Daily Archives: 23. August 2023

23.08.2023 - 19:16 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

BND-Gesetz: Bundeskanzleramt simuliert Verbändebeteiligung mit 24-Stunden-Frist

ROG und GFF hatten schon im Jahr 2017 eine Verfassungsbeschwerde erhoben, die sich gegen die nach den Snowden-Enthüllungen eingeführten Rechtsgrundlagen für die strategische Auslandsüberwachung des Geheimdienstes richtete. Im Mai 2020 erklärte das Bundesverfassungsgericht das BND-Gesetz für verfassungswidrig, weil es gegen die Pressefreiheit (Art. 5 Abs. 1 Satz 2 GG) und gegen das Fernmeldegeheimnis (Art. 10 Abs. 1) verstieß. Daraufhin reformierte die Große Koalition das BND-Gesetz.

Trotz unzähliger Hinweise von Sachverständigen im Gesetzgebungsverfahren kam nach Ansicht der Nichtregierungsorganisationen ein Gesetz heraus, das etliche Maßgaben des Bundesverfassungsgerichts verletze und jenseits dieser Maßgaben weitere verfassungswidrige Befugnisse eingeführt habe. Ende 2022 erhoben ROG und GFF daher erneut Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen das aktuelle BND-Gesetz.

23.08.2023 - 18:54 [ Times of Israel ]

Ministers pushed canceling municipal elections in Arab towns due to threats

Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara rejected the idea, noting that it would violate Arab citizens’ democratic rights.

One of the four victims killed earlier tonight in Abu Snan was running in the upcoming race. The director of Tira gunned down last night was also targeted in a dispute related to the upcoming election.

23.08.2023 - 18:24 [ Times of Israel ]

Shin Bet said to join probe into quadruple murder in Abu Snan

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, whose ministry oversees the police, published a post on his Facebook account on Wednesday morning calling Arab armed gangs “terrorist organizations” with “huge budgets and hundreds of thousands of weapons at their disposal, including millions of bullets, explosive charges, and grenade launchers.”

Ben Gvir warned that such “militias” will soon direct their attacks against the State of Israel, and called once again for the establishment of a national guard to prevent local crime.

23.08.2023 - 18:12 [ Haaretz ]

In Arab-Israeli Town, Shocked Residents Demand Answers

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23.08.2023 - 18:09 [ .i24news.tv ]

Fear and disbelief in Arab-Israeli town after shocking quadruple murder

Four men were shot at point-blank range. Among them was Ghazi Sa’ab, a well-known member of the community, a former border police officer, and a candidate for the head of the local council.

Police say the quadruple murder was planned in advance, carried out only two hours after Sa’ab launched his municipal campaign. The four victims were standing in an olive grove near one of the entrances to the town when a squad of assassins drove up to them, exited the car, and shot them.

23.08.2023 - 09:55 [ ResponsibleStatecraft.org ]

As US mulls security pact, Saudi Arabia accused of crimes against humanity

(August 21, 2023)

The report also raises uncomfortable questions for the Biden administration, which is considering giving “security guarantees” to Saudi Arabia in order to entice its leaders to normalize relations with Israel. Among the proposals on the table is a mutual defense treaty that would obligate U.S. troops to defend Saudi Arabia in case of attack. American officials are also mulling whether to help Riyadh develop a civilian nuclear program, a move that many experts worry could be a first step toward a Saudi nuclear weapons push.

The White House, aware that any new treaty would face an uphill battle in Congress, has already started briefing Democratic leaders about the talks in order to build support, according to the New York Times.

23.08.2023 - 09:29 [ LiberationNews.org/ ]

3,000 more U.S. troops to the Persian Gulf: New conflict coming against Iran?

(August 18, 2023)

Even going by U.S. numbers, it is hard to see how the “seizure or attempted takeover of nearly 20 ships” over the course of two years constitutes an emergency. That is an average of less than one a month. Additionally, as Iran’s Navy has pointed out, some of the “seizures” have been cases of the Iranian Navy responding to distress signals from the commercial ships. None of these cases have involved fatalities or serious consequences of any sort.

The Iranian Navy asserting its will to board a few commercial ships and inspecting their cargo has, at least in part, been in reaction to the U.S. confiscation of ships carrying Iranian oil. The latest example of that was in April when the U.S. Navy seized and then confiscated the cargo of Suez Rajan, a Marshal Islands-flagged oil tanker, carrying Iranian oil to China.

23.08.2023 - 09:07 [ Washington Post ]

A tanker believed to hold sanctioned Iran oil starts offloading near Texas despite Tehran‘s threats

(August 20, 2023)

Iran has been trying to evade sanctions and continue selling its oil abroad, while the U.S. and its allies have been seizing cargoes since 2019 after the country’s nuclear deal allowing the trade collapsed.

23.08.2023 - 08:54 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Piraten des Potomac: US-Regierung lässt Tanker mit iranischem Öl im Wert von 56 Millionen US-Dollar entführen und in Texas entladen

Mutmaßlich auf Befehl der US-Regierung wurde am Wochenende ein Tanker mit iranischem Öl im Golf von Mexiko beschlagnahmt. Laut vorliegenden Schiffsverfolgungsdaten wird die Ladung im Wert von weit über 50 Millionen US-Dollar derzeit in der Nähe von Houston (Texas) entladen. Der US-Senat will den Erlös der Kaperung „den Opfern von 9/11“ zukommen lassen. Stützen kann er sich dabei auf ein skandalträchtiges Urteil eines New Yorker Gerichtes, welches mit einer abenteuerlichen Begründung den Iran im März 2016 zu einer zweistelligen Milliardensumme Schadenersatz wegen der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 verurteilt hatte.

23.08.2023 - 08:38 [ DailyMaverick.co.za ]

BRICS — Which countries want to join? See our interactive world map

BRICS officials and foreign ministers have been working on the criteria for membership, according to South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor, and will draft recommendations to be considered by the BRICS leaders during the summit.

Pandor had earlier announced that 23 nations have formally applied to be part of the bloc.

23.08.2023 - 08:10 [ Le Monde ]

The BRICS countries aim to knock the dollar off its throne

Dethrone the dollar, the symbol of Western hegemony. As ambitious as it is complex, this objective will be one of those addressed at the summit of BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) from Tuesday, August 22 to Thursday, August 24 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The heads of state in attendance (South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, his Chinese and Brazilian counterparts Xi Jinping and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov) will also be discussing the expansion of their bloc to include other countries, particularly African ones.

23.08.2023 - 08:05 [ teleSUR ]

15th Edition of BRICS Summit Begins in Johannesburg

The European conflict, the global economic crisis, the balkanization of the African continent with half a dozen conflicts, including the civil war in Sudan and the imminent intervention in Niger, add new challenges to the bloc‘s development and sustainability strategies.

5 countries make up the BRICS so far, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Today they are meeting to discuss various issues of integration and collaboration, highlighting the prospect of expanding their member states and updating financial cooperation.