Archiv: Kobi Shabtai

14.02.2024 - 13:09 [ Stephen Soldz, Psychologist / Twitter ]

„Top defense officials held urgent consultations the night before October 7 about a possible Hamas attack. But no one in the IDF notified the the Nova festival organizers or the party-goers, hundreds of whom were mown down….“ 2/2

31.01.2024 - 17:45 [ Stephen Soldz, Psychologist / Twitter ]

„Top defense officials held urgent consultations the night before October 7 about a possible Hamas attack. But no one in the IDF notified the the Nova festival organizers or the party-goers, hundreds of whom were mown down….“ 2/2

31.01.2024 - 17:34 [ ]

How Israeli forces trapped and killed ravers at the Nova Festival


As Nova attendee Gilad Karplus, also a former Israeli soldier, told the BBC:

„We pretty much knew they would probably block the road. I‘m pretty sure a lot of people got killed on those roads…We drove into the field and tried to hide from them… afterwards we got a bit deeper into the fields and then they started firing sniper rifles on us from different places and also heavy artillery.“

Though Karplus and other partygoers were being fired on by the Border Police, they couldn’t make sense of this, and initially believed the shooting was from Hamas fighters disguised as police or soldiers. In other words, these witnesses actually saw Israeli forces firing on them.

For Hamas to have executed a plan involving elaborate disguises, the Nova operation would have had to be pre-planned, and the Israeli police investigation has already ruled that Hamas was unaware of the festival in advance. Moreover, no other site of clashes on 7 October reported sightings of Palestinian fighters donning Israeli uniforms – neither at the various breached settlements, nor at the Israeli military bases they entered.

31.01.2024 - 17:30 [ Times of Israel ]

42 survivors of the Nova rave massacre sue defense establishment for negligence


The 42 plaintiffs filed the claim for NIS 200 million ($56 million) at the Tel Aviv District Court against the Shin Bet security service, the Israel Defense Forces, the Israel Police, and the Defense Ministry, alleging multiple instances in which they failed in their duties.

“A single phone call by IDF officials to the commander responsible for the party to disperse it immediately in view of the expected danger would have saved lives and prevented the physical and mental injuries of hundreds of partygoers, including the plaintiffs,” the lawsuit said. “The negligence and the gross oversight is beyond belief.”

02.01.2024 - 20:47 [ Dieter / Twitter ]

Israel-Krieg im Liveticker: Überlebende des Supernova-Festivals klagen gegen israelischen Sicherheitsapparat | FAZ

02.01.2024 - 20:32 [ Times of Israel ]

42 survivors of the Nova rave massacre sue defense establishment for negligence

The 42 plaintiffs filed the claim for NIS 200 million ($56 million) at the Tel Aviv District Court against the Shin Bet security service, the Israel Defense Forces, the Israel Police, and the Defense Ministry, alleging multiple instances in which they failed in their duties.

“A single phone call by IDF officials to the commander responsible for the party to disperse it immediately in view of the expected danger would have saved lives and prevented the physical and mental injuries of hundreds of partygoers, including the plaintiffs,” the lawsuit said. “The negligence and the gross oversight is beyond belief.”

06.09.2023 - 20:46 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Seven Million Israelis Have Participated in Protests Against Far-Right Govt

Attending an Israeli Bar Association event, Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai reveals the estimated number of total protesters that have gathered at 4,400 locations across the country

Thousands of Israelis stage weekly protests every Saturday to show opposition to the government of Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Organizers say that the protests are staged at some 155 locations.

06.08.2023 - 09:23 [ Times of Israel ]

Masses protest overhaul, with toned-down Tel Aviv rally in shadow of terror attack

Tel Aviv municipal security officer Chen Amir, 42, was shot and killed by a member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group after the terrorist raised officers’ suspicion in the bustling Nachalat Binyamin neighborhood. The terrorist was shot dead by Amir’s colleague, and a senior police source was later quoted by the Ynet news site as saying the gunman had possibly planned to target the anti-overhaul protesters at Kaplan.

06.08.2023 - 09:19 [ Times of Israel ]

Terrorist kills patrolman in Tel Aviv, is shot dead by 2nd officer

Abu Bakr did not have an entry permit to Israel due to his affiliation with Islamic Jihad and the previous shooting attack.

The agency was investigating how he entered Israel.

The police commissioner told media at the scene that the suspect had a “martyrdom” letter on him, adding that “he came to be a martyr.”

06.08.2023 - 09:13 [ ]

Terrorist critically injures security guard in shooting attack in Tel Aviv

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai, who arrived on the scene, said the terrorist was Kamel Abu Bakr, a 22-year-old Palestinian resident of Jenin affiliated with the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization.
„After chasing the terrorist the security guard neutralized him. In a letter he wrote, the terrorist said he was willing to ‚sacrifice himself‘. We‘re currently looking into the possibility of the assailant having accomplices.“

06.08.2023 - 09:10 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Man murdered in Tel Aviv terror attack, shooter killed on site

Israel Police Chief Kobi Shabtai arrived at the scene and said the terrorist left a note saying he would be a martyr.

07.07.2023 - 03:41 [ Haaretz ]

Tel Aviv Police Chief Quits: I Paid a Price for Choosing to Prevent a Civil War


Eshed added that he could have easily met, as he put it, these expectations by using unreasonable force. „We could have cleared [Tel Aviv‘s Ayalon Highway] in minutes at the cost of breaking heads and crushing bones. … We could have filled the emergency room in Ichilov [Hospital] at the end of every demonstration.“

04.06.2023 - 11:00 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Police Prove Their Loyalty – to Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir

This embarrassing conduct on the part of the police would not have happened if it hadn’t been for the guiding spirit of their bosses – Netanyahu; Itamar Ben-Gvir, the minister responsible for the police; and Kobi Shabtai, the police commander, who is currently trying to win reappointment for his fourth year on the job. In addition, Yoram Sofer, the police commander responsible for Caesarea, who Shabtai despises, considers himself a candidate to replace Shabtai. Sofer is currently Ben-Gvir’s candidate to command the Tel Aviv district police.

04.04.2023 - 21:47 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Police Chief: ‚Arabs Murder Each Other. It‘s in Their Nature‘


Reportedly, Shabtai said the remarks in a private meeting with National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, which took place after an Israeli Arab was murdered and dealt with the fight against crime in Arab society along with the establishment of a national guard.

In the recorded conversation, Ben-Gvir is heard saying after the murder: „Another murder and another murder – this crosses the line. We need a strong national guard.“ Shabtai then replied to him: „There‘s nothing we can do. They murder each other. It‘s in their nature. That‘s the mentality of the Arabs.“