Archiv: Odessa (city)

22.07.2023 - 12:31 [ ]

By pulling out of the Ukrainian grain deal, Russia risks alienating its few remaining partners

The Black Sea deal allowed Ukraine to ship 32.9 million metric tons of grain and other food to global markets. According to official data, 57% of the grain from Ukraine went to developing nations, while China received the most — nearly a quarter.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that 60,000 metric tons of grain destroyed by Russia’s strike on the port of Odesa on Wednesday were bound for China.

22.07.2023 - 12:14 [ ]

China: No one at consulate-general hurt in Odesa explosion

China‘s foreign ministry spokesperson said in a statement on Thursday night that an explosion had occurred near China‘s Consulate-General in Odesa.

The statement went on to say that the „blast wave shook off parts of the wall surface and windowpanes.“ It also said, „The consulate staff had long left the premises and no one was hurt.“

It added that China is „staying in touch with the parties concerned“ and will „take all measures necessary to keep Chinese institutions and nationals safe in Ukraine.“

01.10.2022 - 22:17 [ Vatnik Hunter / Nitter ]

Verteidigungsministerin Lambrecht in #Kyiv: IRIS-T SLM air Defence — Lieferung an Ukraine ?? wurde beschleunigt und wird in wenigen Tagen geliefert. Einem schnellen Beitritt der Ukraine ?? zur #NATO und der Lieferung von deutschen ?? Kampfpanzern erteilte sie eine Absage.

01.10.2022 - 22:06 [ @ZMiST_Ua / Nitter ]

German Minister of Defense Christine Lambrecht has arrived in Odesa with an unannounced visit, where she met with Ukrainian Minister of Defense Oleksii Reznikov. Lambrecht has announced that IRIS-T air-defense systems will arrive in Ukraine in the „nearest days.“

25.09.2022 - 19:41 [ ]

Enemy targets in Odessa have been hit in the morning with the use of drones „Geran-2“


Strikes continued with the use of loitering ammunition at enemy military facilities in Odessa. According to the latest data, the new strikes were carried out using Geran-2 strike drones, which are called an exact copy of Iranian Shahed-136 drones.

25.09.2022 - 17:28 [ ]

Russischer Angriff auf Odessa: Die Drohnen der Mullahs

Am Hafen von Odessa simmerten noch die letzten Glutnester, als in Kiew ein neues Feuer ausbrach. Anders als im ersten Fall beschränkten sich die Folgen letzteren auf die diplomatische Front. Per Twitter bestätigte Oleg Nikolenko, der Sprecher des Außenministeriums der Ukraine, was Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj bereits am Vorabend angekündigt hatte. Ihr Land entzieht dem Botschafter des Iran mit sofortiger Wirkung die Akkreditierung.

01.08.2022 - 09:33 [ ]

Ende der Blockade – Getreide-Export beginnt: Erstes Schiff mit Mais verlässt Ukraine

Erstmals seit Beginn des russischen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine hat wieder ein Schiff mit Getreide den Hafen von Odessa verlassen. Das mit Mais beladene Frachtschiff „Razoni“ sei Montag früh in Richtung Libanon aufgebrochen, meldete der Sender CNN Türk unter Berufung auf das türkische Verteidigungsministerium. Weitere Schiffen sollen folgen.

24.07.2022 - 18:20 [ @Windmill128 / Twitter ]

Russia attacks Odessa port a day after signing grain deal, Ukraine says – The Washington Post this really isn’t surprising to anyone is it????? Disgusting!?

24.07.2022 - 18:13 [ Birgit Wetzel / Twitter ]

Abscheulich! Die Glaubwürdigkeit war allerdings vorher schon nicht mehr da. #Russland #Ukraine #Getreide #Odessa

24.07.2022 - 17:52 [ ]

Moscow reveals target of strike on key Ukrainian port

The Russian Ministry of Defense has confirmed striking targets in the major Ukrainian port of Odessa on Saturday, revealing that its missiles hit military infrastructure and arms stockpiles.

24.07.2022 - 17:40 [ ]

Russland gibt Angriff auf Hafen von Odessa zu

Nach einem Dementi hat sich Russland nun doch zum Angriff auf den Hafen von Odessa bekannt. Man habe auf „militärische Infrastruktur“ gezielt, teilte das russische Außenministerium heute mit. Der Angriff erfolgte gestern wenige Stunden nachdem die Kriegsparteien ein Abkommen zur Ermöglichung von Getreideexporten geschlossen hatten, das Angriffe auf Häfen untersagt.

23.07.2022 - 19:27 [ ]

Ukraine claims Russia targeted major port city

Moscow has so far remained silent on the latest claims from Kiev.

23.07.2022 - 19:23 [ Washington Post ]

Russia attacks Odessa port a day after signing grain deal, Ukraine says

Air raid warnings rang at about 11 a.m. with the sounds of explosions echoing across the city. The military’s southern command reported no casualties. It said air defense systems shot down two other missiles in the attack, which the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine described as “outrageous.”

The strike threatens an agreement that diplomats had hailed less than 24 hours earlier as a breakthrough after months of negotiations.

