Archiv: Aleksandar Vucic

13.10.2023 - 16:22 [ ]

Serbiens Präsident Vucic kündigt Neuwahl an

Das gegenwärtige Parlament hatten die Serben im April des Vorjahres gewählt. Die nationalistische Präsidentenpartei SNS hat darin zusammen mit Verbündeten eine komfortable Mehrheit.

Vorgezogene Neuwahlen sind in Serbien häufig. Vucic regiert mit autoritären Methoden. Medien, Justiz und Verwaltung sind zum Großteil in Händen von Gefolgsleuten des Präsidenten, der auch SNS-Vorsitzender ist.

02.10.2023 - 08:49 [ Al Jazeera ]

Serbia denies US, EU reports of military build-up along Kosovo border

Serbia has denied reports of a military build-up along the border with Kosovo, alleging a “campaign of lies” against his country in the wake of a shootout a week earlier that killed four people and fuelled tensions in the volatile Balkan region.

“A campaign of lies … has been launched against our Serbia,” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in a video posted on Instagram on Sunday.

27.05.2023 - 10:08 [ ]

Nach Aufruf des Präsidenten: Zehntausende auf Demo für Vucic

Der serbische Präsident bestimmt seit 2012 in verschiedenen Funktionen die Geschicke des Landes. Kritiker werfen ihm einen autoritären Regierungsstil vor. Vucic und seine Gefolgsleute kontrollieren die meisten Medien, die Justiz und einen Teil der Wirtschaft.

Zwei Amokläufe mit 18 Toten hatten zu Monatsbeginn die serbische Gesellschaft erschüttert.

27.05.2023 - 10:00 [ ]

Nach Zusammenstößen im Kosovo: Serbien versetzt Armee in Bereitschaft

Die Serben hatten die Bürgermeisterwahlen im April boykottiert. Die Wahlbeteiligung lag deshalb nur bei 3,5 Prozent. Die Wahlen fanden in Gemeinden im Norden des Kosovos statt, in denen größtenteils ethnische Serben leben. Sie fordern Autonomie und weigern sich, mit den neuen, vier albanischen Bürgermeistern zusammenzuarbeiten.

Der serbische Präsident Aleksandar Vucic teilte dem staatlichen Sender RTS zufolge mit, er habe wegen der Zusammenstöße das serbische Militär in erhöhte Alarmbereitschaft versetzt. Zudem lasse er Soldaten an die Grenze zum Kosovo verlegen.

24.06.2022 - 04:41 [ ]

Western Balkans Leaders Voice Frustration over EU Summit Failure

“I believe that our friends from Skopje and Tirana deserve the start of EU talks and I believe this should happen as soon as possible, which is not a matter of request, because both countries have done everything that was asked of them,” Vucic added.

He thanked Kovacevski and Rama for their “understanding” for Serbia’s unique position in its relations to Russia and for it not aligning with the EU on sanctions against Moscow over the war in Ukraine.

11.06.2022 - 12:22 [ ]

European intelligence has three favourites for the position of Serbian PM

Sinisa Mali, the current finance minister and former mayor of Belgrade, is mentioned first as a possible candidate. He is one of Aleksandar Vučić’s closest associates and has been involved in several scandals – from the destruction of the Savamala quarter in Belgrade to allegedly owning 24 apartments in Bulgaria. The University of Belgrade stripped him of his doctorate after it was confirmed that he had plagiarized his thesis.

According to European intelligence, Nikola Selaković, current Minister of Foreign Affairs, also has a chance to become the new PM. He is also a loyal associate of Aleksandar Vučić…

11.06.2022 - 12:18 [ ]

Vučić with Scholz: „Scholz brought new energy and new hope“

„Scholz has brought new energy and new hope. He wants to hear everyone in the Western Balkans and wants real prospects for EU expansion which is an important, excellent message for everyone in the Western Balkans. We also talked about the fact that Serbia must progress much faster in terms of the rule of law, democracy…“, he said.

10.07.2020 - 10:28 [ Balkan Insight / Twitter ]

Protesters hold a sign that reads „the earth is flat“ in reference to Serbian President Vucic‘s claims that Tuesday‘s violent demonstrations were incited by far-right orgs, anti-migrant extremists, fantasists who ‘believe the Earth is a flat plate’.

09.07.2020 - 11:42 [ New York Times ]

Serbia Protests Meet Violent Response in Europe’s 1st Major Virus Unrest

He pressed ahead with a controversial general election on June 21 that most opposition parties had long planned to boycott, saying they did not want to legitimize a process that they feel is gamed in Mr. Vucic’s favor.

And to Mr. Vucic’s critics, his decision first to ease restrictions ahead of a vote that was certain to increase his power — and then reinstate them soon after — felt like he was playing politics with public health.

09.07.2020 - 10:50 [ euronews (deutsch) / Youtube ]

Proteste in Belgrad – Vucic nimmt Corona-Ausgangssperre zurück


Nach massiven Protesten hat Serbiens Präsident Aleksandar Vucic eine von ihm angekündigte Ausgangssperre wegen der Corona-Pandemie zurückgenommen

09.07.2020 - 10:42 [ ABC News ]

Serbian leader backtracks on lockdown amid chaotic protests


President Aleksandar Vucic backtracked on his plans to reinstate a coronavirus lockdown in Belgrade this week, but it didn’t stop people from firing flares and throwing stones while trying to storm the downtown parliament building.

09.07.2020 - 10:39 [ ]

President of Serbia Calls to Halt Protests Amid Coronavirus Fears


The President of Serbia Aleksandar Cucic called on the demonstrators for stopping the attending anti-government protests in order to halt the further spreading of the coronavirus or COVID-19 infections.

09.07.2020 - 10:05 [ Denis Radenković / Twitter ]

The protest while triggered by the new #COVID measures, are really caused by the increasing gov authoritarianism over the years. Most recently, COVID infection numbers have been manipulated in order to gain political advantage in the GE on June 21st. #Belgrade #Serbia

Vučić did „win“ overwhelming majority of 60.71% of the parliament, but that was only 21% of the popular vote, as the elections were laregely boycoted.

30.05.2019 - 09:23 [ b92 ]

„Serbia ready to protect Serb people in Kosovo“

He recalled that Belgrade had information that this would happen, and on 17 May informed the local and international public and representatives of the EU that the Albanians were preparing the arrest of dozens of people in the north of Kosovo under the pretext of fighting organised crime and corruption, which will cause great anxiety and fear among the Serbs.