Archiv: Massachusetts

08.05.2024 - 23:12 [ Massachusetts Daily Collegian ]

Protesters arrested in waves following second encampment

According to a statement from University Spokesperson Edward Blaguszewski, 109 people have been booked as a result of the encampment, and around 25 people are waiting to be processed.

Blaguszewski’s statement read: “As chairman of the UMass Board of Trustees, I want to offer the Board’s full and unwavering support for Chancellor Javier Reyes,” said Chairman Stephen Karam. “We have absolute confidence in his leadership, his integrity, and his commitment to our students.”

08.05.2024 - 23:00 [ CBS News ]

Police arrest 130 at UMass Amherst; College says protesters refused to take down encampment

Police arrested about 130 people at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Tuesday night after the college says pro-Palestinian protesters refused to take down an encampment on campus and leave the area.

UMass has not said what the protesters are charged with, but 109 have been booked by campus police as of Wednesday morning and there are charges pending for about 25 more.

09.11.2022 - 06:08 [ ]

Healey prevails in Massachusetts governor’s race, dealing historic win for LGBT community

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey (D) is projected to be the next governor of the state. The victory will make her one of the two first openly lesbian governors in American history, should Oregon gubernatorial candidate Tina Kotek (D) also win.

23.09.2021 - 16:18 [ NBC Boston ]

Over 30,000 Breakthrough COVID Cases Have Now Been Reported in Mass.

In the last week alone, 4,568 new breakthrough cases — infections in people who have been vaccinated — have been reported. Health officials said 178 of the new breakthrough cases resulted in hospitalization, or about 0.02% of all fully vaccinated individuals.

06.09.2021 - 18:35 [ ]

COVID breakthrough infections soar in Massachusetts

(August 10, 2021)

“The vaccines are 95 percent effective, not a hundred percent,” said William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease and vaccine specialist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. “We know that many of those people, older already, probably had serious underlying illnesses. Then if COVID hits you on top of that — that may be sufficient to graduate you to heaven.”

04.11.2020 - 02:45 [ The Hill ]

Biden scores wins in Maryland, D.C., handful of northeastern states

Biden won the states of Maryland, Delaware, and Massachusetts, picking up 24 Electoral College votes as well as three from Washington, D.C., for a total of 27 from the early pickups.

02.09.2020 - 10:22 [ New York Times ]

Markey Holds Off Joseph Kennedy in Massachusetts Senate Race

Mr. Markey, who was first elected to Congress in 1976, was able to outflank Mr. Kennedy with progressives, leaving the heir of Massachusetts’s most storied political dynasty little opening.

02.09.2020 - 05:20 [ Lee Fang / Twitter ]

The establishment successfully smeared Bernie out of the 2016 primary w/ lies about him being a sexist w/ a “race problem.” The same tactic gets recycled w/ Alex Morse, slandered by partisans as a sex abuser. Easy to manipulate liberal voters w/ these defamatory woke tactics.

02.09.2020 - 05:10 [ Haaretz ]

Pro-Israel Incumbent Defeats Challenger in Massachusetts Democratic Primary

The 71-year-old Neal — the longest-serving member of the state’s all-Democratic congressional delegation — defeated 31-year-old Morse, seen as a political rising star after becoming one of Massachusetts’ youngest and only openly gay mayors since becoming chief executive of Holyoke in 2011 at age 22.

01.09.2020 - 13:02 [ ]

Progressives aim for big night in Massachusetts

Groups like the Sunshine Movement and Our Revolution Massachusetts have gone all-in for progressive insurgent and Holyoke, Mass., Mayor Alex Morse (D), who is taking on House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.).

16.08.2020 - 12:39 [ Cenk Uygur / Twitter ]

Are there any other journalists in this country? Why does @theintercept break every single story about Democratic politicians? That’s because mainstream media has no interest in exposing corruption in the Democratic Party. They’re not reporters, they’re servants of ruling class.

16.08.2020 - 12:36 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

Now @WorkingFamilies is back on board behind Morse. Don‘t recall a dirty smear campaign blowing up in the faces of those who concocted it quite like this one. Satisfying to see that they‘re getting their just deserts. The election is Sept. 1:

16.08.2020 - 12:22 [ ]

Party Leaders Investigating Origin of Anti-Morse Campaign Helped Orchestrate It, Documents Reveal


As the primary in Massachusetts’ 1st Congressional District turned into a national story following allegations of misconduct against Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse, the state Democratic Party declined to weigh in, citing its policy to remain neutral in contested primaries.

