Archiv: Gibraltar

19.08.2019 - 16:37 [ BBC ]

Iran tanker row: Detained ship sets sail from Gibraltar

An Iranian ship held by Gibraltar since July on suspicion of transporting oil to Syria has left port.

Marine tracking shows the tanker moving east into the Mediterranean and lists Kalamata in Greece as the destination.

Gibraltar earlier rejected a request by the US to again seize the ship, which has changed its name from Grace 1 to Adrian Darya-1.

18.08.2019 - 22:22 [ Gibraltar Chronicle ]

Gibraltar turns down US request to seize Iranian tanker

But Gibraltar lifted the detention order last Thursday after Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said he had secured written assurances from Tehran that the cargo would not go to Syria.
Those assurances, in the form of diplomatic Notes Verbale from the Iranian government, were published last Thursday by Gibraltar as part of the legal notice lifting the detention order.

18.08.2019 - 22:17 [ ]

Iranischer Öltanker: Gibraltar lehnt Beschlagnahmung von „Grace 1“ ab

Die Regierung in Gibraltar teilte zudem mit, dass das Schiff abfahren dürfe. Es werde erwartet, dass der iranische Tanker in Kürze mit einer neuen Crew die Region verlässt.

Der Tanker wurde inzwischen in „Adrian Darya 1“ umbenannt. Das Schiff soll nun unter iranischer Flagge weiterfahren. Zuvor war es unter der Flagge Panamas gefahren.

17.08.2019 - 14:58 [ Andrej Hunko, Mitglied des Bundestages / Twitter ]

Es ist erschreckend, welch geringe Rolle das #Völkerrecht bislang in der Debatte um den iran.Tanker #Grace1 bei #Gibtaltar spielte. Niemand steht über dem Völkerrecht, nicht die #USA, nicht #China, #Russland oder der #Iran, und eben auch nicht die #EU

17.08.2019 - 14:54 [ ‏/ Twitter ]

Festsetzung von „Grace 1“ vor Gibraltar war völkerrechtswidrig

17.08.2019 - 14:10 [ Gibraltar Chronicle ]

New crew for Grace 1 could delay departure to Sunday

The Iranian supertanker Grace 1 is unlikely to sail from Gibraltar before Sunday, the Chronicle understands, with six crewmen including a new captain scheduled to arrive this weekend.
Logistical arrangements are currently being put in place by the vessel‘s owners after it was released on Thursday following six weeks detained under Gibraltar‘s sanctions legislation.

17.08.2019 - 03:01 [ CNBC ]

UPDATE 6-Iran tanker shifts position but still at anchor off Gibraltar

The Gibraltar Chronicle newspaper reported that the vessel was unlikely to sail before Sunday, citing an unnamed source who added that it was waiting for six new crew members including a captain to arrive that day.

A lawyer for the Grace 1‘s current captain also told the newspaper that his client had asked to be replaced.

16.08.2019 - 07:35 [ Connect the World / Twitter ]

#BREAKING Gibraltar‘s Chief Minister @GibraltarGov tells @BeckyCNN Iranian supertanker ‚Grace I‘ is „free to go“ despite a U.S. request to keep the ship detained, but says the tanker could be seized *again* before it sets sail. #IranTensions

15.08.2019 - 17:19 [ Bloomberg TicToc ‏/ Twitter ]

„From the minute that the judge made his order, the ship is no longer any compulsion to stay within the jurisdiction,“ lawyer Charles Gomez says outside the Supreme Court of Gibraltar of the supertanker at the center of a standoff with Tehran

15.08.2019 - 17:17 [ ]

Gibraltar erlaubt Auslaufen von iranischem Tanker

Das Oberste Gericht des britischen Überseegebiets Gibraltar hat das Auslaufen des seit Anfang Juli dort festgesetzten iranischen Öltankers „Grace 1“ erlaubt. Ein Antrag der US-Regierung, das Schiff dauerhaft zu beschlagnahmen, wurde damit heute verworfen.

15.08.2019 - 17:15 [ Bloomberg TicToc ‏/ Twitter ]

JUST IN: A Gibraltar judge has agreed to release Grace 1, the Iranian oil tanker seized near the British overseas territory

13.08.2019 - 17:27 [ Gibraltar Chronicle ]

Iran says Grace 1 tanker could be released ‘soon’

Authorities in Gibraltar were given permission by Gibraltar’s Supreme Court to detain the vessel until mid-August, with another hearing on the matter set for Thursday morning. The current detention order on the vessel expires on Saturday night.

