Archiv: State Security Service (SBU) / spy agency Ukraine

16.09.2023 - 08:53 [ ]

Act Now To Save Ukrainian Peace Activist From Prosecution

We’ve just learned that the office of the prosecutor and the “security service” of Ukraine have published press releases claiming to have put a stop to the activities of the “vicious Russian propagandist Yurii Sheliazhenko.”

This is, of course, very strange because Yurii, a Board Member of World BEYOND War, has — like World BEYOND War — denounced and opposed Russian warmaking from Day 1.

Yurii Sheliazhenko has been formally charged by the Ukrainian government with the crime of justifying Russian aggression. The evidence is this statement which explicitly condemns Russian aggression.

16.09.2023 - 07:55 [ World Beyond War ]

Act Now to Save Ukrainian Peace Activist from Prosecution

This week, spokesperson for the Ukrainian military’s “Territorial Defense Forces” Sarah Ashton-Cirillo published a video that included the following words (but you really have to watch it to experience the psychotic, beyond-parody presentation):

“Next week the teeth of the Russian devils will gnash ever harder, and their rabid mouths will foam an uncontrollable frenzy as the world will see a favorite Kremlin propagandist pay for their crimes. And this puppet of Putin is only the first. Russia’s war criminal propagandists will all be hunted down and justice will be served.”

17.07.2023 - 18:11 [ ]

Kiev’s gloating over Crimean Bridge deaths ‘monstrous’ – Moscow

The previous successful Ukrainian attack on the Crimean bridge happened in October 2022, when a truck carrying a disguised bomb blew up on it. The explosion killed three civilians, including the driver of the vehicle. Kiev never claimed credit for the blast, but earlier this month a Ukrainian deputy defense minister mentioned the date as Kiev’s “first strike on the Crimean bridge.”

17.07.2023 - 18:05 [ ]

SBU to reveal all details of ‚cotton‘ on Crimean bridge after victory – Dehtiarenko

„In the meantime, we are watching with interest how one of the symbols of the Putin regime once again failed to withstand the military load,“ he said.

Dehtiarenko said that „in one of his interviews, SBU Head Vasyl Maliuk stated that the norms of international law, analysis of the operational situation and the traditions of warfare make it possible to cut the enemy‘s logistical routes. The Crimean bridge today is one of the transport corridors of military supplies for the Russian army.“

26.06.2023 - 18:24 [ Wikipedia ]

Murder of Yevgeny Nuzhin

On 15 November Mykhailo Podoliak, Ukrainian presidential advisor, said that Nuzhin had agreed to participate in prisoner exchange.

A source in Ukrainian army told BBC that Nuzhin was returned to Russia in exchange for twenty Ukrainian servicemen freed from Russian captivity. The source, as well as journalist Ramina Eshakzai, who interviewed Nuzhin, both opined that as soon as they could get Ukrainian soldiers in exchange, they did not care what happened to Nuzhin.

26.06.2023 - 18:22 [ BBC ]

Ukraine war: Wagner chief Prigozhin defends brutal killing video

(14 November 2022)

Putin ally Yevgeny Prigozhin said unverified footage of Yevgeny Nuzhin, 55, being struck with a sledgehammer was „a dog‘s death for a dog“.

The convicted murderer announced in September he had changed sides.

In the video he says he was hit on the head while walking in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and woke up in a cellar.

07.02.2023 - 03:39 [ ]

President submits motion of appointing Maliuk as SBU head to Rada

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has submitted to the Verkhovna Rada an idea on the appointment of Vasyl Maliuk as the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

Corresponding draft resolution No. 8425 was registered in Parliament on Monday.

Currently, Maliuk holds the position of acting head of the SBU, according to Presidential Decree No. 504/2022 of July 18, 2022.

18.01.2023 - 18:20 [ ]

SBU: Investigation considering several versions of helicopter crash in Brovary

The pre-trial investigation is carried out by investigators of the Main Directorate of the SBU in Kyiv and Kyiv region. All possible versions of the helicopter accident are considered.

The case is under the personal control of the Prosecutor General.

19.07.2022 - 18:10 [ ]

Selenskyj entlässt weitere hohe Geheimdienstoffiziere

Anlass für die „Personalprüfungen“ bei Geheimdienst und Staatsanwaltschaft sei eine hohe Zahl von Überläufern und Kollaborateuren mit der russischen Besatzungsmacht infolge von Moskaus Einmarsch in der Ukraine vor knapp fünf Monaten, hieß es. Allein beim Geheimdienst SBU arbeiten mehr als 30.000 Menschen.

