Daily Archives: 13. September 2023

13.09.2023 - 19:20 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Netanjahus Enkel zu Premierminister Israels: „Du schuldest uns Krieg“ – aus dem Zukunftsarchiv, 13.Oktober 2031

(13. Oktober 2013)

Wie wir alle wissen, wurde der rechtsradikale Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu vor 18 Jahren wegen einem maßgeblich durch seine Person organisierten drohenden Atomkrieg gegen den Iran, nachfolgend gegen Libanon, gegen Syrien sowieso und natürlich auch gegen den Gazastreifen und überhaupt die gesamte Region von einem linksradikalen Israeli erschossen. Ganz Israel reagierte seinerzeit wie Netanjahus eigene Likud Partei. Es sagte: „Oh. Das ist aber schade.“ Und dann kam alles ganz anders…

13.09.2023 - 18:55 [ El Pais ]

Thirty years after the Oslo Accords, no one talks about peace in Israel and Palestine

In November 1995, Israel’s then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin organized an event in Tel Aviv in defense of the Oslo Accords he had reached two years earlier with the Palestinians. The objective was to try to regain the initiative in the face of the growing right-wing campaign against him.

In his speech in front of a crowd of about 100,000, the pragmatic Rabin — who ended up believing in a dialogue that began behind his back — said the word ‘peace’ 31 times. On average, once every 20 words. The event concluded with the Song for Peace (“Don’t say the day will come, make it come”). Minutes later, a Jewish right-wing extremist murdered him for “handing over his land and his people to the enemies,” as he would proudly admit at trial.

13.09.2023 - 18:50 [ BBC ]

Oslo Accords: 30 years of lost Palestinian hopes

It is the 30th anniversary of the breakthrough Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinians. The peace deal led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority, intended to provide interim self-government for just five years while negotiations solved outstanding core issues in the conflict. Today, nearly a decade after peace talks collapsed, the PA remains in place, but is losing its legitimacy.

13.09.2023 - 18:44 [ theConversation.com ]

30 years after Arafat-Rabin handshake, clear flaws in Oslo Accords doomed peace talks to failure

After an interim period of five years, the thinking went, a Palestinian state would exist side by side with Israel. And through such a two-state solution, peace between Israel and the Palestinians could be achieved.

Thirty years later, it is clear the Oslo Accords have achieved neither peace nor a two-state solution.

13.09.2023 - 18:29 [ Washington Post ]

The gloomy failure of the Oslo accords

A viable Palestinian state seems even more improbable now than it may have been in 1993. In violation of international law, Israeli settlements have expanded throughout much of the West Bank, carving up Palestinian lands with new roads and jurisdictions maintained for Jewish settlers. Below ground, aquifers are being diverted to the settlements, imposing chronic water shortages on Palestinians. East Jerusalem, the putative capital of a future Palestinian state, became home to more than 200,000 Jewish settlers; many Palestinian residents there face a tacit campaign to evict them from neighborhoods where they’ve lived for generations. Israel’s entrenched military rule over millions of Palestinians shows little sign of abating, and has prompted the world’s leading human rights organizations in recent years to determine that conditions of apartheid prevail over the occupied West Bank.

13.09.2023 - 18:14 [ Youtube ]

Yitzhak Rabin – The Last Speech (English Subtitles)

The last speech of prime minister and minister of defense Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated by right-wing Israeli radical on November 4th 1995 in Tel Aviv.

13.09.2023 - 18:10 [ Jerusalem Post ]

On This Day: Israel, Palestinians sign Oslo I Accord 30 years ago

The agreement was signed by then-Israeli foreign minister Shimon Peres, Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)‘s Mahmoud Abbas and then US secretary of state Warren Christopher, and was later followed up with a public signing ceremony in September.

The accord was the result of secret negotiations facilitated by then-US president Bill Clinton, and later followed up in 1995 by the Oslo II Accord.

13.09.2023 - 17:40 [ Times of Israel ]

With Israel’s ethos at stake, 13-hour court hearing proves riveting, fateful TV drama

In addition to the precedent of having the entire 15-strong Supreme Court bench convened for the first time in the nation’s history, the extensive, live coverage was itself somewhat historic: TV channels are in the ratings business, and evidently recognized that the sight of a room full of largely drearily dressed middle-aged people discussing complex principles of law, without even the prospect of a definitive conclusion in the near future, would nonetheless prove a more riveting must-watch for a substantial proportion of the Israeli public than the usual non-primetime daily fare of singing, dancing and dating shows, cooking contests and sitcoms.

13.09.2023 - 17:34 [ i24news.tv ]

Israeli Supreme Court hearing on judicial reform law ends after 13 hours

A ruling may not come for months.

13.09.2023 - 17:05 [ YNA.co.kr ]

N. Korea‘s Kim pledges support for Putin at Russia‘s spaceport summit

Russian news agencies said Kim and Putin had no plan to sign official documents after they concluded a one-on-one meeting, which was followed by talks in an extended format. The two leaders were also offered an official dinner, according to Russian news agencies.

The Kremlin earlier said Putin and Kim would touch on bilateral ties and economic cooperation during the summit, but added their talks may involve sensitive issues that would not be made available publicly.

13.09.2023 - 16:51 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Kim Jong-un und Putin kommen zu Gipfelgespräch zusammen

Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong-un und Russlands Staatspräsident Wladimir Putin sind am östlichen Weltraumbahnhof Kosmodrom Wostotschny in Russland zum ersten Mal seit vier Jahren und fünf Monaten zusammengekommen.

13.09.2023 - 16:44 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Militär: Nordkorea feuert zwei ballistische Kurzstreckenraketen aufs Ostmeer ab

Der JCS kritisierte, dass die fortgesetzten Starts ballistischer Raketen durch Nordkorea schwerwiegende Provokationen darstellten, die den Frieden und die Stabilität auf der koreanischen Halbinsel und auch in der internationalen Gemeinschaft untergrüben. Man verurteile diese als eindeutigen Verstoß gegen Resolutionen des UN-Sicherheitsrats und fordere einen sofortigen Stopp, hieß es.