Archiv: Valery Gerasimov / Waleri Gerassimow

26.06.2023 - 17:42 [ BBC ]

Wagner chief Prigozhin speaks out after 24-hour mutiny

Speaking about the conditions of the deal that was reportedly done in order to bring the Wagner rebellion to a halt over the weekend, Prigozhin claims the group was „categorically against the decision to close Wagner on 1 July 2023 and to incorporate it into the defence ministry“.

Commanders refused to accept the request to sign contracts with the Russian ministry of defence, he adds. In exchange, he claims around 30 of his men „were killed by Russian attacks“ – the BBC hasn‘t verified this claim.

26.06.2023 - 17:34 [ ]

Nach Aufstand: Wagner-Chef dementiert Umsturzpläne

Der Chef der russischen Söldnereinheit Wagner, Jewgeni Prigoschin, hat in seiner ersten Wortmeldung nach dem missglückten Aufstand vom Wochenende dementiert, einen Machtwechsel in Moskau angestrebt zu haben. „Wir sind losgegangen, um Protest zu demonstrieren, nicht um die Obrigkeit im Land zu stürzen“, sagte der 62-Jährige in einer Sprachnachricht, die heute von seinem Pressedienst auf Telegram verbreitet wurde. Angaben zu seinem aktuellen Aufenthaltsort machte Prigoschin nicht.

25.06.2023 - 12:35 [ Times of Israel ]

Russia says military coordination with Israel in Syria will continue as usual

(27 February 2022)

Russia is a main player backing the Syrian government in a grinding civil war, while Israel has waged a years-long campaign of airstrikes aimed at pro-Iranian fighters located there and at preventing the transfer of Iranian-supplied weaponry.

“Our military officials discuss the practical issues of this substantively on a daily basis. This mechanism has proven to be useful and will continue to work,” the Russian embassy said in a statement to The Times of Israel.

25.06.2023 - 12:27 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

25.06.2023 - 12:23 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Nitter ]

Wow: Ukraine slams „the current Israeli government has opted for a path of close cooperation with the Russia… evidenced by a series of rather controversial events that took place in the first half of 2023, coinciding with the near absence of Israeli humanitarian assistence.“

24.06.2023 - 12:55 [ ]

Wagner chief accuses Moscow of lying to public about Ukraine


“What was the war for? The war needed for Shoigu to receive a hero star … The oligarchic clan that rules Russia needed the war,” he said.

“The mentally ill scumbags decided: ‘It’s OK, we’ll throw in a few thousand more Russian men as cannon fodder. They’ll die under artillery fire, but we’ll get what we want,’” Prigozhin continued.

While the warlord was careful not to directly attack the Russian president, Prigozhin did question several decisions made by Putin, including the Kremlin’s decision to exchange more than 100 captured Azov fighters for Viktor Medvedchuk, a close ally of Putin.

24.06.2023 - 12:50 [ ]

Wagner chief says Ukraine never threatened to attack Russia


In a video message, Prigozhin said: „We exchanged fire: we hit them, they hit us. This was happening all these long eight years, from 2014 to 2022.

„At some points, the number of strikes, the exchange of fire, was increasing, at others – it was decreasing. By February 24 [2022] there was nothing extraordinary.

„Now the Ministry of Defence is trying to deceive the public; trying to deceive the president and is telling the story that there was insane aggression from Ukraine and they [Ukraine] were going to attack us, together with the entire NATO bloc.

„The special operation that began on February 24 was launched for completely different reasons.“

24.06.2023 - 12:27 [ ]

Prigozhin claims purpose of Russia‘s war on Ukraine was gain promotion for Shoigu, not deter NATO


According to Prigozhin, the war was orchestrated to fulfill Shoigu‘s aspirations, rather than to “de-militarize” or “de-nazify” Ukraine.

Additionally, Prigozhin asserted that the oligarchs, who currently hold de facto power in Russia, also had a vested interest in the war, and implied they were involved in the decision-making process.

24.06.2023 - 12:20 [ ]

‘Time is running out’ In a new video, Yevgeny Prigozhin directly disputes Russia’s main argument for its war against Ukraine


In a new video released by his press service on Friday, Wagner Group head Yevgeny Prigozhin said that Russia’s Defense Ministry deceived both Russian society and Vladimir Putin when it claimed the country faced an imminent threat from Ukraine in the leadup to February 2022.

