Archiv: Jill Stein

18.09.2024 - 17:30 [ ]

Stein-Ware for President Field Map

Minor party and independent presidential candidates must obtain or maintain ballot access in each state before every presidential election. This requires a coordinated nationwide ballot access plan, and state-wide petitioning processes to collect hundreds of thousands of signatures and pay various fees for that candidate to appear on a state ballot and allow people to vote for them.

YOU can help us get on the ballot across the country by volunteering to petition in your state, making a financial contribution, and registering to vote so we can turn this entire map Green!

18.09.2024 - 17:22 [ ]

In response to the ICJ ruling, Stein calls for international coalition for immediate Gaza aid, ceasefire, and end to US aid for Israel

(Friday, January 26th, 2024)

The US must immediately cease all military assistance to Israel, both financial backing and weapons supplies. The US must stop providing diplomatic cover for Israel‘s genocidal war on Gaza, particularly by ending use of its veto power to block UN Security Council resolutions calling for a ceasefire that have been backed by the vast majority of nations and peoples of the world. The US must convert all military operations in the region to preparations for humanitarian assistance, in broad coalition with other nations, in order to prevent further atrocities against the Palestinian people.

The United States should immediately join together with the nations of the world, under the auspices of the United Nations, in a broad coalition to act on the Responsibility to Protect the Palestinian people from genocide.

09.02.2024 - 00:05 [ Washington Post ]

Democrats sound alarm, take action against Biden’s third-party threats

A recent five-way national poll by Quinnipiac University that named Biden, former president Donald Trump, attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr., scholar Cornel West and activist Jill Stein showed the combined third-party candidates drawing nearly 1 in 5 voters.

05.02.2024 - 11:45 [ ]

Forget No Labels. Biden’s Third-Party Peril is on the Left.

Biden’s deep-seated fear: that Netanyahu is eager to drag the U.S. into a wider war in the Middle East, a conflict that would ensure American weapons keep flowing to the region, troops soon follow and, in the maelstrom, international pressure on him to agree to a Gaza cease-fire and his domestic political difficulties both dissipate.

Not that the president would ever say such things in public.

28.11.2023 - 14:59 [ ]

Team Biden Goes From Denial to Panic

(Nov 27, 2023)

Our team had no reason to avoid antagonizing the White House. Immediately after the 2022 election, we launched the Don’t Run Joe campaign. Last winter, it included TV ads in New Hampshire and other early primary states as well as in DC. We also placed full-page ads in print editions of The Hill newspaper, widely read on Capitol Hill; one depicted congressional Democrats as having their heads in the sand. A steady flow of news releases went out, citing data on Biden’s electoral vulnerabilities. A mobile Don’t Run Joe billboard circled the Capitol and White House when Congress reconvened in January.

But elected Democrats, loyal boosters and allied organizations stuck with the party line.

28.11.2023 - 14:55 [ ]

The polls keep getting worse for Biden


Biden’s recent slide — and his political predicament some 11 months before Election Day — represent a confluence of slippage with reliable Democratic constituencies like young voters, the outbreak of war in the Middle East and the rise of independent and third-party candidates who could siphon votes from both Biden and Trump.

20.10.2019 - 15:32 [ CNN ]

‚I am not a Russian spy‘: Jill Stein slams Clinton‘s accusations

„I am not a Russian spy,“ Stein said Saturday on CNN‘s „Smerconish.“ „I think this is a completely unhinged conspiracy theory for which there is absolutely no basis in fact. Not for myself and not for Tulsi Gabbard. I think it‘s really outrageous that Hillary Clinton is trying to promote this crazy idea.“
She added, „You know, you can‘t just slander people. You have to present some basis and fact.“

19.10.2019 - 13:33 [ Rolling Stone ]

Green Party Torches Hillary Clinton For Claiming Jill Stein Is ‘Totally’ a Russian Asset

“Brazen Orwellian doublespeak” — that’s what the Green Party is saying in response to Hillary Clinton’s accusation that their 2016 candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, is “totally” a “Russian asset.”

“Clinton has spent her entire career as an asset of Wall Street, the police state and war — the real dangers to everyday people in the United States and around the world,” Green Party communications manager Michael O’Neil said in a statement to Rolling Stone on Friday.