(Quelle: ZEIT online, 10.5.2006) Der Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer, Olaf Scholz, war am Mittwoch bemüht, die Wogen zu glätten. Müntefering habe lediglich eine Weisheit aus den frühen Tagen der Sozialdemokratie zitiert, sagte er. Dies habe er auch selbst so gesagt.
Daily Archives: 30. Juni 2018
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez On The Future Of The Democratic Party
US-Kongresswahlen 2018: Die nicht vorgesehene Kandidatin
Wie viele Leute in ihrem Alter ist Ocasio-Cortez selbst noch dabei, die Kredite abzustottern, die sie für ihr Studium aufnehmen musste. Damit sich das ändere, forderte sie auf zweisprachigen Postern einen Mindestlohn von 15 Dollar, eine Einheitskrankenkasse und staatlich garantierte Jobs für Menschen, die keine reguläre Arbeit finden. Die umstrittene Abschiebebehörde ICE will sie abschaffen.
Sozialistin besiegt Top-Demokrat
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mitglied der Democratic Socialists of America, hat bei den gestrigen Vorwahlen der Demokraten zum Kongress im 14. Distrikt von New York City (Bronx&Queens) den langjährigen Abgeordneten Joe Crowley geschlagen. Ursprünglich sollte er Nancy Pelosi ablösen und neuer Sprecher der Demokraten im Kongress werden. Er steht für das absolute Establishment der Demokratischen Partei. Ein Schwergewicht.
Ungebrochene Solidarität mit Halberg Guss Leipzig
Am meisten stört den 59-Jährigen, dass der Eigentümer versucht, die Streikenden zu denunzieren und einen Keil zwischen die Belegschaft zu treiben. Bernd Kruppa in der IG-Metall in Leipzig bestätigt diese Vorgehensweise. Demnach soll der Eigentümer Angestellten, die den Streikenden rechtswidriges Vorgehen nachweisen können, bis zu 5.000 Euro angeboten haben.
Verteidigt alle Arbeitsplätze bei Halberg-Guss
Dabei erleben die Arbeiter von vielen Seiten Solidarität. Fast jedes Auto, das am Leipziger Werk vorbeifährt fährt, hupt zur Unterstützung der Streikenden. Immer wieder kommen Arbeiter aus anderen Leipziger Betrieben, manchmal auch Schulklassen ans Werkstor, um den Streik anzufeuern. Sie sind besonders fassungslos, weil hier ein eigentlich hochmodernes und ausgelastetes Werk zerstört werden soll, um die Profite der Kapitalisten zu erhöhen.
EU übernimmt Flüchtlingspolitik der extremen Rechten
Die Maßnahmen gegen Flüchtlinge entlarven die EU als reaktionäres Monstrum, das die nationalen Regierungen trotz ihrer wachsenden Spannungen untereinander dafür nutzen, die gesamte europäische Politik weiter nach rechts zu verschieben. In weiteren Abschnitten der „Schlussfolgerungen“ geht es um die „Stärkung der europäischen Verteidigungsfähigkeit“, die Zensur des Internets, den Ausbau des europäischen Polizeistaats und die Fortsetzung der Austeritätspolitik.
The elections in Mexico and the political tasks of the working class
The national elections taking place in Mexico on Sunday pose vital issues before the Mexican and international working class.
Spannung vor Schicksalswahl in Mexiko
Umfragen sagen historischen Sieg der Linken voraus. Neben der Wahl des Präsidenten und des Parlamentes auch Regionalwahlen in 30 von 32 Bundesstaaten
Mexico: Widow of Murdered Candidate Continues His Campaign
„There are two types of fear: the one that paralyzes you, and the one that gives you strength,“ widowed candidate Carmen Ortiz said.
The Pentagon is pushing military aid into #Ukraine as though it were a NATO ally, while ignoring the massive evidence that its political system is in the grip of the world‘s most open and violent #Antisemitism.
Why no protest from Congress & big media?
„Bleakest period yet“ in Occupied Palestinian Territory: UN human rights expert
Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk was in Amman, Jordan, this week where he met with civil society and other representatives to gather information for his latest report, which will be presented to the General Assembly in October. Mr. Lynk monitors the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory but has been prohibited by Israel from travelling there.
Could progressive newcomer Sarah Smith upset 11-term incumbent in Washington primary?
Her opponent is on the House Armed Services Committee. Congressman Adam Smith has a long history in the 9th Congressional District. So who is Sarah Smith?
„I work full time,“ Sarah Smith said. „I manage a mechanic garage. I have student debt. I have a husband. I can‘t afford to have a kid. I‘m every person in this district.“
Who‘s next? Progressive primary insurgents to watch
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez‘s primary defeat of New York Rep. Joe Crowley on Tuesday hit like a shot of pure political adrenaline for progressives hungry to remake the Democratic Party.
The question now, as the last round of nominating contests comes into focus, is simple — and for parts of the party establishment, terrifying: Who‘s next?
