Archiv: Gadi Eisenkot

16.12.2023 - 19:53 [ Times of Israel ]

Gantz and Eisenkot to meet with families of hostages

The Hostages and Missing Persons Families Forum says that at its request, war cabinet ministers Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot will meet with representatives of the families at Tel Aviv’s Hostages Square at 8 p.m.

Gantz is then slated to take part in a joint press conference at 9 p.m. with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

09.12.2023 - 09:50 [ ]

«Netanyahus Sohn sitzt den Krieg am Strand in Florida aus»

(13. November 2023)

Der älteste Sohn von Benjamin Netanyahu betreibt in den sozialen Medien gezielte Desinformation.

Offiziell übt er keinen Beruf aus – laut israelischen Medien soll er aber seit Jahren die Social-Media-Strategie des Vaters lenken.

Nur ein Bruchteil der Posts enthält tatsächliche Informationen.

09.12.2023 - 09:34 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Israelis have noticed this image from Gal Eizenkot‘s grave: One father standing over the coffin of his son killed in battle; another father who got underlings to illegally grant his toxic troll son a diplomatic passport when he returned from 9 sybaritic months on Miami Beach.

07.12.2023 - 22:00 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

#Breaking: Gal Eisenkot, 25, son of former IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot, an opposition member of PM Netanyahu‘s war cabinet, was killed in action today in Gaza. He was killed when a booby trapped explosive blew up as he approached the shaft of a Hamas tunnel

25.06.2023 - 12:27 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

19.02.2023 - 08:00 [ Jerusalem Post ]

In rare move, Netanyahu to bring army chiefs to meet Putin in Moscow

(September 21, 2015)

IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and Military Intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Herzl Halevi will accompany Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a lightning trip to Moscow on Monday, in a clear signal that regional arms transfers and Russia’s troop deployments in Syria will be the main focus of the discussions.

23.11.2022 - 14:42 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

24.10.2022 - 19:28 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(October 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

14.08.2022 - 22:52 [ ]

Israels Ex-Armeechef schließt sich Partei von Gantz an

Israels ehemaliger Armeechef Gadi Eisenkot will mit Blick auf die anstehende Parlamentswahl der neuen Partei von Verteidigungsminister Benny Gantz beitreten. Er werde sich der neuen Mitte-rechts-Partei Hamahane Hamamlachti (Nationale Einheitspartei) von Gantz und Justizminister Gideon Saar anschließen, erklärte Eisenkot heute.

19.07.2022 - 19:14 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Israel, Russia to coordinate in air, sea, and electromagnetic arena‘

(OCTOBER 27, 2015)

In Russia, Eisenkot met with his Russian counterpart, General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov – the first time chiefs of staff from Russia and Israel held a direct meeting in Moscow. Eisenkot also participated in part of the meeting held between Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Afterward, the two sides agreed to set up a joint working group led by the deputy chiefs of staff from each country.

08.03.2021 - 09:41 [ Washington Post ]

For Israel, there’s little political cost to killing Palestinians


Israeli authorities claimed they opened fire in response to some protesters who had encroached near the fence, burning tires and hurling stones or molotov cocktails. Footage that emerged from the chaotic scene suggested Israeli soldiers targeted unarmed protesters, including some who were running away and were shot from a distance by snipers.

08.03.2021 - 09:39 [ Haaretz ]

The Israel Massacre Forces


The killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes. There’s nothing cheaper in Israel than Palestinian blood. If there were a hundred or even a thousand deaths Israel would still “salute” the IDF. This is the army whose commander, the good and moderate Gadi Eisenkot, is received with such pride by Israelis. Of course, in the holiday media interviews, no one asked him about the anticipated massacre and no one will ask him now either.

15.12.2020 - 23:55 [ Haaretz ]

Gideon Sa‘ar‘s Party Would Be Second Largest in Knesset, Election Poll Shows

A poll released by Channel 12 News Tuesday shows the party led by former Likud lawmaker Gideon Sa‘ar surging ahead to become Israel‘s second largest party, were elections held now.

The party led by Sa‘ar, a rival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, would garner 21 seats, trailing Likud by just six seats.

15.12.2020 - 23:53 [ Haaretz ]

Gideon Sa‘ar Just Paid a High Price in Future Battle Against Netanyahu, but It‘ll Be Worth It

There was some nervousness over the weekend at the Balfour Street residence. Someone close to the royals, employed in a very rewarding job at the Prime Minister’s Office as a “consultant on the outbreak of the coronavirus,” had written an article. Its convoluted thesis was that the deserter Gideon Sa’ar was leading a move which has party, community and governmental implications, aimed at turning back the 1977 overthrow of the long-reigning Labor Party by Likud.

11.12.2020 - 14:18 [ Haaretz ]

The Master Plan: Clone Likud Without Bibi and His Sycophants

For several months the prime minister‘s rival has been secretly spinning his web. Each week more advisers, lawmakers, mayors, key activists joined the secret circle

09.12.2020 - 05:45 [ Haaretz ]

Gideon Sa‘ar, Netanyahu Rival, Breaks With Likud to Start New Party

Other Potential candidates to join Sa‘ar‘s new party are lawmakers Yifat Shasha-Biton of Likud and former Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot.

01.12.2020 - 19:50 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Leftists, Enough With the Generals

The left is now in need of Jewish-Arab partnership, ethical leadership with a clear vision, and ability on the ground based on practical political experience. The left does not need another general from the boring list of names.