Daily Archives: 21. Oktober 2023

21.10.2023 - 23:23 [ North Atlantic Treaty Organization ]

NATO Secretary General calls for creation of a transatlantic quantum community, welcomes Denmark’s leadership

(29 Sep. 2023)

Later in the day, the Secretary General opened the new NATO accelerator site “Deep Tech Lab – Quantum” together with the Danish Minister of Defence, Troels Lund Poulsen; the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Morten Bødskov; and the Minister of Higher Education and Science, Christina Egelund. The Lab will help start-ups from across the Alliance commercialise quantum-enabled solutions, as part of NATO’s new Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA).

DIANA consists of a network of test centers and accelerator sites across NATO countries, where innovators develop new technologies to solve pressing security challenges. The Deep Tech Lab – Quantum in Copenhagen is one of five pilot accelerator sites launched in 2023.

21.10.2023 - 23:00 [ LightReading.com ]

LunaNet: 5G players debate an Internet for the moon

(May 8, 2023)

LunaNet is being developed through NASA‘s Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program office, who oversee the operations, maintenance and advancement of NASA‘s current networked operations.“

21.10.2023 - 21:45 [ CNN ]

Psyche mission launches as NASA’s first trip to a metal world

(October 13, 2023)

To accomplish the rest of the mission, the van-size spacecraft will rely on its new solar electric propulsion system, powered by Hall-effect thrusters, Oh said. The thrusters will utilize the spacecraft’s large solar arrays and “use electricity to ionize xenon gas and accelerate those charged ions through an electric field to very, very high speeds,” Oh said. (…)

Also along for the ride is the Deep Space Optical Communications technology demonstration, or DSOC. Occurring during the first two years of the journey to Psyche, it will be NASA’s most distant experiment of high-bandwidth laser communications, testing the sending and receiving of data to and from Earth using an invisible near-infrared laser.

21.10.2023 - 21:13 [ Massachusetts Institute of Technology ]


NASA wants to update its existing radio communications system on the International Space Station (ISS) with optical communication technology. Optical communication systems, which use laser beams to transmit information through space, promise the ability to transmit data between a spacecraft and Earth at a much higher rate than radio-frequency systems. Our researchers are designing ILLUMA-T*, a laser terminal that will provide an optical communications link from the ISS to NASA‘s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration satellite, which, in turn, will use optical communications to relay the data from the ISS link to a ground terminal at a rate 10 to 100 times faster than current radio frequency communications systems.

21.10.2023 - 20:51 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

NASA’s Laser Communications Relay: A Year of Experimentation

(Jun 28, 2023)

The Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) uses infrared light, or invisible lasers, to transmit and receive signals rather than radio wave systems conventionally used on spacecraft. Infrared light’s tight wavelengths allow space missions to pack significantly more data – 10 to 100 times more – into a single transmission. More data means more discoveries.

Now, at the halfway point in its experimentation phase, LCRD has shown laser communications’ significant advantages over traditional radio wave systems.

21.10.2023 - 16:14 [ ORF.at ]

Forschung als Friedensprojekt

SESAME ist ein Zentrum der Materialforschung. Die im Elektronensynchrotron beschleunigten Teilchen erzeugen elektromagnetische Strahlung in allen Frequenzbereichen – und diese wird verwendet, um Materialien aller Art zu durchleuchten. Das können archäologische Artefakte oder Gewebsproben von Lebewesen sein .

21.10.2023 - 14:09 [ Times of Israel ]

Soldier killed by Lebanon missile; Gallant: Hezbollah joined fighting, is paying price

The soldier was named as Staff Sgt. (res.) Omer Balva, 22, a commander in the 9203rd Battalion of the Alexandroni Brigade, from Herzliya.

Balva was a dual Israeli-American citizen. A child of Israeli parents, he grew up in Rockville, Maryland, where he went to the Charles E. Smith Jewish day school.

He went to Israel to serve in the IDF, and was in the reserves because of the current war.

21.10.2023 - 14:03 [ New York Times ]

Biden Requests $105 Billion Aid Package for Israel, Ukraine and Other Crises

If Congress approves Mr. Biden’s combined approach, Ukraine would receive $61.4 billion for military and economic assistance, while Israel would get about $14.3 billion to bolster its air and missile defenses, including the Iron Dome system, which has protected the country from incoming Hamas rockets.

The request also includes more than $9 billion for humanitarian assistance in Israel, Gaza and Ukraine and $7.4 billion for security to support Taiwan and other allies in the Indo-Pacific.

21.10.2023 - 13:44 [ U.S. Embassy Jerusalem / Twitter ]

.@POTUS spoke this evening with the two American citizens who had been held hostage by Hamas. We are so grateful that they are safe. We will continue to do everything we can to unite all hostages with their loved ones.

21.10.2023 - 13:36 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Israel announces Hamas released two Israeli-American hostages, a mother and daughter, into Israeli custody.

21.10.2023 - 13:20 [ Prospect.org ]

Time to Free Palestine’s Nelson Mandela

After Hamas’s brutal massacre of over a thousand Israel civilians and Israel’s massive military response, peace may appear inconceivable. Certainly, few would blame those unwilling to forgive the shocking violence of days past. Yet peace does not demand forgiveness of the unforgivable—and shattering events have a way of producing unanticipated consequences.

A prisoner exchange—which historical patterns suggest is likely—could, despite it all, reopen a path to peace.

21.10.2023 - 13:15 [ Al Jazeera English / Youtube ]

Israeli raid kills 13 people in the occupied West Bank | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


A nighttime Israeli military raid and air attack in the occupied West Bank has killed 13 people, as Israeli forces continue a crackdown that has escalated since the war on Gaza began.

21.10.2023 - 12:19 [ Reuters / Youtube ]

LIVE: View of Gaza‘s Rafah crossing as it opens for humanitarian aid

View of the Rafah crossing as humanitarian aid enters Gaza.

21.10.2023 - 12:12 [ CNN بالعربية / Twitter ]

متظاهرة مصرية تواجه مراسلة CNN على حدود #مصر و #غزة.. شاهد ما حدث

21.10.2023 - 12:05 [ Nihal | نهال / Twitter ]

Egyptian volunteers currently trying to push through the Rafah border gates to get humanitarian aid in