I was so happy to have my parents by my side today as I officially filed as a candidate for US Senate. Thank you to everyone–the volunteers, donors, social media followers, and so many more–who made this day possible by having the courage to #DareToAct. LET‘S WIN THIS! #netDE
Kerri Evelyn Harris arrested in DC while protesting migrant family detentions
A candidate for U.S. Senate in Delaware was among the nearly 600 women arrested Thursday in the nation’s capital during a protest against the federal government’s ‘zero-tolerance’ immigration policy.
More than 800 cases of abuse motivated by hate in immigrant detentions centres under Trump, report reveals
Many reported abuses were based on discriminations against race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability and nationality.
Justice Department argues that order to reunite immigrant families allows for their detentions
The Trump administration says a ruling this week by a federal judge in San Diego requiring the government to reunify families separated at the border means authorities can legally keep families detained until their cases are complete.
The interpretation means immigrant families could spend months or even years in detention — even those seeking asylum — because of a years-long backlog in immigration court.
U.S. Government Says It Has Right To Detain Families For Months
The U.S. government said in a court filing on Friday that it has the right to detain children and parents caught crossing the U.S. border illegally for the duration of their immigration proceedings.
A 1997 court settlement known as the Flores agreement has generally been interpreted to require the Department of Homeland Security to release illegal immigrant children from custody after 20 days.
Cop Abuses Man With Stun Gun (VIDEO)
(29.6.2018) Cops really love to use excessive force.
A California resident called the police on a black firefighter who was just doing his job
(26.6.2018) An Oakland, California, resident called the police on a black firefighter inspecting residential buildings.
He was wearing his uniform and had his fire engine parked nearby.
The event comes amid a spate of stories where people are calling the police on black people doing nothing wrong.
Cop Murders Fleeing Black Teen (VIDEO)
(21.6.2018) This killer is already back on the streets.
Video of Mesa Police Beating is Why People HATE Cops
(7..6.2018) This shocking viral video of Mesa PD officers ganging up on and pummeling an unarmed victim after he gets off his phone is the textbook definition of why people hate cops.
Viral Video Of Black Child In Handcuffs Is Why There Is NO Trust.
A 10-Year-Old Black CHILD Was Stopped & Handcuffed. This Is Where The Lack Of Trust STARTS.
Police Department‘s Bloodbath Continues
(6.6.2018) At what point do we classify the Mesa PD as organized crime?
Cops Beat Disabled Man
(6.6.2018) America has a serious police problem.
How The Internet Reacted To TYT‘s Shooting Coverage
Keep it classy internet. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz, and Jules Suzdaltsev, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.
Fünf Tote durch Schüsse in US-Zeitungsredaktion – Täter hatte «alte Rechnung offen»
Die Polizei sei extrem schnell am Tatort gewesen, binnen 60 Sekunden, sagte Steve Schuh von der Bezirksregierung von Anne Arundel County. «Die Beamten haben enormen Mut bewiesen und sind sofort ins Gebäude gegangen.» Dies habe Schlimmeres verhindert. Zufällig hatten die Einsatzkräfte erst kürzlich für solche Situationen trainiert.
Assange Is a Journalist, Should Not Be Persecuted for Publishing the Truth
Julian Assange has opened journalism’s democracy door; the power to report is being redistributed, government employees and corporate whistleblowers have been empowered and greater transparency is becoming a reality. The people of the United States should demand that Assange not face prosecution and embrace a 21st Century democratized media that provides greater transparency and accurate information about what government and business interests are doing. Prosecuting a news organization for publishing the truth, should be rejected and Assange should be freed.
Syrian rebels say in talks with Russia for southwest deal
The government’s offensive so far has focused on Deraa province, which borders Jordan, but not Quneitra province, which borders the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The deal being discussed does not include Quneitra, the rebels said.
NEW MAP: Domino effect in #Daraa Governorate: Several important „rebel“ held towns accepted reconciliation or surrendered to #SAA. #Syria
Netanyahu warns Merkel of new refugee crisis sparked by Iran
(5.6.2018) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned German Chancellor Angela Merkel Monday that Iranian meddling in the Middle East could touch off massive new refugee flows to Europe, as they clashed about the future of the nuclear deal with Tehran.
Feuriger Fehlstart: Deutsche Fregatte „Sachsen“ von eigener Rakete abgefackelt
@PeterZeihan Will German Chancellor Angela Merkel take actions to avoid such movement?The threat of Russia obviously compounds the problem of refugee crisis that German already faces. Perhaps she will cooperate with the sanctions on Iran?
U.S. assessing cost of keeping troops in Germany as Trump battles with Europe
The Pentagon analysis of basing in Europe comes as relations between Trump and Europe have plunged over his decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, sparking tit-for-tat measures, and to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, a pact viewed in Europe as a model for peaceful conflict resolution.
Geplündertes Griechenland
Es gibt eine gute Nachricht im Zusammenhang mit Griechenland: Deutschland hat fast 3 Milliarden Euro Zinsgewinne mit seinen Hilfszahlungen gemacht. Ist das zynisch? Nein, das ist schlimmer, nämlich menschenverachtend.
