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12:00 [ ]

Palestinian death toll in Gaza rises to 41,206: health authorities

Meanwhile, Gaza-based media office said in a statement that the number of displaced people in the enclave has risen from 1.9 million to two million.

For now, a total of 543 shelters have been set up. However, about 74 percent of tents where displaced people live are already unusable. To be more specific, 100,000 out of 135,000 tents need to be replaced immediately.

14.09.2024 - 20:07 [ Palestinian News and Information Agency – ]

Death toll across Gaza Strip surges to 41,182, over 95,280 injured

GAZA, September, 14, 2024 (WAFA) – Israeli occupation forces committed four massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the last 48 hours, resulting in the killing of at least 64 Palestinians and the injury of 155 others, according to medical reports.

Local health authorities confirmed that the Palestinian death toll from the Israeli onslaught since October 7 has risen to 41,182 reported fatalities, with an additional 95,280 individuals sustaining injuries. The majority of the victims are women and children.

14.09.2024 - 18:20 [ Washington Post ]

U.S. concerned about Ukraine strikes on Russian nuclear radar stations

(May 29, 2024)

The drone that targeted the radar station near Orsk, in Russia’s Orenburg region along Kazakhstan’s northern border, traveled more than 1,100 miles, making it one of the deepest attempted strikes into Russian territory. The Ukrainian official declined to say whether the strike, on May 26, caused any damage.

14.09.2024 - 18:11 [ Newsweek ]

Map Shows Ukraine‘s Record-Breaking Hits on Russian Nuclear Warning Sites

(May 28, 2024)

Ukraine began its nascent campaign against Russia‘s early warning radar network in April, with successive drone strikes on the 590th separate radio engineering center of military unit 84680 in the city of Kovylkino, in the Mordovia Republic around 360 miles from the Ukrainian border.

13.09.2024 - 19:40 [ ]

Europäische und arabische Staaten dringen auf Zweistaatenlösung

An dem Treffen in der spanischen Hauptstadt nahmen der palästinensische Regierungschef Mohammed Mustafa, die Außenminister Katars, Saudi-Arabiens, Ägyptens und der Türkei sowie die Generalsekretäre der Arabischen Liga und der Organisation für Islamische Zusammenarbeit teil.

Die EU war durch ihren Außenbeauftragten Josep Borrell vertreten. Zudem nahmen die Außenminister Irlands, Norwegens, Sloweniens und Spaniens an den Gesprächen teil. Alle vier Länder hatten vor einigen Monaten offiziell einen eigenständigen palästinensischen Staat anerkannt.

13.09.2024 - 19:20 [ Jonathan Cook ]

How the war on Gaza exposed Israeli and western fascism

Just one example: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced the Palestinians as “Amalek” – a reference to a biblical story well known to every Israeli schoolchild, in which the Israelites are ordered by God to wipe an entire people, including their children and livestock, off the face of the earth.

Anyone engaged on social media will have faced a battery of similarly genocidal statements from mostly anonymous supporters of Israel.

Those genocide cheerleaders recently gained a face – two, in fact. Video clips of two Israelis, podcasting in English under the name “Two Nice Jewish Boys”, have gone viral, showing the pair calling for the extermination of every last Palestinian man, woman and child.

One of the podcasters said that “zero people in Israel” care whether a polio outbreak caused by Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s water, sewage and heath facilities ends up killing babies, noting that Israel’s agreement to a vaccination campaign is driven purely by public relations needs.

In another clip, the podcasters agree that Palestinian hostages in Israeli prisons deserve to be “executed by shoving too large of an object up their butts”.

They also make clear that they would not hesitate to press a genocide button to wipe out the Palestinian people: “If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza – every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow – I would press it in a second … And I think most Israelis would. They wouldn’t talk about it like I am, they wouldn’t say ‘I pressed it’, but they would press it.”

13.09.2024 - 19:05 [ United Nations ]

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Michael Fakhri

112. The General Assembly should recognize that:

(a) Every instance of mass starvation is a form of genocide or extermination, and every instance of starving an individual is torture;
(b) The right to be free from hunger means the right to be free from oppression, exploitation and occupation;
(c) The Palestinian people’s right to return to Palestine is a precondition to fulfil their right to food and food sovereignty;
(d) Israel has engaged in an intentional starvation campaign against the Palestinian people which evidences genocide and extermination.

13.09.2024 - 18:40 [ Michael Fakhri / ]

How was Isr. able to starve 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza at unprecedented speed and intensity? I answer this question in my new report. I‘ll be discussing my report with the @UN General Assembly on Friday, October 18.

