Daily Archives: 25. November 2018
To save all the emails and tweets today. For the avoidance of any doubt. I will NOT be voting for TM daft deal.
I‘ve received over 1,000 emails about Brexit, and done my best to answer them all (apols if I missed you). For the record – and to save you writing in – I will NOT be supporting the draft EU deal. @KensingtonCLP
Jeremy Corbyn has confirmed Labour will oppose Theresa May‘s Brexit deal in the Commons because it‘s a „bad deal for the country“ that „leaves us with the worst of all worlds.“
France’s actions today over future fishing rights and our exit from the backstop demonstrates precisely how vulnerable we would be once signed up to the disastrous Withdrawal Agreement. Not in my name.
Bombshell from Macron who suggests if EU doesn‘t get what it wants on fishing it‘ll force UK into backstop customs union. WA says fisheries deal should be done by July 2020 so coincides with decision on whether to trigger backstop. Brexiteer MPs‘ worst nightmare about May‘s deal.
Sadly I am coming to the same conclusion. The very reason many voted to Leave is being demonstrated. People want to know their voice and vote matters. Not be told the political elite know better. Not delivering a true Brexit will do huge and lasting damage to our democracy.
Brexit is no longer about brexit, it‘s about how the political elite sucker punch the electorate into abandoning their will. We must not let them get away with it.
Sunday Shows Round-up: Brexit deal under fire
The Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt was interviewed by Andrew Marr, who asked about the difficulties ahead:
AM: How many Tory MPs do you think will vote against this?
JH: Well that’s a very difficult question and the arithmetic at the moment is looking challenging, but a lot can change over the next two weeks.
Mindestens 115 Verletzte bei Erdbeben im Westen des Iran
Das Beben ereignete sich 17 Kilometer südwestlich von Sarpol-e Zahab in einer Tiefe von sieben Kilometern. Es folgten demnach mindestens sieben Nachbeben.
Strong earthquake rocks western Iran
A strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Iran‘s western province of Kermanshah late Sunday, the country‘s institute of geophysics said, with local officials reporting over 200 people injured.
Brexit EU summit LIVE: EU leaders issue ultimatum to MPs — back May‘s deal or get nothing
EU leaders have challenged MPs to either back Theresa May’s Brexit deal or face up to the economic consequences of crashing out of the bloc.
UK companies open arms to China trade
(14.11.2018) Companies in the United Kingdom have embraced the inaugural China International Import Expo in an effort to hedge against uncertainties as the country prepares to leave the European Union, industry insiders say
Major British brands already established in China – such as Jaguar Land Rover, Bentley, British Airways and Standard Chartered – have taken the lead alongside small and medium-sized enterprises looking to test the waters in China for the first time.
Letter: We don’t need the Pentagon’s weapons here
Our communities are looking more like war zones every day, thanks to the Pentagon’s 1033 program that authorizes transfers of surplus military equipment from the Department of Defense to domestic law enforcement agencies free of charge. Buncombe County has received at least 74 military articles through the 1033 program, including assault rifles and an armored vehicle.
Exports to Great Britain fall by 5% in September – CSO
(15.11.2018) However, imports from Great Britain for the first nine months of this year were 4% higher than for the same timeframe last year, reaching €13.1 billion.
U.K. Starting Salaries Pick Up as Companies See Worker Shortage
(5.10.2018) U.K. starting salaries grew at the fastest pace more than three years in September as Britain’s impending exit from the European Union made it harder for employers to find enough qualified candidates.
Argentina: Growing Pressure Ahead of G-20 Summit
Less than one week before G-20 summit is held in Argentina, police attacks kills several and leave many wounded.
Der „SPIEGEL“ verrührt etwas Export-Esoterik mit einem Schuss Querfront-Rhetorik und nennt das Ganze dann auch noch „Analyse“
Konkret geht es um den Artikel „Bachblütenökonomie – Warum Deutschlands Handelsüberschüsse keine Arbeitslosigkeit verursachen“ des SPIEGEL-Redakteurs Christian Reiermann.
Dieser versucht nämlich dem Leser weiszumachen, dass Deutschlands Exportüberschüsse keine Arbeitslosigkeit verursachen, und dass die negativen Auswirkungen eben jener Exportüberschüsse im Grunde nur die Erfindungen irrlichternder Populisten vom Schlage Donald Trumps und Oskar Lafontaines sind. Garniert wird das Ganze dann noch mit etwas Querfront-Rhetorik: „Es gilt die Hufeisentheorie: Linkes und rechtes politisches Spektrum kommen sich häufig sehr nah.“
Wirtschaftsleistung in Deutschland schrumpft
(11.11D.2018) Dazu kommen die Unsicherheiten aus dem Brexit. Dass bisher keine Einigung erzielt wurde und bisher eher davon ausgegangen wurde, dass es zu einem harten Ausstieg mit stärkeren wirtschaftlichen Folgen kommen wird, dürfte sich auch in den negativen Zahlen niederschlagen.
