Archiv: Belgrad / Belgrade

11.06.2022 - 12:22 [ ]

European intelligence has three favourites for the position of Serbian PM

Sinisa Mali, the current finance minister and former mayor of Belgrade, is mentioned first as a possible candidate. He is one of Aleksandar Vučić’s closest associates and has been involved in several scandals – from the destruction of the Savamala quarter in Belgrade to allegedly owning 24 apartments in Bulgaria. The University of Belgrade stripped him of his doctorate after it was confirmed that he had plagiarized his thesis.

According to European intelligence, Nikola Selaković, current Minister of Foreign Affairs, also has a chance to become the new PM. He is also a loyal associate of Aleksandar Vučić…

11.06.2022 - 12:18 [ ]

Vučić with Scholz: „Scholz brought new energy and new hope“

„Scholz has brought new energy and new hope. He wants to hear everyone in the Western Balkans and wants real prospects for EU expansion which is an important, excellent message for everyone in the Western Balkans. We also talked about the fact that Serbia must progress much faster in terms of the rule of law, democracy…“, he said.

05.12.2021 - 10:26 [ Kees71 / Twitter ]

Anti-regerings protest in Belgrado. 30.000 demonstranten blokkeren de snelweg!

11.07.2020 - 08:49 [ Balkan Insight / Twitter ]

Our journalists are at the front lines of tonight‘s protest against the Serbian government‘s handling of the #COVID19 crisis. Here‘s what it looks like from their point of view:

11.07.2020 - 08:46 [ ]

Serbien: Demonstranten dringen in Parlament ein

Erneut hat es in Serbien gewaltsame Proteste gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen von Präsident Vucic gegeben. Am Abend drang eine Gruppe von Demonstranten in das Parlamentsgebäude ein.

10.07.2020 - 10:28 [ Balkan Insight / Twitter ]

Protesters hold a sign that reads „the earth is flat“ in reference to Serbian President Vucic‘s claims that Tuesday‘s violent demonstrations were incited by far-right orgs, anti-migrant extremists, fantasists who ‘believe the Earth is a flat plate’.

10.07.2020 - 10:24 [ Balkan Insight / Twitter ]

While thousands of demonstrators gather in Belgrade in front of the Serbian parliament building, many of whom are sitting to encourage calm among the crowd, two cannons were let off in the direction of the City Assembly. In response, the protesters cheered „sit down“.

10.07.2020 - 09:50 [ ]

Serbien: Demonstranten trotzen Verbot

Serbien hat Zusammenkünfte von mehr als zehn Personen in der Hauptstadt Belgrad verboten. Dadurch solle die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus verhindert werden, teilte das Krisenteam der Regierung mit. Tausende Menschen widersetzten sich am Abend dem Verbot. Sie veranstalteten einen Sitzstreik vor dem Parlamentsgebäude.

09.07.2020 - 11:42 [ New York Times ]

Serbia Protests Meet Violent Response in Europe’s 1st Major Virus Unrest

He pressed ahead with a controversial general election on June 21 that most opposition parties had long planned to boycott, saying they did not want to legitimize a process that they feel is gamed in Mr. Vucic’s favor.

And to Mr. Vucic’s critics, his decision first to ease restrictions ahead of a vote that was certain to increase his power — and then reinstate them soon after — felt like he was playing politics with public health.

09.07.2020 - 10:50 [ euronews (deutsch) / Youtube ]

Proteste in Belgrad – Vucic nimmt Corona-Ausgangssperre zurück


Nach massiven Protesten hat Serbiens Präsident Aleksandar Vucic eine von ihm angekündigte Ausgangssperre wegen der Corona-Pandemie zurückgenommen

09.07.2020 - 10:42 [ ABC News ]

Serbian leader backtracks on lockdown amid chaotic protests


President Aleksandar Vucic backtracked on his plans to reinstate a coronavirus lockdown in Belgrade this week, but it didn’t stop people from firing flares and throwing stones while trying to storm the downtown parliament building.

09.07.2020 - 10:39 [ ]

President of Serbia Calls to Halt Protests Amid Coronavirus Fears


The President of Serbia Aleksandar Cucic called on the demonstrators for stopping the attending anti-government protests in order to halt the further spreading of the coronavirus or COVID-19 infections.

09.07.2020 - 10:05 [ Denis Radenković / Twitter ]

The protest while triggered by the new #COVID measures, are really caused by the increasing gov authoritarianism over the years. Most recently, COVID infection numbers have been manipulated in order to gain political advantage in the GE on June 21st. #Belgrade #Serbia

Vučić did „win“ overwhelming majority of 60.71% of the parliament, but that was only 21% of the popular vote, as the elections were laregely boycoted.

