Daily Archives: 2. Oktober 2021

02.10.2021 - 19:06 [ Radio Utopie ]

Totale Weltordnung: 193 Regierungen beschließen einstimmig „Agenda 2030“

(26. September 2015)

Nochmal in Kürze:

1992 – „Agenda 21“ und UN-„Weltgipfel“ in Rio

1993 – „Kommission für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ (CSD)

2012 – Zweiter „Weltgipfel“ in Rio, Papier „Die Zukunft die wir wollen“

2013 – „Hochrangiges politische Forum über nachhaltige Entwicklung“ (HLPF)

Der nun gestern, am 25. September 2015 ergangene „Agenda 2030“-Beschluss der UN ermächtigt u.a. in Punkt 84 das HLPF unter der „Schirmherrschaft“ vom Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat der Vereinten Nationen (ECOSOC) regelmäßige „Überprüfungen“ vorzunehmen,

„eingeschlossen die Zivilgesellschaft und den privaten Sektor“.

02.10.2021 - 18:57 [ Cnet.com ]

Climate change: COP26 is the biggest conference in the world. Here‘s why it matters

Unless nations take drastic action to wean themselves off fossil fuels in the coming decade.

That‘s why November‘s UN Climate Change Conference, COP26, is being hailed as „the world‘s best last chance“ to get the climate emergency under control. To ensure temperature change remains „well below“ the 2 degrees Celsius agreed to by UN signatories in the Paris Agreement in 2015, countries need to act fast and double down on commitments to reach net zero emissions.

02.10.2021 - 18:47 [ World Economic Forum ]

The Great Reset

There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative

02.10.2021 - 18:40 [ Financial Times ]

Global supply chains at risk of collapse, warn business leaders


At the peak of the crisis 400,000 seafarers were unable to leave their ships, with some working for as long as 18 months over their initial contracts, the letter said. Flights have been restricted and aviation workers have faced the inconsistency of border, travel and vaccine restrictions/requirements, it added.

Additional and systemic stopping at road borders has also meant truck drivers have been forced to wait, sometimes weeks, before being able to complete their journeys and return home.

02.10.2021 - 18:37 [ GlobalTimes.cn ]

Chinese chip firms temporarily halt production due to nationwide power curbs

A number of chip enterprises in China have halted production temporarily, including suppliers of semiconductors for foreign companies, amid a severe nationwide power shortage due to soaring coal prices and policies to reduce energy consumption.

CWTC, a semiconductor packaging material supplier for NXP and Infineon Technologies, released a notice on Sunday saying that its factory in Suzhou, Jiangsu had suspended semiconductor production from September 26 to 30, in accordance with the local policy on power reduction.

02.10.2021 - 18:21 [ Nikkei.com ]

China‘s Zhejiang orders production suspensions to meet energy targets


Nearly 80% of the affected companies are in Ma‘an, where a production halt order was issued for Sept. 21-30, according to the official.

The central government is pressing local authorities to reduce energy consumption as part of a national green transition strategy to lower emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases. Beijing aims by 2025 to reduce national energy consumption per unit of GDP by 13.5% from 2020 while cutting carbon emissions 18%. Local governments have been given specific reduction goals.

02.10.2021 - 18:17 [ digitimes.com ]

Uncertainty in China power reduction policy haunting supply chains


A number of Chinese provinces are enforcing power cuts in line with the country‘s energy consumption and carbon reduction goals, catching many firms off guard, and it remains unknown whether the policy will become a long-term one.

02.10.2021 - 18:13 [ bworldonline.com ]

Asian factories stagnate as China’s slowdown, supply constraints hit


China’s waning economic momentum dealt a fresh blow, with the official Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) on Thursday showing the country’s factory activity unexpectedly shrank in September due to wider curbs on electricity use.

02.10.2021 - 18:10 [ France24 ]

Georgia holds vote after ex-president Saakashvili‘s arrest

Georgians were voting Saturday in municipal elections, a day after ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili‘s arrest raised the stakes in the polls seen as a key test for the increasingly unpopular ruling party.

02.10.2021 - 17:56 [ IOL.co.za ]

Evergrande, power China cuts and crypto-ban raises growth prospects


Also on Friday there were reports that power rationing and forced halts to factory production in China were widening – there were power curbs in 10 out of 23 provinces amid electricity supply issues and a push to enforce environmental regulations.

