Archiv: Iowa

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27.12.2020 - 06:35 [ Washington Post ]

How the Iowa caucuses came ‘crashing down,’ under the watchful eye of the DNC

(Feb. 16, 2020)

The DNC ordered and paid for a security audit of the software, which was completed by NCC Group, a Britain-based cybersecurity firm. Out of the review, which also involved threat assessment conducted with the national party as well as officials in Iowa and Nevada, came directions to guard the name of the vendor, and to take the software live as late as possible to prevent it from getting into the hands of hackers, according to multiple people who participated or had knowledge of the exercises.

27.12.2020 - 06:14 [ ]

County party chair thinks internal audit was too kind to Iowa Democratic Party

(Dec. 16, 2020)

After the caucus, the IDP hired a pair of Democratic lawyers: Nick Klinefeldt, who was a federal attorney appointed by President Barack Obama, and former Iowa Attorney General Bonnie Campbell. They were tasked with identifying and determining the cause of problems that occurred during the 2020 Iowa Caucuses, with the results of their investigation being released to the public on Saturday morning.

27.12.2020 - 06:10 [ ]

Iowa autopsy report: DNC meddling led to caucus debacle


The audit states the conversion tool had coding errors that spit out inaccurate numbers and caused confusion about the accuracy of the results, eventually leading to delays in reporting. But the state party’s app never malfunctioned nor was hacked, the report concludes.

27.12.2020 - 06:04 [ ]

Investigator: DNC Was “Directly Involved” in Iowa Caucus App Development, Countering DNC Denial


The DNC’s meddling, which included a last-minute demand that developers of the Shadow app create a special software that would allow the DNC real-time access to the raw numbers before they went public, didn’t sit well with Zogby.

“Why would [the DNC] need to see that?” Zogby said about the DNC’s insistence on access to the raw caucus results before they went public. “Why wouldn’t you trust the state party to make the determination?”

In the transcript from the closed-session meeting held by the state party, members suggested that the DNC’s goal was to strip Iowa of its prestigious first-in-the-nation status.

31.10.2020 - 15:32 [ ]

Trump to hold 14 rallies in final three days of campaign

In a nod to the importance of winning Pennsylvania in order to secure a second term, Trump will hold four rallies in the Keystone State on Saturday.

The president will then hold five rallies on Sunday, all in states he won in 2016 but where he is now on defense against Biden: Michigan, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida.

Trump will hold five more rallies on Monday on the eve of Election Day. He will stop in North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, along with two events in Michigan. His final event will be in Grand Rapids, Mich., the same city where he held his final rally of the 2016 campaign.

15.10.2020 - 04:39 [ Fox News / Youtube ]

Trump holds ‚MAGA‘ rally in Iowa

President Trump delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally in Des Moines, IA

15.10.2020 - 04:32 [ Jennifer Jacobs, Sr. White House reporter for Bloomberg News / Twitter ]

Trump’s Iowa crowd tonight.

08.05.2020 - 19:51 [ Washington Post ]

Five Republican governors: Our states stayed open in the covid-19 pandemic. Here’s why our approach worked.

Mark Gordon is governor of Wyoming. Pete Ricketts is governor of Nebraska. Asa Hutchinson is governor of Arkansas. Kim Reynolds is governor of Iowa. Mike Parson is governor of Missouri. They are all Republicans.

08.03.2020 - 15:27 [ Des Moines Register ]

‚We don‘t have time to correct every error‘: Iowa Democrats vote 26-14 to certify caucus results


But the certification wasn‘t unanimous. Several members of the Iowa Democratic Party‘s state central committee, which acts as a governing board, argued that too many questions remain about the accuracy of the results.

The Associated Press has declined to call a winner in the race, citing „remaining concerns about whether the results as reported by the party are fully accurate.“

26.02.2020 - 07:39 [ ]

Want a guaranteed seat at the Democratic debate in Charleston? It’ll cost a lot of cash.


Condon also added that the ticket system is not unique to the Charleston debate.

“It’s completely usual,” Condon said. „This is exactly what’s happening in New Hampshire for their debate, Nevada’s debate and Iowa’s debate and so on.

23.02.2020 - 15:55 [ Des Moines Register ]

Iowa Democrats to recount 23 caucus precincts in ongoing Bernie Sanders-Pete Buttigieg battle

The state party‘s recanvass/recount committee expects to begin the process on Tuesday and for it to last two days, the party‘s news release said.

