Daily Archives: 10. November 2018

10.11.2018 - 23:56 [ The New York Times ]

Ex-Goldman Sachs Banker Said Colleagues Were Involved in 1MDB Scandal

A former Goldman Sachs banker who helped orchestrate the looting of a multibillion-dollar Malaysian government investment fund told a federal judge that several other employees of the prestigious Wall Street firm had also been involved, according to a court filing unsealed Friday.

10.11.2018 - 19:31 [ U.S. Department of State ]

Assistant Secretary Fannon Travel to Israel, Cyprus, and Egypt

Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Francis R. Fannon will travel to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem; Nicosia, and Cairo from November 11 to 20, 2018. During his trip, Assistant Secretary Fannon will be meeting with government officials and private sector representatives to discuss energy security and regional cooperation on energy issues.

10.11.2018 - 19:23 [ CyprusMail Online ]

US energy official to tour East Med

US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Francis Fannon will travel to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Nicosia, and Cairo starting Monday, November 11 to 20, the State Department announced on Friday.

During his trip, Fannon will be meeting with government officials and private sector representatives to discuss energy security and regional cooperation on energy issues.

10.11.2018 - 17:57 [ Sudan Tribune ]

Sudan to establish joint border protection forces with Libya, Ethiopia and Egypt

The Sudanese Minister of Defence Awad Ibn Ouf said arrangements are underway to establish joint border protection forces with Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia.

Speaking to the parliament on Wednesday, Ibn Ouf said consultations have gone a long way between the Sudan, Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia to form these joint forces in order to achieve a secure neighbourhood, pointing to the successful experience of the joint Sudanese-Chadian border protection force.

10.11.2018 - 17:08 [ Motherboard ]

Data From a Dead Satellite Reveals Lost Continents Under Antarctica

The visualization is based on observations from the Gravity field and Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE), a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite that operated in orbit from 2009 to 2013. For those four years, the satellite mapped out Earth’s gravity field with unprecedented precision, before it was deliberately destroyed in atmospheric reentry. Since then scientists have combed over its measurements to create maps of Earth’s lithosphere, the tectonically active layer that includes the planet’s crust and outer mantle.

10.11.2018 - 07:25 [ ORF.at ]

Macron trifft Trump vor „Weltkriegsgipfel“

Vor dem „Weltkriegsgipfel“ in Paris empfängt Frankreichs Staatspräsident Emmanuel Macron heute seinen US-Kollegen Donald Trump im Elysee-Palast.

10.11.2018 - 07:16 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Bundeswehr: Für die Wehrpflicht fehlt der entscheidende Grund

(5.8.2018) Wer die Bürger zum Dienst an der Waffe verpflichten will, muss dies verfassungsrechtlich wesentlich besser begründen als mit Personalnot im Seniorenheim oder bei den Panzergrenadieren. Für die Wehrpflicht fehlt der Hauptgrund: eine äußere Bedrohung, die so groß ist, dass sie einen solchen Eingriff in die Freiheitsrechte des Einzelnen rechtfertigt.

10.11.2018 - 07:14 [ unian.info ]

European defense coalition launched in Paris – media

A coalition of European militaries ready to react to crises near the continent‘s borders was launched on Wednesday with Finland becoming the 10th country to join, amid calls by French President Emmanuel Macron for a „real European army.“

The French-led initiative would not conflict with the almost 70-year-old, U.S.-dominated NATO alliance, proponents say, but reflects in part concerns about a more isolationist United States under President Donald Trump, as reported by Reuters.

10.11.2018 - 06:49 [ Tagesschau.de ]

EU-Interventionstruppe: Merkel und Macron wollen nicht dasselbe

(5.6.2018) Es gebe ja bereits eine ganze Reihe von EU-Krisen-Einheiten, etwa die 6000 Mann starke „Deutsch-französische Brigade“ oder die sogenannten „EU-Battle-Groups“, die aber bislang nie zum Einsatz gekommen seien.

„Ich sehe nicht, was es bringen sollte, neben all diesen Ansätzen noch einen zusätzlichen Ansatz draufzupacken. Da hat die Kanzlerin Recht, dass sie sagt, eine solche Interventionstruppe muss in die Struktur der verteidigungspolitischen Zusammenarbeit eingepasst werden“, so Bütikofer im Interview mit dem ARD-Studio Brüssel.

10.11.2018 - 06:49 [ Luzerner Zeitung ]

Macron auf Weltkriegstournee

(8.8.2018) Eine Woche lang folgt Emmanuel Macron der Blutspur, die der Erste Weltkrieg vor hundert Jahren durch Frankreich gezogen hatte. Als heutige Antwort schlägt er die Bildung einer europäischen Armee vor.

10.11.2018 - 06:48 [ Heise.de ]

Macron will eine „wahre europäische Armee“

(6.11.2018) Europa müsse sich verteidigen „mit Blick auf China, auf Russland und die USA“; der französische Präsident setzt auf einen erfolgreichen Wahlkampf gegen Nationalisten

10.11.2018 - 06:39 [ BBC ]

France‘s Macron pushes for ‚true European army‘

(6.8.2018) French President Emmanuel Macron has warned that Europeans cannot be protected without a „true, European army“, as he marks the centenary of the World War One Armistice.

On a visit to the former Western Front in Verdun, he said Russia had shown it could be a threat and Europe had to be able „to defend itself better alone“.

10.11.2018 - 00:26 [ Trend.az ]

Azerbaijani peacekeepers are distinguished by their excellent service in the mission in Afghanistan – US General

On Nov. 9, First Deputy Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Colonel General Najmeddin Sadikov has met with a delegation led by General Stephen Lyons, Commander of the US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), the press service of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Azerbaijan said.