Daily Archives: 18. Juli 2023

18.07.2023 - 17:50 [ El Pais ]

Spanish company that spied on Assange allegedly informed CIA about meetings held by Latin American leaders

David Morales, owner of the Spanish security company UC Global, S.L., which spied on Julian Assange during the Wikileaks founder’s time at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, also allegedly spied for the CIA on meetings held in 2018 by the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa (2007-2017), with former presidents of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay – Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Dilma Rousseff and José Mujica – according to a new examination of his MacBook laptop ordered by Spanish Judge Santiago Pedraz, who has been investigating Morales for three years.

18.07.2023 - 16:34 [ theGuardian.com ]

UK invites Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman to visit


News of the UK visit, first reported by the Financial Times, comes as Saudi Arabia tries to end the war in Yemen, and has opened up diplomatic relations with Iran. The US is seeking to persuade Saudi Arabia also to normalise diplomatic relations with Israel, but Riyadh, unlike its Gulf Arab allies the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, is resisting until there is progress on the Palestinian issue.

18.07.2023 - 11:17 [ Times of Israel ]

Roads blocked as anti-overhaul protesters launch nationwide ‘day of resistance’

The Times of Israel is liveblogging Tuesday’s events as they unfold.

18.07.2023 - 10:52 [ New York Times ]

Biden Invites Netanyahu to U.S., Easing Tensions

President Biden on Monday invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to a meeting in the United States for the first time since Mr. Netanyahu re-entered office in December, easing months of tensions about the direction of Israel’s government.

Mr. Netanyahu’s office said that Mr. Biden made the invitation in a “warm and long” phone call on Monday evening, on the eve of a visit to Washington by Isaac Herzog, the Israeli president. Until Monday, that visit had been widely seen as a slight to Mr. Netanyahu.

18.07.2023 - 10:44 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu’s Cabinet Ministers in Race to See Who Is Most Fascist

(May 28, 2023)

The sixth Netanyahu government is beginning to look like a totalitarian caricature. There is almost no move associated with totalitarianism that has not been proposed by one of its extremist members and adopted by the rest of the incompetents it comprises, in their competition to see who can be more fully full fascist.

18.07.2023 - 10:35 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election: A Quasi-fascist, Ultra-religious Government for a Country That Deserves Better

(Nov 4, 2022)

Israel isn‘t a far-right/religious country. But soon it will have a far-right/religious government.

18.07.2023 - 10:26 [ Haaretz ]

In Israel, Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism

(Jan 19, 201)

The left is no longer capable of overcoming the toxic ultra-nationalism that has evolved here, the kind whose European strain almost wiped out a majority of the Jewish people. The interviews Haaretz’s Ravit Hecht held with Smotrich and Zohar (December 3, 2016 and October 28, 2017) should be widely disseminated on all media outlets in Israel and throughout the Jewish world. In both of them we see not just a growing Israeli fascism but racism akin to Nazism in its early stages.

Like every ideology, the Nazi race theory developed over the years.

18.07.2023 - 10:04 [ New York Times ]

In Congress, Democrats’ Rift Over Israel Flares on Eve of Herzog Visit

The divisions were already expected to be on vivid display this week, as a group of left-wing Democrats plans to boycott an address to a joint session of Congress by President Isaac Herzog of Israel in protest of Israel’s policies, and in the wake of President Biden’s invitation on Monday for Mr. Netanyahu to visit the United States.

But they have escalated in the run-up to Mr. Herzog’s arrival and following Ms. Jayapal’s comment. The top four House Democratic leaders rushed on Sunday to issue a public statement declaring that “Israel is not a racist state.”

18.07.2023 - 09:36 [ AFP News Agency / Youtube ]

Israelis protest in Tel Aviv against judicial overhaul | AFP

Israeli protesters return to the streets of Tel Aviv, in the run-up to a crucial vote in parliament later this month on the government’s judicial overhaul.

18.07.2023 - 08:31 [ Haaretz ]

„Day of Resistance“: Nationwide Protests Grip Israel as Netanyahu‘s Coalition Pushes Judicial Coup Bill in Knesset

sraelis erupt against Netanyahu‘s coalition as it advances crucial bill to limit judiciary in Knesset, while senior ministers pledge to persist with further overhaul legislation