16 [ Sputnik / Youtube ]

So drehten Weißhelme ihr C-Waffen-Video: Elfjähriges „Opfer“ packt aus

Knapp zwei Wochen nach der offenbar inszenierten C-Waffen-Attacke in Duma bei Damaskus haben russische Journalisten eines der Kinder entdeckt, die die Weißhelme in ihrem Belastungs-Video gegen die syrische Armee für Opfer ausgegeben hatten. Der elfjährige Hassan Diab erzählt nun, wie das Video gedreht und er selbst ungewollt zum Schauspieler wurde.

19.04.2018 - 17:13 [ Sputnik ]

„C-Waffen-Angriff“: Russland will dem UN-Sicherheitsrat angebliches Opfer zeigen

Moskau hat laut dem russischen UN-Botschafter Wassili Nebensja vor, dem Weltsicherheitsrat ein Sujet über den Jungen Hassan Diab aus dem syrischen Duma, der in einem Video von den „Weißhelmen“ als ein „Opfer des Chemieangriffs“ vorgestellt worden ist, vorzuführen.

19.04.2018 - 07:28 [ Radio Utopie ]

Roger Waters Antikriegs-Statement auf Konzert in Barcelona über die White Helmets

Rogers sagte, dass er nicht mit der Meinung dieser Person übereinstimmt und nach seiner persönlichen Ansicht die White Helmets als Sprachrohr derjenigen ansieht, die weiterhin in Syrien den Krieg eskalieren lassen und Regierungen den Grund liefern, Bomben auf Menschen zu werfen. Der Musiker nutzte seine Ansprache zu einem Appell, diese Welt zu einem besseren Ort werden zu lassen und nicht auf die Propaganda zu hören, die keine Beweise sondern gefälschte Behauptungen vorlegt.

17.04.2018 - 08:46 [ ]

Macron lobt „perfekt durchgeführten“ Angriff auf Syrien

Frankreich ist ein bedeutender Akteur in Syrien, die Angriffe in der Nacht vom 13. auf den 14 April waren legitim und „perfekt durchgeführt“. – der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron zeigte sich in einem Interview am Sonntagabend (YouTube, ab 1:46:41) über jeden Zweifel an der Militäraktion erhaben.
Wie häufig zuvor zog er ehrgeizige Pläne aus der Tasche, von denen nicht klar ist, wie sie angesichts der herrschenden Kräfteverhältnisse umgesetzt werden sollen.

13.04.2018 - 18:49 [ Rubikon ]

Kriegerische Manipulation: Ein manipuliertes Foto entlarvt die Giftgas-Inszenierung von Duma

Die angebliche Giftgasattacke (1) im syrischen Duma (Ghouta) bei Damaskus ist eine False-Flag-Aktion der Propagandaorganisation Weißhelme. Das machte zuletzt auch der führende deutsche Syrienexperte Professor Dr. Günter Meyer von der Universität Mainz in einem Interview im ARD-Mittagsmagazin (2) klar deutlich. Nun sind Bilder der Jaish-Al-Islam-Terroristen (3) aufgetaucht, welche die Fälschung unfreiwillig belegen.

11.04.2018 - 19:03 [ Tass ]

White Helmets staged Douma ‘chemical weapons attack’ on civilians — Russian General Staff

The chemical weapons attack on civilians in the Syrian town of Douma was staged and filmed by members of the White Helmets organization, First Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Department Lieutenant General Viktor Poznikhir told reporters on Wednesday.

„On April 7, probably the last attempt to stage a chemical weapons attack in Eastern Ghouta was made. The notorious White Helmets, who operate as part of terrorist groups, staged and filmed a chemical weapons attack on civilians in the town of Douma,“ he said.