25.07.2019 - 18:51 [ Bloomberg ]

Denied Iran‘s Oil, Syria Has Few Options But Russia


The Syrian government has two big oil-producing friends, Iran and Russia. With the routes from the first apparently closed, it may have to turn to the second. This presents a new host of potential risks. Impounding an Iranian ship in the Strait of Gibraltar is one thing. Stopping a Russian ship in the Aegean Sea is quite another.

23.07.2019 - 09:12 [ Manuel Pellicer, polítical scientist / Twitter ]

Someone tell me if I‘ve got it right: -The US asked the #UK to block an iranian oil tanker. So did they in #Gibraltar -#Iran has blocked back a brit tanker in #Ormuz. -London wants France, Germany, i.e. the #EU, to set a naval mission to patrol the iranian persian Gulf

21.07.2019 - 11:51 [ Radio Utopie ]

Piraterie-Krise: Britische Militärs entlarven die Intrige gegen Johnson

London: Militärs verlangen vom demnächst sein Amt antretenden neuen Premierminister eine „schnelle Antwort“ gegen den Iran.

21.07.2019 - 10:25 [ ]

Military chiefs urge next PM to ‚send in the MARINES‘ to protect ships as Iran taunts UK with footage of moment balaclava-clad commandos abseiled from helicopter and hijacked British tanker in ‚tit-for-tat‘ strike

After the dramatic hijacking of the Stena Impero oil tanker carrying 23 crew by Iranian Special Forces, top brass were last night devising a list of options for a rapid military response.

It is understood they will seek the green light to deploy Royal Marines on British vessels travelling through the Strait of Hormuz to act as a deterrent to further aggression.

21.07.2019 - 10:05 [ ]

Gibraltar extends detention of Iranian tanker for a month


Gibraltar said the Iranian vessel, seized by marines in a daring landing in darkness off the coast of the British territory on July 4, was suspected of smuggling oil to Syria in breach of European Union sanctions.

12.07.2019 - 15:47 [ Reuters ]

Britain replaces warship in Gulf, to maintain continuous presence

“As part of our long standing presence in the Gulf, HMS Duncan is deploying to the region to ensure we maintain a continuous maritime security presence while HMS Montrose comes off task for pre-planned maintenance and crew change over,” the government said.

12.07.2019 - 10:58 [ ]

Iran fordert von Großbritannien Freigabe von Tanker

Die USA verzichteten Insidern zufolge indes vorerst auf Sanktionen gegen den iranischen Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif. Was genau die US-Regierung zu dem Schritt bewogen hat, sagten die beiden mit dem Vorgang vertrauten Personen nicht.

10.07.2019 - 09:35 [ GBC News ‏/ Twitter ]

.@GibraltarGov has confirmed that the Grace 1 supertanker, detained in #Gibraltar last week, was found to be „loaded to capacity with crude oil“. It‘s also highlighted that the tanker was „well inside“ British Gibraltar Territorial Waters when boarded, as per this screenshot.

10.07.2019 - 09:09 [ Gibraltar Chronicle ]

Laboratory tests confirm Grace 1 was carrying crude oil

„The Grace 1 was detained last week in Gibraltar when it freely navigated into British Gibraltar territorial waters to a point two miles off the Eastside of Gibraltar, having previously exited the international waters of the Straits of Gibraltar, on a pre-arranged call for provisions and spare parts,“ the Gibraltar Government spokesman said.

The ship was „well inside BGTW“ when it was boarded and remains detained in that area, the spokesman added.
To illustrate that point, the Gibraltar Government issued a screen grab from the Port of Gibraltar‘s vessel traffic monitoring system taken on the night of detention.

10.07.2019 - 09:06 [ Press TV ]

Gibraltar court extends detention of Iranian tanker for 14 days: Attorney general


Spain, which challenges the British ownership of Gibraltar, has said the seizure was prompted by a US request to Britain and appeared to have taken place in Spanish waters.

10.07.2019 - 08:44 [ ]

Iran fordert Freigabe des in Gibraltar festgesetzten Tankers


Die EU stellt seit 2011 Öllieferungen an Syrien unter Strafe. Das Öl in dem Schiff soll aus dem Iran stammen, was wiederum die US-Sanktionen gegen die Islamische Republik verletzen würde. Am Freitag entschied das oberste Gericht der britischen Exklave Gibraltar, dass der Tanker zwei Wochen festgehalten werden solle.

27.11.2018 - 17:21 [ ]

THE SUN SAYS: This Brexit deal is BAD for Britain as France threatens our fishing communities and Spain threatens us over Gibraltar

The Prime Minister is doing the wrong thing by saying the people are tired of Brexit because we‘ll be more than tired of it when we become a puppet at the end of Brussels‘ strings

25.11.2018 - 11:35 [ ]

Theresa May‘s open letter direct to voters begging them to back her Brexit deal

Desperate Theresa May on Sunday goes over the heads of MPs to appeal directly to the nation to back her Brexit deal.

