Archiv: Djibouti

01.05.2023 - 11:00 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Der kommende Ostafrika-Krieg

(12. Januar 2007)

Sudan, Somalia, Somalialand, Äthiopien, Djibouti, Uganda, Tschad, Kenia sind der Schauplatz eines sich entwickelnden Krieges um Rohstoffe und Territorialmacht zwischen dem angreifenden Westblock und ihren örtlichen Verbündeten einerseits und China andererseits.

Offener Krieg, psychologische Kriegsführung, die Zerschlagung von Staaten, die Einsetzung von Schattenregierungen, die Finanzierung von Terrorgruppen, das Schaffen von Guerilla-Phantomen und die fortwährende Berieselung der erblindeten, systematisch verdummten und hypnotisierten Bevölkerung des Westens mit nichtssagender Vernebelung sind Mittel eines seit dem 11.September geführten Weltkrieges, dessen neuer Schauplatz das Schlachtfeld Afrika, und dessen Triebkraft die alles korrumpierende Wirtschaftsordnung Kapitalismus ist.
Das Fachwort für diesen Zustand: Imperialismus.

19.04.2023 - 09:49 [ Sudan Tribune ]

S. Sudan’s Kiir cancels Khartoum visit as fighting continues


The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a regional bloc, agreed to send leaders from Kenya, South Sudan, and Djibouti to Khartoum, but the fighting has continued despite calls to cease hostilities.

“His Excellency the President of the Republic of South Sudan, General Salva Kiir Mayardit, and the Presidents of Kenya and Djibouti could not travel to Khartoum as per the resolution of the IGAD heads of state and government due to the security situation there,” said Tut Gatluak.

03.08.2021 - 19:23 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Indo-Pazifik: Route

… die bislang nicht genau bekannte Route: „Dschibuti → Karatschi → Diego Garcia → Perth → Guam → Tokio → Incheon → Schanghai → Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt → Colombo → Mumbai → Dschibuti“.

22.12.2019 - 03:22 [ Stars and Stripes ]

US delivers Humvees to Djibouti’s military as part of $31-million training effort

The military also must assess Djibouti’s Chinese-held public debt, which the NDAA warns could be used as economic coercion. A concern cited by lawmakers is that if Beijing takes commercial control of the Port of Djibouti in debt repayment, it could curtail access by the U.S. military.

07.08.2019 - 16:49 [ CNBC Africa ]

AfDB approves $98 million financing for road transport corridor project in these two East African nations

“The project will enhance trade by significantly reducing transport costs, thereby accelerating the economic growth of Ethiopia and its neighbour Djibouti, as it is part of the main import-export corridor,” the AfDB said in a statement.

31.05.2019 - 02:06 [ MENAFN ]

Djibouti: Indian, French Navies Carry Out Joint Submarine Drill off the Djibouti Coast

French Embassy also stated that with nearly 650 soldiers deployed, the French Forces in the United Arab Emirates (FFEAU), is one of France‘s advanced operational bases abroad. „As such, it supports the French military assets deployed in the Persian Gulf and the north of the Indian Ocean. Due to its conditions, it also allows training of French soldiers in combat actions in desert as well as urban areas,“ the statement added.

As French Joint Forces Commander in the Indian Ocean (ALINDIEN), the Commander of the French Forces in the United Arab Emirates (COMFOR FFEAU) exercises authority over a maritime area stretching from the south of Suez Canal in the west to the western limits of the waters of Burma, Indonesia and Australia in the east.

30.05.2019 - 01:08 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Einflusskampf am Horn von Afrika

Ein Vorauskommando der Bundeswehr hielt sich sogar schon, um die Lage zu erkunden, in der Hafenstadt Berbera auf. Letztendlich lehnte die Bundesregierung aber die Anerkennung der Unabhängigkeit Somalilands, die als Vorbedingung für den Aufbau einer Marinebasis galt, ab und ließ die Bundesmarine stattdessen in Djibouti ankern.[3] Dennoch setzten deutsche Behörden ihre Tätigkeiten in Somaliland fort; Deutschland kann heute darauf aufbauen.

05.04.2019 - 04:18 [ Gulf News ]

London court rules in favour of DP World

The London Court of International Arbitration found that by developing new container port opportunities with China Merchants Holdings International Co. Ltd (China Merchants), Djibouti breached DCT’s rights under a 2006 concession agreement to develop a container terminal at Doraleh, in Djibouti, and its exclusivity over all container handling facilities in the territory.

03.01.2019 - 21:21 [ Arab News ]

Saudi Arabia’s defense ministry concludes naval drills for Red Sea countries

The participants were from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen and observers from Somalia.

09.12.2018 - 21:10 [ Xinhuanet ]

Egypt holds joint anti-terror military exercises with African states

Held at Egypt‘s Mohamed Naguib military base, the largest in the Middle East and Africa that is located in Egypt‘s Mediterranean province of Matrouh, the joint exercises will last until Dec. 14.

24.09.2018 - 00:39 [ Reuters ]

London court extends injunction against Djibouti in DP World dispute: Dubai government

The government of Djibouti seized the Doraleh Container Terminal from DP World in February over a dispute dating back to at least 2012. Dubai government-controlled DP World, which operated the terminal under a concession, has called the seizure illegal.

31.03.2018 - 17:39 [ Asia Times ]

Great Game struggle for control of strategic port

The Port of Bizerte is now caught in the middle of an ongoing US/China rivalry, with President Donald Trump reasserting US geopolitical leadership against Chinese President Xi Jinping’s aggressive Belt and Road Initiative, which has seen China expand to strategically sensitive areas such as Djibouti on the Horn of Africa and the Port of Piraeus in Nato member Greece.