On the contrary, Prigozhin said, the situation in the Donbas before the full-scale war was no different from the way it had been since 2014: Russian and Ukrainian troops were exchanging fire, but there was no “insane aggression” from Ukraine, and Ukraine had no plans to join NATO in an attack on Russia, said the catering tycoon.

24.06.2023 - 12:00 [ Al Jazeera ]

Ukraine war updates: Wagner chief accuses Russian army of attack


The chief of Russian mercenary group Wagner has accused Moscow’s military leadership of ordering attacks on their camps and killing a “huge” number of forces.

“We were ready to make concessions to the defence ministry, surrender our weapons,” Yevgeny Prigozhin said in a furious audio message released by his spokespeople.

“Today, seeing that we have not been broken, they conducted missile strikes at our rear camps.”

19.02.2023 - 08:00 [ Jerusalem Post ]

In rare move, Netanyahu to bring army chiefs to meet Putin in Moscow

(September 21, 2015)

IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and Military Intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Herzl Halevi will accompany Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a lightning trip to Moscow on Monday, in a clear signal that regional arms transfers and Russia’s troop deployments in Syria will be the main focus of the discussions.

23.11.2022 - 14:42 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

24.10.2022 - 19:28 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

19.07.2022 - 19:14 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(OCTOBER 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

24.03.2022 - 22:02 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

The Pentagon said that over past 7-10 days #US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chief of Staff Mark Milley have tried to get in touch with Russian Defense Minister and Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov.#Russian military leadership does not make contact.

15.10.2019 - 18:12 [ US Generalstab ( ]

Readout of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Milley‘s Phone Call with Russian Chief of the General Staff Gen. Gerasimov

October 14, 2019

WASHINGTON–Joint Staff Spokesperson Col. DeDe S. Halfhill provided the following readout:

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley spoke with Chief of the Russian General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov by telephone today.

The two military leaders exchanged their views on issues of mutual concern in Syria.

The two leaders have agreed to keep the specific details of their conversation private.

04.03.2019 - 05:34 [ ]

Beratungen von USA und Russland zu Syrien in Wien

Die Generalstabschefs der USA und Russlands treffen einander heute in Wien. Joseph Dunford und Waleri Gerassimow wollen dabei weitere Schritte in Syrien erörtern. „Die beiden Militärs werden Maßnahmen diskutieren, damit Militäroperationen in Syrien vonseiten Russlands und vonseiten der internationalen Koalition (Anti-IS-Koalition, Anm.) nicht miteinander in Konflikt geraten“, hieß es.

12.12.2018 - 18:14 [ Stars and Stripes ]

EUCOM commander holds talks with Russian defense chief

Scaparrotti, NATO’s supreme allied commander and head of U.S. European Command, will meet Russia’s defense chief Gen. Valery Gerasimov in Baku, Azerbaijan, in order “to promote military predictability and transparency,” said Lt. Col. Virginia McCabe, a spokeswoman for Scaparrotti.

22.09.2018 - 14:51 [ ]

Russian, NATO officials discuss international security

„On September 21, 2018, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces and First Deputy Defense Minister Army General Valery Gerasimov had a telephone conversation with NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe Curtis Scaparrotti,“ the ministry said.

„The sides exchanged views on the pressing issues of international security and the current state of Russia-NATO relations,“ the ministry said.

25.07.2018 - 12:58 [ ]

Überraschendes Treffen: Merkel und Lawrow beraten in Berlin

Sie traf in Berlin mit dem russischen Außenminister Sergej Lawrow zusammen, um die Lage im Nahen Osten und insbesondere in Syrien zu erörtern. An dem Treffen nahmen den Angaben zufolge auch Außenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) sowie von russischer Seite der Chef des Generalstabes der Streitkräfte, Waleri Gerassimow, teil.

25.07.2018 - 12:40 [ ]

Russia: Israel has not rejected our proposal to distance the Iranians 100 km from border

According to a statement made by the Russian embassy, „The talks between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were very constructive.“

14.04.2018 - 09:57 [ Rob Lee / Twitter ]

After warning the US against a future strike against Damascus, Gen. Gerasimov had a conversation with Gen. Dunford. The Russian MoD is concerned because, while they have Russian air defenses at their bases in Khmeimim (S-400 and Pantsir-S1) and Tartous (S-400V4),


27.03.2018 - 22:02 [ IHS Jane's ]

Russia deploys cruise missiles in all strategic directions

Russia has deployed long-range sea- and air-launched cruise missiles in all strategic directions, the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces said.(…)
„Work is under way to create an automated joint reconnaissance-strike system.“