11.04.2018 - 07:55 [ ]

Last Terrorists of Douma: Jaish, Helmets & SAMS Collaborate in Massacre

The last terrorists of Douma have engaged in a ghastly repeat of the heinous atrocities in Khan Sheikhoun, just days after the first anniversary of their slaughter, there. Though the dominant alQaeda faction there is alNusra, the supportive characters of the US and British intelligence funded White Helmets and the US-based, CNN and State Department approved NGO, SAMS remain the same. As with the Khan Sheikhoun slaughter, the purpose of the Douma ‘snuff porn’ slaughter is to incite the swamp-drunk Trump to again bomb Syrian soldiers and ‘collateral damage civilians,’ based on the lies of alQaeda.

The week before the mass murder in Khan Sheikhoun, 250 civilians were kidnapped from nearby villages Majal and Khattab. On 4 April 2017, it was CNN — terrorists most trusted name in news — which broke the report. CNN’s chief source was the British illegal, Shajul Islam, embedded with alNusra-still-on-US-and-UN-terror-lists. He is the guy who was indicted on terrorism charges in his native UK, the guy whose medical license was permanently revoked in his native UK.

10.04.2018 - 09:29 [ ]

CIA inszeniert Gasangriff als Vorwand für Eskalation in Syrien

Es gibt keinen glaubwürdigen Beweis für den mutmaßlichen Angriff in Duma bei Ost-Ghuta, wenige Kilometer von der syrischen Hauptstadt entfernt. Es gibt einige Videoclips, die jedoch nichts beweisen, da sie zu jeder Zeit aufgenommen und entsprechend bearbeitet worden sein könnten. Die einzigen Schilderungen vor Ort stammen von den Weißhelmen, die von den Medien als Hilfsorganisation dargestellt werden, in Wirklichkeit jedoch mit den „Rebellen“ gegen Assad verbündet sind und größtenteils von den USA, Großbritannien, Deutschland und anderen imperialistischen Mächten finanziert werden. Die Organisation hat u.a. dreiundzwanzig Millionen Dollar von der US Agency for International Development (USAID) erhalten, die seit langem als Tarnorganisation der CIA bekannt ist.

Die Trump-Regierung hat das angebliche Verbrechen verurteilt und ihre Vertreter drohen, wie üblich vor einer Militäraktion, es läge „alles auf dem Tisch“. Am Montag trat der Nationale Sicherheitsrat der USA (NSC) erstmal unter dem Vorsitz seines neuen Leiters John Bolton zusammen, der eine wichtige Rolle im Irakkrieg gespielt und sich öffentlich für Luftangriffe auf den Iran und Nordkorea ausgesprochen hat. Der NSC wird dem Präsidenten militärische Optionen empfehlen.

10.04.2018 - 02:42 [ Tass ]

Russia demands just probe into reported chemical attacks in Syria, says Lavrov

„As for the reaction of our foreign colleagues in Washington, Paris, London, and other places, it is all quite simple: this was done by the regime, and if Russia supports the regime, then it is both Russia’s and Iran’s fault, and it is necessary to conduct an investigation,“ the foreign minister noted. „It is rather difficult for a logical person to understand the correlation between one and the other.“

On April 7, a number of NGOs, including the White Helmets, alleged that chemical weapons were used in Douma, Eastern Ghouta. According to the statement published on the organization’s website on April 8, chlorine bombs had been dropped on the city, killing dozens and poisoning many locals who had to be brought to the hospital. The Russian Foreign Ministry dismissed that report as fake news.

09.04.2018 - 03:39 [ ]

Wirft Damaskus Chlorbomben ab? Russisches Militär klärt auf

Eine Reihe sozusagen unabhängiger Nichtregierungsorganisationen, darunter die Weißhelme, habe verkündet, dass die syrische Armee am Samstag in Duma angeblich eine Chlorbombe abgeworfen hätte.

„Wir weisen diese Information entschieden zurück und erklären unsere Bereitschaft, nach der Befreiung Dumas von den Islamisten sofort russische Fachleute von den ABC-Abwehrtruppen zum Datensammeln zu schicken. Diese Untersuchungen werden beweisen, dass die Beschuldigungen auf Fälschungen basieren“, so Jewtuschenko.