Daily Archives: 28. Mai 2022
U.S. leans toward sending powerful multiple launch rockets as Ukraine seeks „heavy weapons“ to stop Russia‘s Donbas offensive
The appeals from Kyiv have apparently been heard in Washington, where a Biden administration official told CBS News senior national security correspondent David Martin that the White House was leaning toward providing multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) to Ukraine as part of the next package of military aid for the country.
No final decision has been made in Washington, officials told CBS News, …
Russian occupiers inflicted 21 strikes on Donetsk region per day, 32 civilian objects destroyed, dead and wounded reported
During the day, the Russians launched 21 strikes on Donetsk region, the invaders fired at 14 settlements, dead and wounded are reported, the National Police of Ukraine has said.
Ukrainian military released from captivity reported severe torture, beatings, injection of unknown drugs
Ukrainian soldiers released from captivity reported facts of torture and ill-treatment by Russian invaders, captives were forced to have sexual intercourse, torture was used with particular cruelty against officers of the Armed Forces and Azov fighters, Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova has said.
„During a monitoring visit to a healthcare institution where the Ukrainian military released from captivity are located, they reported the facts of torture and ill-treatment by the occupiers. Most of the Ukrainian military personnel were taken prisoner by the occupiers near Mariupol. First they were kept in basements and outbuildings. Then they were transferred to guardhouse, pretrial detention center in Donetsk and penal colony No. 120, which are located in the temporarily occupied territory,“ she wrote on Facebook.
Bunker zu verkaufen
Die gesamte tschechische Presse hatte sich am Donnerstag erwartungsvoll rund um Andor Šándor versammelt, den ehemaligen Geheimdienstchef des Landes. Doch die „wichtige Sicherheitsherausforderung“, über die der Ex-Spion sprechen wollte, entpuppte sich als Werbeverkaufsveranstaltung für Fertigbunker.
Während oben Tornados und Panzertruppen das Eigenheim niederwalzen, sitzt die Familie gut geschützt und glücklich tief unter der heimischen Grasnarbe. Jedenfalls in den bizarren Prospekten, die Šándor an die erstaunten Medienvertreter verteilte
Internet-Kontrolle: Medienaufsicht promotet Überwachungs-KI in der EU
Der Begriff „Künstliche Intelligenz“ kann darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass es schlicht um eine Software zur Erkennung von Mustern geht. KIVI sucht beispielsweise auf Websites nach als verdächtig eingestuften Stichworten wie „Terror, Gräueltaten, Verbrechen, Mord etc. in Kombination mit Islam / Muslime / Christen / Juden“. Diese Beispiele nannte eine Sprecherin der Landesmedienanstalt NRW, nachdem KIVI bei einer öffentlichen Präsentation im April einen Fehler gemacht hatte. Die Software hielt eine Pressemitteilung des Zentralrats der Muslime für „politischen Extremismus“. Dabei hatte der Zentralrat darin bloß die Terroranschläge in London 2005 verurteilt.
Damit so etwas seltener passiert, führt die Medienaufsicht eine Positivliste von Websites, die grundsätzlich als harmlos gelten.
Schulmassaker in Uvalde: Behörde räumt schwere Fehler ein
Stattdessen sei in die Entscheidung getroffen worden, auf Spezialkräfte zu warten. Die Einsatzkräfte vor Ort seien davon ausgegangen, dass der Schütze nicht mehr schieße, sondern sich lediglich verbarrikadiert habe. Dies habe sich im Nachhinein als Fehleinschätzung erwiesen. Erst um 12.50 Uhr öffneten Spezialkräfte, Beamte der Grenzschutzpolizei, die Tür zum Klassenraum mit einem Schlüssel, wie McCraw weiter schilderte. Diesen Schlüssel hätten sich die Einsatzkräfte vom Hausmeister besorgt.
Uvalde Shooter Fired Outside School for 12 Minutes Before Entering
Local residents voiced anger Thursday about the time it took to end the mass shooting at an elementary school here, as police laid out a fresh timeline that showed the gunman entered the building unobstructed after lingering outside for 12 minutes firing shots.
‚Please send the police now‘: Uvalde student called 911 multiple times during shooting
The first 911 call came in at 12:03 p.m. local time. McCraw said the girl whispered that she was in room 112. The call lasted one minute and 23 seconds.
The girl called back again at 12:10 and said multiple people were dead, he said. She called at 12:13, and again at 12:16 to say that eight or nine students were alive.
At 12:19, a second student called 911 from room 111, according to McCraw. The girl hung up when another student told her to, he said.
McCraw said that during a 911 call at 12:21, three shots could be heard in the background. An additional call came in at 12:36 but only lasted 21 seconds. The director said the first girl called 911 again and „was told to stay on the line and be very quiet.“
At approximately 12:43 and 12:47, the girl asked a 911 operator to „please send the police now,“ McCraw said.
Border Patrol Agents Killed the Uvalde School Shooter. But Why Were They on the Scene?
A CBP official told Texas Monthly that as emergency calls first came in, four agents with CBP’s Bortac SWAT team were investigating stash houses on the border to the west of Uvalde. The agents immediately responded, arriving at the school just before noon. Bortac (Border Patrol Tactical Unit) is CBP’s’s paramilitary force, an elite group of agents trained to exchange gunfire with cartels.
Gov. Greg Abbott says he was misled about poor police response to Uvalde shooting
“I am livid about what happened,” Abbott said during a news conference in Uvalde, the site of the shooting where a gunman killed 19 students and two adults Tuesday. “The information I was given turned out, in part, to be inaccurate, and I am absolutely livid about that.”
In his first news conference after the shooting, Abbott had praised how police handled the shooting, applauding their „amazing courage.“
‘Horrifying’ conspiracy theories swirl around Texas shooting
(May 26, 2022)
By now it’s as predictable as the calls for thoughts and prayers: A mass shooting leaves many dead, and wild conspiracy theories and misinformation about the carnage soon follow.