But behind the scenes, the state party had been coordinating with the College Democrats of Massachusetts to launch those very allegations, according to five sources within the state party and connected to the CDMA, a review of messages between party leadership and CDMA leadership, and call records obtained by The Intercept.

16.08.2020 - 12:15 [ ]

College Democrat Chats Reveal Year-Old Plan to Engineer and Leak Alex Morse Accusations


The leadership of the University of Massachusetts Amherst College Democrats began discussing an operation they believed could sink the campaign of Alex Morse for Congress as far back as last October, a plan they then helped engineer and which came to fruition on Friday, after the College Democrats sent a letter regarding Morse to the Daily Collegian, the school’s student newspaper.

09.08.2020 - 17:07 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

Good to see @AlexBMorse push back against these pathetic Jerry Falwell busybody sexual-moralizing liberal/leftists who want to control and judge the consensual private lives of other adults. Should be even firmer. Donate to Morse (the far better candidate) to repudiate this rot.

09.08.2020 - 17:01 [ Alex Morse, Democratic candidate for #MA01 / Twitter ]

I’m honored to have the support of @MoveOn and their millions of members across the country. Richie Neal may have corporate PACs & lobbyists behind him, but the grassroots momentum and enthusiasm is on our side. Progressives are fired up and we’re going to bring change to #MA01.

09.08.2020 - 16:55 [ Washington Post ]

Left-wing candidates keep racking up wins in challenge to Democratic establishment


Neal is facing off against Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse on Sept. 1 in the Democratic primary, with Morse running hard to Neal’s left in another safe seat for Democrats. The liberal group Fight Corporate Monopolies, a new PAC formed after the end of the Sanders presidential campaign this year, has funded at least $300,000 in ads going after Neal for a history of financial support from corporate PACs.

09.08.2020 - 16:50 [ Times of Israel ]

Elected mayor at 22, gay-Jewish-progressive Alex Morse is running for Congress


Last year, Morse in an interview with Mother Jones aligned himself with the group of four young Democratic congresswomen of color nicknamed “the Squad” — Reps. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.

“Those four members of Congress in particular represent very courageous and progressive voices in our party, so it would be an honor to get to Congress and work alongside them,” Morse said.

29.06.2020 - 16:57 [ ]

Progressives zero in on another House chairman in primary

Progressives energized by last week’s congressional primaries have another high-ranking House Democrat in their sights: Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal of Massachusetts.

Neal, 71, is facing a challenge from Alex Morse, a 31-year-old mayor who was born just a few weeks after Neal began his first term in Congress.

05.06.2020 - 06:08 [ alexis isabel / Twitter ]

wondering where all those piles of bricks being planted all over cities are coming from? look no further. this is insane.


05.05.2020 - 14:35 [ ]

“We’re Tired of Your Lies!” – Protesters Gather Outside of Massachusetts State House Demanding Governor Reopen State (VIDEOS)

Demonstrators were also protesting the authoritarian mask mandate that takes effect on Wednesday.

Dubbed the “Liberty Rally,” the protest, promoted by conservative radio host Jeffrey Kuhner, was planned in the event Republican Governor Charlie Baker didn’t reopen businesses on May 4.

Governor Baker extended his state’s stay-at-home order until May 18 and signed an order requiring Massachusetts residents to wear masks in public.

05.03.2020 - 15:34 [ @patrickcook28 / Twitter ]

#SuperTuesday Projection vs. #SuperTuesdayResults

05.03.2020 - 15:23 [ Secular Talk / Twitter ]

There‘s a large discrepancy between Massachusetts exit polls and the final results. Are there other states with the same thing??


18.01.2020 - 11:54 [ Ayanna Pressley ]

Sign up to volunteer for Ayanna Pressley‘s re-election campaign!

2020 is going to be a year of unprecedented organizing and activism and we need you with us to mobilize like never before.

Will you commit to signing up and volunteering for Ayanna’s re-election campaign right now?

14.09.2018 - 05:25 [ ]

Dutzende Gasexplosionen bei Boston

Nach dutzenden Gasexplosionen in verschiedenen Ortschaften bei Boston hat die Polizei zahlreiche Häuser evakuiert. Auf TV-Bildern waren brennende Gebäude zu sehen, auf Twitter wurden Bilder mit eingestürzten Häusern geteilt. Lokale Medien zufolge könnte der Bruch einer Erdgas-Leitung der Grund für die Explosionen sein.