19.02.2020 - 13:24 [ ]

Bernie Sanders’ campaign to request recount of Iowa caucuses

Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign plans to ask for a partial recount of the Iowa caucus results after the state Democratic Party released results of its recanvass late Tuesday that show Sanders and Pete Buttigieg in an effective tie.

Sanders campaign senior adviser Jeff Weaver told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday that the campaign has had a representative in contact with the Iowa Democratic Party throughout the recanvass process.

19.02.2020 - 12:52 [ Jonathan Basile ‏/ Twitter ]

If these results stand Buttigieg would still get 14 national delegates (the ones that actually matter) to Bernie’s 12. Totally democratic system we have!

Bernie is still fighting that decision

19.02.2020 - 12:46 [ Nate Cohn ‏/ Twitter ]

Buttigieg lead in Iowa appears to fall to a mere 0.08 SDEs after recanvass Buttigieg 563.207 Sanders 563.127

19.02.2020 - 12:43 [ ]

Buttigieg, Sanders separated by thousandths of a point after Iowa recanvass

Buttigieg now leads Sanders by .08 state delegate equivalents, according to results posted by the state party — 26.186 percent for Buttigieg to 26.182 percent for Sanders. The initial results were marred by apparent reporting or mathematical errors.

19.02.2020 - 12:41 [ ]

Iowa Democratic Party Announces Results of Official Recanvass Request

The recanvass results still have Pete Buttigieg at the top, getting 14 national delegates. He is closely followed by Bernie Sanders who will get 12.

17.02.2020 - 14:03 [ ]

Iowa Democratic Party Begins Recanvass of Caucus Precincts

The party is expected to finish the recanvass by Wednesday. After that, candidates can request a recount.

17.02.2020 - 12:56 [ Taniel / Twitter ]

We‘re about to be two weeks away from the Iowa caucuses, & the IDP has still not released real results from likely 2 precincts; & only one of them is on the recanvass list, which makes it an open question whether some voters in Des Moines Co. will ever have their votes included.

(Official reason the Des Moines precinct not on list is that no campaign put it on theirs; based on what co-chair of Des Moines Co Dems told @CoatsandLinen
, real results wouldn‘t change Sanders/Buttigieg‘s gap. But issue is also IDP putting burden of corrections on campaigns.)

16.02.2020 - 14:14 [ John Panzer, Silicon Valley & California native / Twitter ]

“The DNC ordered and paid for a security audit of the software, which was completed by NCC Group, a Britain-based cybersecurity firm.

Out of the review, which also involved threat assessment conducted with the national party as well as officials in Iowa… … and Nevada, came directions to guard the name of the vendor, and to take the software live as late as possible to prevent it from getting into the hands of hackers, according to multiple people who participated or had knowledge of the exercises.”

16.02.2020 - 14:09 [ Washington Post ]

How the Iowa caucuses came ‘crashing down,’ under the watchful eye of the DNC

The DNC ordered and paid for a security audit of the software, which was completed by NCC Group, a Britain-based cybersecurity firm. Out of the review, which also involved threat assessment conducted with the national party as well as officials in Iowa and Nevada, came directions to guard the name of the vendor, and to take the software live as late as possible to prevent it from getting into the hands of hackers, according to multiple people who participated or had knowledge of the exercises.

12.02.2020 - 13:27 [ ]

Tele-voting gets a veto


“We concur with the advice of the DNC’s security experts that there is no tele-caucus system available that meets our standard of security and reliability given the scale needed for the Iowa and Nevada caucuses and the current cyber-security climate,” says Tom Perez, Lorraine Miller, and Jim Roosevelt, of the DNC Rules and By-Laws Committee, in a joint statement.

04.02.2020 - 18:49 [ The Hill ]

First Iowa results expected at 5 pm EST

The chairman of the Democratic Party in Iowa told the presidential campaigns on Tuesday to expect that a “majority” of the caucus results will be released at 5 p.m. EST, according to a source on the call.

04.02.2020 - 14:46 [ Marc Brammer / Twitter ]

The Democratic chair for Iowa, Troy Price, should resign immediately.

04.02.2020 - 14:26 [ Wikipedia ]

Troy Price

Troy Price is an American political strategist and LGBT rights advocate who has served as the Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party since his election in July 2017. Price worked in the administration of Iowa Governor Chet Culver, and later served as a press aide for Tom Vilsack.[2] Price served as Iowa Director for the Barack Obama 2012 presidential campaignand the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign.[3]

04.02.2020 - 14:23 [ Des Moines Register ]

Unprecedented cybersecurity measures being taken to safeguard Iowa caucus results


Both parties in Iowa and their app and web development vendors partnered last fall with Harvard’s Defending Digital Democracy Project to develop strategies and systems to protect results and deal with any misinformation that‘s reported on caucus night.