Merkel dankt
Man habe beim EU-Gipfel ja auch mit dem Nato-Generalsekretär gesprochen, sagt Angela Merkel bei ihrer Abschlusspressekonferenz am Freitagnachmittag in Brüssel. „Wir werden in wenigen Tagen wieder hier sein, beim Nato-Gipfel in zwei Wochen.“ Das ist schon mal eine Nachricht. Angela Merkel geht also nicht von einem baldigen Ende ihrer Kanzlerschaft aus.
EU-Gipfel in Brüssel: Merkel hat erreicht, was zu erreichen war
Der Ministerpräsident Söder wiederum trieb den Konflikt ohne Plan voran, er eskalierte ohne Eskalationsstrategie. Was wäre gewesen, wenn die CDU/CSU-Fraktion zerbrochen wäre? Es war nicht einmal eine anständige Verschwörung, schon weil die Hauptverschwörer Söder und Seehofer kaum miteinander reden.
‚From EU Queen to a BEGGAR‘ – Merkel’s authority in ‘ASHES’ after Brussels summit turmoil
ANGELA Merkel has been branded a “beggar” by a leading journalist after the German Chancellor was forced to obtain a compromise on the European migrant crisis at the EU summit in Brussels in order to stave off a rebellion within the German Bundestag.
Cyprus, Israel, Greece pledge deeper military ties
(22.6.2018) Cypriot Minister Savvas Angelides and his Israeli and Greek counterparts Avigdor Lieberman and Panos Kammenos said they also seek to expand cooperation on cybersecurity, joint military drills and search and rescue operations in the eastern Mediterranean.
Sounds of Silence by meistsonnig
released 2018-06-16
Greek Cyprus bans fuel purchase from Turkish Cyprus
Turkish Cypriots have criticized the southern Greek Cypriot side for banning its citizens from buying fuel from Turkish Cyprus.
Jordan, Saudis and Palestinians Warn Israel: Erdogan Operating in East Jerusalem Under Your Nose
Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority have all separately warned Israel over the past year about growing Turkish activity in East Jerusalem, which they say is part of an attempt by Turkish…
Turkey won’t comply with US ban over oil trade with Iran
Cavusoglu said: “the fact that we are allies does not mean that we have to abide by all its decisions or all that it says word by word.”
He added that the U.S. should consult with Turkey on matters concerning the region.
USA und Russland beraten in Moskau über Korea-Frage
Das gab das russische Außenministerium in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt.
Demnach sei der Direktor der Korea-Abteilung im US-Außenministerium Mark Lambert mit dem für Koreafragen zuständigen Sondergesandten des russischen Außenministeriums Oleg Burmistrow sowie mit dem Vizeaußenminister für Asien-Pazifik Igor Morgulow zusammengekommen.
US ambassador to Estonia resigns in frustration over Trump
„Earlier today, the United States‘ Ambassador to Estonia, Jim Melville, announced his intent to retire from the Foreign Service effective July 29 after 33 years of public service,“ the statement read in its entirety.(…)
„Having served under six presidents and 11 secretaries of state, I never really thought it would reach that point for me.“
Putrid Fairytale from Esoteric Malacology by Slugdge
Slugdge Lancashire, UK
released March 2, 2018
Lafarge sued for Financing ISIS
Sherpa and the ECCHR (European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights), as well as 11 complainants who are former Syrian employees, represented by maître Marie Dosé and maître Jean-Christophe Ménard, are filing suit against cement-manufacturer Lafarge and its subsidiary Lafarge Cement Syria (LCS) for its actions in Syria. By having business relations with the terrorist group ISIS in Syria, this company may have taken part in the financing of the group, being therefore complicit in war crimes and crimes against humanity.
French Firm Probed For Funding Jihadists In Syria For Profit
(28.Juni) The allegations against Lafarge, which merged with Swiss firm Holcim in 2015, are the most serious against a French company in years.
Lafarge was ordered to hand over US$35 million to authorities as a security deposit ahead of the trial.
Eight Lafarge executives, including former CEO Bruno Laffont, have already been charged with financing a terrorist group and/or endangering the lives of others over Lafarge‘s activities in Syria between 2011 and 2015.
Following the backlash, @birthright unblocked me, wrote it was a mistake and apologized. Thank you to my colleagues at @Haaretz and all the other people who shared that I was blocked after reporting about the protest at #birthright bus, its important that press can do its job
Prinzen besuchen Israel
PRINZ WILLIAM, Herzog von Cambridge, der Zweite in der britischen Thronfolge, hat diese Woche Israel besucht.
Princely Visits
PRINCE WILLIAM, Duke of Cambridge, second in line to the British throne, visited Israel this week.
Germany‘s Spy Agency Admits Employing Himmler’s Daughter in the 1960s
Gudrun Burwitz, who died last month at 88, never renounced her father or Nazism