18.07.2022 - 15:05 [ Klaus-D. Sedlacek / Nitter ]

Ukraine: Viele Überläufer in Sicherheitsbehörden

18.07.2022 - 14:53 [ Natasha Bertrand, @CNN reporter covering the White House and national security / Nitter ]

President Zelensky announces he has fired Iryna Venediktova – the Prosecutor General – and Ivan Bakanov, head of the powerful SBU, or State Security Service. Zelensky said many officials within both of those departments were suspected of treason.

via @TimListerCNN

02.05.2022 - 15:33 [ Cityreport24 / Twitter ]

Plan: Flugzeug abschießen: Kiew will russischen Spion im Generalstab enttarnt haben

02.05.2022 - 15:16 [ ]

Russian mole exposed in Ukraine Army’s General Staff – adviser to President’s Office chief

He added that this false-flag attack was allegedly supposed to be carried out using Ukrainian weapons – portable anti-aircraft missile systems. The spies planned to obtain the weapons, used by our troops, through volunteers. To this end, they had been trying to win trust of the latter, giving them real data on the movement of Russian troops, giving away the coordinates of Ramzan Kadyrov’s ethnic Chechen unit.

„There are three components to this story that describe everything that’s happening in the Russian army now. The first is shooting down a passenger plane, the second is deceiving their leadership, and the third is setting up the Kadyrovites,“ Arestovych concluded.

01.05.2022 - 18:10 [ The Kyiv Independent / Twitter ]

SBU: Russia planned a terrorist attack to blame on Ukraine. The Security Service reported that they neutralized Russia’s sabotage reconnaissance group that had been planning to shoot down a passenger plane over Russia or Belarus and blame it on Ukraine and its allies.

21.04.2022 - 18:48 [ ]

Chilean and US authorities silent on Gonzalo Lira

Chilean-American citizen Gonzalo Lira López is still missing in Ukraine after publicly opposing the Zelensky government. The journalist, writer, filmmaker and vlogger resides in Kharkov and has not been heard of since Friday, April 15th.

Kawsachun News has been following developments and Chilean sources closely, however, there have been no official declarations from the Chilean Foreign Ministry nor the U.S. State Department or White House on matter.

21.04.2022 - 18:37 [ ]

Wo ist Gonzalo Lira????

Der ukrainische Geheimdienst SBU hatte schon vor etwa 4 Wochen versucht, ihn zu kidnappen!

Am Sonntag hätte Gonzalo in George Galloways MOAT auftreten sollen, war aber nicht erreichbar.

Ich werde diese Links nicht teilen, aber der ukrainische NAZI-Abschaum von Azov prahlt seit heute morgen damit, ihn ermordet zu haben. Liefert aber keine Beweise, noch gibt es Hoffnung!

21.04.2022 - 18:29 [ ]

Gonzalo Lira Reported Missing in Ukraine

(Apr 18, 2022)

Lira ran a YouTube channel with 143,000 subscribers, which he used to share his viewpoints on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. His social media accounts had become controversial in recent weeks. Lira’s last tweets were critical of Ukraine and multiple media outlets. In a pinned tweet, he listed journalists that he claimed were victims of the “Zelensky regime” and wrote, “If you haven’t heard from me in 12 hours or more, put my name on this list.”

21.04.2022 - 17:05 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

Under Zelensky‘s watch, Ukraine‘s SBU has partnered with neo-Nazis from Azov and C14 to hunt down left-wing activists This is from video posted by Azov members during the SBU‘s torture & kidnapping of leftist Alexander Matjuschenko in Dnipro – targeted for his political view

21.04.2022 - 16:58 [ Max Blumenthal, Esha Krishnaswamy / Consortium News ]

Zelensky’s Hardline Internal Purge

In a March 19 executive order, Zelensky invoked martial law to ban 11 opposition parties. The outlawed parties consisted of the entire left-wing, socialist or anti-NATO spectrum in Ukraine.

They included the For Life Party, the Left Opposition, the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, the Socialist Party of Ukraine, Union of Left Forces, Socialists, the Party of Shariy, Ours, State, Opposition Bloc and the Volodymyr Saldo Bloc.

Openly fascist and pro-Nazi parties like the Azov National Corps were left untouched by the presidential decree, however.

“The activities of those politicians aimed at d

02.04.2022 - 08:58 [ ]

Geheimdienstgeneral wollte aus Ukraine flüchten

Der SBU ist Nachfolger des früheren sowjetischen Geheimdienstes KGB in der Ukraine. Bis 2014, als Russland sich die Halbinsel Krim einverleibte und den Krieg in der Ostukraine befeuerte, gab es enge Kontakte des SBU nach Moskau. Deshalb gab es immer wieder Zweifel an der Loyalität des Dienstes zur ukrainischen Regierung.

25.07.2019 - 18:39 [ Bloomberg ]

Ukraine Detains Russian Tanker as Black Sea Tensions Flare

It seized documents and questioned the crew. The ten сrew members — all Russians — on the small oil-products carrier were later released, though the ship will remain, the Russian embassy in Kiev said, according to RIA Novosti. Ukrainian officials couldn’t immediately be reached to comment on that.