13.09.2024 - 16:20 [ Middle East Monitor ]

WHO: 25% of Gaza wounded suffer ‚life-changing injuries‘

At least a quarter of Palestinians wounded in Israel’s war on the besieged Gaza Strip have suffered “life-changing injuries”, with many requiring amputations and other “huge” rehabilitation needs, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said.

In a statement issued yesterday, the WHO explained that at least 22,500 of the people injured in Gaza in the 11 months since the war erupted will “require rehabilitation services now and for years to come.”

13.09.2024 - 16:01 [ World Health Organization (WHO) ]

WHO analysis highlights vast unmet rehabilitation needs in Gaza

At least one quarter or 22 500 of those injured in Gaza by 23 July are estimated to have life-changing injuries that require rehabilitation services now and for years to come, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) analysis of the types of injuries resulting from the ongoing conflict in Gaza: Estimating Trauma Rehabilitation Needs in Gaza using Injury Data from Emergency Medical Teams.

13.09.2024 - 15:33 [ ]

Death toll in Gaza genocide rises to 41,118

In the past 24 hours, the occupying regime conducted three massacres, resulting in 34 deaths and 96 injuries. Additionally, bombings in the Nuseirat and Bureij camps resulted in 7 more deaths.

The ministry noted that the number of martyrs since October 7 has increased to 41,118, with the number of injured at 95,125.

13.09.2024 - 15:00 [ Reuters ]

UN likely to vote next week on push to end Israel presence in Palestinian territory

(September 9,2024)

The United Nations General Assembly is likely to vote next week on a Palestinian draft resolution demanding Israel end „its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory“ within six months.
The key aim of the draft resolution, written by the Palestinian Authority and seen by Reuters, is to welcome a July advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice that said Israel‘s occupation of Palestinian territories and settlements is illegal and should be withdrawn.

13.09.2024 - 14:47 [ Jerusalem Post ]

The Palestinian Authority‘s diplomatic war continues – editorial

Ever since then-PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, infamously carrying a pistol, spoke at the UN in 1974, the Palestinian situation has not significantly changed. In fact, as the situation in Gaza attests, it has only gotten worse – despite the PA winning vote after vote in the UN General Assembly.

If the Palestinians had spent the same energy over the past half-century building up the areas under their control in the West Bank and Gaza rather than demonizing Israel on the world stage, their situation today would be markedly different and much better.

13.09.2024 - 14:16 [ General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Rules of procedure: XIV. Admission of New Members to the United Nations


Rule 134

Any State which desires to become a Member of the United Nations shall submit an application to the Secretary-General. Such application shall contain a declaration, made in a formal instrument, that the State in question accepts the obligations contained in the Charter. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of applications

Rule 135

The Secretary-General shall, for information, send a copy of the application to the General Assembly, or to the Members of the United Nations if the Assembly is not in session. [See introduction, para. 8]

Consideration of applications and decision thereon

Rule 136

If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter and shall decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, upon its application for membership.

Rule 137

If the Security Council does not recommend the applicant State for membership or postpones the consideration of the application, the General Assembly may, after full consideration of the special report of the Security Council, send the application back to the Council, together with a full record of the discussion in the Assembly, for further consideration and recommendation or report. [See introduction, para. 8]

Notification of decision and effective date of membership

Rule 138

The Secretary-General shall inform the applicant State of the decision of the General Assembly. If the application is approved, membership shall become effective on the date on which the General Assembly takes its decision on the application. [See introduction, para. 8]

13.09.2024 - 14:10 [ Reuters ]

Could the Palestinians get UNGA membership?

The May vote by the General Assembly was a global survey of support for the Palestinian bid to become a full member – a move that would effectively recognize a Palestinian state – after the United States vetoed it in the U.N. Security Council in April.

The Palestinians remain a non-member observer state as the 15-member Security Council has not acted on the General Assembly recommendation.

12.09.2024 - 20:15 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Palestine to seek end to ‘unlawful’ Israel occupation within 12 months at UN

Palestine’s permanent mission to the UN is expected to present a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly next week demanding Israel to end its presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories within 12 months, according to a document obtained by Anadolu on Thursday.

