Daily Archives: 11. Juni 2022

11.06.2022 - 20:34 [ Tichys Einblick ]

Mit dem Rasenmäher frisiert – Die Pi-mal-Daumen-Demokratie: Die Berlin-Wahl ist mehr als eine Panne

Geisel war SED-Mitglied, er selbst sagt dazu heute: „Ich bin nicht stolz darauf, aber ich kann und will mich auch nicht dafür schämen.“

Geisel changiert zwischen absoluter Penibilität, akribischer Trickserei – und dem typischen Berliner Achselzucken, je nachdem, wann es ihm passt. Die Berliner Egal-Mentalität trägt er als Attitüde – gerade für den richtigen Moment. Die Affäre um die Berliner Wahl 2021 weist die gleiche Handschrift auf: Desinteresse bei der Vorbereitung, Akribie und bürokratische Präzisionsleistungen bei der Verschleierung der Vorfälle, „ist doch jetz och ejal“ bei der Debatte über eine Wiederholung.

11.06.2022 - 19:44 [ Yahoo.com ]

Family of British man facing the death penalty in Donbas call for his release

„Shaun should be accorded all the rights of a prisoner of war according to the Geneva Convention and including full independent legal representation. We sincerely hope that all parties will co-operate urgently to ensure the safe release or exchange of Shaun.“

Britain has called the court‘s decision a „sham judgment“ and condemned Russian proxy authorities in Donbas for what it called an „egregious breach“ of the Geneva convention.

11.06.2022 - 13:14 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Ukrainische Menschenrechtsbeauftragte stürzt über erfundene „Massenvergewaltigungen“

Lyudmyla Denisova war in den letzten Wochen in den westlichen Medien eine vielzitierte Quelle. Die mit schrecklichen Details gespickten Aussagen der Ombudsfrau des ukrainischen Parlaments für Menschenrechte zu „Massenvergewaltigungen“ ukrainischer Frauen und Kinder durch russische Soldaten passten offenbar gut ins Narrativ. Dann kam jedoch heraus, dass sie sich die meisten Schilderungen schlichtweg ausgedacht hatte. Es folgte ein Misstrauensvotum und die Entlassung. Nun erklärte sich Denisova in den ukrainischen Medien. Sie habe mit den Gräuelmärchen doch nur der Ukraine helfen wollen, indem sie den Westen zu Waffenlieferungen bringt. Davon erfahren wir in deutschen Medien natürlich nichts und es ist davon auszugehen, dass Denisovas Gräuelpropaganda auch weiterhin von deutschen Journalisten und Politikern weiterverbreitet wird.

11.06.2022 - 12:22 [ SerbianMonitor.com ]

European intelligence has three favourites for the position of Serbian PM

Sinisa Mali, the current finance minister and former mayor of Belgrade, is mentioned first as a possible candidate. He is one of Aleksandar Vučić’s closest associates and has been involved in several scandals – from the destruction of the Savamala quarter in Belgrade to allegedly owning 24 apartments in Bulgaria. The University of Belgrade stripped him of his doctorate after it was confirmed that he had plagiarized his thesis.

According to European intelligence, Nikola Selaković, current Minister of Foreign Affairs, also has a chance to become the new PM. He is also a loyal associate of Aleksandar Vučić…

11.06.2022 - 12:18 [ B92.net ]

Vučić with Scholz: „Scholz brought new energy and new hope“

„Scholz has brought new energy and new hope. He wants to hear everyone in the Western Balkans and wants real prospects for EU expansion which is an important, excellent message for everyone in the Western Balkans. We also talked about the fact that Serbia must progress much faster in terms of the rule of law, democracy…“, he said.

11.06.2022 - 12:02 [ StraitsTimes.com ]

US, China defence chiefs spar over Taiwan but agree to keep talking

The defence chiefs of the United States and China stuck to divergent views on Taiwan during their first in-person meeting on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue on Friday (June 10), but also agreed to hold more talks.

The highly anticipated encounter between US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin and his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe lasted an hour, double the time allocated. The two men had their first conversation on the phone in April.

11.06.2022 - 11:44 [ Morocco World News ]

Moroccan Man Who Fought With Ukraine Sentenced to Death in Donetsk

While the court tried the men on the basis of them being foreign mercenaries, the defendants and their families maintained that they were living in Ukraine legally and fought officially with Ukraine, which would grant them the protection of being legitimate prisoners of war, protected by the Geneva convention.

Only a small portion of the closed trial was made public through pro-Russian media. Observers said it’s a “show trial” with “trumped up charges” put on “to imitate trials of Russian soldiers in Ukraine.”

11.06.2022 - 11:06 [ Inews.co.uk ]

Who are Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner? How the British men sentenced to death sought a new life in Ukraine

Mr Aslin, 28, is known by multiple names. When he fought alongside Syria’s Kurdish militia the People’s Protection Units (YPG) against Isis he was known as Rojhat, he then adopted the name Cossack Gundi when he joined as a volunteer fighter in the ranks of the Ukrainian Army. To some, he is known simply as Johnny.

Mr Aslin, a care worker at his hometown of Newark, Nottinghamshire, had no military experience when he left the UK for Syria in 2015. Before he boarded a plane to Sulaymaniyah in northern Iraq, he reportedly told border authorities he was going on a backpacking trip.

11.06.2022 - 10:53 [ Interfax.com.ua ]

So-called court in Donetsk sentences two captive Britons and one Moroccan to death

UK citizens Shaun Pinner, Aiden Aslin and Moroccan Saadun Brahim were charged with being mercenaries and participating in operations aimed at seizure of power and overthrow of the so-called constitutional order of the so-called „Donetsk People‘s Republic“, which is not recognized by anyone but Russia.