Daily Archives: 2. Juni 2022

02.06.2022 - 15:46 [ TexasTribune.org ]

Uvalde school shooting: Narratives, and blame, shift again as dysfunction engulfs shooting probe


In the school teacher’s case, Texas DPS Director Steven McCraw said Friday that the unnamed teacher had propped open the door through which the gunman entered the school. DPS now says a teacher shut that door but its automatic lock malfunctioned. Considine said DPS is investigating why the lock didn’t work.

The reversal came hours after a lawyer representing the teacher told the San Antonio Express-News that the teacher closed the door before the shooter entered the building.

02.06.2022 - 15:21 [ TexasMonthly.com ]

Border Patrol Agents Killed the Uvalde School Shooter. But Why Were They on the Scene?

(May 26, 2022)

A CBP official told Texas Monthly that as emergency calls first came in, four agents with CBP’s Bortac SWAT team were investigating stash houses on the border to the west of Uvalde. The agents immediately responded, arriving at the school just before noon. Bortac (Border Patrol Tactical Unit) is CBP’s’s paramilitary force, an elite group of agents trained to exchange gunfire with cartels.


In all, as many as eighty CBP agents, including some who were off duty, rushed to the school during and after the shooting.


CORRECTION: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents did not respond to the shooting. ICE agents were on the scene during and after the shooting. The article has been updated.

02.06.2022 - 15:13 [ click2houston.com ]

Border patrol agent drove 40 miles to respond to mass shooting at Uvalde elementary school, sources say


Escalon said Ramos entered the school through an unlocked door. DPS officials said at 11:44 am officers entered the school and came under heavy gunfire from Ramos. (…)

Sources close to this investigation tell KPRC 2 Investigates the Border Patrol agent who is credited with stopping Ramos was eating lunch at the Mill Creek Café in the town of Leakey when he heard the call go out over his radio. Sources tell KPRC 2 even though the agent was not in uniform, he didn’t hesitate to jump into his vehicle and drive 40 miles to Robb elementary. We are told the agent is a member of Border Patrol’s tactical team known as BORTAC.

02.06.2022 - 14:58 [ CNN ]

A timeline of how the Texas school massacre — and the police response — unfolded

(June 1, 2022)

11:33 a.m.: The shooter enters the school and begins shooting into a classroom, which is connected to a second class. He shot „at least“ 100 rounds, McCraw said.


11:42 a.m.: A source close to a teacher receives a text saying there was an active shooter on campus. CNN saw the text chain and confirmed the timestamps.


12:15 p.m.: Members of the Border Patrol‘s tactical unit, BORTAC, arrive on scene, McCraw said.


12:50 p.m.: Law enforcement breach the locked classroom door using keys from a janitor, McCraw said. They shoot and kill the suspect.

02.06.2022 - 14:56 [ NBC News ]

‚Please send the police now‘: Uvalde student called 911 multiple times during shooting

(May 27, 2022)

The first 911 call came in at 12:03 p.m. local time. McCraw said the girl whispered that she was in room 112. The call lasted one minute and 23 seconds.

The girl called back again at 12:10 and said multiple people were dead, he said. She called at 12:13, and again at 12:16 to say that eight or nine students were alive.

02.06.2022 - 14:47 [ Huffington Post ]

America Had 3 Simultaneous Shootings On Wednesday, Less Than 2 Weeks After Uvalde


Four people were killed in a shooting at a medical building in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Wednesday. Police said a gunman carrying a rifle and a handgun opened fire on a hospital campus just before 5 p.m. local time, wounding several others before the shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Just before, the Los Angeles Police Department said shots were fired outside Grant High School in the Van Nuys neighborhood. Authorities said an unknown gunman fired three or four shots from a vehicle. A 10th grader was shot in the leg and taken to the hospital. The extent of injuries was unclear.

02.06.2022 - 14:27 [ Newsmax.com ]

Report: Biden White House Flailing Amid Low Poll Numbers, Crises

(31 May 2022)

Newsweek reported Tuesday that Biden‘s approval rating in a new FiveThirtyEight poll is still near a record low of 40.7% compared to a 54.1% disapproval by voters as they continue to deal with record inflation, supply-chain issues, and a shortage of baby formula.