As things stand, the PM knows she faces defeat when the deal comes before the Commons next month as enemies on all sides gang up on her.

25.11.2018 - 11:16 [ ]

Brexiters accuse May of Gibraltar betrayal ‘under cover of darkness’

That reassurance came on Saturday in the form of a letter from the British ambassador to the EU, Sir Tim Barrow, laying out the British government’s acceptance that the withdrawal agreement “imposes no obligations regarding the territorial scope” of a future trade deal.

25.11.2018 - 11:11 [ euronews (deutsch) / Youtube ]

Brüssel im Zeichen des Brexit

Spanien lenkt in letzter Minute ein und macht den Weg für den EU-Sondergipfel frei.…

25.11.2018 - 11:08 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

LIVE: EU leaders hold Brexit summit in Brussels: arrivals and roundtable

European Union leaders hold an exceptional summit in the EU27 format to endorse the Brexit deal in Brussels on Sunday, November 25. The leaders are expected to finalise and formalise the draft Brexit agreement and to discuss the future relationship between the UK and the EU.

24.11.2018 - 20:42 [ Alberto Nardelli, Europe Editor at BuzzFeed News. Ex-Guardian. / Twitter ]

Spain got what it wanted: letter from UK confirming legal interpretation + strong statement to be endorsed by EU27 tomorrow

24.11.2018 - 19:35 [ Nadine Dorries, Member of Parliament (MP) ‏/ Twitter ]

May has capitulated to every single EU demand. She’s abandoned NI, and now Gibraltar. At no time does she push back. As Barnier said, they have given May the deal she asked for and she has given them everything they have asked for. It’s almost beyond words how bad this is.

24.11.2018 - 19:13 [ Terry / Twitter ]

I don‘t have the words.. Tory cowards is the nearest I can get.

24.11.2018 - 19:10 [ Josep Borrell Fontelles, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación (Foreign Minister of Spain) / Twitter ]

The agreement on #Gibraltar reached today within the framework of the #Brexit negotiations is highly positive for #Spain and the most important one since the #Utrecht Treaty of 1713. I want to personally thank the Secretary of State for the #EU, our Permanent Representation (1/2)

24.11.2018 - 18:19 [ Dan Bloom, online political editor, Daily Mirror ‏/ Twitter ]

Jean-Claude Juncker puts a reassuring hand on Theresa May‘s shoulder as they arrive for talks ahead of tomorrow‘s summit. She ignored a shouted question about whether she had „compromised over Gibraltar“ #euco

24.11.2018 - 18:15 [ El Pais ]

Spanish PM announces deal on Gibraltar ahead of Brexit summit

Pedro Sánchez will vote on Sunday in favor of the United Kingdom’s Withdrawal Agreement, something he had been saying he would not do due to the text’s position on the British Overseas Territory

24.11.2018 - 12:59 [ ]

Ringen um jeden Beistrich im Brexit-Vertrag

Am Sonntag stimmen die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU-27 über den Austrittsvertrag mit dem Vereinigten Königreich und die Zukunftserklärung ab –

24.11.2018 - 11:06 [ ]

Brexit: Spanien droht mit Gipfel-Absage

Vor dem EU-Sondergipfel zum Brexit steht die mühsam ausgehandelte Einigung auf der Kippe: Spanien droht mit einer Absage des Gipfels, falls es keine Einigung in der Gibraltar-Frage gibt.

24.11.2018 - 10:27 [ El Pais ]

Spain rejects EU offer to create separate declaration on Gibraltar after Brexit

The Spanish government has reiterated its threat to veto the Withdrawal Agreement if the position of the British Overseas Territory is not clarified

21.11.2018 - 09:05 [ / Facebook ]

Ryan Heath, POLITICO’s Political Editor, sits with the foreign minister to discuss a multitude of hot topics including Catalonia, the Spanish political economic landscape, Brexit and the 2019 European election.


21.11.2018 - 09:03 [ ]

Spanish foreign minister: UK will split before Spain

And he reiterated Spain’s insistence that negotiations over the future relationship between Gibraltar and the EU should be handled separately to those with the U.K.

“I am very much [more] worried about the unity of the United Kingdom than the unity of the Kingdom of Spain. I think the United Kingdom will split apart before the Kingdom of Spain,” he said, in an apparent reference to movements in both Scotland and Northern Ireland to leave the U.K. over its EU departure.