02.10.2021 - 17:49 [ Bloomberg ]

China’s Growth Risks Multiply as Manufacturing Activity Shrinks


Alongside tough measures to rein in the property market, the latest developments have led economists to pare back full-year growth predictions below 8% and warn that Beijing could be willing to tolerate a sharper slowdown as it tries to reform its economic model.

02.10.2021 - 17:48 [ theGuardian.com ]

China’s Lehman Brothers moment?: Evergrande crisis rattles economy


Although there may be some parallels, the more extreme prophecies of doom for China may be no more correct than the assumption that Beijing will simply step in and bail out Evergrande to make sure the fallout from the failure of a property giant does not spread to other areas of the Chinese economy.

02.10.2021 - 17:29 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Kuba plädiert für eine atomwaffenfreie Welt

Der Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag ist seit dem 22. Januar 2021 gültiges Völkerrecht, doch die deutsche Bundesregierung und die anderen Nato-Staaten boykottieren dieses wichtige Abkommen.

02.10.2021 - 16:53 [ Rabobank.com ]

In Deep Ship: A deep-dive into the supply-chain crisis

One root of the problem…

In 2020, COVID-19 become a global pandemic, and lockdowns ensued: factories, restaurants, and shops all closed,bringing global supplychain almost to a halt. In this context, container carriers had no visibility on future demand and did the only reasonable thing: cut capacity.

There is no economic sense in moving half-empty ships across the globe; it is costly, especially for a sector operated on tiny margins for a very long time.The consequence was widespread vessel cancellations, which soared in the first months of 2020 (figure 3).Progressively, more trade lines and ports were involved as containment measures were enacted globally.


At present 10% of global container capacity is waiting to be unloaded on ship atthe anchor outside some por

02.10.2021 - 16:20 [ theGuardian.com ]

‘A perfect storm’: supply chain crisis could blow world economy off course

Along with ongoing Covid-related restrictions in some large manufacturing countries such as Vietnam, and a well-documented shortage of components such as computer chips, factories are simply not producing enough.

British car production dropped by 27% year on year in August as a lack of semiconductors and led to a big drop in the number of vehicles exported to Australia, the US and China. On Thursday, Volkswagen, Ford and Opel maker Stellantis announced fresh temporary closures in Germany because of the chip problem.

02.10.2021 - 15:59 [ CNBC ]

The U.S. and EU discuss ways to solve the global chip shortage: Here’s what you need to know


In addition, although the final statement doesn’t mention China, some of the pledges certainly seemed to be targeted at Beijing.

“We intend to work closely together to address non-market, trade-distortive policies and practices, improve the effectiveness of our respective domestic measures,” the U.S. and the EU said.

Officials have on numerous occasions criticized Beijing for not giving the same level of access to foreign business as to what is granted to Chinese companies abroad.

02.10.2021 - 15:53 [ .theGuardian.com ]

America faces supply-chain disruption and shortages. Here’s why


There are more problems that strike at the heart of our economy. The most obvious is semiconductors. Production of high-end chips has gone offshore to east Asia because of deliberate policy to disinvest in the hard process of making things. In addition, the firm that now controls the industry, Taiwan Semiconductor, holds a near monopoly position with a substantial technological lead and a track record in the 1990s and early 2000s of dumping chips at below cost.

02.10.2021 - 15:47 [ Heise.de ]

Chipmangel: Was hinter der globalen Krise steckt

Trotzdem bröckelt das Versprechen von stets steigender Rechenleistung. Allerdings nicht, weil die Chiphersteller an die physikalischen Grenzen der Miniaturisierung gestoßen wären. Steigende Kosten für die immer größere Verdichtung von Rechenleistung haben zu einer Konsolidierung unter den Chipherstellern geführt – und zu Engpässen im immens komplexen Geschäft der Chipproduktion.

02.10.2021 - 15:45 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Kraftstoff-Krise in Großbritannien: Soldaten sollen Tankstellen beliefern

Die massiven Engpässe bei der Kraftstoffversorgung gehen nicht etwa auf einen Mangel an Benzin und Diesel zurück. Es fehlen landesweit Tausende Lkw-Fahrer, die den Sprit zu den Tankstellen bringen.