Indigene in Kolumbien klagen erfolgreich gegen Erdölfirma
Der Verfassungsgerichtshof von Kolumbien hat nach einem dreijährigen Rechtsstreit gegen eine Erdölfirma einstimmig zugunsten der indigenen Gemeinschaft der Awá entschieden
Vorboten des Brexits: Handel mit Großbritannien bricht ein
(29.10.2018) Im ersten Halbjahr 2018 brachen die deutschen Exporte nach Großbritannien gemessen am Gewicht gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum um 8,1% auf 8,7 Mio. t ein. In die umgekehrte Richtung wurden 7,6 Mio. t Güter gehandelt – das sind sogar 15,2% weniger als im 1. Halbjahr 2017. Das ergibt sich aus der aktuellen Ausgabe des Export- / Import-Seismographen Deutschland (ESD/ISD), der die deutschen Außenhandelsströme analysiert.
Seoul begrüßt UN-Beschluss für Ausnahme von Nordkorea-Sanktionen
Die Verbindung der Eisenbahn und Straßen werde eine neue Phase für die innerkoreanische Kooperation einläuten, sagte Kim.
KT repairs 50 pct of damage from fire
South Korea‘s top fixed-line operator KT Corp. said Sunday it has repaired more than half of the network damage incurred from the fire that broke out in Seoul a day earlier.
„We have fixed 60 percent of the mobile network and 70 percent of the Internet lines, including credit card transactions,“ the company said, adding 50 percent of its corporate Internet lines have been repaired as well.
Iran calls on all IMO members to support it against sanctions
US sanctions against Iran undermine equal rights of members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), said deputy director of Iran‘s Port and Maritime Organization, Hadi Haghshenas.
“IMO members have expressed their disagreement with the US position against Iran,“ Haghshenas told ILNA.
Bank Melli Iran denies reports about internet cut off in Hamburg branch
The newspaper quoted bank CEO Helmut Gottlieb saying „We are now almost paralyzed.”
#Brexit Theresa May can ‘absolutely’ stay on if she loses the Commons vote, says Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt He tells #marr, ‘We are going to get through this’
Read more: https://bbc.in/2Kx0Yk1
Whichever way you voted, you didn‘t vote for Theresa May‘s bad Brexit deal. So neither will we. Here are 6 reasons why
Boris Johnson demands new minister to prepare for Brexit on ‚WTO terms‘
Former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Saturday called for the appointment of a government minister to take charge of preparations for a „no-deal“ British exit from the European Union.
Über die Welten zwischen Souveränität und Nationalismus
(1.9.2018) Anspruch des Nationalismus: Das eigene Land vor allen Anderen zu retten.
Souveränität hingegen bedeutet, zu gleichen Teilen das eigene Land vor allen Anderen, vor der eigenen Regierung, vor sich selbst und wenn nötig auch alle Anderen vor dem eigenen Land retten.
No Deal #EU we will just leave under WTO rules end of! #EuropeanUnion #Brexit #Brussels #Leaves
You can‘t negotiate with these French Germans EU types….until you show them you mean business!
Why should artists be for Brexit? The restoration of British democracy and it‘s independence from the undemocratic EU are surely the main reasons. But in this article we give our answers to some frequently asked questions by artists and arts workers.
Labour MPs in Leave-backing seats should not be tempted into backing May’s deal
Now is a moment of truth for Labour MPs. Theresa May’s decision to go back on her manifesto promises and agree a deal which would tie the UK to EU rules indefinitely but without us having a say in setting those rules has presented them with an open goal. All the signs are that the Labour front bench will oppose the deal. But the stance of the many Labour MPs in Leave-backing constituencies is open to question.
Is there anyway you would vote for May‘s current Brexit deal? @DUPleader ‚No.‘ Straightforward, principled response from the DUP. #andrewmarr #Brexit
DUP Leader Arlene Foster on The Andrew Marr Show: „I don‘t see any circumstances at present, where that vote will be able to go ahead in Theresa May‘s favour.“
Why May‘s Brexit deal is set to be defeated in Parliament
(22.11.2018) The uncertainty is quite how big she loses – because it is the magnitude of that defeat that will determine whether something like her deal is eventually Britain‘s Brexit or whether it will be ripped to shreds.
Juncker‘s attack on BREXITEERS: ‚Feel sad imagining the lives of your GRANDCHILDREN‘
“This is the best deal we could have achieved but if I was a British citizen I would be deeply sad imagining the life of my grandchildren.“
Theresa May‘s open letter direct to voters begging them to back her Brexit deal
Desperate Theresa May on Sunday goes over the heads of MPs to appeal directly to the nation to back her Brexit deal.
As things stand, the PM knows she faces defeat when the deal comes before the Commons next month as enemies on all sides gang up on her.
Brexiters accuse May of Gibraltar betrayal ‘under cover of darkness’
That reassurance came on Saturday in the form of a letter from the British ambassador to the EU, Sir Tim Barrow, laying out the British government’s acceptance that the withdrawal agreement “imposes no obligations regarding the territorial scope” of a future trade deal.
Brüssel im Zeichen des Brexit
Spanien lenkt in letzter Minute ein und macht den Weg für den EU-Sondergipfel frei.…
LIVE: EU leaders hold Brexit summit in Brussels: arrivals and roundtable
European Union leaders hold an exceptional summit in the EU27 format to endorse the Brexit deal in Brussels on Sunday, November 25. The leaders are expected to finalise and formalise the draft Brexit agreement and to discuss the future relationship between the UK and the EU.