12.09.2024 - 20:08 [ Palestinian News and Information Agency – ]

State of Palestine takes a seat in the UN General Assembly

This significant moment follows a decision by the General Assembly in May, where a majority of members voted in favor of granting Palestine full membership rights. This resolution came after the United States used its veto power in the Security Council to block Palestine‘s bid for full UN membership. (…)

To be granted full UN membership, a state must receive a two-thirds majority vote from the General Assembly following a positive recommendation from the Security Council.

The U.S. vetoed this recommendation on April 18, preventing Palestine from achieving full membership.

12.09.2024 - 19:41 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu said to ask AG to probe him and Gallant in bid to avert ICC arrest warrant

Channel 12 news said Netanyahu wanted a probe into the ongoing war and how the military campaign against Hamas has been handled to be opened and then closed, with an update filed to the ICC that the charges had been investigated by Israel and therefore do not require the court’s intervention.

According to the report, Baharav-Miara rejected the request on the grounds that it was a blatant ploy and would not satisfy the ICC.

11.09.2024 - 17:01 [ Haaretz ]

Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel

(April 16, 2008)

„We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,“ Ma‘ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events „swung American public opinion in our favor.“

Netanyahu reportedly made the comments during a conference at Bar-Ilan University on the division of Jerusalem as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians.

11.09.2024 - 16:43 [ New York Times ]

A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer

(12. September 2001)

Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, “It‘s very good.“ Then he edited himself: “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.“ He predicted that the attack would “strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we‘ve experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.“

10.09.2024 - 19:05 [ International Criminal Court (ICC) ]

Judge Socorro Flores Liera

Nationality: Mexico (Latin American and Caribbean States)

Term: 11 March 2021 – 10 March 2030

Assumed full-time duty: 1 May 2021

Elected from: List B on 23 December 2020

Assigned to: Pre-Trial Division

10.09.2024 - 18:55 [ International Criminal Court (ICC) ]

Judge Reine Alapini-Gansou

Second Vice-President

Nationality: Benin (African States)

Term: 11 March 2018 – 10 March 2027

Assumed full-time duty: 11 June 2018

Elected from: List B on 8 December 2017

Assigned to: Pre-Trial Division

10.09.2024 - 18:45 [ International Criminal Court (ICC) ]

Judge Iulia Motoc

Nationality: Romania (Eastern Europe)

Term: 11 March 2024 – 10 March 2033

Elected from: List B on 4 December 2023

Assigned to: Pre-Trial Division

10.09.2024 - 18:32 [ ]

ICC prosecutor seeks urgent arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant and Hamas leaders


In filing to court, Karim Khan expresses frustration with court‘s delay in issuing warrants, urging swift action ahead of Netanyahu‘s scheduled speech at UN General Assembly later in September

10.09.2024 - 18:21 [ ]

“With Utmost Urgency”: Arrest Warrants and Amicus Observations at the International Criminal Court

(September 9, 2024)

The Court has yet to issue any warrants.


Four States Parties argued that the Court lacks or may not exercise jurisdiction over Israeli nationals who commit international crimes in Gaza: Argentina, Congo, Czechia, and Hungary. They were joined by the United States, which is not a State Party

10.09.2024 - 18:10 [ DrALJONES / ]

Report: ICC prosecutor Karim Khan reveals pressure on him from US lawmakers & threats from supporters of both Israel & Russia since pursuing charges against their leaders.

(September 5, 2024)

“You cannot allow an attack on the court,” Khan said. “Then you have no rules-based system.”*

* Which is exactly what Russia Israel & US want; hence the „Hague Invasion Act“

#US #Russia #Israel #ICC ..

10.09.2024 - 18:05 [ ]

Karim Khan urges ICC judges not to delay arrest warrant for Netanyahu

(August 24, 2024)

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, stressed that the court has jurisdiction to investigate Israelis, urging judges to decide on arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Security Minister Yoav Gallant, which he had requested months ago.

10.09.2024 - 17:56 [ Jerusalem Post ]

ICC delays arrest warrants process against PM, Gallant

(June 27, 2024)

The International Criminal Court Pre-Trial Tribunal on Thursday postponed its decision-making process about whether it will allow ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan to issue arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for alleged war crimes.

The postponement came following a June 10 application by England to file a “friend of the court” brief against the ICC’s jurisdiction over the issue.

10.09.2024 - 16:30 [ ]

Gazastreifen: Offenbar viele Tote bei Luftangriff in humanitärer Zone

Die israelische Luftwaffe hat im Gazastreifen nach eigenen Angaben eine Kommandozentrale der islamistischen Hamas angegriffen, die in einer humanitären Zone untergebracht war. Bei dem Beschuss in der humanitären Zone Al-Mawasi in Chan Yunis seien ranghohe Mitglieder der Terrororganisation Hamas getroffen worden, erklärte die Armee in der Nacht.