„He‘s now lower than Trump, and he‘s really twisted about it,“ another person close to the White House told NBC News.

02.06.2022 - 14:25 [ New York Magazine ]

The Democratic Party Is Extremely Unpopular Right Now

(May 16, 2022)

An NBC survey released on Monday found the Democratic Party with a favorability rating of -19. That was lower than any other person or entity surveyed, including the Republican Party (-11), Vice-President Kamala Harris (-17), and Donald Trump (-16). (Rats and roaches were not included in the poll, so it’s impossible to say if they’re more popular than Democrats.)

02.06.2022 - 13:59 [ tagesschau / Youtube ]

Volksabstimmung in Dänemark: Mehrheit für Teilhabe an EU-Sicherheitspolitik

Die EU-weit einzigartige Sonderregelung bedeutet, dass sich das Land bislang zwar an zivilen, nicht aber an militärischen Missionen der EU und auch nicht an der gemeinsamen Entwicklung etwa von Waffensystemen beteiligen konnte.

02.06.2022 - 13:42 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

“Von Vancouver bis Wladiwostok…”

(28. Juni 2008)

In allen kolpotierten Statements aus Moskau schimmert die Auffassung durch, Europa sei nun quasi als Kontinent frei geworden, weil ihn niemand so recht beherrsche.
Nun, da die Voraussetzung für „die Schaffung einer übernationalen politischen Identität“ in Europa nicht mehr gegeben sei, sei dies eine neue Chance für Russland in der EU einen Fuss in die Tür zu bekommen. Zwar (noch) nicht als Vollmitglied, aber als „voll ausgewachsener Teilnehmer“ am EU-Netzwerk.
Gemeint sein dürfte damit vor allem der seit Jahrzehnten unkontrollierte, ohne parlamentarisch-demokratische Korrektur und Aufsicht gewachsene EU-Beamtenapparat, mitsamt seine Wucherungen in die EU-Staaten hinein.

Auch sieht man in der Elite Russlands gern dem sinkenden Stern des niedergehenden US-Imperiums und seinem schwindenden Einfluss zu und will davon profitieren indem man dessen Platz einnimmt.
Durch das aggressiv-expansionistische Ausdehnen der Westblöcke EU und NATO bis an die eigenen Grenzen hat man offenbar gelernt in den Denkfabriken um den neuen Präsidenten Russlands. Man sieht die „globale Situation diktiert von rigiden Regeln“ und rechnet offenbar mit drei strategischen Entwicklungsmodellen:

1. Die Schaffung eines Eurasien Orwell´schen Ausmasses, in der Vision dreier totalitärer Blöcke aus „1984“ (siehe Grafik oben)
2. Einen Deal mit NATO und EU, vielleicht sogar mit dem gesamten Shanghai-Pakt, zur Schaffung eines Superimperiums auf der Nordhälfte des Planeten. Dies käme praktisch einer Weltregierung gleich.
3. Eine Konfrontation zwischen Shanghai-Pakt einerseits und USA, NATO und EU andererseits.

Die Völker, die Demokratien, die Republiken, die Öffentlichkeit, die Verfassungen, sie spielen auf diesem planetaren Schachbrett nicht die geringste Rolle, für keine der imperialen Plutokratien und Apparate, weder in Russland, noch in der EU und schon gar nicht in der NATO.

02.06.2022 - 13:25 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Umfrage in Deutschland: Erstmals Mehrheit für Atomwaffen-Verbleib

Noch Mitte 2021 waren etwa laut einer Studie der Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz nur 14 Prozent der Befragten für Atomwaffen in Deutschland, eine Mehrheit von 57 Prozent wollte deren Abzug.

02.06.2022 - 13:11 [ ORF.at ]

Selenskyj: Ukraine „de facto schon EU-Mitglied“

Selenskyj zeigte sich überzeugt, dass sich Luxemburg dafür einsetzen werde, dass sein Land im Juni den offiziellen Status eines EU-Beitrittskandidaten erhalten und „in einem beschleunigten Verfahren EU-Mitglied“ werde.