09.07.2020 - 10:00 [ Denis Radenković / Twitter ]

This was a common practice back in the 90’s, when we were protesting against the Milošević regime. #belgrade #serbia

09.07.2020 - 09:31 [ Youtube ]

People attack the Serbian government (Riots)


09.07.2020 - 09:15 [ Jorge Vásquez / Youtube ]


The situation is out of control in Belgrade in the parliament, after the government‘s manipulation in the management of the #coronavirus.

09.07.2020 - 09:09 [ Tetova Online / Youtube ]

Violence at Belgrade protest: Police hit the young men who were sitting on a park bench

The police came with the dogs. The policeman hit the young men who were sitting on a park bench

09.07.2020 - 08:59 [ Tetova Online / Youtube ]

Massive crowd of protesters came out in Belgrade over new govt. lockdowns over the Covid-19 Serbia


09.07.2020 - 06:55 [ ORF ]

Erneut Zusammenstöße in Belgrad

Am Dienstag hatte der Präsident eine viertägige Ausgangssperre angekündigt, die von Freitag bis Montag dauern sollte.

08.07.2020 - 08:15 [ ]

Ausschreitungen in Belgrad bei Protesten gegen Ausgangssperre

Bei Protesten gegen eine geplante neue Coronavirus-Ausgangssperre in Serbien ist es zu Ausschreitungen gekommen. Demonstrierende warfen gestern Abend in Belgrad Steine auf Polizistinnen und Polizisten und feuerten Leuchtraketen ab, wie Fernsehbilder zeigten. Eine Gruppe Demonstrierender stürmte das Parlamentsgebäude.

13.05.2020 - 17:36 [ Tagesschau ]

tagesschau vor 20 Jahren, 08. Mai 1999

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13.05.2020 - 17:31 [ New York Times ]

In a Fatal Error, C.I.A. Picked a Bombing Target Only Once: The Chinese Embassy

(July 23, 1999)

WASHINGTON — The director of the CIA disclosed Thursday that the agency had selected just one target in the 11-week air war over Yugoslavia, and its decision led to the accidental bombing of the Chinese embassy in May.

„It was the only target we nominated,“ the director, George Tenet, said at a rare public hearing of the House Intelligence Committee.

13.05.2020 - 17:25 [ AP Archive / Youtube ]


(video from July 1999)

The C-I-A has revealed it had accurate maps and some agency employees knew the correct location of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade mistakenly bombed in May during NATO‘s air campaign against Yugoslavia.

The C-I-A Director George Tenet made the announcement on Thursday while testifying before the House Intelligence Committee in Washington D-C.

13.05.2020 - 17:20 [ ]

tagesschau vor 20 Jahren, 21. April 1999

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13.05.2020 - 17:17 [ CNN ]

Missiles slam into central Belgrade

(April 20, 1999
Web posted at: 10:35 p.m. EDT)

At least two cruise missiles struck the building believed to belong to Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic‘s ruling Socialist Party, CNN‘s Brent Sadler reported from the scene.

Flames were pouring out of the upper floors of the building, which is about 15 stories tall, and the ground level was also engulfed in fire.

13.05.2020 - 17:06 [ ]

tagesschau vor 20 Jahren, 05. April 1999

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13.05.2020 - 17:05 [ BBC ]

Cruise missiles blast Belgrade

(Monday, April 5, 1999)

Nato spokesman Jamie Shea said it was „a very successful and extensive night of operations.“

In an interview with BBC World, he said a change in the weather enabled Nato to step up its activities against infrastructure targets, and against Yugoslav ground deployments in Kosovo itself.

13.05.2020 - 17:04 [ CNN ]

Cruise missiles strike Belgrade again

(April 4, 1999)

At about 4:35 a.m. Sunday Belgrade time (9:35 p.m. EST) Belgrade was rocked by a large explosion.

CNN reporters saw a fireball and an orange glow which lit up the sky.

13.05.2020 - 16:50 [ Tagesschau ]

tagesschau vor 20 Jahren, 25. März 1999

(veröffentlicht am 22.03.2019)

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13.05.2020 - 16:44 [ Sydney Morning Herald ]

From the Archives, 1999: NATO launches air strikes against Yugoslavia

First published The Age on March 25, 1999


NATO chief Javier Solana ordered attacks against Yugoslavia after President Milosevic rebuffed a last-ditch peace offer and revved up his war machine by declaring a state of emergency — the first since World War II.

„We must stop an authoritarian regime from repressing its people In Europe at the end of the 20th century. We have a moral duty to do so. The responsibility is on our shoulders and we will fulfil it,“ Mr Solana said in Brussels.