They worked with campaign experts Robby Mook and Matt Rhodes — as well as experts in cybersecurity, national security, technology and election administration — and simulated the different ways that things could go wrong on caucus night.

Mook, 2016 campaign manager for Hillary Clinton, and Rhodes, Mitt Romney‘s 2012 campaign manager, helped develop a public-service video to alert campaigns to the warning signs of hacking and misinformation.

04.02.2020 - 14:22 [ ]

Despite Election Security Fears, Iowa Caucuses Will Use New Smartphone App


Iowa‘s Democrats hope the new app lets the party get results out to the public quicker, says Troy Price, the chairman of the state party.

In an interview, Price declined to provide more details about which company or companies designed the app, or about what specific measures have been put in place to guarantee the system‘s security.

But security is a priority, he says.

04.02.2020 - 14:09 [ The Washington Post / Twitter ]

Here‘s your 7 a.m. Iowa results update: Still nothing.

This live results page will be very cool when results start to come in, though:

04.02.2020 - 06:56 [ Jeffrey Campagna / Twitter ]

If you’re doing a caucus with 10,000 people and you turn it into Florida 2000 you are fired. Forever. This has to be the end of Iowa first. #EndIowaFirst

04.02.2020 - 06:29 [ Alex Rubinstein / Twitter ]

The Defending Digital Democracy Project – which partnered with the Democratic Party to „develop strategies and systems to protect results…on caucus night“ – has gotten $500k from both oligarch Pierre Omidyar‘s Democracy Fund & Facebook. Both have funded US foreign meddling ops

04.02.2020 - 06:18 [ CNN ]

READ: Iowa Democratic Party statement on delay in caucus results

„We found inconsistencies in the reporting of three sets of results. In addition to the tech systems being used to tabulate results, we are also using photos of results and a paper trail to validate that all results match and ensure that we have confidence and accuracy in the numbers we report. This is simply a reporting issue, the app did not go down and this is not a hack or an intrusion. The underlying data and paper trail is sound and will simply take time to further report the results.“ — Iowa Democratic Party Communications Director Mandy McClure

04.02.2020 - 06:13 [ Ryan James Girdusky / Twitter ]

CNN reporter: We have the results of the Democratic Primary, we‘re on the phone with the party Wolf Blitzer: what are they? Reporter: They just hung up with us after being on hold for an hour…. that just happened on live tv

04.02.2020 - 06:08 [ Gabe Fleisher / Twitter ]

At this point on caucus night four years ago, returns were in from 85% of Iowa precincts. (We currently have final alignment results from ~2% of precincts, and delegate equivalent results from none.)

04.02.2020 - 06:03 [ Richard W. Painter, Former chief White House ethics lawyer 2005-07 / Twitter ]

Iowa is a swing state in November. Someone else had better be in charge tomorrow morning. Democratic campaign: „It‘s clear that something has gone wrong“

04.02.2020 - 05:57 [ Matt Samet / Twitter ]

CNN Headline: „It‘s clear something has gone wrong.“ Yeah, the candidate the Dem Party leaders wanted did terribly and the one they didn‘t want won likely by a lot. So now we‘re blaming it on the „app to tabulate results.“

04.02.2020 - 05:54 [ DrBates / Twitter ]

CNN is reporting that “something has gone wrong” with the votes in Iowa. To be clear, that was not my experience. I saw election officials carefully counting and recounting the votes me make sure that they had it right. #IowaCaucuses #IowaCaucus

03.02.2020 - 15:51 [ ABC News ]

Bernie‘s big gamble: Sanders hopes new voters surprise at Iowa caucuses: ANALYSIS

His philosophy is that boosting turnout in a significant and meaningful way comes not only by exciting existing Democrats, but organizing and rallying nonvoters into Democrats.

His mission and ability to do that has been central to his argument about why he is the best candidate for Democrats in a general election.

03.02.2020 - 15:44 [ Washington Post ]

2020 Iowa Democratic caucuses results

The first contest in the Democratic Party’s nomination of a candidate to take on President Trump in November is tonight, in Iowa. Nearly 240,000 Democrats caucused in 2008, and officials are watching to see if that record will be broken this year.