10.09.2024 - 16:22 [ ]

An Israeli strike on a tent camp in a Gaza humanitarian zone killed at least 19 people

The overnight strike occurred in Muwasi, a sprawl of crowded tent camps along the Gaza coast that Israel designated as a humanitarian zone for hundreds of thousands of civilians to seek shelter from the nearly year-old Israel-Hamas war.

Associated Press footage shows three large craters at the scene. First responders dug through the sand and rubble with garden tools and their bare hands, using mobile phone flashlights until the sun came up. They pulled body parts from the sand, including what appeared to be a human leg.

09.09.2024 - 15:32 [ Nigerian Tribune ]

Group seeks enforcement of ICJ ruling on Israel/Palestine crisis

(September 1, 2024)

An Islamic organization, Aqsah Nigeria, has called on world leaders, especially African governments, to take decisive action in enforcing the July 19th, 2024 ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which declared Israel’s war on Palestinian territories unlawful.

The organization also urged mass mobilization and continuous public awareness to uphold this “landmark judgment” in hopes of ending the ongoing killing of women and children and the displacement of Palestinians by Israeli forces.

09.09.2024 - 13:06 [ ]

Israel calls Palestinians “human animals” before cutting off fuel, electricity, food and water to Gaza, an open air prison enslaving millions

(October 17, 2023)

In an announcement – watch below – Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told Channel 12 that starving the roughly two million people who live in the Gaza Strip is necessary to ensure Israel’s “existence in the region.”

“It will take many weeks,” Gallant said about the deprivation operation. “There will be steps here that have never been seen before.”

“There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel,” he further added. “We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly.

09.09.2024 - 13:00 [ ]

Live Updates: Gaza death toll rises to 40,972

Sunday, September 8, 2024

1150 GMT — Death toll in Gaza from Israeli attacks rises to 40,972

At least 40,972 Palestinians have been killed and 94,761 others injured in Israel‘s military offensive on Gaza since October 7, the health ministry in the besieged enclave has said.

08.09.2024 - 00:10 [ B'Tselem ]

B‘Tselem at the UNSC: For the Israeli government, the occupation and the settlements matter more than human life

On Sunday, we woke up to the news that six Israeli hostages were executed by Hamas, just before soldiers reached them in a tunnel in Gaza. Another six, added to tens of thousands of people in this land who should not have died over the past year. During this week, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets. They feel angry, desperate and betrayed by their government. They have understood, perhaps for the first time, that the Israeli government does not want to return the hostages in a deal, but to continue the war indefinitely. They see that the occupation and the settlements matter more than human life – and not only of Palestinians, said B‘Tselem Executive Director Yuli Novak, who addressed the UN Security Council last night (Wednesday) . B’Tselem – the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was invited by the Slovenian President of the Security Council to provide an expert review of the state of human rights in Israel/Palestine following the war.

07.09.2024 - 23:42 [ B.M. / ]

Deranged Member of Knesset and guardian angel of rapists Tally Gotliv, of the Likud, calls for the execution or life imprisonment of Yuli Novak from @btselem , following Novak‘s speech at the UNSC.

07.09.2024 - 23:30 [ Palestine Chronicle ]

‘Assistance to Enemy in War’ – Israeli MK Requests Death Penalty for B’Tselem’s Director

The Israeli Likud Party Knesset Member Revital Gotliv requested the death sentence or life imprisonment for Yuli Novak, the executive director of the Israeli rights group B’Tselem, for what she labeled as “the suspected serious crime of assistance to the enemy in war,” the Anadolu news agency reported.

Gotliv reportedly made her request in a letter addressed to the Israeli Chief Police Commissioner Daniel Levy, in which she demanded the detention and interrogation of Novak.

The move followed a speech delivered by Novak on September 4 at the United Nations Security Council.

07.09.2024 - 22:29 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel’s former spy chief slams Netanyahu over Philadelphi Corridor

Argaman, who headed the Shin Bet between 2016 and 2021, said the majority of weapons entered Gaza through the Rafah border crossing.

“When Netanyahu speaks of remaining on the Philadelphi Corridor, he knows very well that no smuggling takes place over the Philadelphi Corridor. So we are now relegated to living with this imaginary figment,” he said.