01.07.2022 - 10:37 [ ]

Death toll of missile attacks in Odesa rises to 18

Earlier it was reported that rockets hit a high-rise building and a recreation center.

01.07.2022 - 10:29 [ ]

Kiew: 17 Tote bei Raketenangriff in Region Odessa

Der Sprecher der Regionalverwaltung von Odessa, Serhij Bratschuk, hatte zuvor erklärt, von der Rakete sei ein neunstöckiges Wohnhaus in der Gegend von Bilhorod-Dnistrowsky rund 80 Kilometer südlich der Hafenstadt Odessa getroffen worden. Demnach wurde die Rakete von einem über dem Schwarzen Meer fliegenden Flugzeug aus abgefeuert.

03.05.2022 - 10:55 [ ]

Russian drone shot down in Odesa – Odesa regional military administration speaker

„Odesa. Another enemy Forpost-type UAV followed the Russian ship. Thank you, air defense!“ Bratchuk wrote on his Telegram channel on Tuesday.

24.04.2022 - 09:15 [ ]

Mindestens acht Tote bei Raketenangriffen auf Odessa

Vor der Pressekonferenz Selenskyjs hatte die ukrainische Luftwaffe im Onlinenetzwerk Facebook berichtet, die russische Armee habe Raketen des Typs TU-95 vom Kaspischen Meer aus auf Odessa abgefeuert. Zwei Raketen hätten eine „militärische Einrichtung“, zwei andere Wohngebäude getroffen. Zwei weitere Raketen konnten demnach von der ukrainischen Flugabwehr abgefangen werden.

22.04.2022 - 16:36 [ ]

Russian commander suggests plan is for permanent occupation of south Ukraine

A senior Russian military commander has said that the goal of Russia’s new offensive is to seize control of southern Ukraine and form a land bridge to Crimea, indicating that Russia plans a permanent occupation of Ukrainian territory taken in the war.

Rustam Minnekayev, acting commander of the central military district, also told members of a defence industry forum on Friday that control over southern Ukraine would give Russia access to Transnistria, a pro-Russian breakaway region of Moldova, indicating that Russia may attack the port city of Odesa.

03.04.2022 - 18:50 [ ]

Russian missiles strike fuel depot in key Ukraine port of Odesa

City officials said a fuel depot had been targeted, with no reported casualties. Anton Herashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s interior minister, said in a statement that some of the missiles had been shot down by Ukrainian air defences.

Russia’s defence ministry confirmed the sea- and air-launched missile strikes, saying its military destroyed an oil refinery and three fuel storage facilities that were being used to supply Ukrainian troops stationed near the city of Mykolaiv, which is close to the frontline fighting.

01.09.2019 - 07:45 [ Fox News ]

At least 24 shot, 5 killed in West Texas rampage, official says; suspect dead

„Prior to the vehicle coming to a complete stop, the male driver (and only occupant in the vehicle) pointed a rifle toward the rear window of his car and fired several shots toward the DPS patrol unit,“ the DPS sad. „The patrol unit was occupied by two Troopers, and one was hit by the gunfire.“

„The suspect fled the scene and continued shooting innocent people, including a Midland police officer and an Odessa police officer. The Trooper is in serious but stable condition, and the two other officers are in stable condition at a local hospital,“ the department said.

After the initial shooting, the suspect continued west into Odessa and shot another person on Interstate 20 before driving around the eastern part of the city, where there are multiple scenes and victims, the official said. At some point, the subject stole a mail van and committed additional shootings, officials said.

The suspect then traveled back east in the stolen mail truck toward the movie theater, where various law enforcement agencies contacted him. Gunfire was exchanged, and the suspect was killed.

01.09.2019 - 07:39 [ ]

21 injured, five killed in West Texas mass shooting

Midland‘s mayor, Jerry Morales, told The New York Times that two people were killed in the shooting, adding that the suspect or suspects were firing „at random people.“

„They are shooting at random,“ he told the newspaper. „We have two fatalities and up to 20 injuries.“

Those numbers were later updated at a Midland police press conference to include 21 people injured in the shootings and five dead. The suspect was not included in the victim count.

Morales also added to the Times that one suspect, who was wounded by police, had been apprehended: „One suspect is in custody. I’m not sure if he is alive.”

Midland police later confirmed that the suspect at the Cinergy movie theater was killed by police.

01.09.2019 - 07:25 [ Midland Police Department / Facebook ]

It has been confirmed that the active shooter was shot and killed at the Cinergy in Odessa. There is no active shooter at this time.

(vor 6 Stunden)

All agencies are investigating reports of possible suspects.

01.09.2019 - 07:24 [ Odessa Police Department / Twitter ]

… Active Shooter! Please Share! A subject (possibly 2) is currently driving around Odessa shooting at random people.

(vor 8 Stunden)

At this time there are multiple gunshot victims. The suspect just hijacked a U.S. mail carrier truck and was last seen in the area of 38th and Walnut. Everyone is encouraged to get off the road and use extreme caution! All law enforcement is currently searching for the suspect and more information will be released as soon as it becomes available.