Daily Archives: 5. August 2018

05.08.2018 - 22:20 [ AZ News / Youtube ]

China to send a frigate to Australia for military exercises

A Chinese warship will take part in naval training drills off the coast of Darwin this year despite the prolonged tensions in the bilateral relationship between Beijing and Canberra.

05.08.2018 - 18:22 [ Press TV ]

Saudi Arabia agrees to admit Iranian diplomat to head interests section

Following the approval by Saudi Arabia‘s Foreign Ministry, head of the Oman and Yemen Department at Iran‘s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Alibek, has been appointed as the caretaker of the Islamic Republic‘s interests section in the city of Jeddah, the official Iranian news agency further said.

05.08.2018 - 17:03 [ CNBC ]

US space companies are crossing the Atlantic, bringing rocket launches to the UK for the first time

A host of U.S. companies signed partnerships with the United Kingdom Space Agency (UKSA) in July, with several more waiting in the wings, as the British government doled out funding for launching commercial rockets from the island for the first time ever.

05.08.2018 - 15:42 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Wischen, Tippen, Zoomen: Forscher tracken anhand von Touch-Gesten

Dass die Informationen darüber, wo und wie wir unseren Touchscreen berühren, so einfach zugänglich sind, ist nicht verwunderlich. Ansonsten könnten wir nicht mit unseren Apps auf Smartphones oder Tablets interagieren. Jedoch erlauben einige APIs auch das Abgreifen sehr spezifischer Details, bei denen es fragwürdig ist, ob eine App nicht auch ohne diese Informationen gut funktionieren könnte.

Die Forschungsergebnisse sind gerade deshalb so interessant, weil Touch-Daten so einfach abgreifbar sind und im öffentlichen Diskurs um Tracking und Privacy bisher wenig beachtet werden.

05.08.2018 - 15:33 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

S. Korean FM says ASEAN attendees supportive of Seoul‘s policies, peace efforts

The chair‘s statement from the ASEAN Regional Forum has not yet been released,… but many are keeping a close eye on whether it will reflect North Korea‘s statement, in which Ri said that to move forward, Washington must take a new approach to build confidence… and implement all the points of the joint statement in a balanced, simultaneuous and phased way. Pompeo was reportedly not in his seat during the remarks at the ARF because of his schedule. And though the much anticipated sitdown between him and Ri Yong-ho did not take place either,… the atmosphere did not seem hostile at all.

05.08.2018 - 15:00 [ Haaretz ]

The Left Stops Apologizing

Livni is right. The left has been the victim of incitement for a generation now, which Netanyahu began as opposition leader when he led opposition to the Oslo Accords. And the unbridled incitement against the left didn’t die down following Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination. On the contrary, it spread and become fashionable political discourse and the main agenda of the right, especially Netanyahu.

05.08.2018 - 14:39 [ James Thompson, father, husband, Army infantry veteran, civil rights attorney, 2018 U.S. Congressional Candidate KS 4th District / Twitter ]

Great meeting ⁦@AnaKasparian⁩ and ⁦@cenkuygur⁩ yesterday on ⁦@TheYoungTurks⁩. Extremely warm, welcoming and funny! You should come do a show in Wichita, Kansas, the KOCH brothers back yard. A big thank you to all your staff for everything! #ks04 #ksleg

05.08.2018 - 14:29 [ Dawn ]

‘Development is the only truth’

A demand that Pakistan restructure (only) the Chinese loans, or that the IMF monitor and control the terms and progress of CPEC projects, will be obviously unacceptable to both Pakistan and China. Pakistan may have to do without an IMF package.

05.08.2018 - 14:16 [ Brent Welder, running for Congress in #KS03 / Twitter ]

HUGE NEWS. A new, independent poll has us WINNING the primary! We‘re @ 35%, Davids @ 21%, Niermann @ 15%, Sidie-McCamon-Willaims @ 12% total, 17% undecided. And, an earlier indep poll has us up 7% over Yoder in the general! #ksleg #ksed #ksleg #kansas #overyoder #yeswekansas

05.08.2018 - 14:01 [ Washington Post ]

Can a liberal agenda that sells in the Bronx win over voters in Kansas?

(10.7.2018) He’d raised tens of thousands of dollars from liberals looking for their next cause, and finding it in the suburbs of Kansas City, with a candidate running proudly on “Medicare for all” and a $15 minimum wage.

“People keep asking, are these the kind of ideas that a candidate can talk about and be successful in Kansas?” said Welder, a 37-year-old labor lawyer. “What I’ve learned on this campaign is that the only way we can be successful is by talking about these ideas.”

05.08.2018 - 13:40 [ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (D) for US Congress, NY-14: Bronx + Queens / Twitter ]

Believe it or not, I receive nice letters from Republican voters who value 2 things: 1) I don’t take lobbyist $ 2) I’m honest about my views & listen to others

What’s frustrating to voters are folks who campaign on stances they don’t believe in. Hawaii: Vote @KanielaIng Aug 11.

05.08.2018 - 13:20 [ Yonhap (Südkorea) ]

No breakthrough at ARF for denuclearization, war-ending declaration

The U.S. is pressing the North to take concrete denuclearization steps, beyond a show of dismantling nuclear and missile testing sites in the absence of international experts.

The North says it has done a lot, and the Trump administration should reciprocate.

05.08.2018 - 13:06 [ Consortium News ]

The Victory of ‘Perception Management’

(28.12.2014) To understand how the American people find themselves trapped in today’s Orwellian dystopia of endless warfare against an ever-shifting collection of “evil” enemies, you have to think back to the Vietnam War and the shock to the ruling elite caused by an unprecedented popular uprising against that war.

