Pompeo, who had been fueling speculation about a potential bid, said choosing not to run in 2024 was a “deeply personal decision” for him and his wife, Susan. He had traveled to a series of early voting states in recent months.
Daily Archives: 15. April 2023
Fresh protests across France as Constitutional Council largely upholds Macron‘s pension reform
The French constitutional court on Friday approved the key elements of President Emmanuel Macron‘s controversial pension reform while rejecting certain parts of the legislation. Pushing the legal age for drawing a full pension from 62 to 64, the legislation is deeply unpopular in France and has triggered months of mass protests. Follow our blog to see how the day‘s events unfolded
Turkish FM following meeting with Lavrov: War must be stopped as soon as possible
„We stated that the war should be ended with negotiations as soon as possible, and we confirmed that we, as Turkey, are ready to provide the best possible support,“ Çavuşoğlu said.
In addition, the work of the „grain initiative“ was also discussed.
„We attach great importance to the extension of the agreement. This global crisis significantly reduces every household‘s issue,“ Çavuşoğlu said.
Five people killed, 15 wounded, seven may remain under rubble after Russian attack on Sloviansk – regional authorities
„As of 18:00, five dead and 15 wounded were reported. Seven people, including one child, might probably remain under the rubble,“ he said on the Telegram channel on Friday.
The enemy attacked the town at around 16:00. According to preliminary information, the town was shelled by S-300 missiles.
China, Brazil share positive roles in peace, development
Xi and Lula also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis and both agreed that dialogue and negotiations are the only feasible way for settling it. They appealed to more countries to play a constructive role for a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.
Xi Jinping: China will chinesisch-brasilianischen Beziehungen in der neuen Ära eine neue Zukunft eröffnen
Die beiden Staatschefs tauschten sich auch über die Ukraine-Krise aus. Beide Seiten waren sich einig, dass Dialog und Verhandlungen der einzig gangbare Weg aus der Krise in der Ukraine seien und dass alle Bemühungen, die zu einer friedlichen Lösung der Krise beitragen, gefördert und unterstützt werden sollten. Sie riefen mehr Länder dazu auf, eine konstruktive Rolle bei der Förderung einer politischen Lösung der Krise in der Ukraine zu spielen, und beschlossen, die Kommunikation in dieser Hinsicht fortzusetzen.
Call on ‘aggressor’ Russia to end war, Germany urges China
Qin said on Friday that China believed “the only way to resolve the Ukraine crisis is to promote peace and talks”.
“The Ukrainian crisis has developed up to this day, and the lessons are profound, worthy of deep reflection by all parties. Territory is indivisible, and security is also indivisible,” he said.
“Without recognition of the security interests of a particular party, crises and conflicts are inevitable,” he added.
Germany asks Beijing to stop Russia’s war in Ukraine
During a press conference on Friday, Annalena Baerbock urged China to ask “the Russian aggressor to stop the war” in Ukraine, saying “no other country has more influence” on Moscow.
“I have to say openly that I wonder why the Chinese position so far does not include a request to the Russian aggressor to stop the war”, she added.
Baerbock in China : „Ein Mann kann den Krieg morgen beenden“
Kein Land habe mehr Einfluss auf Russland als China, so Baerbock. Und es sei gut, dass China signalisiert habe, sich für eine Lösung zu engagieren, erklärte sie weiter. Doch zufrieden sei sie damit nicht:
„Aber ich muss offen sagen, dass ich mich frage, warum die chinesische Positionierung bisher nicht die Aufforderung an den Aggressor Russlands beinhaltet, den Krieg zu stoppen.“