Daily Archives: 14. Januar 2023

14.01.2023 - 20:25 [ Crannofonix / Youtube ]

LIVE | Anti-Government Protests in Tel Aviv – Demonstrations Against Netanyahu and His Government

Live from Tel Aviv on Saturday, January 14, as hundreds are gathering to demonstrate against recently-elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government.

The protesters are rallying against judicial reforms announced earlier this month by new Justice Minister Yariv Levin, which give lawmakers increased powers over the Supreme Court.

Netanyahu himself has said that the plans give ‚the right balance between the three branches’ of government; the legislative, executive and judiciary.

14.01.2023 - 19:52 [ Uri Weltmann אורי וולטמן أوري فلطمان / Nitter ]

בשבוע שעבר התעקשנו בעומדים ביחד לסיים את הפגנת הענק בעצרת שקרוב למחצית מהנואמים בה היו ערבים-פלסטינים אזרחי ישראל, שרוב גדול מהדוברים בה היו נשים, ושנתנה ביטוי גם למאבק של הקהילה הטרנסית נגד אפליה ודיכוי, לקולות מתוך הציבור החרדי שמתעקשים על שלום ישראלי-פלסטיני ועל שוויון, >

14.01.2023 - 19:38 [ Yonat Friling (Frühling) / Nitter ]

Happening now in Tel Aviv: more than 50,000 people protesting against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, despite the rainy weather. This is the 2nd week. Similar protests in Jerusalem and Haifa.

14.01.2023 - 19:06 [ Washngton Post ]

Israel braces for massive protests as far-right government targets courts

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned to power in November elections after a year and a half on the sidelines, propelled by a bloc of once-fringe, far-right partners. In the two weeks since its inauguration, his government has embarked on a blitz of legislative initiatives, characterizing them as a “revision” to right the “imbalance among the three branches of government.”

But critics say the measures amount to a “coup d’etat” that will destroy the nation’s system of checks and balances to save Netanyahu from prosecution in three separate corruption cases and embolden his extremist religious partners to advance legislation supporting the expansion of Jewish settlement in the West Bank and the application of conservative Jewish law to public institutions.

14.01.2023 - 18:54 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Netanyahu’s Judicial Reform Push Bolsters Opposition and Protests

The far-eight government’s planned judicial reform will “crush” the Israeli judicial system, Supreme Court President Esther Hayut warned at the annual convention of The Israeli Association of Public Law on Thursday evening. “Israel will soon mark 75 years of independence, the 75th year will be remembered as the year in which Israel’s democracy suffered a fatal blow,” said Hayut. “This is an unbridled attack on the judicial system, as if it were an enemy that must be attacked and subdued.”

14.01.2023 - 18:34 [ i24news.tv ]

Police boosts security as major anti-govt rallies staged in Jlem, Tel Aviv

Tens of thousands of Israelis were gathering in central Tel Aviv and in Jerusalem on Saturday to stage twin rallies against the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

14.01.2023 - 18:29 [ Haaretz ]

Thousands Protesting Netanyahu’s Far-right Gov’t, Police Boost Forces in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv District commander Maj. Gen. Amichai Ashad said in a briefing to the police on Saturday that “the policy has not changed,” and added: “We only have one interest: to allow this demonstration to take place, in its full capacity,” he said. Ashad instructed police to be “very, very sensitive, and very, very patient,” and noted that the police would only act against people who commit “vandalism and behave violently.”

14.01.2023 - 18:18 [ Süddeutsche.de ]

Moskaus Spion beim BND: Ein Maulwurf, der Maulwürfe jagen sollte

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