While on the surface Official Washington pretended that the mass protests didn’t change policy, a panicky reality existed behind the scenes, a recognition that a major investment in domestic propaganda would be needed to ensure that future imperial adventures would have the public’s eager support or at least its confused acquiescence.

This commitment to what the insiders called “perception management” began in earnest with the Reagan administration in the 1980s but it would come to be the accepted practice of all subsequent administrations, including the present one of President Barack Obama.

05.08.2018 - 12:58 [ theAtlantic.com ]

The Hidden Author of Putinism

(7.11.2014) One of Surkov’s many nicknames is the “political technologist of all of Rus.” Political technologists are the new Russian name for a very old profession: viziers, gray cardinals, wizards of Oz. They first emerged in the mid-1990s, knocking on the gates of power like pied pipers, bowing low and offering their services to explain the world and whispering that they could reinvent it. They inherited a very Soviet tradition of top-down governance and tsarist practices of co-opting anti-state actors (anarchists in the 19th century, neo-Nazis and religious fanatics now), all fused with the latest thinking in television, advertising, and black PR. Their first clients were actually Russian modernizers: In 1996 the political technologists, coordinated by Boris Berezovsky, the oligarch nicknamed the “Godfather of the Kremlin” and the man who first understood the power of television in Russia, managed to win then-President Boris Yeltsin a seemingly lost election by persuading the nation that he was the only man who could save it from a return to revanchist Communism and new fascism. They produced TV scare-stories of looming pogroms and conjured fake Far Right parties, insinuating that the other candidate was a Stalinist (he was actually more a socialist democrat), to help create the mirage of a looming “red-brown” menace.

05.08.2018 - 12:45 [ Radio Utopie ]

Taktik des Terrorkrieges: Wahrnehmungs-Management, Verwirrung, gelenkte Querfront

(7.6.2017) „Surkow kam ursprünglich aus der Theater-Welt. Und diejenigen die seine Karriere studierten, sagten, was er tat war, Avantgarde-Ideen aus dem Theater zu nehmen und sie in das Herz der Politik zu überführen. Surkows Ziel war es nicht nur Leute zu manipulieren, sondern tiefer zu gehen und mit ihrer Wahrnehmung der Welt zu spielen und diese zu unterminieren, damit sie niemals sicher sind was wirklich geschieht.

Surkow veränderte die russische Politik in ein verwirrendes, sich permanent veränderndes Theaterstück. Er nutzte Geld des Kremls um alle Arten von Gruppen zu sponsorn: von antifaschistischen Massenjugendorganisationen zu derem völligen Gegenstück: Neonazi-Skinheads, sowie liberalen Menschenrechtsgruppen, welche dann die Regierung attackierten. Surkow unterstützte sogar ganze politische Parteien, welche in Opposition zu Präsident Putin standen.

Doch die entscheidende Sache war, dass Surkow anschließend bekannt werden ließ, dass er dies tat – was bedeutete, dass keiner sicher war was echt und was gefälscht war im modernen Russland. Wie ein Journalist es formulierte: Es ist eine Strategie der Macht, die jedwede Opposition konstant verwirrt hält. Eine unaufhörliche Formwandlung, die unaufhaltsam ist, weil sie undefinierbar ist.“

05.08.2018 - 12:18 [ Adam Curtis Documentary / Youtube ]

HyperNormalisation (2016) by Adam Curtis – A different experience of reality FULL DOCUMENTARY

Published on Dec 12, 2016
The cult documentary maker explores the falsity of modern life in his own inimitable style. Though he’s spent the best part of four decades making television, Curtis’s signature blend of hypnotic archive footage, authoritative voiceover and a seemingly inexhaustible appetite for bizarre historical tangents is better suited to the web, a place just as resistant to the narrative handholding of broadcast TV as he is. He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world; one whose familiar and often comforting details blind us to its total inauthenticity.

05.08.2018 - 12:08 [ RT / Youtube ]

Clashes in Portland as nationalist & anti-fascist rallies meet

(7.8.2017) Hundreds of nationalist demonstrators and anti-fascist counter-protesters converged in downtown Portland, Oregon, Sunday, causing a mass brawl between the two rival groups. The meeting led to a sudden outbreak of violence between the two rival factions.

05.08.2018 - 11:39 [ Amerika21.de ]

Verhandlungen zwischen ELN und Regierung in Kolumbien gescheitert

Ein letzter Versuch für Friedensverhandlungen zwischen der scheidenden Regierung von Präsident Juan Manuel Santos und der Guerilla-Bewegung Nationale Befreiungsarmee (ELN) kurz vor Amtsübernahme des rechtskonservativen Präsidenten Iván Duque am 7. August ist gescheitert.

05.08.2018 - 10:29 [ firstpost.com ]

Caracas authorities reject Venezuela president Nicolas Madura‘s claims of assassination attempt, say explosion caused by gas tank

Three local authorities who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to discuss the case said the incident was actually a gas tank explosion inside an apartment near the site of Maduro‘s speech.

Smoke could be seen coming out a building window.

05.08.2018 - 10:27 [ Spiegel.de ]

Live im Fernsehen: Venezuela meldet Drohnenattacke auf Präsident Maduro

Ein von mutmaßlichen Rebellen verantworteter Twitter-Account bekannte sich zu dem Anschlag. Dort wurde behauptet, dass zwei Drohnen mit C4-Sprengstoff in der Nähe des Präsidenten explodiert seien, bevor sie von Scharfschützen abgeschossen worden seien. Die Rebellengruppe mit dem Namen „Soldados de franela“ (in etwa: Stoff-Soldaten) war bisher nicht bekannt.