Archiv: Ultimatum (de / en)

28.08.2023 - 14:19 [ ]

French ambassador will stay in Niger despite junta ultimatum, says Macron

During a major foreign policy speech to ambassadors gathered in Paris, Macron confirmed that French envoy Sylvain Itte was listening in from Niger capital Niamey despite being given a 48-hour deadline to leave the country last Friday.

26.02.2023 - 21:00 [ Haaretz ]

Analysis | Netanyahu Is No Longer Israel‘s Legitimate Prime Minister

What‘s happening to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? The extreme mood swings reflected in both his statements and body language attest to pressure, psychological distress and loss of his senses. He quickly slips into the mindset of paranoid tyrants who live in a bubble, divorced from reality.

26.02.2023 - 20:39 [ Haaretz ]

Bill Curbing Power to Rule Netanyahu Unfit Could Lead to ‚Absurd Situations,‘ Attorney General Warns

The bill, submitted by coalition chairman Ofir Katz, states that only the cabinet can declare a prime minister unfit or incapacitated by a two-thirds majority, and that in some cases, such a declaration would require approval by a majority of 90 lawmakers. Moreover, a declaration of incapacitation would apply to incompetence for health reasons only.

The bill is being advanced in response to the Movement for Quality Government in Israel’s petition to the High Court asking to declare Netanyahu unfit for office over a conflict of interest due to the ongoing criminal proceedings against him.

26.02.2023 - 20:30 [ Times of Israel ]

Court gives Netanyahu 1 month to respond to petition to declare him unfit for office

(10 February 2023)

The High Court of Justice on Friday gave Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu one month to respond to a petition to declare him unfit for office and force him to take a leave of absence.

The Movement for Quality Government in Israel petitioned the court on Thursday, arguing that Netanyahu is in violation of a conflict of interest arrangement that bars him from involvement in matters that could impact his ongoing trial on graft charges.

21.03.2022 - 04:19 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

Occupiers gave an ultimatum to local authorities to surrender Mariupol to them #Mariupol mayor‘s advisor Petr Andriuschenko suggested not waiting until the morning for an answer and sent the occupiers to the same place as the #Russian warship

28.04.2021 - 17:00 [ ]

High Court cancels hearing as PM agrees to Gantz as justice ministe

In addition, a few moments before Netanyahu announced his decision to back Gantz for the position, he apparently was made aware that Bennett held his first meeting with Mansour Abbas – the leader of the Islamist Ra‘am party – in an effort to form a unity government.

28.04.2021 - 15:44 [ ]

Netanyahu reverses course, votes to appoint Gantz as justice minister

Hours before the High Court of Justice was due to decide on the legality of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s attempts to install a justice minister from his own party, the premier announced Wednesday afternoon he supports the appointment of Blue & White leader Benny Gantz for the position.

28.04.2021 - 15:42 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Caves After Rebuke From Supreme Court: Gantz Appointed Justice Minister

In a statement Netanyahu said, „The prime minister submitted a detailed response to the High Court that completely rejects the court‘s claim that yesterday‘s vote was illegal.“

„However,“ Netanyahu said, „after the prime minister‘s attempts at compromise were rejected again this morning, and in order to extract us from this dead end situation and allow the Justice Ministry to function, the prime minister decided to appoint Benny Gantz to the post of Justice Minister for the tenure of the interim government.“

28.04.2021 - 05:29 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Netanyahu is attacking Israel. Stop him – comment

Netanyahu‘s refusal to appoint a justice minister is a direct assault on this nation. It is that simple.
His reasoning is also simple: Netanyahu does not want to fill the role with someone who is not subservient and willing to go along with coordinated efforts to escape his bribery trial.

28.04.2021 - 05:24 [ Haaretz ]

The Court Gave Netanyahu a License. It Can‘t Complain if He Shoots

Rather, it is the public danger he constitutes and his conspiring to topple state institutions. Ordinary criminal defendants who behaved as Netanyahu has would have long since been ordered to remain in custody for the duration of legal proceedings, lest they obstruct the investigation and trial, and for disobeying a court order. But we can’t complain to Netanyahu about it, when the court itself gives him license to harm it.

27.04.2021 - 14:58 [ ]

High Court to convene as government stalls again over justice minister

The High Court of Justice was to convene at 5pm Tuesday after the government failed to appoint a justice minister within the time frame allocated by the court.

The latest attempt to end the deadlock over the appointment of the minister failed when the government voted down a move by Blue & White leader Benny Gantz to return to the ministry on a permanent basis.

25.04.2021 - 18:21 [ Haaretz ]

Supreme Court Chief Issues Ultimatum to Netanyahu: Appoint Justice Minister in 48 Hours

The justice minister post has remained empty since Gantz‘s term as acting justice minister lapsed on April 1. The appointment of a justice minister is a particularly sensitive issue, given that Netanyahu is currently amid an ongoing corruption trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

05.02.2019 - 01:44 [ Granma ]


Das kürzlich von den Vereinigten Staaten an den venezolanischen Präsidenten Nicolás Maduro ausgesprochene Ultimatum und der Prozess der „Aufweichung“ durch alle Arten von Sanktionen, einschließlich des Diebstahls der in den USA gegründeten venezolanischen Raffinerie Citgo, haben das Label der Methoden von vor anderthalb Jahrhunderten

31.01.2019 - 20:06 [ Fefes Blog ]

Das EU-Parlament wartet nicht, bis ihr Ultimatum an Maduro abgelaufen ist und ernennt einfach den Anderen zum Interimspräsidenten.

Wow. Bullying! Ernsthaft? So tief ist die EU gesunken?

Man stelle sich das mal anderswo vor, z.B. zwischen Österreich und China.

14.05.2018 - 09:25 [ ]

Beratungen in Brüssel: Iran setzt EU Ultimatum für Atomabkommen

Der Iran hat der Europäischen Union eine Frist von 60 Tagen gesetzt, um die Umsetzung des Atomabkommens auch nach dem Ausstieg der USA zu garantieren.

14.05.2018 - 09:22 [ ]

USA stellen Schweizer Firmen ein Ultimatum

Unternehmen, die mit dem Iran geschäften, müssen mit Sanktionen der US-Regierung rechnen. Auch in der Schweiz.