07.09.2024 - 17:39 [ Fox News ]

Netanyahu says security in Gaza is critical to stop Hamas smuggling hostages into Iran: ‚lost forever‘

According to Netanyahu, the best way to prevent these Hamas hostage smuggling efforts is through maintaining the contested Philadelphi Route – a security corridor that runs between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

07.09.2024 - 17:15 [ CNN ]

Netanyahu is unequivocal about ceasefire and hostage agreement with Hamas: ‘There’s not a deal in the making’

(September 5, 2024)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday was as clear as he has ever been that he does not believe a ceasefire and hostage deal is likely in Gaza in a sharp rebuke to the Biden administration’s insistence it’s close at hand.

“There’s not a deal in the making,” Netanyahu told Fox News. “Unfortunately, it’s not close.”

07.09.2024 - 17:00 [ CNN ]

Netanyahu derailed a potential Gaza hostage deal in July, Israeli newspaper reports

)September 4, 2024)

The report lends credence to charges often leveled at the prime minister – most notably by hostage families – of purposefully prolonging the war and torpedoing deals for his political benefit. Far-right members of Netanyahu’s coalition have pledged to bring down the government should he end the war.

Several news outlets, including CNN, have reported on the late July demands made by Netanyahu, but this is the first time the Israeli document has been obtained in full.

07.09.2024 - 15:16 [ Middle East Eye ]

CIA and MI6 say agencies are ‚working tirelessly‘ towards ceasefire

In an opinion piece for the Financial Times, CIA director Bill Burns and MI6 chief Richard Moore said…

07.09.2024 - 15:05 [ Newsweek ]

Kamala Harris Had Her Worst Week Since Joe Biden Stepped Aside

T.J. McCormack, a Republican communications specialist, said that after a „stratospheric liftoff“ to her campaign, any „less-than-stellar few days would constitute a bad week“ for the vice president.

For a coddled candidate the real world can be a terrible thing, especially when that world has several multi-front wars, murdered hostages and polling firms carving up swing states with scalpels,“ McCormack told Newsweek. „Kamala loved the big stage, now she‘s in the trenches.“

07.09.2024 - 14:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Palestinian death toll in Gaza rises to 40,939

Israel‘s military offensive in Gaza has killed at least 40,939 Palestinians since 7 October, the Palestinian health ministry said on Saturday.

05.09.2024 - 23:55 [ International Criminal Court (ICC) ]

Judge Socorro Flores Liera

Nationality: Mexico (Latin American and Caribbean States)

Term: 11 March 2021 – 10 March 2030

Assumed full-time duty: 1 May 2021

Elected from: List B on 23 December 2020

Assigned to: Pre-Trial Division

05.09.2024 - 23:40 [ International Criminal Court (ICC) ]

Judge Iulia Motoc

Nationality: Romania (Eastern Europe)

Term: 11 March 2024 – 10 March 2033

Elected from: List B on 4 December 2023

Assigned to: Pre-Trial Division

05.09.2024 - 23:17 [ International Criminal Court (ICC) ]

Judge Reine Alapini-Gansou

Second Vice-President

Nationality: Benin (African States)

Term: 11 March 2018 – 10 March 2027

Assumed full-time duty: 11 June 2018

Elected from: List B on 8 December 2017

Assigned to: Pre-Trial Division

05.09.2024 - 22:53 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Officials: Not Launching Oct. 7 Inquiry Risks ICC Warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant

Justice Ministry officials expect the International Criminal Court to decide in the coming days on whether to issue arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, but are cautiously optimistic that the court will decide against the warrants.

04.09.2024 - 15:20 [ Washington Post ]

As U.S. readies last cease-fire push, Netanyahu digs in on border demands

As he fights for his political survival, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s insistence on keeping troops on a narrow strip of land along the Gaza-Egypt border has become the main obstacle to a cease-fire and hostage-release agreement with Hamas, according to current and former officials from mediating countries.

After many months of inconclusive talks, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris discussed with advisers on Monday how to move forward with a final “take it or leave it” proposal to present to Israel and Hamas, potentially as soon as this week.

04.09.2024 - 15:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

Gaza death toll reaches 40,819

(September 2, 2024)

Gaza‘s health ministry said that 33 Palestinians were killed in Israeli attacks in the past 24 hours and 67 were injured.

03.09.2024 - 15:42 [ Palestinian News and Information Agency ]

Death toll across Gaza Strip surges to 40,819, over 94,291 injured

Israeli occupation forces committed three massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the last 24 hours, resulting in the killing of at least 33 Palestinians and the injury of 67 others, according to medical reports.